Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECEN)

Introduction to Electrical Engineering

Prerequisites: Open to first year students only or by permission.

Description: An overview of the electrical engineering field. Introduction to some basic concepts and skills needed in electrical engineering. Professionalism and ethics are addressed as well as the need for lifelong learning experiences. Information on professional careers available upon graduation.

Course details
Credit Hours:2
Max credits per semester:2
Max credits per degree:2
Grading Option:Graded
Course and Laboratory Fee:$25

Credit Hours:2


Electrical and Computer Engineering Fundamentals

Prerequisites: MATH 106 or (UNO) MATH 1950, or parallel.

Description: Introduction to DC circuit analysis and digital logic. Ohm's and Kirchoff's laws, mesh and nodal analysis, Boolean algebra, logic gates, minimization, counters, and flip-flops. Uses of computer based resources for data analysis and report generation. Use of internet to locate and retrieve engineering resources.

This course is a prerequisite for: ECEN 106; ECEN 123; ECEN 213; ECEN 220; ECEN 225

Course details
Credit Hours:4
Max credits per semester:4
Max credits per degree:4
Grading Option:Graded with Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$20

Credit Hours:4


Microprocessor Applications

Prerequisites: ECEN 103; CSCE 155A, 155E, 155H, 155N, 155T or (UNO) CIST 1400.

Description: Introduction to assembly language programming of microprocessors / microcontrollers, assemblers, and debugging tool utilization. Microprocessor system hardware components, control signals, and 'C' language micro-controller programming.

This course is a prerequisite for: ECEN 224; ECEN 313; ECEN 327; ECEN 332; ECEN 345

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:3


Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering

Prerequisites: ECEN 103 or parallel; CSCE155A/CSCE 155E/(UNO) CIST 1400 or parallel. Open to first year students only.

Description: Laboratory design projects introducing some basic concepts and skills needed in electrical and computer engineering.

Course details
Credit Hours:1
Max credits per semester:1
Max credits per degree:1
Grading Option:Graded
Course and Laboratory Fee:$30

Credit Hours:1


Computer Science I: Systems Engineering FocusCrosslisted with CSCE 155E

Prerequisites: MATH 102 or a Math Placement Test score for MATH 103 or higher.

Credit may be earned in only one CSCE 155 course. Recommended for students interested in systems engineering, such as operating systems, mobile computing, and embedded devices.

Description: Introduction to problem solving with computers. Topics include problem solving methods, software development principles, computer programming, and computing in society

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$10
ACE Outcomes: ACE 3 Math/Stat/Reasoning

Credit Hours:3

ACE:ACE 3 Math/Stat/Reasoning

Computer Science IICrosslisted with CSCE 156

Prerequisites: A grade of "P" or "C" or better in CSCE 155A, CSCE 155E, CSCE 155H, CSCE 155N, or CSCE 155T; coreq: MATH 106.

Laboratories supplement the lecture material and give an opportunity to practice concepts.

Description: Data structures, including linked lists, stacks, queues, and trees; algorithms, including searching, sorting, and recursion; programming language topics, including object-oriented programming; pointers, references, and memory management; design and implementation of a multilayer application with SQL database.

Course details
Credit Hours:4
Max credits per semester:4
Max credits per degree:4
Grading Option:Graded with Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$35

Credit Hours:4


Introduction to Computer EngineeringCrosslisted with CSCE 164

Project-based introduction to the computer engineering field.

Description: Introduction to basic concepts and skills needed in computer engineering. Practical application of basic computing concepts through an introduction to programming an embedded system.

Course details
Credit Hours:2
Max credits per semester:2
Max credits per degree:2
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:2


Special Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering I

Requires an ECE departmentally approved proposal.

Description: Special topics in emerging areas of electrical and computer engineering which may not covered in other courses in the electrical and computer engineering curriculum.

Course details
Credit Hours:1-3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:1-3


Independent Study in Electrical and Computer Engineering I

Prerequisites: Freshman standing.

Description: Individual study in a selected area of Electrical and Computer Engineering under the supervision and guidance of an Electrical and Computer Engineering faculty member.

Course details
Credit Hours:1-3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:1-3


Undergraduate Research in Electrical and Computer Engineering I

Prerequisites: Permission.

Description: Supervised undergraduate research

Course details
Credit Hours:1-3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:1-3


Elements of Electrical Engineering I

Prerequisites: Prerequisite or parallel: MATH 107/(UNO) MATH 1960 and PHYS 211/(UNO) PHYS 2110.

Not for electrical engineering majors.

Description: Basic circuit analysis including direct and alternating currents and operational amplifiers. Digital signals and circuits.

This course is a prerequisite for: AGEN 325, BSEN 325; AREN 320; AREN 322; ECEN 231; MECH 350

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:3


Electrical Circuits I

Prerequisites: ECEN 103; ECEN 225; MATH 221/221H/821 or (UNO) MATH 2350, or parallel.

Description: Electrical circuit theory, Kirchoff's and Ohm's laws, circuit analysis theorems, Norton and Thevenin equivalence. The analysis of resistor circuits, with capacitors and inductors, in DC and AC steady state. Transients and variable frequency responses are studied, including computer solutions to circuit problems.

This course is a prerequisite for: ECEN 217; ECEN 218; ECEN 222; ECEN 345

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:3


Electrical Circuits II

Prerequisites: ECEN 213; ECEN 218; (UNO) MATH 2050 or parallel.

Description: Introduction to the analysis of electrical circuits in sinusoidal steady states. The concepts of impedance, phasors, power, frequency response, resonance, magnetic circuits, and two-port networks. Transform techniques for circuit analysis.

This course is a prerequisite for: ECEN 304; ECEN 338; ECEN 355

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:3


Electronics and Circuits I

Prerequisites: Prerequisite or parallel: MATH 208/(UNO) MATH 1970.

Description: Introduction to electrical engineering circuit theory. Kirchhoff's laws and circuit analysis theorems applied to steady state DC resistive circuits. Analysis of transient RLC and sinusoidal steady-state circuits. Modern computer methods employed.

This course is a prerequisite for: ECEN 216; ECEN 235; ECEN 345

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:3


Electronics and Circuits II

Prerequisites: ECEN 215 with a grade of "C" or better. Prerequisite or parallel: MATH 221/(UNO) MATH 2350 or MATH 221H.

Description: Steady state power calculations for sinusoidal single-phase and balanced three-phase circuits. Mutual inductance. Frequency response. Introduction to fundamentals of semiconductor theory and their application to p-n junction devices. Kirchhoff's laws and circuit analysis theorems applied to steady state diode circuits. Modern computer methods employed.

This course is a prerequisite for: ECEN 304; ECEN 306; ECEN 316; ECEN 338

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:3


Electrical Circuits III

Prerequisites: ECEN 213

This course is for computer engineering majors only.

Description: Analysis of first and second order RLC circuits using differential equations and Laplace transforms. Variable frequency network performance analysis.

Course details
Credit Hours:1
Max credits per semester:1
Max credits per degree:1
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:1


Electrical Circuits Laboratory

Prerequisites: ECEN 213 or parallel.

Lab to accompany ECEN 213

Description: The use of laboratory tools for measurement and verification of electrical concepts. Experiments using both passive and semiconductor devices at audio frequencies. Analysis verification with computer simulation.

This course is a prerequisite for: ECEN 214; ECEN 222

Course details
Credit Hours:1
Max credits per semester:1
Max credits per degree:1
Grading Option:Graded with Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$15

Credit Hours:1


Introduction to Embedded Systems

Prerequisites: CSCE 155E; ECEN 103 or CSCE 230

Description: Basic hardware and software concepts of embedded microprocessor systems and interfacing with other hardware components. Simple circuits are designed and drivers to run them are written. Design and build hardware and write drivers in assembly or C programming languages.

This course is a prerequisite for: CSCE 488; ECEN 307; ECEN 327; ECEN 345

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded
Course and Laboratory Fee:$25

Credit Hours:3


Electronic Circuits I

Prerequisites: ECEN 213 with a grade of "C" or better; ECEN 218

Description: Analysis and design of modern electronic circuits. Diode circuits, bipolar and field effect transistor switching and amplifier circuits, and operational amplifier circuits.

This course is a prerequisite for: ECEN 310; ECEN 325; ECEN 347; ECEN 352; ECEN 494

Course details
Credit Hours:4
Max credits per semester:4
Max credits per degree:4
Grading Option:Graded with Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$30

Credit Hours:4


Introduction to Signal Processing

Prerequisites: ECEN 106; CSCE 155A, 155E, 155H, 155N, 155T or (UNO) CIST 1400; MATH 107/107H or (UNO) MATH 1960.

Description: The use of mathematical and digital computation tools key to engineering applications. Auditory and visual senses are used in the presentation and study of sinusoidal signals, sampling, frequency response and filtering theory.

Course details
Credit Hours:4
Max credits per semester:4
Max credits per degree:4
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:4


Electrical and Computer Engineering Seminar

Prerequisites: ECEN 103 or parallel

Description: An overview of electrical, computer, electronics and telecommunication fields. There will be information on professional careers available upon graduation. Professionalism and ethics are addressed as well as the need for lifelong learning experiences.

This course is a prerequisite for: ECEN 213

Course details
Credit Hours:1
Max credits per semester:1
Max credits per degree:1
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:1


Computer OrganizationCrosslisted with CSCE 230

Prerequisites: A grade of 'P' or 'C' or better in CSCE 235, CSCE 235H, or RAIK 184H.

Laboratories supplement the lecture material and give an opportunity to practice concepts.

Description: Introduction to organization and structure of computer systems. Boolean logic, digital arithmetic, processor organization, machine language programming, input/output, memory organization, system support software, communication, and ethics.

This course is a prerequisite for: CSCE 336; CSCE 351, ECEN 351; ECEN 220; ECEN 370, CSCE 335

Course details
Credit Hours:4
Max credits per semester:4
Max credits per degree:4
Grading Option:Graded with Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$20

Credit Hours:4


Electrical Engineering Laboratory

Prerequisites: Prerequisite or parallel: ECEN 211

Description: Laboratory accompanying ECEN 211

This course is a prerequisite for: MECH 380

Course details
Credit Hours:1
Max credits per semester:1
Max credits per degree:1
Grading Option:Graded with Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$15

Credit Hours:1


Introductory Electrical Laboratory I

Prerequisites: Prerequisite or parallel: ECEN 215

Description: Laboratory accompanying ECEN 215

This course is a prerequisite for: ECEN 236

Course details
Credit Hours:1
Max credits per semester:1
Max credits per degree:1
Grading Option:Graded with Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$15

Credit Hours:1


Introductory Electrical Laboratory II

Prerequisites: ECEN 235; Prerequisite or parallel: ECEN 216

Description: Laboratory accompanying ECEN 216

This course is a prerequisite for: ECEN 307

Course details
Credit Hours:1
Max credits per semester:1
Max credits per degree:1
Grading Option:Graded with Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$15

Credit Hours:1


Unix Programming EnvironmentCrosslisted with CSCE 251

Familiarity with at least one high-level programming language.

Description: Introduction to the Unix operating system. Unix file system. Unix tools and utilities. Shell programming.

Course details
Credit Hours:1
Max credits per semester:1
Max credits per degree:1
Grading Option:Graded with Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$25

Credit Hours:1


Special Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering II

Prerequisites: Sophomore standing.

Requires a ECE departmentally approved proposal.

Description: Special topics in emerging areas of Electrical and Computer Engineering which may not be covered in other courses in the Electrical and Computer Engineering curriculum.

Course details
Credit Hours:1-6
Max credits per semester:6
Max credits per degree:6
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:1-6


Independent Study in Electrical and Computer Engineering II

Prerequisites: Sophomore standing.

Description: Individual study in a selected area of Electrical and Computer Engineering under the supervision and guidance of an Electrical and Computer Engineering faculty member.

Course details
Credit Hours:1-3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:1-3


Undergraduate Research in Electrical and Computer Engineering II

Prerequisites: Permission.

Description: Supervised undergraduate research.

Course details
Credit Hours:1-3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:1-3


Signals and Systems I

Prerequisites: ECEN 214 or ECEN 216 with a grade of "C" or better; MATH 221 or 221H or (UNO) MATH 2350.

Description: Mathematical modeling of physical systems and signals. Representation of signals in terms of basis functions. Fourier series expansions, Fourier Transforms, Laplace and z-Transforms. Input-output relations, convolution. Transfer functions. System Stability. Poles/zeros and s- and z-plane methods. Applications.

This course is a prerequisite for: ECEN 494

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:3


Probability Theory and Statistics for Electrical and Computer Engineers

Prerequisites: MATH 208/(UNO) MATH 1970.

Description: Random experiment model, random variables, functions of random variables, and introduction to random processes; statistics and practical data analysis.

This course is a prerequisite for: ECEN 325; ECEN 435, ECEN 835; ECEN 850, ECEN 450

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:3


Electromagnetic Field Theory

Prerequisites: ECEN 216; PHYS 212 or (UNO) PHYS 2120; MATH 208 or (UNO) MATH 1970; MATH 221 or (UNO) 2350.

Description: Complex vectors. Maxwell's equations. Uniform plane waves. Wave reflection and transmission at interfaces. Waveguides and resonators. Transmission line principles. Antennas. Topics in waves.

This course is a prerequisite for: ECEN 494

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:3


Electrical Engineering Laboratory I

Prerequisites: ECEN 220 or (UNO) ECEN 1060 and ECEN 236 or (UNO) ECEN 2220; prereq or parallel ECEN 370 or (UNO) ECEN 3700 or (UNO) ECEN 3130; admission to the College of Engineering.

Description: Laboratory work on circuits and systems, digital and analog electronic circuits.

Course details
Credit Hours:2
Max credits per semester:2
Max credits per degree:2
Grading Option:Graded with Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$10

Credit Hours:2


Digital Design and Interfacing

Prerequisites: ECEN 222; ECEN 313 or parallel.

Lab exercises provide practical experience with design tools and the design process.

Description: Digital design from both the circuit and system perspectives. The structure and analysis of digital integrated circuits, interface signal integrity, Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) design and synthesis, and software simulation.

Course details
Credit Hours:4
Max credits per semester:4
Max credits per degree:4
Grading Option:Graded with Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$10

Credit Hours:4


Switching Circuits Theory

Prerequisites: ECEN 106

Description: Combinational circuit analysis and design. State machine analysis and design. Synchronous/clock mode circuits and asynchronous sequential circuits. Minimization, race, and hazard elimination are covered. Circuits are implemented in discrete logic and in CPLD and FPGA devices. VHDL hardware description language is used to describe circuits. Circuits are implemented in discrete logic and in CPLD/FPGA devices.

This course is a prerequisite for: ECEN 310; ECEN 494

Course details
Credit Hours:4
Max credits per semester:4
Max credits per degree:4
Grading Option:Graded with Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$10

Credit Hours:4


Electronics and Circuits III

Prerequisites: ECEN 216 with a grade of 'C' or better.

Description: Kirchhoff's laws and circuit analysis theorems applied to steady state transistor circuits. Frequency response of filters and amplifiers. Basic power amplifier types. Advanced operational amplifier circuits. Introduction to the fundamentals of semiconductor theory and their application to p-n junction and field devices.

This course is a prerequisite for: ECEN 347; ECEN 361; ECEN 494

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:3


Communication and Networking

Prerequisites: ECEN 222; Pre or Co ECEN 305

Description: Communication: amplitude-, frequency/phase-modulation, sampling theorem, pulse-code modulation, OFDM, channel coding, and communication system/analysis. Networking: multiplexing, WANs, ATM, LANs, Internet/transport protocols, and data/computer communications.

Course details
Credit Hours:4
Max credits per semester:4
Max credits per degree:4
Grading Option:Graded with Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$30

Credit Hours:4


Discrete Systems Laboratory

Prerequisites: ECEN 106 or ECEN 220

Description: Laboratory work on discrete systems.

Course details
Credit Hours:1
Max credits per semester:1
Max credits per degree:1
Grading Option:Graded
Course and Laboratory Fee:$15

Credit Hours:1


Applied Fields and Lines I

Prerequisites: MATH 208/208H or (UNO) MATH 1970; MATH 221/821 or (UNO) MATH 2350.

Description: Transmission lines. Discontinuities, different termination, and matching methods. Application of vector analysis to Maxwell's equations. Uniform plane waves including reflection/transmission. S-parameters. Principles of antennas. LW, MW, SW, USW propagation.

This course is a prerequisite for: ECEN 329

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:3


Applied Fields and Lines II

Prerequisites: ECEN 328

Description: Metallic wave guides with rectangular, circular, and coaxial cross section, antennas, free space, propagation in free space, applications.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:3


Assembly Language Programming

Prerequisites: ECEN 106

Description: Architecture and assembly language programming of 8-bit and 32-bit microcontrollers. Assemblers and debugging tool utilization.

Course details
Credit Hours:1
Max credits per semester:1
Max credits per degree:1
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:1


Introduction to Power and Energy Systems

Prerequisites: ECEN 216 or ECEN 214 with a grade of "C" or better.

Description: Energy sources, environmental impacts, power systems principles, three-phase circuits, transmission lines, transformers, per unit analysis, generators, loads, and power system modeling.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:3


Mobile Robotics I

Prerequisites: ECEN 106 or ECEN 220; ECEN 213 or ECEN 215

Description: Introduction to the primary issues spanning the field of mobile robotics, including robotics history, robot components (sensors, actuators), robot system design considerations, low-level control (feedback control) and robotics control architectures. The lab focuses on the practical implementation of autonomous robot control on a real mobile robot using behavior-based methods in the C language.

Course details
Credit Hours:4
Max credits per semester:4
Max credits per degree:4
Grading Option:Graded with Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$5

Credit Hours:4


Electrical Engineering Laboratory II

Prerequisites: ECEN 307/(UNO) ECEN2350; pre- or parallel ECEN 222/(UNO) ECEN 2220 or ECEN 316/(UNO) ECEN 3160

Description: Lab work on electromagnetics, fields and waves, solid state devices and control systems.

This course is a prerequisite for: ECEN 494

Course details
Credit Hours:1
Max credits per semester:1
Max credits per degree:1
Grading Option:Graded
Course and Laboratory Fee:$10

Credit Hours:1


Electrical and Computer Engineering Cooperative Educational Experience

Prerequisites: Co-requisite UGEP 350/(UNO) ENGR 3500. Open to Electrical and Computer Engineering majors only. Approval of faculty sponsor prior to the Co-op is required.

International students have to complete a curricular practical training (CPT) application for the campus which issued their I-20. Students should start with ISSO at UNL if they are City Campus, or ISA at UNO if they are Scott Campus. They need to then meet with Engineering Career Services.

Description: For Cooperatives primarily technical in nature lasting 4.5 months or greater. Weekly communication and/or final report required. Must be taken during or after the semester in which the Co-op occurs.

Course details
Credit Hours:1-3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:1-3


System Resource ManagementCrosslisted with CSCE 351

Prerequisites: A grade of "P" or "C" or better in CSCE 230 or CSCE 231 and CSCE 310, CSCE 310H, CSCE 311, SOFT 260, SOFT 260H or RAIK 283H.

Description: An introduction to management of computing resources, including CPUs, shared memory, I/O devices, address spaces, and threads of execution, with a focus on implementation.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$40

Credit Hours:3


Electronics Circuits II

Prerequisites: ECEN 222/(UNO) CEEN 2220.

Description: Operational amplifier circuit design and analysis feedback and stability. Design and analysis of large signal power amplifiers. Other integrated devices such as: regulators, comparators, Schmitt triggers, oscillators, and active filters.

This course is a prerequisite for: ECEN 362

Course details
Credit Hours:4
Max credits per semester:4
Max credits per degree:4
Grading Option:Graded with Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$20

Credit Hours:4


Signals and Linear Systems

Prerequisites: ECEN 214

Description: Continuous and discrete representations of signals. System modeling and analysis using differential and difference equations. Fourier, Laplace, and Z transforms. State description of continuous and discrete time transfer functions. The primary mathematical tools used in the analysis of continuous and discrete time systems.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:3


Advanced Electronics and Circuits

Prerequisites: ECEN 316

Description: Analog and digital electronics for discrete and integrated circuits. Multistage amplifiers, frequency response, feedback amplifiers, simple filters and amplifiers, MOS and bipolar logic gates and families, A/D and D/A converters.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:3


Data and Telecommunications Transceivers

Prerequisites: ECEN 352; ECEN 325 or parallel; and ECEN 328 or parallel.

Description: Noise and signal distortions in communication systems, impedance matching techniques, high frequency measurement techniques, design of high frequency amplifiers and oscillators, PLL and frequency synthesizers, data synchronization and multiplexing techniques, Antennas and their arrays.

Course details
Credit Hours:4
Max credits per semester:4
Max credits per degree:4
Grading Option:Graded with Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$10

Credit Hours:4


Digital Logic DesignCrosslisted with CSCE 335

Prerequisites: ECEN 103 or CSCE 230

Description: Combinational and sequential logic circuits. MSI chips, programmable logic devices (PAL, ROM, PLA) used to design combinational and sequential circuits. CAD tools. LSI and PLD components and their use. Hardware design experience.

This course is a prerequisite for: ECEN 307; ECEN 494

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:3


Special Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering III

Prerequisites: Permission

Requires a ECE departmentally approved proposal.

Description: Special topics in emerging areas of Electrical and Computer Engineering which may not be covered in other courses in the Electrical and Computer Engineering curriculum.

Course details
Credit Hours:1-3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:1-3


Independent Study in Electrical and Computer Engineering III

Prerequisites: Permission

Description: Individual study in a selected area of Electrical and Computer Engineering under the supervision and guidance of Electrical and Computer Engineering faculty member.

Course details
Credit Hours:1-3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:1-3


Electrical and Computer Engineering Internship Educational Experience

Prerequisites: Open to Electrical and Computer Engineering majors only. Approval of faculty sponsor prior to the internship is required.

Weekly communication and/or final report is required. Must be taken during or after the semester in which internship occurs.

Description: Provides the experience of Internship Education

Course details
Credit Hours:1-3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option
Experiential Learning:Internship/Co-op

Credit Hours:1-3


Undergraduate Research in Electrical and Computer Engineering III

Prerequisites: Permission.

Description: Supervised undergraduate research.

Course details
Credit Hours:1-3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:1-3


Undergraduate Research

Prerequisites: Electrical engineering seniors.

Description: Research accompanied by a written report of the results.

Course details
Credit Hours:1-3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option
Experiential Learning:Research

Credit Hours:1-3


Undergraduate Research

ECEN 399 and ECEN 399R should be taken in consecutive semesters.

Description: Independent research project executed under the guidance of a member of the faculty of the Department of Electrical Engineering which contributes to the advancement of knowledge in the field. Culminates in a written thesis or report and an oral presentation. For electrical engineering majors selecting the research option.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:3


Electronic InstrumentationCrosslisted with ECEN 800

Prerequisites: Senior standing in engineering

Description: Applications of analog and digital devices to electronic instrumentation. Includes transducers, instrumentation amplifiers, mechanical and solid-state switches, data acquisition systems, phase-lock loops, and modulation techniques. Demonstrations with working circuits and systems.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:3


Power Systems AnalysisCrosslisted with ECEN 806

Prerequisites: ECEN 338 or ECEN 838

Description: Symmetrical components and fault calculations, power system stability, generator modeling (circuit view point), voltage control system, high voltage DC transmission, and system protection.

This course is a prerequisite for: ECEN 957

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:3


Power Systems PlanningCrosslisted with ECEN 807

Prerequisites: ECEN 305

Description: Economic evaluation, load forecasting, generation planning, transmission planning, production simulation, power plant reliability characteristics, and generation system reliability.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:3


Engineering ElectromagneticsCrosslisted with ECEN 808

Prerequisites: ECEN 306

Laboratory experiments.

Description: Applied electromagnetics: Transmission lines in digital electronics and communication. The quasistatic electric and magnetic fields: electric and magnetic circuits and electromechanical energy conversion. Guided waves: rectangular and cylindrical metallic waveguides and optical fibers. Radiation and antennas: line and aperture antennas and arrays.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:3


Multivariate Random ProcessesCrosslisted with ECEN 810

Prerequisites: ECEN 305

Description: Probability space, random vectors, multivariate distributions, moment generating functions, conditional expectations, discrete and continuous-time random processes, random process characterization and representation, linear systems with random inputs.

This course is a prerequisite for: ECEN 911; ECEN 912; ECEN 915; ECEN 946

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:3


Materials and Devices for Computer Memory, Logic, and DisplayCrosslisted with ECEN 816

Prerequisites: PHYS 212/(UNO) PHYS 2120

Description: Survey of fundamentals and applications of devices used for memory, logic, and display. Magnetic, superconductive, semiconductive, and dielectric materials.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:3


Plasma Processing of SemiconductorsCrosslisted with ECEN 820

Prerequisites: Senior or graduate standing.

Description: Physics of plasmas and gas discharges developed. Includes basic collisional theory, the Boltzman equation and the concept of electron energy distributions. Results are related to specific gas discharge systems used in semiconductor processing, such as sputtering, etching, and deposition systems.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:3


Principles of Semiconductor Materials and Devices ICrosslisted with ECEN 821

Prerequisites: PHYS 213/(UNO) PHYS 2130

Description: Introduction to semiconductor fundamentals, charge carrier concentration and carrier transport, energy bands, and recombination. PN junctions, static and dynamic, and special PN junction diode devices.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:3


Introduction to Physics and Chemistry of SolidsCrosslisted with PHYS 422, PHYS 822, ECEN 822

Prerequisites: PHYS 213 or CHEM 481/881, MATH 221/821.

Description: Introduction to structural, thermal, electrical, and magnetic properties of solids, based on concepts of atomic structure, chemical bonding in molecules, and electron states in solids. Principles underlying molecular design of materials and solid-state devices.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:3


Digital Signal ProcessingCrosslisted with ECEN 824

Prerequisites: ECEN 355

Description: The temporal and spectral analysis of digital signals and systems, the design of digital filters and systems, and advanced systems including multi-rate digital signal processing techniques.

This course is a prerequisite for: ECEN 815; ECEN 926

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:3


Power ElectronicsCrosslisted with ECEN 828

Prerequisites: ECEN 304 and ECEN 316

Description: Basic analysis and design of solid-state power electronic devices and converter circuitry.

This course is a prerequisite for: ECEN 932

Course details
Credit Hours:4
Max credits per semester:4
Max credits per degree:4
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:4


Wind EnergyCrosslisted with ECEN 830

Prerequisites: Senior standing

Description: Engineering principles of both the mechanical/aero dynamical and electrical components and systems, along with economic and environmental considerations for citing and public policy, to appropriately cover the relevant topics associated with all scales of wind energy implementations.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:3


Microprocessor System DesignCrosslisted with ECEN 833

Prerequisites: ECEN 310 with a grade of "C" or better; ECEN 332 with a grade of "C" or better.

Description: Discussion of different microprocessor hardware and software systems designs including; microprocessor bus interfacing, memory systems, peripheral design and interfacing, interrupts, Direct Memory Access, and other hardware related topics. Software includes system code, firmware generation, and designing device drivers. Design, build, program, and show successful operation of a microprocessor board with memory, I/O and other related peripheral systems.

This course is a prerequisite for: ECEN 435, ECEN 835; ECEN 496

Course details
Credit Hours:4
Max credits per semester:4
Max credits per degree:4
Grading Option:Graded with Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$25

Credit Hours:4


Embedded Microcontroller DesignCrosslisted with ECEN 835

Prerequisites: ECEN 433/833 with a grade of "C" or better; ECEN 305

The prerequisite is different from the syllabus.

Description: Microcontroller architecture: design, programming, and interfacing for embedded systems. Including advanced RISC based microcontroller architecture and design, standard asynchronous and synchronous serial communications, I2C, SPI, USB, and related board design, development, and fabrication with surface mount technology. Design, build, program and show successful operation of a single microcontroller board with a specific application.

This course is a prerequisite for: ECEN 437, ECEN 837

Course details
Credit Hours:4
Max credits per semester:4
Max credits per degree:4
Grading Option:Graded with Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$25

Credit Hours:4


Electric MachinesCrosslisted with ECEN 836

Prerequisites: PHYS 212/(UNO) PHYS 2120 and ECEN 216

Description: Provides a solid background in electric machine analysis, covering fundamental concepts, techniques, and methods for analysis and design. Discussion of transformers and presentation of some new systems and applications.

This course is a prerequisite for: ECEN 932

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:3


Parallel and Distributed ProcessingCrosslisted with ECEN 837

Prerequisites: ECEN 435/835

Description: Parallel and distributed processing concepts, principles, techniques, and machines.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:3


Integrated Systems ProgrammingCrosslisted with ECEN 838

Prerequisites: ECEN 310 and ECEN 332

Description: Introduction to the basics of computer architectural details under the context of computer system programming. Topics include representing and manipulating information, machine level representation of programs, processor architecture and pipelining, compiling and linking, optimizing program performance from the system level, memory hierarchy, dynamic memory allocation and exceptional control flow. Linux system programming tool chain will also be introduced.

This course is a prerequisite for: ECEN 406, ECEN 806

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:3


Basic Analytical Techniques in Electrical EngineeringCrosslisted with ECEN 842

Prerequisites: MATH 221/(UNO) MATH 2350

Description: Applications of partial differential equations, matrices, vector analysis, complex variables, and infinite series to problems in electrical engineering.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:3


Linear Control SystemsCrosslisted with ECEN 844

Prerequisites: ECEN 304

Description: Classical (transfer function) and modern (state variable) control techniques. Both time domain and frequency domain techniques are studied. Traditional proportional, lead, lag, and PID compensators are examined, as well as state variable feedback.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:3


Decision AnalysisCrosslisted with ECEN 848

Prerequisites: ECEN 305 or STAT 380/(UNO) STAT 3800

Description: Principles of engineering economy including time value of money, net present value and internal rate of return. Use of influence diagram and ecision tree to structure and analyze decision situations under uncertainty including use of stochastic dominance, value of information, and utility theory. Fundamentals of two-person matrix games including Nash equilibrium.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:3


BioinformaticsCrosslisted with ECEN 850

Prerequisites: Computer programming language and ECEN 305 or MECH 321 or STAT 380/(UNO) STAT 3800 or equivalent

Description: Examination of how information is organized in biological sequences such as DNA and proteins and computational techniques which make use of this structure. Various biochemical processes that involve these sequences are studied to understand how these processes affect the structure of these sequences. In the process bioinformatics algorithms, tools, and techniques which are used to explore genomic and amino acid sequences are also introduced.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:3


Introduction to VLSI System DesignCrosslisted with ECEN 851

Prerequisites: ECEN 310

Description: The concepts, principles, and methodology at all levels of digital VLSI system design and focused on gate-level VLSI implementation.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:3


Introduction to Computer-Aided Digital DesignCrosslisted with ECEN 852

Prerequisites: ECEN 310

Description: The concepts, simulation techniques and methodology in computer-aided digital design at system and logic levels.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:3


Computational and Systems BiologyCrosslisted with ECEN 853

Prerequisites: By permission.

Basic knowledge of probability and statistics (e.g. ECEN 305 or STAT 380) and basic programming skills are recommended. May also be taught as a distance course for the Omaha campus.

Description: Provides the required biology primer and covers functional genomics, transcriptomics, differential expression, clustering, classification, prediction, biomarker discovery, pathway analysis and network based approaches to high throughput biological data analysis. Includes the development of databases, algorithms, web-based and other tools regarding management and analysis of life science data. Areas of study include DNA, RNA, and protein sequence analysis, functional genomics and proteomics, 3D macromolecule structure prediction, and systems/network approach.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:3


Power Systems Operation and ControlCrosslisted with ECEN 854

Prerequisites: ECEN 338

Description: Characteristics and generating units. Control of generation, economic dispatch, transmission losses, unit commitment, generation with limited supply, hydrothermal coordination, and interchange evaluation and power pool.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:3


Real Time DSP ApplicationsCrosslisted with ECEN 856

Prerequisites: ECEN 220; ECEN 463

Description: Introduction to concepts, principles, and state-of-the-art methods in creating embedded real-time digital signal processing systems.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:3


Labview ProgrammingCrosslisted with ECEN 860

Prerequisites: Prior programming experience

Description: Labview as a programming language and for applications to acquire and analyze data, to access the network, control lab instruments, and for video and sound applications.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:3


Communication SystemsCrosslisted with ECEN 862

Prerequisites: ECEN 304 and ECEN 305

Description: Mathematical descriptions of signals in communication systems. Principles of analog modulation and demodulation. Performance analysis of analog communication systems in the presence of noise.

This course is a prerequisite for: CSCE 954; ECEN 911

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:3


Digital Signal ProcessingCrosslisted with ECEN 863

Prerequisites: ECEN 304

Description: Discrete system analysis using Z-transforms. Analysis and design of digital filters. Discrete Fourier transforms.

This course is a prerequisite for: ECEN 915

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:3


Digital Communication SystemsCrosslisted with ECEN 864

Prerequisites: ECEN 462

Description: Principals of digital transmission of information in the presence of noise. Design and analysis of baseband PAM transmission systems and various carrier systems including ASK, FSK, PSK.

This course is a prerequisite for: ECEN 911; ECEN 912; ECEN 959

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:3


Introduction to Data CompressionCrosslisted with ECEN 865

Prerequisites: ECEN 305

Description: Introduction to the concepts of Information Theory and Redundancy removal. Simulation of various data compression schemes such as Delta Modulation, Differential Pulse Code Modulation, Transform Coding and Runlength Coding.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:3


Telecommunications Engineering ICrosslisted with ECEN 866

Prerequisites: ECEN 362; ECEN 461/861 or parallel.

Description: Standard telecommunications protocols, architecture of long distance integrated data networks, local area networks, wide area networks, radio and satellite networks. Network management, internetworking, system modeling and performance analysis.

Course details
Credit Hours:4
Max credits per semester:4
Max credits per degree:4
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:4


Microwave EngineeringCrosslisted with ECEN 868

Prerequisites: ECEN 306

Description: Applications of active and passive devices to microwave systems. Includes impedance matching, resonators, and microwave antennas.

This course is a prerequisite for: ECEN 965

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:3


Analog Integrated CircuitsCrosslisted with ECEN 869

Prerequisites: ECEN 361

Description: Analysis and design of analog integrated circuits both bipolar and MOS. Basic circuit elements such as differential pairs, current sources, active loads, output drivers used in the design of more complex analog integrated circuits.

This course is a prerequisite for: ECEN 913

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:3


Digital and Analog VLSI DesignCrosslisted with ECEN 870

Prerequisites: ECEN 316; ECEN 370 or ECEN 313

Description: Introduction to VLSI design techniques for analog and digital circuits. Fabrication technology and device modelling. Design rules for integrated circuit layout. LSI design options with emphasis on the standard cell approach of digital and analog circuits. Lab experiments, computer simulation and layout exercises.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:3


Computer Communication NetworksCrosslisted with ECEN 871

Prerequisites: ECEN 325

Description: High-speed access control protocols, routing protocols, traffic management, and network topologies. Giga-bit Ethernet, ATM, and TCP/IP. Performance modeling and simulation techniques.

Course details
Credit Hours:4
Max credits per semester:4
Max credits per degree:4
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:4


Image Understanding, Perception, and Signal ProcessingCrosslisted with ECEN 872

Prerequisites: ECEN 304 or graduate standing

Description: Introduces fundamental principles and theory for computer vision, image understanding, and pattern recognition, perception, and signal processing. Specific attention given to analysis of the geometric properties and appearance of objects in images, such as region size, connectedness, topology, color, and texture.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:3


Mobile and Personal CommunicationsCrosslisted with ECEN 873

Prerequisites: ECEN 325

Description: Concepts on mobile and personal communications. Modulation techniques for mobile radio, equalization, diversity, channel coding, and speech coding.

Course details
Credit Hours:4
Max credits per semester:4
Max credits per degree:4
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:4


Digital SystemsCrosslisted with ECEN 874

Prerequisites: ECEN 370

Description: Synthesis using state machines; design of digital systems; micro programming in small controller design; hardware description language for design and timing analysis.

This course is a prerequisite for: ECEN 477, ECEN 877

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:3


Satellite CommunicationsCrosslisted with ECEN 875

Prerequisites: ECEN 325

Description: The fundamental concepts of satellite communications. Orbits, launching satellites, modulation and multiplexing, multiple access, earth stations, coding, interference and special problems in satellite communications.

Course details
Credit Hours:4
Max credits per semester:4
Max credits per degree:4
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:4


Wireless CommunicationsCrosslisted with ECEN 876

Prerequisites: ECEN 325 or ECEN 462 or parallel

Description: The fundamental concepts of wireless communications. Basic communications concepts such as multiple access and spectrum. Propagation, radio standards and internet working. Current issues in wireless communications.

This course is a prerequisite for: ECEN 926; ECEN 977

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:3


Digital Systems Organization and DesignCrosslisted with ECEN 877

Prerequisites: ECEN 474 or ECEN 874

Description: Hardware development languages, hardware organization and realization, microprogramming, interrupt, intersystem communication, and peripheral interfacing.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:3


Practical Machine LearningCrosslisted with ECEN 878

Prerequisites: CSCE/ECEN 155E, CSCE 155A, or CSCE 155N

Description: Designed to provide a solid grasp of the methods of machine learning (ML) and how to build powerful ML models for discovering statistical regularities from both structured and unstructured data. Offers an introduction to Deep Learning for Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:3


Optical Fiber CommunicationsCrosslisted with ECEN 879

Prerequisites: ECEN 461/861

Description: Fundamentals of lightwave communication in optical fiber waveguides, physical description of fiber optic systems. Properties of the optical fiber and fiber components. Electro-optic devices: light sources and modulators, detectors and amplifiers; optical transmitter and receiver systems. Fiber optic link design and specification; fiber optic networks.

This course is a prerequisite for: ECEN 979

Course details
Credit Hours:4
Max credits per semester:4
Max credits per degree:4
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:4


Introduction to Lasers and Laser ApplicationsCrosslisted with ECEN 880, PHYS 480, PHYS 880

Prerequisites: PHYS 213/(UNO) PHYS 2130

Description: Physics of electronic transition production stimulated emission of radiation. Threshold conditions for laser oscillation. Types of lasers and their applications in engineering.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:3


Antennas and Radio Propagation for Wireless CommunicationsCrosslisted with ECEN 882

Prerequisites: ECEN 328

Description: Fundamental theory of antennas and radio propagation for wireless communications. Basic antenna characteristics and various antennas and antenna arrays. Basic propagation mechanisms and various channel models, such as Friis free space model, Hata model, lognormal distribution, and multipath model. Includes practical antenna design for high radio frequency (RF) with modeling software tools such as Numerical Electromagnetic Code (NEC) and Advanced Design System (ADS). Design projects will be assigned as the main part of course.

Course details
Credit Hours:4
Max credits per semester:4
Max credits per degree:4
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:4


Network SecurityCrosslisted with ECEN 884

Prerequisites: ECEN 325

Description: Network security and cryptographic protocols. Classical encryption techniques, block ciphers and stream cyphers, public-key cryptography, authentications digital signatures, key management and distributions, network vulnerabilities, transport-level security, IP security.

Course details
Credit Hours:4
Max credits per semester:4
Max credits per degree:4
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:4


Fundamentals of PhotonicsCrosslisted with ECEN 886

Prerequisites: ECEN 306

Description: Introduction to the use of electromagnetic radiation for performing optical measurements in engineering applications. Basic electromagnetic theory and light interaction with matter are covered with corresponding laboratory experiments conducted.

This course is a prerequisite for: ECEN 986

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:3


Data and Network SecurityCrosslisted with CSCE 463, CSCE 863, ECEN 887

Prerequisites: A grade of "P" or "C" or better in CSCE 310, CSCE 310H, CSCE 311, SOFT 260, SOFT 260H or RAIK 283H.

Description: Concepts and principles of data and network security. Focuses on practical aspects and application of crypto systems in security protocols for networks such as the Internet. Topics include: applications of cryptography and cryptosystems for digital signatures, authentication, network security protocols for wired and wireless networks, cyberattacks and countermeasures, and security in modern computing platforms.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:3


Wireless SecurityCrosslisted with ECEN 888

Prerequisites: ECEN 325

Description: A comprehensive overview on the recent advances in wireless network and system security. Covers security issues and solutions in emerging wireless access networks and systems as well as multihop wireless networks.

Course details
Credit Hours:4
Max credits per semester:4
Max credits per degree:4
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:4


Special Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering IVCrosslisted with ECEN 891

Prerequisites: Senior standing

Description: Special topics in the emerging areas of electrical, computer, and electronics engineering which may not be covered in other courses in the electrical and computer engineering curriculum.

Course details
Credit Hours:1-4
Max credits per semester:4
Max credits per degree:4
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:1-4


Special Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering IVCrosslisted with ECEN 892

Prerequisites: Senior standing

Requires an ECE departmentally approved proposal.

Description: Special topic in emerging areas of electrical and computer engineering which may not be covered in other courses in the electrical and computer engineering curriculum.

Course details
Credit Hours:1-3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:1-3


Electrical Engineering Capstone I

Prerequisites: ECEN 222 or ECEN 316; ECEN 313 or ECEN 370; ECEN 304; ECEN 306; ECEN 347; ENGL 151 (or JGEN 200)/(UNO) ENGL 1160

The first in a two semester electrical engineering capstone senior design course sequence.

Description: A substantial design project that allows application of electrical engineering skills to a multidisciplinary project. Requires project definition, planning and scheduling, effective written and oral communication of technical ideas, incorporation of realistic constraints and engineering standards, functioning effectively on a multidisciplinary team, and applying new ideas as needed to meet project goals.

This course is a prerequisite for: ECEN 495

Course details
Credit Hours:2
Max credits per semester:2
Max credits per degree:2
Grading Option:Graded
Course and Laboratory Fee:$10

Credit Hours:2


Electrical Engineering Capstone II

Prerequisites: ECEN 494 or permission; admission to the College of Engineering.

The second in a two semester capstone senior design course sequence.

Description: A substantial design project that allows application of electrical engineering skills to a multidisciplinary project. Requires project definition, planning and scheduling, effective written and oral communication of technical ideas, incorporation of realistic constraints and engineering standards, functioning effectively on a multidisciplinary team, and applying new ideas as needed to meet project goals.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$10
ACE Outcomes: ACE 10 Integrated Product
Experiential Learning:Case/Project-Based Learning

Credit Hours:3

ACE:ACE 10 Integrated Product

Computer Engineering Capstone I

Prerequisites: ECEN 433; ENGL 151 or JGEN 200 or (UNO) ENGL 1160.

The first in a two semester computer engineering capstone senior design course sequence.

Description: A substantial design project that allows application of computer engineering skills to a multidisciplinary project. Requires project definition, planning and scheduling, effective written and oral communication of technical ideas, incorporation of realistic constraints and engineering standards, functioning effectively on a multidisciplinary team, and applying new ideas as needed to meet project goals.

This course is a prerequisite for: ECEN 499

Course details
Credit Hours:2
Max credits per semester:2
Max credits per degree:2
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:2


Research in Electrical Engineering IVCrosslisted with ECEN 898

Prerequisites: Permission

Description: Research in a selected area of electrical engineering under the supervision and guidance of an Electrical and Computer Engineering faculty member.

Course details
Credit Hours:1-6
Max credits per semester:6
Max credits per degree:18
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:1-6


Computer Engineering Capstone II

Prerequisites: ECEN 496 or permission; admission to the College of Engineering.

The second in a two semester capstone senior design course sequence.

Description: A substantial design project that allows application of computer engineering skills to a multidisciplinary project. Requires project definition, planning and scheduling, effective written and oral communication of technical ideas, incorporation of realistic constraints and engineering standards, functioning effectively on a multidisciplinary team, and applying new ideas as needed to meet project goals.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$10
ACE Outcomes: ACE 10 Integrated Product

Credit Hours:3

ACE:ACE 10 Integrated Product

Honors Thesis

Prerequisites: Senior standing in electrical engineering; admission to the University Honors Program

Description: Honors thesis research project meeting the requirements of the University Honors Program. Independent research project executed under the guidance of a member of the faculty of the Department of Electrical Engineering which contributes to the advancement of knowledge in the field. Culminates in the presentation of an honors thesis to the department and college.

Course details
Credit Hours:1-3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded with Option

Credit Hours:1-3