Agronomy (AGRO)

Biology of Plant PathogensCrosslisted with PLPT 801, HORT 801

Prerequisites: PLPT 369 or equivalent; an introduction to biochemistry course

Description: Molecular and cellular approach to the study of plant pathological principles.

This course is a prerequisite for: PLPT 866; PLPT 965, AGRO 965, HORT 965

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Ecology and Management of Plant PathogensCrosslisted with PLPT 802, HORT 802

Prerequisites: PLPT 369 or equivalent; an introduction to biochemistry course

Description: Principles of plant disease epidemiology and disease control through cultural, biological, chemical and host plant resistance strategies.

This course is a prerequisite for: PLPT 866; PLPT 965, AGRO 965, HORT 965

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Scientific Writing and CommunicationCrosslisted with PLAS 403, HORT 803

Prerequisites: Senior standing or higher, an ACE 1 written communication course, an ACE 2 oral communication course, and permission of instructor.

Description: Reading and critiquing, writing, and presenting scientific information. Use research data to compose a manuscript in standard scientific format, and prepare and present a poster to a general audience. Ethical issues in research and writing.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:3


Soil Science Research Methods

Description: Introduce soil's role in the ecosystem and soil science research methods with emphasis on identifying, describing, and measuring soil properties in the field and then discussing how those properties and their variability may affect plant, animal, insect, and/or microbial communities.

Course details
Credit Hours:2
Max credits per semester:2
Max credits per degree:2
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:2


Plant Ecophysiology: Theory and PracticeCrosslisted with HORT 806, NRES 406, NRES 806, PLAS 406

Prerequisites: Junior standing; 4 hrs ecology; and 4 hrs botany or plant physiology.

Description: Principles of plant physiology which underlie the relationship between plants and their physical, chemical and biotic environments. An introduction to the ecological niche, limiting factors and adaptation. An overview of the seed germination and ecology, plant and soil water relations, nutrients, plant energy budgets, photosynthesis, carbon balance and plant-animal interactions. An introduction to various field equipment used in ecophysiological studies.

Course details
Credit Hours:4
Max credits per semester:4
Max credits per degree:4
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:4


Plant-Water RelationsCrosslisted with NRES 807

Prerequisites: AGRO 325 or equivalent; MATH 106 recommended

Description: Quantitative study of water relations in the soil-plant-atmosphere system. Basic physical processes, which describe the movement of water in the soil and the atmosphere, and the physiological processes, which describe water movement inside of the plant. Stomata physiology and the effects of internal water deficits on photosynthesis, respiration, nitrogen metabolism, cell division and cell enlargement. Results from integrative models used to study the relative importance of environmental versus physiological factors for several plant-environment systems.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Microclimate: The Biological EnvironmentCrosslisted with PLAS 408, GEOG 408, METR 408, NRES 408, GEOG 808, HORT 808, METR 808, NRES 808

Prerequisites: Junior standing, MATH 106 or equivalent, 5 hrs physics, major in any of the physical or biological sciences or engineering.

Description: Physical factors that create the biological environment. Radiation and energy balances of earth's surfaces, terrestrial and marine. Temperature, humidity, and wind regimes near the surface. Control of the physical environment through irrigation, windbreaks, frost protection, manipulation of light, and radiation. Applications to air pollution research. Instruments for measuring environmental conditions and remote sensing of the environment.

This course is a prerequisite for: BSEN 954, NRES 954

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Case studies in plant breeding: Breeding for Disease ResistanceCrosslisted with PLAS 409A, HORT 809A

A previous class in genetics is highly recommended.

Description: The application of fundamental genetics principles in inheritance, gene mapping and DNA analysis to decision making by plant breeders with the goal of improving disease resistance in crop cultivars. Learning is structured by the genetics discovery story told in published research articles and the thinking process of plant breeders who will use these discoveries in their work.

Course details
Credit Hours:1
Max credits per semester:1
Max credits per degree:1
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:1


Case Studies in plant breeding: Transgenic strategies for disease resistanceCrosslisted with PLAS 409B, HORT 809B

Description: The application of basic science and technology by plant genetic engineering experts with the goal of teaming with plant breeders to improve disease resistance in crop cultivars. Learning is structured by the genetics discovery story told in published research articles and the thinking process of genetic engineers and plant breeders who will use these discoveries in their work.

Course details
Credit Hours:1
Max credits per semester:1
Max credits per degree:1
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:1


Plant Molecular BiologyCrosslisted with BIOC 810, HORT 810

Prerequisites: AGRO 215 or BIOS 206; BIOC 831

Description: Molecular genetic basis of biological function in higher plants. Genome organization, gene structure and function, regulation of gene expression, recombinant DNA, and genetic engineering principles. Material taken primarily from current literature.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Crop Genetic EngineeringCrosslisted with PLAS 411

A previous class in genetics is highly recommended.

Description: Basic steps required to produce genetically engineered crops, genetic engineering procedures used to develop current crops and innovations that will lead to future products, genetic engineering process and predicting how changes in different steps of the process influence the final crop, and application of genetic engineering technology to plan the development of new genetically engineered crops.

Course details
Credit Hours:2
Max credits per semester:2
Max credits per degree:2
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:2


Crop and Weed GeneticsCrosslisted with PLAS 412

A previous class in Genetics is highly recommended.

Description: Application of classical and molecular genetic principles to the explanation of variation observed in plant families and populations. Interpretation of information gathered from whole plant trait observation and from molecular analysis. Relationships between crops and weeds. Examples from genetic studies on both crop and weed species are the basis of course.

Course details
Credit Hours:2
Max credits per semester:2
Max credits per degree:2
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:2


Turfgrass and Landscape Weed ManagementCrosslisted with HORT 813, TLMT 813

Description: Fundamental terminology associated with turfgrass and landscape weed management. Weed identification and the cultural practices and herbicide strategies to limit weed invasion and persistence.

Course details
Credit Hours:1
Max credits per semester:1
Max credits per degree:1
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:1


Turfgrass Disease ManagementCrosslisted with HORT 814, PLPT 414, PLPT 814, PLAS 414, TLMT 814

Prerequisites: BIOS/PLPT 369 or one semester of introductory plant pathology.

Description: Pathogens, epidemiology, and control of diseases specific to turfgrass.

Course details
Credit Hours:1
Max credits per semester:1
Max credits per degree:1
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:1


Applied Plant Breeding and GeneticsCrosslisted with PLAS 415

Prerequisites: PLAS 215 or BIOS 206

For AGRO 815, a previous genetics course is highly recommended.

Description: The goals for plant improvement, the theories plant breeders apply to make genetic improvement and the tools and methods that can be used to develop a plant breeding pipeline.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$40

Credit Hours:3


Genotype by Environment Interaction

Prerequisites: AGRO 815A, B, and D, STAT 801A, 802 or equivalent course work

Description: Types and causes of phenotype instability due to impacts of envrionmental factors. Topics include adaptation, impacts of G x E on selection and testing, selection of evaluation environments. Statistical concepts to describe/model ineractions, breeding for reliability across unpredictable environments, precision phenotyping, selection for specific stresses, use of QTL's for abiotic and biotic stress stability.

Course details
Credit Hours:1
Max credits per semester:1
Max credits per degree:1
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:1


Plant Pathology Principles and ApplicationCrosslisted with PLPT 817, HORT 817

Prerequisites: 12 hours of prior coursework in the plant sciences

Description: Introduction to the biology of plant pathogenic organisms; pathogen-plant interactions; environmental influences; cultural, resistance, and chemical strategies for plant disease management.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Agricultural BiochemistryCrosslisted with BIOC 818

Prerequisites: Undergraduate major in life sciences or related area, and a course in biochemistry

Description: A Web-based course. Biochemical underpinnings of agricultural production and processing systems. Agricultural biotechnology; bioenergetics; kinetics and enzyme regulation; interaction of biomolecules with light, photosynthesis and the balance between anabolism and catabolism in microbes, plants and animals.

This course is a prerequisite for: VBMS 919

Course details
Credit Hours:2
Max credits per semester:2
Max credits per degree:2
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:2


Applications of Remote Sensing in Agriculture and Natural ResourcesCrosslisted with PLAS 419, GEOG 419, GEOL 419, NRES 420, GEOG 819, GEOL 819, NRES 820

Prerequisites: Junior standing

Description: Introduction to the basic methods and practical applications of remote sensing to map, monitor and assess agricultural and natural resources and other environmental changes

Course details
Credit Hours:4
Max credits per semester:4
Max credits per degree:4
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$35

Credit Hours:4


Bioinformatics Applications in AgricultureCrosslisted with PLAS 420

Prerequisites: PLAS 215 or equivalent. Undergraduate students must be at the senior class level standing.

Description: Introduction to applied computational methods to analyze biological data, efficiently manipulate large data sets, and automate workflows. Learn strategies for assembling and analyzing data generated by modern high throughput sequencing platforms.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Learning BiotechnologyCrosslisted with HORT 821

Description: Investigate biotechnology and its application in solving problems and connect biotechnology to basic science concepts in biology and chemistry. Integrate individually-designed biotechnology lessons into learning standards.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Integrated Weed ManagementCrosslisted with HORT 822

Prerequisites: 12 hrs AGRO and/or closely related HORT and/or BIOS

Description: Principles and application of (IWM). Noxious and invasive weed species. Crops and weed control. Plant population shifts. Use of herbicides and the biologically effective dose. Critical period of weed control and weed threshold. Herbicide tolerant crops.

Course details
Credit Hours:1
Max credits per semester:1
Max credits per degree:1
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:1


Production SystemsCrosslisted with HORT 823X

One credit, fully online, graduate-level course emphasizes discussion and interpreting recommendations for a given situation. Finding, interpreting, and analyzing production recommendations are graduate-level skills.

Description: Graduate level course in problem solving for various plant management situations through understanding the role of and interaction between soil, water, pests, genetics, and more. Through reading assignments and discussion activities, this course will focus on thinking about the interplay of various aspects of production systems as well as how external factors (e.g. wet spring, new insect pest) can affect various system components and management decisions.

Course details
Credit Hours:1
Max credits per semester:1
Max credits per degree:1
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:1


Plant Nutrition and Nutrient ManagementCrosslisted with HORT 824

Prerequisites: AGRO 325 or basic course in plant physiology. A course in organic chemistry or biochemistry recommended

Offered spring semesters.

Description: Macro and micro nutrient elements and their function in the growth and development of plants. Role of single elements. Interaction and/or balances between elements and nutrient deficiency and/or toxicity symptoms as they affect the physiology of the whole plant. Relationship between crop nutrition and production and/or environmental considerations (e.g. yield, drought, temperature, pests).

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Cover Crops in AgroecosystemsCrosslisted with PLAS 425

Prerequisites: PLAS 131 or PLAS 278 ; PLAS/SOIL 153 (or equivalent)

Description: Explore the management, environmental, economic, and social considerations of cover crops across a diversity of agricultural production systems and regions. Grow cover crops, measure benefits and tradeoffs, and apply knowledge to make management and policy recommendations.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:3


Invasive PlantsCrosslisted with PLAS 426, HORT 826, NRES 426, NRES 826

Prerequisites: PLAS/SOIL 153; PLAS 131

Description: Identification, biology and ecology of weedy and invasive plants. Principles of invasive plant management by preventative, cultural, biological, mechanical and chemical means using an adaptive management framework. Herbicide terminology and classification, plant-herbicide and soil-herbicide interactions, equipment calibration and dosage calculations.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Turfgrass Systems ManagementCrosslisted with PLAS 427, HORT 827, TLMT 827

Prerequisites: PLAS 227 and PLAS 327

Description: Critical evaluation of turfgrass settings to create economical and environmentally friendly management systems for professionally managed turf areas.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$50

Credit Hours:3


Scientific IllustrationCrosslisted with ENTO 828, AGRI 828, HORT 828

Prerequisites: 12 hrs agricultural and/or biological sciences.

Description: Prepare scientifically accurate, high quality illustrations and graphics for the teaching, presentation, and publication of scientific information. Drawing techniques, drafting, copyright, and publication and presentation of scientific art work.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$10

Credit Hours:3


Plant Biotechnology ApplicationsCrosslisted with PLAS 429

Prerequisites: Faculty Permission

Description: Application of plant biotechnology to answer biological questions. Development of writing and thinking skills with a working knowledge of plant biology and biotechnology. Learning in a lab focused setting to solidify skills used in molecular biology, biochemistry, cell biology, and computational biology.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded
Course and Laboratory Fee:$40

Credit Hours:3


Food Security: A Global PerspectiveCrosslisted with PLAS 429A, HORT 829A, NRES 429A, NRES 829A, NUTR 429A, NUTR 829A

Prerequisites: Junior standing

Description: Overview of the technical and sociocultural dimensions of global food insecurity.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Introduction to Plant DiagnosticsCrosslisted with PLAS 430, HORT 830, PLPT 830

Prerequisites: PLAS 131 or LIFE 121 and ENTO 105 or ENTO 115 and PLPT 210

Description: Presents a broad view of the various challenges to plant health including abiotic and biotic disease, insects, and weeds. Learn a systematic approach to the diagnosis of plant disorders through hands-on exercises and case studies with application to agronomic and specialty crops and gain experience in presenting their findings to various audiences.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Spatial Variability in Soils

Prerequisites: AGRO/SOIL 366 and STAT 801.

Offered spring semester of even-numbered years.

Description: Basic concepts of soil variability, its underlying causes. The impact spatial variability has on soil management, primarily for crop production. Geographic and geo-statistical concepts. Use of spatial information for more profitable crop production.

Course details
Credit Hours:2
Max credits per semester:2
Max credits per degree:2
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:2


Learning Plant ScienceCrosslisted with HORT 832

Description: The biology of plants grown for food, fiber, fuel and fun. Connect applied plant science to basic science concepts in biology and chemistry. Integrate individually-designed plant science lessons into learning standards.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Molecular Plant Breeding

Prerequisites: Permission only

Description: An introduction to current and emerging molecular biology technology and methods being used in crop breeding and their practical utilization in breeding programs.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:3


Plant BiochemistryCrosslisted with PLAS 434, BIOC 434, BIOS 434, CHEM 434, BIOC 834, BIOS 834, CHEM 834

Prerequisites: BIOC/BIOS/CHEM 431/831.

Description: Biochemical metabolism unique to plants. Relationships of topics previously acquired in general biochemistry to biochemical processes unique to plants. Biochemical mechanisms behind physiological processes discussed in plant or crop physiology.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


AgroecologyCrosslisted with PLAS 435, NRES 435, NRES 835

Prerequisites: For PLAS/NRES 435: Senior standing. For AGRO/NRES 835: 12 hrs biological or agricultural sciences.

Description: Integration of principles of ecology, plant and animal sciences, crop protection, and rural landscape planning and management for sustainable agriculture. Includes natural and cultivated ecosystems, population and community ecology, nutrient cycling, pest management, hydrologic cycles, cropping and grazing systems, landscape ecology, biodiversity, and socioeconomic evaluation of systems.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Agroecosystems AnalysisCrosslisted with PLAS 436, HORT 836

Prerequisites: Senior standing.

Cost of travel required. Summer travel course with multi-state faculty. Farm visits to Iowa, Minnesota and Nebraska.

Description: Analysis of production, economics, environmental impacts, and social integration aspects of farms and farming systems

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Animal, Food and Industrial Uses of GrainCrosslisted with PLAS 437

Prerequisites: CHEM 105A and CHEM 105L or CHEM 109A and 109L, and one of the following: PLAS 204 or ASCI 250.

Description: Identification and comparison of grain quality characteristics desired by livestock feeders, human food processors and industrial users, and methods used to measure these characteristics.

Course details
Credit Hours:2
Max credits per semester:2
Max credits per degree:2
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:2


Producing Grain for Animal, Food and Industrial UsesCrosslisted with PLAS 438

Prerequisites: CHEM 109A and 109L and one of the following: PLAS 204 or ASCI 250.

PLAS 215 and PLAS 437/837 recommended.

Description: Genetic development, production practices, and grain handling and storage procedures to deliver quality grain to livestock feeders, human food processors and industrial uses.

Course details
Credit Hours:1
Max credits per semester:1
Max credits per degree:1
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:1


Organic Farming and Food SystemsCrosslisted with PLAS 439, HORT 839

Prerequisites: 12 credits of agricultural or biological science, economics, or natural resources

Description: History of organic farming and horticultural systems, organic certification, nutrient and pest management in organic systems, planning organic enterprises including production and marketing, resilience of organic systems in ecological, economic, and social terms; future issues and potentials of organic food systems.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Great Plains EcosystemCrosslisted with PLAS 440, NRES 840, RNGE 440, NRES 440, GRAS 440

Prerequisites: Junior standing.

Description: Characteristics of Great Plains ecosystems, interrelationships of ecological factors and processes, and their application in the management of grasslands. Interactions of fire, vegetation, grazing animals and wildlife.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Perennial Plant Function, Growth, and DevelopmentCrosslisted with PLAS 441, HORT 841, RNGE 441, GRAS 441

Prerequisites: PLAS 325 or equivalent.

Description: Principles of crop physiology and developmental morphology in relation to function, growth, development, and survival of perennial forage, range, and turf plants. The relationship of physiology and morphological development on plant use and management.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Wildland PlantsCrosslisted with PLAS 442, NRES 842, RNGE 442, NRES 442, GRAS 442

Prerequisites: Junior standing.

PLAS 131 or LIFE 121 and 121L or equivalent recommended

Description: Wildland plants that are important to grassland and shrubland ecosystem management and production. Distribution, utilization, classification, identification (including identification by vegetative parts), uses by Native Americans, and recognition of grasses, forbs, shrubs, exotic and wetland plants.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Ecology of Invasive Species

Description: Ecological principles and their application to invasive species. Discussion of population level characteristics and community and ecosystem level effects of a wide variety of taxa including invasive microbial, fungal, plant, invertebrate, and vertebrate examples. Current global consequences and governmental policies/programs designed to limit the spread of invasives.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Ecosystem Monitoring and AssessmentCrosslisted with PLAS 444, NRES 844, RNGE 444, NRES 444, GRAS 444

Prerequisites: Junior standing.

NRES 220 or equivalent, recommended.

Description: Measurement and monitoring of the important vegetation and environmental factors used to develop management guidelines in grasslands, savannas, woodlands, and wetlands. Emphasis on using ecosystem monitoring protocols for assessment of wildlife habitat, fuels management for wild-land fire, livestock production, and watershed function. Requires field sampling and travel to local field sites.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Livestock Management on Range and PastureCrosslisted with PLAS 445, ASCI 451, ASCI 851, RNGE 445, GRAS 445

Prerequisites: ASCI 250 and PLAS 240 or PLAS 340

AECN 201 recommended. Capstone course. All students required to participate in a one-week field trip in central or western Nebraska prior to beginning of fall semester. Therefore, students must notify instructor at time of early registration (Dates are given in class schedule.)

Description: Analyzing the plant and animal resources and economic aspects of pasturage. Management of pasture and range for continued high production emphasized.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$300

Credit Hours:3


Forage QualityCrosslisted with ASCI 824

Prerequisites: AGRO/RNGE 240 and ASCI 320, or equivalents; 3 cr hrs of introductory statistics; and permission

Description: The chemical characteristics of forage components. The interactions with ruminant physiology and digestion that influence forage feeding value. The laboratory procedures used to evaluate forages for grazing livestock.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Grassland Fire Ecology

Prerequisites: BIOS 101 and 101L, or equivalent, recommended

Description: Ecological effects of fire on grassland ecosystems. Insight into the history of fires, the people who use them and why, the parts of a fire, how fires behave in relation to fuel and weather, and the conducting and safety of prescribed burns

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Grassland Monitoring and Assessment

Prerequisites: BIOS 101 and 101L; and AGRO 240, or their equivalents, recommended.

Description: Vegetation sampling theory and plot selection. Quantitative measures used in vegetation analysis, root growth, and utilization. Similarity index, health, and trend for grassland monitoring and assessment. Use of basic statistics and the microcomputer to analyze data sets comparing methods for determination of biomass, basal cover, frequency, and density.

Course details
Credit Hours:2
Max credits per semester:2
Max credits per degree:2
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:2


Watershed Management in Grasslands

Prerequisites: BIOS 101 and 101L; NRES 220; and AGRO 240, or their equivalents, recommended

Description: Management of physical/biological settings and processes along with human activities on water and watersheds considering preventative and restorative strategies in a natural resource range-land setting.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Climate and SocietyCrosslisted with PLAS 450, GEOG 450, METR 450, NRES 452, GEOG 850, METR 850, NRES 852

Prerequisites: Junior standing or above.

Offered spring semester of even-numbered calendar years.

Description: Impact of climate and extreme climatic events on society and societal responses to those events. Global in scope and interdisciplinary.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Grassland Plant Identification

Prerequisites: BIOS 101 and 101L; and AGRO 240, or their equivalents, recommended

Description: Study of plants that have ecological and/or agricultural importance in the Great Plains. Plant identification, grassland ecosystems and plants forage value, palatability, and utilization by both domestic livestock and wildlife. Cultural and historical uses of grassland.

Course details
Credit Hours:2
Max credits per semester:2
Max credits per degree:2
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:2


Grazing Ecology and Management

Description: This course discusses the ecological principles of domesticated livestock grazing and their application to manage grazing lands. Theoretical and applied models of plant/animals interactions will be presented. Grazing systems and their management of ecosystem services will be presented as balance between production and conservation outcomes.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:3


Specialty Crop InnovationsCrosslisted with PLAS 454, HORT 854

Prerequisites: Junior standing; PLAS 100, 131, 153

Description: Learn state-of-the-art, scale-appropriate methods for growing and marketing specialty crops like fruits, vegetables, and cut flowers in field and high-tunnel production systems. Test innovative products and systems of your own design to gain a competitive advantage in local markets.

Course details
Credit Hours:4
Max credits per semester:4
Max credits per degree:4
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:4


Soil Chemistry and MineralogyCrosslisted with PLAS 455, NRES 455, NRES 855, SOIL 455

Prerequisites: PLAS/SOIL 153 or GEOL 101; CHEM 109A/L and CHEM 110A/L; CHEM 221 or CHEM 221A & CHEM 221L or 251.

Description: Chemical and mineralogical properties of soil components. Inorganic colloidal fraction. Structures of soil minerals as a means of understanding properties, such as ion exchange and equilibria; release and supply of nutrient and toxic materials; and soil acidity and alkalinity. Forms and functions of organic matter in soil.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Soil Physical DeterminationsCrosslisted with PLAS 458, NRES 458, NRES 858, SOIL 458

Prerequisites: SOIL/PLAS/GEOL/WATS 361; PHYS 141 or equivalent; MATH 102 or 103.

Description: Survey of measurement techniques and principles used in characterizing the physical properties of soils. Includes analysis of experimental design and sources of experimental error. Techniques include: particle size analysis, soil water content, pore size analysis, field sampling techniques, soil strength, and saturated hydraulic conductivity.

Course details
Credit Hours:2
Max credits per semester:2
Max credits per degree:2
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:2


Soil Microbial EcologyCrosslisted with PLAS 460, BIOS 460, NRES 460, SOIL 460, BIOS 860, NRES 860

Prerequisites: Senior standing.

Recommend having a strong science background, including courses from the agronomic, environmental, microbiology, engineering or medicine disciplines.

Description: Soil from a microbe's perspective-growth, activity and survival strategies; principles governing methods to study microorganisms and biochemical processes in soil; mechanisms controlling organic matter cycling and stabilization with reference to C, N, S, and P; microbial interactions with plants and animals; and agronomic and environmental applications of soil microorganisms.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Soil PhysicsCrosslisted with PLAS 461, NRES 461, SOIL 461, NRES 861

Prerequisites: PLAS/SOIL 153; PHYS 141 or equivalent, one semester of calculus.

Description: Principles of soil physics. Movement of water, air, heat, and solutes in soils. Water retention and movement, including infiltration and field water regime. Movement of chemicals in soils.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Cannabis Growth, Production and Breeding BasicsCrosslisted with PLAS 462, HORT 862

Prerequisites: PLAS 131 or LIFE 121; PLAS 215 or BIOS 206

PLAS 221 recommended

Description: History, breeding and production of cannabis for medicinal marijuana and hemp for fiber use when grown using a growth room, greenhouse, high tunnel and/or field. Clarification between scientific evidence and casual information.

Course details
Credit Hours:2
Max credits per semester:2
Max credits per degree:2
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:2


Bio-Atmospheric InstrumentationCrosslisted with GEOG 469, PLAS 407, METR 469, AGST 469, NRES 469, GEOG 869, HORT 807, METR 869, AGST 869, NRES 869

Prerequisites: Junior standing; MATH 106; 4 hrs physics; physical or biological science major.

Description: Discussion and practical application of principles and practices of measuring meteorological and related variables near the earth's surface including temperature, humidity, precipitation, pressure, radiation and wind. Performance characteristics of sensors and modern data collection methods are discussed and evaluated.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Applied Soil PhysicsCrosslisted with PLAS 472, NRES 472, NRES 872, SOIL 472

Prerequisites: PLAS/SOIL 153; MATH 102 or MATH 104 or MATH 106.

Description: Emphasis on applied soil physics. Discussion of theoretical principles followed by field and laboratory exercises and applications. Fluxes of water, solutes, air, and heat through the soil. Emphasis on water infiltration, water retention, other soil hydraulic properties. Components of soil water balance. Management of soil water.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Prerequisites: Senior standing.

Capstone course.

Description: Holistic approach to the selection and analysis of planning strategies for protecting water quality from nonpoint sources of contamination. Introduction to the use of methods of analyzing the impact of strategies on whole systems and subsystems; for selecting strategies; and for evaluating present strategies.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Plant AnatomyCrosslisted with BIOS 478, BIOS 878, PLAS 478, HORT 878

Prerequisites: 8 hrs biological sciences

Description: Development, structure, and function of tissues and organs of the higher plants. Relationships of structure to physiology and ecology of plants.

Course details
Credit Hours:4
Max credits per semester:4
Max credits per degree:4
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:4


Modified Root ZonesCrosslisted with PLAS 480, TLMT 880, HORT 880

Prerequisites: PLAS 153/SOIL 153

Description: Modified root zones and their applications in the turfgrass and landscape management industry. Correct applications and construction techniques.

Course details
Credit Hours:1
Max credits per semester:1
Max credits per degree:1
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:1


Water Resources SeminarCrosslisted with PLAS 484, GEOG 484, GEOL 484, NRES 484, NRES 884, GEOG 884, GEOL 884

Prerequisites: Junior or above standing

Description: Seminar on current water resources research and issues in Nebraska and the region.

Course details
Credit Hours:1
Max credits per semester:1
Max credits per degree:1
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:1


Entrepreneurship and Enterprise DevelopmentCrosslisted with PLAS 488, HORT 888, EAEP 488, ENTR 488, EAEP 888, ENTR 888, ABUS 488

Description: The process of starting your own enterprise. Competitive environment, risk management, finance for business startups, funding, and business plan writing.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Urbanization of Rural LandscapesCrosslisted with PLAS 489, CRPL 489, HORT 889, CRPL 889

Prerequisites: Senior standing or graduate standing.

Description: Development converts rural landscapes into housing, roads, malls, parks, and commercial uses. This process fragments landscapes and changes ecosystem functions, drives up land prices, and pushes agriculture into more marginal areas.This multi-disciplinary, experiential course guides students in learning about the urbanization process, the impacts on landscapes, people, and the community, and the choices that are available to informed citizens.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Graduate Degree Project CreditsCrosslisted with HORT 894

Prerequisites: Admission to Master of Agronomy or Horticulture degree program

Project activity for the nonthesis option II MS degree.

Description: Design, develop and complete a project that requires synthesis of the course topics covered in the primary area of emphasis.

Course details
Credit Hours:1-6
Max credits per semester:6
Max credits per degree:6
Grading Option:Pass No-Pass

Credit Hours:1-6


Independent StudyCrosslisted with PLAS 496, RNGE 496, SOIL 496
Course details
Credit Hours:1-6
Max credits per semester:6
Max credits per degree:12
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option
Course and Laboratory Fee:$50

Credit Hours:1-6


Master of Applied Science ProjectCrosslisted with AGRI 897, HORT 897, NRES 897, ASCI 897

Prerequisites: Admission to Master of Applied Science degree program

Project activity for the Master of Applied Science degree.

Description: Design, develop and complete a project that requires synthesis of the course topics covered in the primary area of emphasis.

Course details
Credit Hours:1-6
Max credits per semester:6
Max credits per degree:6
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:1-6


Masters Thesis

Prerequisites: Admission to masters degree program and permission of major adviser.

P/N only.

Course details
Credit Hours:1-10
Max credits per semester:10
Max credits per degree:99
Grading Option:Pass No-Pass

Credit Hours:1-10


Foundations of Ecological ResilienceCrosslisted with NRES 902

Prerequisites: Graduate standing

Description: Concept of resilience, especially ecological resilience, and resilience theory. Both theoretical and applied aspects of ecological resilience, and the development of resilience theory. Prominent issues in resilience science and applications to practical problems in natural resource management.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded
Groups:American Government&Public Pol Biology,Psychology,& Politics

Credit Hours:3


Crop Growth and Yield ModelingCrosslisted with NRES 906

Prerequisites: AGRO 325/HORT 325 Introductory Plant Physiology or equivalent

Recommended: AGRO 406/806 NRES 406/806 HORT 406/806 Plant Ecophysiology or equivalent.

Description: Understanding and use of crop simulation models and ability to build crop models. Studying principles and quantitative descriptions of crop production ecology. Offered fall semester of odd-numbered calendar years.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Advanced Crop Genetics and GenomicsCrosslisted with HORT 919

Prerequisites: AGRO 215

Description: Focus student learning on principles related to mendelian, population, and molecular genetics of plants including allelisms, nonallelic gene interaction, linkage and recombination, mode of inheritance, mutation, epigenetics, DNA-based makers and mapping techniques, inheritance of qualitative and quantitative traits, and plant transformation.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Population GeneticsCrosslisted with ASCI 931, HORT 931

Prerequisites: AGRO 215 and STAT 801A

Description: Structure of populations, forces affecting gene frequency and frequency of genotypes, continuous variation, population values and means, genotypic and environmental variances and covariances.

This course is a prerequisite for: AGRO 932, STAT 847; ASCI 932; ASCI 933; ASCI 944, STAT 844

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Biometrical Genetics and Plant BreedingCrosslisted with STAT 847

Prerequisites: AGRO 931

STAT 802 recommended. Offered odd-numbered calendar years.

Description: Theoretical concepts involved in planning breeding programs for the improvement of measurable morphological, physiological, and biochemical traits that are under polygenic control in crop plants of various types.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Forage EvaluationCrosslisted with ASCI 924

Prerequisites: Permission

Description: Offered even-numbered calendar years. Analytic procedures and research methods used in evaluating biochemical components and nutritive value of forages. An evaluation of the impact of forage quality on forage breeding and animal performance.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Genetics of Host-Parasite InteractionCrosslisted with HORT 963, PLPT 963

Prerequisites: BIOS 820; and permission

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:3


Plant VirologyCrosslisted with PLPT 965, HORT 965

Prerequisites: PLPT 801 or 802; and permission.

PLPT 865 is offered odd-numbered calendar years.

Description: Virus molecular biology; virosphere; virus-vector relationships; plant resistance to virus infection economic impact and control of plant diseases by viruses.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:3


Seminar in Plant PathologyCrosslisted with PLPT 968, HORT 968

Prerequisites: Permission.

Course details
Credit Hours:1
Max credits per semester:1
Max credits per degree:1
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:1


Soil Carbon and Nitrogen DynamicsCrosslisted with NRES 985, SOIL 985

Basic knowledge about soil biogeochemical characteristics and processes are required to take full advantage of the content delivered. Recommended courses: AGRO/SOIL 153 or AGRO 804, AGRO/SOIL 455/855, GEOL 417/817.

Description: Understand carbon and nitrogen cycling in the soil ecosystem including feedbacks and implications for soil management, environment, and climate.

Course details
Credit Hours:3
Max credits per semester:3
Max credits per degree:3
Grading Option:Graded

Credit Hours:3


Seminar Presentation and EvaluationCrosslisted with HORT 991

Description: Various topics in horticulture, agronomy or related subjects. Emphasis on techniques.

Course details
Credit Hours:1
Max credits per semester:1
Max credits per degree:2
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:1


General SeminarCrosslisted with HORT 992, NRES 992

Prerequisites: Permission

Agronomy and Horticulture PhD students should enroll in this course twice.

Description: Expected of all Agronomy and Horticulture graduate students. Presentation of thesis/dissertation or non-thesis topics in agronomy, horticulture or related subjects. Agronomy and Horticulture PhD students should enroll in this course twice.

Course details
Credit Hours:1
Max credits per semester:1
Max credits per degree:5
Grading Option:Pass No-Pass

Credit Hours:1


Research in Crops

Prerequisites: 12 hrs agronomy or closely related sciences and permission

Course details
Credit Hours:2-5
Max credits per semester:5
Max credits per degree:5
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:2-5


Research in SoilsCrosslisted with NRES 996A

Prerequisites: 12 hrs AGRO or closely related sciences, and permission

Course details
Credit Hours:2-5
Max credits per semester:5
Max credits per degree:5
Grading Option:Grade Pass/No Pass Option

Credit Hours:2-5


Doctoral DissertationCrosslisted with HORT 999

Prerequisites: Admission to doctoral degree program and permission of supervisory committee chair.

AGRO 999 is pass/no pass only.

Course details
Credit Hours:1-24
Max credits per semester:24
Max credits per degree:99
Grading Option:Pass No-Pass

Credit Hours:1-24