Agribusiness (ABUS)
Prerequisites: Soph standing;2.5 GPA;MATH104,106,107 or 208;BSAD220;ACCT201&202;ECON211&212;ECON215 or equiv.)Prereqs differ for RAIKES,ACTS&ABUS mjrs-see bulletin for excptns.Crdt toward the degree cannot be earned in MRKT 300 & any of:MRKT/ABUS 341 or MRKT/RAIK 341H
Credit toward the degree cannot be earned in both MRKT 300 and MRKT 341/MRKT 341H. Cannot be taken Pass/No Pass.
Description: The marketing system, its relations with the socioeconomic system, and the influences of each upon the other. Evolution and present structure of marketing institutions and processes. Customer attributes and behavioral characteristics, and how a marketing manager responds to these in the design of marketing strategies, using research, product development, pricing, distribution structure, and promotion.
Description: Introductory models for a startup business. Ideation, customer segments, value proposition, minimal viable product and market fit.
This course is a prerequisite for: PLAS 301
Description: The process of starting your own enterprise. Competitive environment, risk management, finance for business startups, funding, and business plan writing.