Special Education (SPED)

Accommodating Exceptional Learners in the Elementary School ClassroomCrosslisted with SPED 401A

Prerequisites: Admission to the Teacher Education program. Co-enrollment in TEAC 308 or 311.

Must be taken concurrently with a practicum course

Description: Legal and ethical requirements for educating exceptional learners; identification, referral, and placement procedures; development and use of the Individual Education Program; strategies for teaching and accommodating academic and behavior of a range of exceptional and other at-risk learners in the elementary school.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Accommodating Exceptional Learners in the Secondary School ClassroomCrosslisted with SPED 401B

Prerequisites: Admission to the Teacher Education program.

Must be taken concurrently with a practicum course.

Description: Legal and ethical requirements for educating exceptional learners; identification, referral, and placement procedures; development and use of the Individual Education Program; strategies for teaching and accommodating academic and behavior of a range of exceptional and other at-risk learners in the secondary school.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Executive Function

Prerequisites: Admission to graduate degree program at UNL or permission of instructor

Description: Theories of executive function (EF) and its development. Links between EF and developmental outcomes. Executive function in special populations. Considerations for including executive function in educational and psychological research.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Advanced Research in Math Learning Difficulties

Description: Historical perspectives, theories, and models of mathematics learning and mathematics learning disabilities. Cognitive and academic profiles of students with mathematics learning disabilities. Cognitive factors that impact mathematics learning. Considerations for cognition to develop effective mathematics intervention.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:3


Systematic ReviewCrosslisted with SLPA 805

Prerequisites: Admission to a degree program in Special Education, Speech-Language Pathology or Audiology, Educational Studies or Human Sciences or other relevant major

Description: Introduction to research in special education and related paradigms in order to conduct and write a systematic literature review. Includes instruction in conducting database searches and finding relevant literature, methods for evaluating the quality of evidence for effectiveness, developing codebooks and training for reliability, and writing in APA style.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:3


Reading and Writing Disabilities: AdolescentsCrosslisted with SPED 406, TEAC 806

Prerequisites: SPED 212 (required for undergraduate students only). Parallel with SPED 406A/806A.

Description: Theory and techniques for assessing and teaching word identification, vocabulary, comprehension and writing skills in grades 7 to 12.

Course details
Credit Hours:2
Max credits per semester:2
Max credits per degree:2
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:2


Reading Center Practicum IICrosslisted with SPED 406A, TEAC 806A

Prerequisites: SPED 212 (required for undergraduate students only). Parallel with SPED 406/806.

Requires two hours per week in a Reading Center.

Description: Teaching and/or tutoring experience evaluating and instructing students with reading problems in a Reading Center. Assessment, instructional planning, delivery of instruction, writing diagnostic reports and parent communication.

Course details
Credit Hours:2
Max credits per semester:2
Max credits per degree:2
Grading Option:Graded
Course and Laboratory Fee:$15

Credit Hours:2


Foundations of Secondary Special Education

Description: Provide future special education teachers with both the historical timeline and current legistlation regarding services for students with mild/moderate disabilities. Chronological events and legal mandates that public schools must reinforce to provide an equal education for all students.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:3


Methods and Instruction for Secondary Special EducationCrosslisted with SPED 408

This course is taken concurrently with a practicum experience.

Description: Principles of Classroom Instruction That Works and Explicit Instruction are instilled as a framework for instructional planning at the secondary level. Co-teaching with content teachers and transitional planning for secondary students with disabilities will also be addressed.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:3


Intro to Autism Spectrum Disorder

Description: Designed for educators of children and youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Provides characteristics, assessment process, and etiology. Includes overview of interventions and evidence-based practices.

This course is a prerequisite for: SPED 810

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): Methods

Prerequisites: SPED 809 or equivalent

Majors in severe disabilities must parallel with SPED 896P (1 cr). SPED 810 requires observations in schools and applied assignments.

Description: Planning, implementing, and evaluating intervention programs for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Apply assessment data to develop functional outcomes and select instructional strategies using evidence-based interventions.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Instructional Methods for Students with Mathematics Learning DisabilitiesCrosslisted with SPED 414

Prerequisites: SPED 201; sophomore standing.

Description: Understanding characteristics of students with math learning disabilities and potential causes. Evidence-based instructional strategies in math for teaching students with math learning disabilities and those who are at-risk.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Reading and Writing Disabilities: Elementary StudentsCrosslisted with SPED 415

Prerequisites: SPED 201, TEAC 311, TEAC 313 for elementary education majors; SPED 201, CYAF 383, CYAF 316A, CYAF 397D for inclusive early childhood education majors; SPED 201, SPED 212, and SPED 414 (or equivalent) for SPED majors. Must be taken with: SPED 415A/815A.

Priority will be given to students who will be student teaching the following semester.

Description: Theory and techniques for assessing and teaching early literacy skills in small groups and one-on-one for children who struggle with literacy.

Course details
Credit Hours:2
Max credits per semester:2
Max credits per degree:2
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:2


Practicum in Reading and Writing Disabilities-ElementaryCrosslisted with SPED 415A

Prerequisites: SPED 201, TEAC 311, TEAC 313 for elementary education majors; SPED 201, CYAF 383, CYAF 316A, CYAF 397D for inclusive early childhood education majors; SPED 201, SPED 212, and SPED 414 (or equivalent) for SPED majors. Must be taken with: SPED 415/815.

Priority will be given to student who will be student teaching the following semester.

Description: This reading and writing practicum is taken parallel with as SPED 415 or SPED 815

This course is a prerequisite for: SPED 415, SPED 815; SPED 415A, SPED 815A

Course details
Credit Hours:2
Max credits per semester:2
Max credits per degree:2
Grading Option:Graded
Course and Laboratory Fee:$15
Experiential Learning:Student Teaching/Education Practicum

Credit Hours:2


Functional Behavioral Assessment

Prerequisites: SPED 454 or equivalent. Admission to Graduate Degree or Certificate program in Special Education.

Description: Functional behavioral assessments and development of behavior intervention plans based on the assessments. Contextual and curriculum manipulations, and replacement behavior training.

This course is a prerequisite for: SPED 942

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Experiential Learning in TeachingCrosslisted with SLPA 830

Cross listed with SPED. SLPA and SPED are in at the same department and will be working together on this course.

Description: Designed to provide training and experiential learning in skills necessary for teaching at the post-secondary level. Evidence-based teaching methods in the fields of communication disorders and special education will be investigated, discussed, and applied. The common element of problem solving will be emphasized as learners apply pedagogical principles related to learning, teaching, and assessment. Assignments are curated such that most may be relevant inclusions in a teaching portfolio.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:3


Visual Impairments: Characteristics

Prerequisites: Admission to Graduate Degree or Certificate program in Special Education.

Description: An introduction to current educational programs and services for children with visual impairments, including children with additional disabilities. Topics include the history of educational services for this population, developmental characteristics, psychosocial aspects, and current and past legislation.

This course is a prerequisite for: SPED 847; SPED 849; SPED 852; SPED 852A; SPED 852B; SPED 853; SPED 865

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:3


Etiologies of Students with Visual Impairments

Prerequisites: SPED 846. Admission to Graduate Degree or Certificate program in Special Education

Description: Structure and function of the visual system, conditions that affect visual ability, and the functional and environmental implications of low vision. Strategies for enhancing visual ability in children with visual impairments and children who have additional disabilities. Conducting Functional Vision Assessments.

This course is a prerequisite for: SPED 852B

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Foundation of Orientation and Mobility I

Description: Provide an overview of the profession of orientation and mobility including key figures, organizations, and the overall development of the field as well as kinesiology and sensorimotor functioning, psychosocial aspects of O&M, environmental accessibility, and research.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:3


Braille I

Prerequisites: SPED 846 or by permission of instructor

Description: Basic skills in Unified English Braille. Acquire competence in reading and writing braille and using the Perkins braillewriter and slate/stylus.

This course is a prerequisite for: SPED 851; SPED 852B

Course details
Credit Hours:4
Max credits per semester:4
Max credits per degree:4
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:4


Foundation of Orientation and Mobility II

Description: Provide essential practical and instructional knowledge essential for all orientation and mobility specialists, use of senses and the psychosocial aspects of orientation and mobility, information on age-related instruction and instruction with individuals who have additional disabilities, and adapted orientation and mobility tools and working in complex environments.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:3


Braille II

Prerequisites: SPED 849 or permission of instructor.

Description: Advanced skills in Nemeth (mathematics code) and/or Literary code. Basic activities in braille formatting, foreign language, music and identification of braille technology devices and resources.

This course is a prerequisite for: SPED 852B

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Visual Impairments: Methods

Prerequisites: SPED 846 or permission of instructor

Description: Methods and materials for educating children who are totally blind or have low vision, including students with multiple impairments.

This course is a prerequisite for: SPED 852B

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:3


Applied Technology Methods for Students with Visual Impairments

Prerequisites: SPED 846

Description: Theory and skill development in the selection and use of technology for students with visual impairments. Technology assessments, data collection, equipment feature, source of equipment, funding sources, writing technology instructional plans, and demonstration of using various equipment and technology.

Course details
Credit Hours:2
Max credits per semester:2
Max credits per degree:2
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:2


Applied Instructional Methods to Teach Students with Visual Impairments

Prerequisites: SPED 846, 847, 849, 851, and 852; or equivalents

Description: Practice using appropriate instructional methods and materials for educating the blind and low vision child.

Course details
Credit Hours:2
Max credits per semester:2
Max credits per degree:2
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:2


Orientation and Mobility I

Prerequisites: SPED 846. Admission to Graduate Degree or Certificate program in Special Education or permission of instructor.

Description: Theory and applied practice in basic orientation and mobility techniques for use with students with visual impairments. Practical methods for work in concept development, orientation skills, travel skills and techniques, personal safety and independent travel. Needs of specific populations such as people with low vision and individuals with additional disabilities. Vision simulators and occluders. An introduction to the history and development of the profession.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Basic Skills: Orientation & Mobility

Students will be expected to travel around the community to practice and demonstrate competency of performing and teaching travel techniques.

Description: Acquisition of instructional strategies for teaching orientation and mobility to students with visual impairments; application of knowledge through performance-based activities, including blindfold and vision simulator.

This course is a prerequisite for: SPED 864

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:3


Teaching Learners to LearnCrosslisted with EDAD 855, EDPS 855, NUTR 855, TEAC 855

Description: Effective teachers facilitate student learning. Facilitating student learning depends on understanding learning principles and on designing instruction that is compatible with learning principles. Instructors can provide learning-compatible instruction that helps students learn more effectively and ultimately teaches them how to learn. Assists teachers to teach in learning-compatible ways and helps them embed within their curriculum a program for teaching learners to learn.

This course is a prerequisite for: EDPS 967

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Supervising Special EducationCrosslisted with EDAD 856

Description: For principals or other administrators who have special education programs in their buildings. Overview of disabilities, related law, special education programs, personnel issues, etc., and instructional methods and administrative support for effective integration of disabled students into regular programs.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$10

Credit Hours:3


Special Education AdministrationCrosslisted with EDAD 857

Description: Intensive preparation for special educators who intend to administer special education programs in the public schools. Information about best practices in special education, including programming, supervision, legal/regulatory issues, financing, personnel, as well as current controversial topics which are affecting these programs in the schools.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Assessment and Professional Issues in Orientation & Mobility

Description: Overall philosophy of orientation and mobility (O&M), including Code of Ethics and Certification standards; discuss current literature and issues impacting programming and students with multiple disabilities; development and administration of an effective O&M instructional program; and O&M assessment procedures.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:3


Issues in Early Childhood Special Education

Prior course in early childhood education or introduction to special education course (SPED 201)

Description: Introduction to the history, philosophy, and research related to early intervention practices with children 0-5 years of age. Discussion of issues related to legal mandates, model programs, family involvement, integration, transitions, service delivery systems, teamwork and assessment for young children.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$10

Credit Hours:3


Infants with Disabilities and Home VisitingCrosslisted with SPED 461

Prerequisites: SPED 861: Admission to Graduate Degree or Certificate program in Special Education SPED 461: SPED 201, CYAF 271 and admission to the Inclusive Early Childhood Education major; CYAF 380 or parallel

SPED 861 requires a practicum in home visiting.

Description: Assessment and intervention strategies for developing appropriate early intervention programs for infants and toddlers with disabilities. Rationale and principles for conducting home-based, family-centered, and transdisciplinary services.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$10

Credit Hours:3


Preschool Children with Disabilities

Prerequisites: An assessment and applied behavior analysis course; Admission to Graduate Degree or Certificate program in Special Education or permission of instructor.

SPED 862 requires an applied experience.

Description: Selection, design and implementation of developmentally appropriate, classroom-based interventions for young children with disabilities. Ecological assessments; activity and instructional planning; selection and use evidence-based strategies; consultation practices for inclusive settings.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$10

Credit Hours:3


Medically Fragile infants

Prerequisites: Admission to a graduate degree or certificate program in Special education, Speech-Language Pathology, or Child, Youth and Family Studies. Or by permission of instructor.

Prior coursework or experiences with children with disabilities advised.

Description: Understanding and design of developmental care and learning opportunities for children with complications of prematurity and extended hospital stays. Neonatal and postnatal development as well as common conditions associated with low birth weight and prematurity are reviewed. Assessment and supports considered in contexts of hospital, family home and community care settings for young children with special health care needs who are at risk for or show developmental disabilities.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$10

Credit Hours:3


Advanced Skills: Orientation & Mobility

Prerequisites: SPED 854

Students will be expected to travel around the community to practice and demonstrate competency of performing and teaching travel techniques.

Description: Acquisition of advanced instructional strategies for teaching orientation and mobility to students with visual impairments; application of advanced knowledge through performance-based activities, including blindfold and vision simulator.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:3


Visual Impairments: Assessment

Prerequisites: SPED 846 or instructor permission

Description: Methods and materials for conducting essential assessments for children with visual impairments of all ages and abilities. Includes functional vision assessment (FVA), learning media assessment (LMA), and expanded core curriculum (ECC) screening and assessment.

Course details
Credit Hours:2
Max credits per semester:2
Max credits per degree:2
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:2


Deaf or Hard of Hearing: Characteristics

Prerequisites: Admission to Graduate Degree or Certificate program in Special Education or permission of instructor.

Description: Education of students who are deaf or hard of hearing, including history, definitions, etiology, identification, assessment, professional roles, and educational programming. Examine attitudes, assumptions, and stereotypes of persons who are deaf or hard of hearing.

This course is a prerequisite for: SPED 873; SPED 874; SPED 875

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:3


Deaf or Hard of Hearing: Content Methods

Prerequisites: SPED 872 and admission to Graduate Degree or Certificate program in Special Education.

SPED 873 is for all students in the hearing impaired program.

Description: Methods for teaching content areas (science, math, and social studies) to students who are deaf or hard of hearing, birth through 21. Adapting curricula and materials in these areas to meet the language and learning needs of students who are deaf or hard of hearing.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Deaf or Hard of Hearing: Language Arts & Literacy

Prerequisites: SPED 872 and admission to Graduate Degree or Certificate program in Special Education.

Description: Assessment instruments, curricula and instructional methods for developing language and literacy for children who are deaf or hard of hearing, birth through 21. Methods for coordinating speech, language and/or auditory training in the home and classroom with that in the speech and/or language therapy program, and connecting this to literacy development and strategies.

Course details
Credit Hours:4
Max credits per semester:4
Max credits per degree:4
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:4


Sensory Disabilities: Itinerant Teaching

Prerequisites: SPED 872 or parallel with SPED 875. Admission to Graduate Degree or Certificate program in Special Education or permission of instructor.

Description: Methods for providing services for students who are visually impaired and/or deaf or hard of hearing, using itinerant and consultative models. Professional and parent in-service development, team-based problem solving, curriculum based pull-out services. Ecological assessment; technologies; and use of interpreters and paraprofessionals.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Language Development for Teachers

Description: Foundations of normal speech and language development and potential difficulties in early stages of communication and later classroom success. Analysis of child language samples. Strategies for explaining language development to parents and professional colleagues

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Sensory Disabilities: Itinerant Teaching MethodsCrosslisted with SLPA 877

Description: Methods for providing services for students with sensory disabilities, using itinerant and consultative models. Professional and parent in-service development, team-based problem solving, curriculum based pull-out services.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:3


Severe Multiple Disabilities: Methods

Prerequisites: Admission to Graduate Degree or Certificate program in Special Education or by permission of instructor.

SPED 882 requires observations in schools and applied assignments.

Description: Selection, design, and implementation of best practice instruction for students with severe disabilities, multiple disabilities, or deaf-blindness.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded
Course and Laboratory Fee:$10

Credit Hours:3


Deaf or Hard of Hearing: Speech & Language IssuesCrosslisted with SLPA 884

Prerequisites: Admission to Graduate Degree or Certificate Program in Special Education, Speech-Language Pathology, or Audiology

Description: Theories of speech and language development, evaluation, and intervention programming for children who are deaf or hard of hearing.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Assessment, Evaluation, and Instruction of At-Risk ReadersCrosslisted with TEAC 886

TEAC/SPED 886 includes case study and planning for special student populations.

Description: Analysis and use of informal and formal assessment and instructional strategies in clinic and classroom settings.

Course details
Credit Hours:1-3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:6
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:1-3


Special Topics in Literacy AssessmentCrosslisted with TEAC 886A

TEAC/SPED 886 includes case study and planning for special student populations.

Description: Analysis and use of informal and formal assessment and instructional strategies in clinic and classroom settings.

Course details
Credit Hours:1-3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:1-3


Internship in Literacy Assessment and InstructionCrosslisted with TEAC 886B

TEAC/SPED 886 includes case study and planning for special student populations.

Description: Analysis and use of informal and formal assessment and instructional strategies in clinic and classroom settings.

Course details
Credit Hours:1-3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$15

Credit Hours:1-3


Special Topics

Prerequisites: Admission to a degree program in Special Education, Speech-Language Pathology or Audiology, Educational Studies or Human Sciences or other relevant major.

Description: An in-depth study of professionally-relevant topic(s).

Course details
Credit Hours:1-3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:12
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:1-3


Special Topics in EducationCrosslisted with EDAD 892, EDPS 892, EDUC 892, TEAC 892, CYAF 892

Prerequisites: EDPS 859 or parallel; EDPS 859 or equivalent

Description: Aspects of education not covered elsewhere in the curriculum.

Course details
Credit Hours:1-3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:1-3


Workshop SeminarCrosslisted with TEAC 893N, EDAD 893N, EDPS 893N
Course details
Credit Hours:1-12
Max credits per semester:12
Max credits per degree:12
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:1-12


Independent StudyCrosslisted with SLPA 494, SLPA 894, SPED 494

Prerequisites: Prior arrangements with faculty member and permission.

Description: Individual or group projects that are extensions of course work, such as preparation of teaching materials, review of literature, observation/exploration of practices, design of curricular or clinical tools. Topic, scope and grading parameters are under guidance of a department faculty member, but topic can be student-initiated. These projects are generally relevant to the student's professional practice and advance the student's and possibly others' knowledge on a topic. Such projects may result in professional presentations.

Course details
Credit Hours:1-3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:6
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option
Experiential Learning:Research

Credit Hours:1-3


Directed Field Experience: Deaf/Hard of Hearing

Prerequisites: Admission to graduate program in SPED, Speech Language Pathology, or Audiology

Description: The purpose of the DHH Directed Field Experience is to provide the pre-service TOD with opportunities to learn about the role and responsibilities of TODs. It will begin by engaging in a variety of field observations, followed by either a Tutoring or Group experience with children who are DHH.

Course details
Credit Hours:1-6
Max credits per semester:6
Max credits per degree:12
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:1-6


Directed Field Experience: General Special Education
Course details
Credit Hours:1-6
Max credits per semester:6
Max credits per degree:12
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:1-6


Directed Field Experience: Mildly/Moderate Disabilities
Course details
Credit Hours:1-6
Max credits per semester:6
Max credits per degree:12
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:1-6


Directed Field Experience: Early Childhood Special Education
Course details
Credit Hours:1-6
Max credits per semester:6
Max credits per degree:12
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:1-6


Directed Field Experience: Visual Impairments
Course details
Credit Hours:1-6
Max credits per semester:6
Max credits per degree:12
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:1-6


Directed Field Experience: Inclusion
Course details
Credit Hours:1-6
Max credits per semester:6
Max credits per degree:12
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:1-6


Student Teaching

Description: Laboratory and teaching experience in the area(s) of specialization.

Course details
Credit Hours:1-9
Max credits per semester:9
Max credits per degree:15
Grading Option:Pass No-Pass

Credit Hours:1-9


Student Teaching: Deaf/Hard of Hearing
Course details
Credit Hours:1-9
Max credits per semester:9
Max credits per degree:15
Grading Option:Pass No-Pass

Credit Hours:1-9


Student Teaching: General Special Education
Course details
Credit Hours:1-9
Max credits per semester:9
Max credits per degree:15
Grading Option:Pass No-Pass

Credit Hours:1-9


Student Teaching: Mildly/Moderate Disabilities
Course details
Credit Hours:1-9
Max credits per semester:9
Max credits per degree:15
Grading Option:Pass No-Pass

Credit Hours:1-9


Student Teaching: Early Childhood Special Education
Course details
Credit Hours:1-9
Max credits per semester:9
Max credits per degree:15
Grading Option:Pass No-Pass

Credit Hours:1-9


Student Teaching: Visual Impairments
Course details
Credit Hours:1-9
Max credits per semester:9
Max credits per degree:15
Grading Option:Pass No-Pass

Credit Hours:1-9


Research Other than ThesisCrosslisted with SPED 498

Description: Individual or group project designed to help students develop understandings, skills, and outlooks that would allow them to conduct original, independent research in the future. Topic of research may be related to the instructors current research projects or area of study or a topic of interest to the student for pilot work; approval of the topic/project is at the discretion of the instructor.

Course details
Credit Hours:1-3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option
Experiential Learning:Research

Credit Hours:1-3


Masters Thesis

Prerequisites: Admission to masters degree program and permission of major adviser

Description: (course description)

Course details
Credit Hours:1-10
Max credits per semester:10
Max credits per degree:99
Grading Option:Pass No-Pass

Credit Hours:1-10



Prerequisites: Admission to graduate degree program at UNL or permission of instructor

Description: Foundations of meta-analysis. Modern methods for conducting meta-analysis. Examination of moderator analysis and publication bias analysis. Meta-analytic structural equation modeling.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Strategic Interventions for Students with Behavioral Needs

Prerequisites: SPED 824 or admission to a graduate program in Educational Psychology or with permission of instructor

Description: Strategic therapy structures and cognitive-behavioral interventions for school and clinical professionals dealing with students who present significant behavioral challenges. Issues in assessment, intervention, and consultation are addressed.

Course details
Credit Hours:1-3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:6
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:1-3


Family and School Collaboration in Special Education

Prerequisites: Professional experience or completion of one practicum and/or field experience with young children (birth to age 5) or other individuals age 5 to 21 years who have disabilities.

Description: Principles and practices for effective partnerships among schools, families, and the community. Cultural reciprocity and family systems theory are emphasized. Spend time with a family with a child with special needs, in order to gain firsthand knowledge of the family experience. Reflect upon these experiences in relationship to readings and discussions.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$10

Credit Hours:3


Special TopicsCrosslisted with SLPA 990

Prerequisites: Admission to a degree program in Special Education, Speech-Language Pathology or Audiology, Educational Studies or Human Sciences or other relevant major.

Description: An in-depth study of professionally-relevant topic(s).

Course details
Credit Hours:1-3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:12
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:1-3


Doctoral SeminarCrosslisted with SLPA 992

Prerequisites: Admission to a doctoral degree program in Special Education or Speech-Language Pathology

Description: Work with a graduate faculty member on a mutually-agreed upon outcome-based project of shared scholarly interest.

Course details
Credit Hours:1-3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:12
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:1-3


Doctoral Seminar

Prerequisites: Permission

Description: The course is intended primarily for doctoral students, although non-doctoral graduate students may be admitted with special permission of the instructor. Students are immersed in outcome-based scholarly activities with a faculty mentor. Working on either an individualized or small group basis, students develop, execute and report one or more projects addressing the interaction between research and practice.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:18
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Research Other Than Thesis
Course details
Credit Hours:1-12
Max credits per semester:12
Max credits per degree:12
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:1-12


Readings in Special Education

Prerequisites: Permission

Description: Readings on selected problems in special education.

Course details
Credit Hours:1-12
Max credits per semester:12
Max credits per degree:12
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:1-12


Research Other than ThesisCrosslisted with SLPA 998

Description: Individual or group project designed to help students develop understandings, skills, and outlooks that would allow them to conduct original, independent research in the future. Topic of research may be related to the instructor's current research projects or area of study or a topic of interest to the student for pilot work; approval of the topic/project is at the discretion of the instructor.

Course details
Credit Hours:1-3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:9
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:1-3


Doctoral Dissertation

Prerequisites: Admission to doctoral degree program and permission of supervisory committee chair

Description: (No description)

Course details
Credit Hours:1-24
Max credits per semester:24
Max credits per degree:99
Grading Option:Pass No-Pass

Credit Hours:1-24