Classics (CLAS)
Prerequisites: Junior standing.
Recommend some background knowledge of ancient art, history, or languages, a general background course such as AHIS 101, ANTH 252, CLAS 209/CLAS 210, or any of the courses listed in the Archaeology or Digital Humanities minors. Computer/design skills welcome but not necessary.
Description: A new approach to looking at the history and development of ancient cities, combining history and archaeology with digital methods, in particular 3D modeling.
Description: Life, literature, thought, and institutions of the Christian movement from Jesus to Constantine. A critical, historical approach to the sources in English translation and how they reflect the interaction of Christian, Jew, and pagan in late antiquity. Includes the historical Jesus vis-a-vis the Christ of Faith, the impact of Paul's thought, the formation of Christian dogma, methods of interpreting canonical and extra-canonical Christian literature, the problem of heresy and orthodoxy.
Description: Examination of the religious institutions, philosophies, and lifeways of the Hellenistic Age from Alexander to Constantine. Includes civic religion of Greece and Rome, popular religion, mystery cults, Judaism, Christianity, popular and school philosophies (Platonism, Aristotelianism, Epicureanism, Cynicism, Stoicism), Gnosticism. History, interrelationships, emerging world view of these movements.
Description: Examination of the nature, history, literature, ritual, and impact of the classical Gnostic religions, 100 BCE to 400 CE. Extensive reading of original Gnostic treatises in English translation, with particular attention to their appropriation and transformation of earlier Jewish, Christian, and pagan religious and philosophical traditions. The principal Gnostic schools to be treated are Simonians, Sethians, Valentinians, Hermetics, and Manichaeans.
Description: Survey of the material remains of Europe and of the various approaches to the study of the European past.
Description: Ancient Greek and Roman evidence pertaining to the fields of women's studies, gender studies, and the study of sexuality.
Description: Study of geographic concepts and critical analysis of applications of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in humanities and social sciences and application of geospatial tools for humanities and social science research; learn how to collect, manage, analyze, and visualize spatial data for real-world projects