Geology (GEOL)

Introduction to Geology

Credit toward the degree may be earned in only one of GEOL 100 or GEOL 101 or GEOL 101H. Does not fulfill the prerequisite requirement for any course in geology.

Description: Background in physical geology for non-majors. Topics include rocks and minerals, surficial processes, plate tectonics, and applied geology.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option
ACE Outcomes: ACE 4 Science

Credit Hours:3

ACE:ACE 4 Science

Dynamic Earth

Lab includes field trips. Credit toward the degree may be earned in only one of GEOL 100 or GEOL 101 or GEOL 101H.

Description: Minerals, rocks, and ores; the surface features and internal character of the earth and the forces that are constantly changing it. Examination of minerals and rocks and investigation of geological processes and their products.

Course details
Credit Hours:4
Max credits per semester:4
Max credits per degree:4
Grading Option:Graded with Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$25
ACE Outcomes: ACE 4 Science

Credit Hours:4

ACE:ACE 4 Science

Honors: Physical Geology

Prerequisites: Good standing in the University Honors Program or by invitation; GEOL major.

Credit toward the degree may be earned in only one of: GEOL 100 or 101 or 101H.One afternoon field trip and one overnight field trip required.

Description: Processes that formed the earth and continue to alter it today, from interior forces driving plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanoes, and mountain building, to surface processes driving the atmosphere, oceans, rivers, glaciers, and landscape formation. Natural resources and their origin.

This course is a prerequisite for: GEOG 308, GEOL 308, NRES 308; GEOL 103; GEOL 200; GEOL 260; METR 270

Course details
Credit Hours:4
Max credits per semester:4
Max credits per degree:4
Grading Option:Graded
Course and Laboratory Fee:$25

Credit Hours:4


Earth Through Time

Prerequisites: GEOL 101

Description: An examination of the evolution of life on earth through time in the context of changing continents, oceans, and climate. Lab work includes the study of earth processes affecting the sedimentary rock record and provides an overview of common fossils.

Course details
Credit Hours:4
Max credits per semester:4
Max credits per degree:4
Grading Option:Graded with Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$30
ACE Outcomes: ACE 4 Science

Credit Hours:4

ACE:ACE 4 Science

Fossils and the History of Life

Description: Introduction to the history of life based on the fossil record, evolutionary patterns, and processes.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option
ACE Outcomes: ACE 4 Science

Credit Hours:3

ACE:ACE 4 Science

Environmental Geology

Description: Survey of geologic materials and processes with emphasis on those that influence modern societies' adjustment to our environment.

This course is a prerequisite for: GEOL 372

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:3



Description: Introduction to physical oceanography, the geologic aspects of biologic oceanography, and human impact on the oceans.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option
ACE Outcomes: ACE 4 Science

Credit Hours:3

ACE:ACE 4 Science

Deadly Planet

Description: Major geological natural hazards that affect human society and the geological processes that are responsible for them, such as earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, landslides, floods, and meteorite impacts.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option
ACE Outcomes: ACE 4 Science

Credit Hours:3

ACE:ACE 4 Science

Geology of National Parks and Monuments

Description: Physical and historical geology of selected United States parklands. Geological and geophysical processes that produced the unique features of the parks. Interpretation of fossils, archaeology and geologic history. Environmental park policy issues involving geosciences.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option
ACE Outcomes: ACE 4 Science

Credit Hours:3

ACE:ACE 4 Science

Frontiers in Antarctic Geosciences

Description: Scientific exploration of the modern environment and geological and climate history of the Antarctic continent and Southern Ocean.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option
ACE Outcomes: ACE 4 Science ACE 9 Global/Diversity

Credit Hours:3

ACE:ACE 4 Science ACE 9 Global/Diversity

Geoscience Fundamentals in the Field

GEOL 197 requires a field trip

Description: Scientific principles and practices illustrated through geological field work in Nebraska and Wyoming.

Course details
Credit Hours:1-4
Max credits per semester:4
Max credits per degree:4
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:1-4



Prerequisites: GEOL 101; MATH 102, 103, or a qualifying MPE score for MATH 106; CHEM 109A and 109L.

Description: Crystallography and mineral optics, mineral classes, crystal chemistry, and mineral identification methods. Includes microscope techniques and field methods.

This course is a prerequisite for: GEOL 201

Course details
Credit Hours:2
Max credits per semester:2
Max credits per degree:2
Grading Option:Graded with Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$60

Credit Hours:2


Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology

Prerequisites: GEOL 200

Description: Introduction to the petrology of common igneous and metamorphic rocks and their identification, occurrence, and formation. Includes microscope techniques, analytical methods, and phase diagrams.

This course is a prerequisite for: GEOL 300; GEOL 400; GEOL 410

Course details
Credit Hours:2
Max credits per semester:2
Max credits per degree:2
Grading Option:Graded with Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$50

Credit Hours:2


Geology of the Western USA

Prerequisites: GEOL 101

Description: Learn to identify rock types and sedimentary and structural features in the field in the Western United States. Build crucial field skills including the ability to tell a geologic story from a landscape or outcrop.

Course details
Credit Hours:1
Max credits per semester:1
Max credits per degree:1
Grading Option:Graded
Experiential Learning:Fieldwork

Credit Hours:1


Special Topics in Geology

Description: Topics vary.

Course details
Credit Hours:1-6
Max credits per semester:6
Max credits per degree:6
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:1-6


Independent Study in Geology

Prerequisites: Permission.

Description: Independent study under direction of a faculty member.

Course details
Credit Hours:1-3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:1-3


Sedimentology and Stratigraphy

Prerequisites: GEOL 201

Description: Sedimentary rocks and processes, their descriptive parameters, occurrence, origin, and significance in earth history. Stratified rocks in time and space, and methods of correlating geologic units from different localities.

This course is a prerequisite for: GEOL 301; GEOL 400

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$25

Credit Hours:3


Depositional Environments

Prerequisites: GEOL 300

Description: Sedimentological facies analysis and recognition of clastic, carbonate, and evaporite depositional systems in the rock record.

This course is a prerequisite for: GEOL 460

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$25

Credit Hours:3


BiogeographyCrosslisted with GEOG 308, NRES 308

Prerequisites: GEOG 155 or BIOS 101 and 101L or GEOL 101.

Biogeography is a highly interdisciplinary science, relying heavily on ecology, geological science, and climatology. It is global in scope and offers the latest knowledge in understanding organism distributions, and the factors that determine those distributions.

Description: Introduction to the basic concepts of biogeography, the study of distributions of plants and animals, both past and present.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:3


Soils, Environment and Water QualityCrosslisted with PLAS 361, NRES 361, SOIL 361

Prerequisites: PLAS/SOIL 153; MATH 102 or 103; two semesters chemistry (CHEM 105A and 105L, CHEM 106A and 106L, CHEM 109A and 109L, CHEM 110A and 110L) and WATS/GEOG/NRES 281

Description: Chemical and physical processes that influence the fate and transport of contaminants (inorganic, organic, microbial) in soil-water environments. Extent, fate, mitigation and impact of various sources of pollution. Remedial technologies used for environmental restoration of contaminated environments.

This course is a prerequisite for: PLAS 458, AGRO 858, NRES 458, NRES 858, SOIL 458

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:3


Water & Earth Connections

Prerequisites: GEOL 101, or GEOL 106, or METR 100, and MATH 106, or instructor permission

Description: Quantitative understanding of water-related processes in the earth sciences.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:3


Structural Geology

Prerequisites: GEOL 201; GEOL 300 or parallel; PHYS 141 or 211.

Description: Folding and faulting of rocks, types of texture and rock structure, cleavage, joints, dikes, and unconformaties; structural interpretation of geologic maps; plate tectonics, mountain belts, and regional structures.

This course is a prerequisite for: GEOL 460

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$75
ACE Outcomes: ACE 10 Integrated Product

Credit Hours:3

ACE:ACE 10 Integrated Product


Prerequisites: MATH 106; GEOL 201.

Description: Age of the Earth. Origin of the elements, solar system, oceans, atmosphere, and global geochemical cycles. Radioactive isotope geochemistry, stable isotope geochemistry, and equilibrium relationships.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:3


Volcanology and Igneous PetrologyCrosslisted with GEOL 812

Prerequisites: GEOL 201; and either CHEM 109A and 109L or CHEM 113A and 113L

Description: The study of igneous systems, including an investigation of volcanic processes, mineral equilibria, petrography, and the geochemistry of magmas and minerals.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$35

Credit Hours:3


Geochemical ThermodynamicsCrosslisted with GEOL 815

Prerequisites: MATH 107, GEOL 201

Description: Exploration of the fundamentals of geochemistry from thermodynamics, including the laws of thermodynamics, multicomponent analysis, extrapolation to temperatures and pressures of interest, nonideal solution behavior, phase diagrams, volatile fugacities, and redox reactions.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:3


Organic GeochemistryCrosslisted with GEOL 817

Prerequisites: GEOL 410 and CHEM 251.

Description: Origin, preservation and transport of organic compounds found in the rock record. Applications of organic geochemistry to paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental interpretations as well as discerning the origins of coal, oil and natural gas.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:3


Chemistry of Natural WatersCrosslisted with GEOL 818, NRES 419, NRES 819

Prerequisites: CHEM 109A/L and CHEM 110A/L, CHEM 113A/L and CHEM 114.

Description: Principles of water chemistry and their use in precipitation, surface water, and groundwater studies. Groundwater applications used to determine the time and source of groundwater recharge, estimate groundwater residence time, identify aquifer mineralogy, examine the degree of mixing between waters of various sources and evaluate what types of biological and chemical processes have occurred during the water's journey through the aquifer system.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$25

Credit Hours:3


Applications of Remote Sensing in Agriculture and Natural ResourcesCrosslisted with PLAS 419, GEOG 419, NRES 420, AGRO 819, GEOG 819, GEOL 819, NRES 820

Prerequisites: Junior standing

Description: Introduction to the basic methods and practical applications of remote sensing to map, monitor and assess agricultural and natural resources and other environmental changes

Course details
Credit Hours:4
Max credits per semester:4
Max credits per degree:4
Grading Option:Graded with Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$35

Credit Hours:4


Carbonate PetrologyCrosslisted with GEOL 821

Prerequisites: GEOL 301.

Lab focuses on field, petrographic and geochemical methods.

Description: Depositional settings and processes, petrography, geochemistry, diagenesis and geological significance of modern and ancient carbonate rocks and sediments.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$25

Credit Hours:3


Quaternary Paleoclimatology and PaleoecologyCrosslisted with BIOS 423, BIOS 823, GEOL 823

Prerequisites: 12 hrs GEOL or BIOS.

Description: Analysis and interpretation of the Quaternary period's paleoecological data. Patterns of long-term climate variation. Distribution patterns and responses of organisms and ecosystems to Quaternary environmental change.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:3


Biogeochemical CyclesCrosslisted with BIOS 424, BIOS 824, GEOL 824

Prerequisites: CHEM 109A and 109L or CHEM 113A and 113L; 12 hrs GEOL or BIOS.

Description: Chemical cycling at or near the earth's surface, emphasizing interactions among the atmosphere, biosphere, geosphere and hydrosphere. Modern processes, the geological record, and human impacts on elemental cycles.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:3


Quantitative Methods in PaleontologyCrosslisted with GEOL 830

Prerequisites: GEOL 301.

Description: Numerical and statistical analysis of paleontological data including biometry, syn-ecology, and quantitative biostratigraphy.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:3


Micro-paleontologyCrosslisted with GEOL 831

Prerequisites: At least one of GEOL 103, GEOL 105, or LIFE 121.

Description: Morphology, classification, ecology and geological application of common fossil and extant marine, brackish, and freshwater microfossils.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$20

Credit Hours:3


Cenozoic Mammal EvolutionCrosslisted with GEOL 836, NRES 436, NRES 836

Prerequisites: Junior or Senior Standing

Description: Survey of mammalian evolution with emphasis on the origin, radiation, and phylogenetic relationships of Cenozoic fossil mammals. Overview of climatic and ecological changes affecting mammalian adaptations and hands on experience with fossil specimens.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:3


TectonicsCrosslisted with GEOL 840

Prerequisites: GEOL 400.

Description: Theory of plate tectonics; tectonic controls on rock assemblages; interpretation of regional structure and tectonic history; origin and tectonic evolution of terrestrial planets.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$10

Credit Hours:3


GeophysicsCrosslisted with GEOL 841

Prerequisites: PHYS 142 or PHYS 212

Description: Geophysical techniques to study the Earth: seismology, gravity, magnetics and heat flow.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:3


Environmental GeophysicsCrosslisted with GEOL 842

Prerequisites: MATH 107; PHYS 211; GEOL 101 or 106; or equivalent/permission.

Description: Application of near-surface geophysical methods, namely seismic, ground-penetrating radar, and microgravimetry to groundwater, engineering, environmental, and archaeological investigations.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:3


Earth and Environmental MicrobiologyCrosslisted with BIOS 444, BIOS 844, GEOL 844

Prerequisites: 3 hours of BIOS or 3 hours of LIFE; 3 hours of CHEM

Description: An introduction into the role that microorganisms play and have played in natural and man-made environments. Topics covered include microbial diversity and physiology in soil, sediment, and water; microbes in Earth history; biogeochemical cycling; mineral formation and dissolution; biodegradation and bioremediation; biotechnology.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:3


Advanced GeophysicsCrosslisted with GEOL 845

Prerequisites: GEOL 441

Description: Integrative analysis of geophysical data (gravity, magnetics, seismic) with geological information (well logs, tectonic history, etc.)

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:3


Exploration GeophysicsCrosslisted with GEOL 846

Prerequisites: GEOL 485

Description: Geophysical methods used for petroleum exploration: potential fields, seismology, electrical and electromagnetic surveying.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$25

Credit Hours:3


Surficial Processes and Landscape EvolutionCrosslisted with GEOL 850

Prerequisites: GEOL 301.

Description: Fluvial, glacial, eolian, and coastal processes and landforms. Roles of tectonics, climate, and climate change in landscape evolution. Lab stresses description and interpretation of landforms from remotely-sensed, cartographic, and field data.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$35

Credit Hours:3


Invertebrate PaleobiologyCrosslisted with BIOS 451, BIOS 851, GEOL 851

Prerequisites: At least one of: GEOL 103, GEOL 105, LIFE 121

Description: Overview of the key traits, relationships and evolutionary dynamics of invertebrate animals over Earth's history, particularly over the Phanerozoic (i.e., the last 540 million years). Emphasis on the use of invertebrate fossil record to test ideas about long term evolutionary patterns as well as learning the histories and basic anatomies of major invertebrate taxa.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:3


GIS in Earth and Atmospheric SciencesCrosslisted with GEOL 853, METR 453, METR 853

Prerequisites: Junior or above standing; and one of the following: GEOL 100 or 101, or METR 100

Description: Basic concepts of GIS, hands-on experience with various case studies from geology, meteorology, climatology and environmental applications.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:3


Computational Methods for Modeling Earth SystemsCrosslisted with GEOL 855

Prerequisites: GEOL 200; MATH 107

Description: A practical introduction to modeling and computational techniques that bridges subdisciplines of geology, with a focus on fluid transport modeling.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:3


Ecosystem EcologyCrosslisted with BIOS 457, BIOS 857, GEOL 857

Prerequisites: BIOS 207 and CHEM 110A and 110L and Senior standing

Description: Processes controlling the cycling of energy and elements in ecosystems and how both plant and animal species influence them. Human-influenced global and local changes that alter these cycles and ecosystem functioning.

This course is a prerequisite for: BSEN 954, NRES 954

Course details
Credit Hours:4
Max credits per semester:4
Max credits per degree:4
Grading Option:Graded with Option
ACE Outcomes: ACE 10 Integrated Product

Credit Hours:4

ACE:ACE 10 Integrated Product

Summer Field Course

Prerequisites: GEOL 301 and GEOL 400.

Students must sign up with the department during the Fall semester prior to the camp.

Description: Six weeks advanced study of selected field problems. Conducted in a geologically classic area where all major rock types are studied in a variety of geologic situations.

Course details
Credit Hours:6
Max credits per semester:6
Max credits per degree:6
Grading Option:Graded with Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$100
ACE Outcomes: ACE 10 Integrated Product
Experiential Learning:Fieldwork

Credit Hours:6

ACE:ACE 10 Integrated Product

Field Techniques in HydrogeologyCrosslisted with GEOL 870

Prerequisites: GEOL 488/888.

Description: Basic techniques, field procedures, instruments, and software for data interpretation, and characterization of groundwater flow and contaminant transport.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$15

Credit Hours:3


Water in GeosciencesCrosslisted with GEOL 872

Prerequisites: MATH 106 and 107; PHYS 141; and one of the following: GEOL 101 or 106 or METR 100.

Description: Quantitative approach to water in geological media, earth surface and atmosphere. Understanding and analysis of physical processes involved in groundwater-surface-atmosphere interactions.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:3


Prerequisites: Senior standing.

Capstone course.

Description: Holistic approach to the selection and analysis of planning strategies for protecting water quality from nonpoint sources of contamination. Introduction to the use of methods of analyzing the impact of strategies on whole systems and subsystems; for selecting strategies; and for evaluating present strategies.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option
ACE Outcomes: ACE 10 Integrated Product

Credit Hours:3

ACE:ACE 10 Integrated Product

Economic Geology of the MetalsCrosslisted with GEOL 880

Description: Occurrence and utilization of the metallic ores. Elementary theory of ore genesis.

Course details
Credit Hours:2
Max credits per semester:2
Max credits per degree:2
Grading Option:Graded with Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$10

Credit Hours:2


Water Resources SeminarCrosslisted with PLAS 484, GEOG 484, NRES 484, NRES 884, AGRO 884, GEOG 884, GEOL 884

Prerequisites: Junior or above standing

Description: Seminar on current water resources research and issues in Nebraska and the region.

Course details
Credit Hours:1
Max credits per semester:1
Max credits per degree:1
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:1


Fossil Fuel Geology and ExplorationCrosslisted with GEOL 885

Prerequisites: GEOL 301.

Description: Geology of coal, oil and gas, and methods of exploration.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$35

Credit Hours:3


Groundwater GeologyCrosslisted with GEOL 888, NRES 488, NRES 888

Prerequisites: GEOL 100-level course; MATH 106 or equivalent.

Description: Occurence, movement, and development of water in the geologic environment.

This course is a prerequisite for: GEOL 470, GEOL 870; GEOL 986; NRES 918

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$10

Credit Hours:3


Special Topics in GeologyCrosslisted with GEOL 891

Description: Topics vary.

Course details
Credit Hours:1-6
Max credits per semester:6
Max credits per degree:6
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:1-6


Independent Study in Geology

Prerequisites: Permission.

Description: Independent study under direction of a faculty member.

Course details
Credit Hours:1-3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:6
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:1-3


Economic and Exploration GeologyCrosslisted with GEOL 897

Prerequisites: GEOL 301.

A required parallel course will be indicated by the instructor. Field trips which are required and supported by alumni endowment may be scheduled during semester breaks. Course content will vary on a 3-year rotational basis. Combined lectures, seminars, weekend short courses, and field trips.

Description: E.F. Schramm Course in Economic Geology. Aspects of fossil fuel geology and exploration.

Course details
Credit Hours:2
Max credits per semester:2
Max credits per degree:6
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:2


Undergraduate Thesis

Prerequisites: Permission.

Description: Independent research leading to a thesis.

Course details
Credit Hours:1-3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:6
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:1-3


Honors Undergraduate Thesis

Prerequisites: Permission.

Description: Independent research leading to a thesis.

Course details
Credit Hours:1-3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:6
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:1-3