Fine & Performing Arts Music Education
Students who want to teach music in K-12 schools should pursue a bachelor of music education degree. This degree leads to certification in both vocal and instrumental music.
Degree at a Glance
Code | Title | Credit Hours |
ACE Requirements | 30 | |
ACE Outcome 6 must be MUED 244 | ||
ACE Outcome 7 must be MUSC 160 | ||
ACE Outcome 9 must be MUSC 280 | ||
ACE Outcome 10 must be MUED 403 | ||
Academic Electives | 3 | |
Any 3-credit course that is not from music or education. Courses defined as non-music, non-education are those outside of the following subject areas: EDPS, EDUC, MUAP, MUCO, MUCP, MUDC, MUED, MUEN, MUNM, MUOP, MUSC, MUSR, SPED, TEAC. Courses from the following subject areas are also not allowed: ATHP, COMB, FITN, INDV, MARK, ODED, RACS, and THEA 455. | ||
Music Core | 28 | |
Professional and Music Education Requirements | 41 | |
Music K-12 Endorsement Requirements | 27 | |
Total Credit Hours | 120 |
A performance audition is required for acceptance as a music education major. Auditions are usually held in January and February. The Glenn Korff School of Music should be contacted for audition dates and other details.
Admission to Music Teacher Education Program
Admission to the Music Teacher Education Program is a prerequisite for a music education major to enroll in any 300- or 400-level music education course. Admission is competitive and enrollment is limited. Admission requires meeting all of the following criteria:
- Completion of at least 42 credit hours with a minimum 2.5 GPA.
- Completion of MUED 201 Introduction to Music Education and MUED 244 Music Learning and Development with a minimum grade of C and MUED 297 Professional Practicum Experiences with a Pass.
- Documentation of proficiency in reading, writing, and mathematics through successful completion of a basic skills examination that meets the Nebraska Department of Education competency requirement.
- Completion of all 100-level applied music courses required by the BME degree.
- Completion of MUSC 266 Music Theory IV, MUSC 266A Aural Skills IV, and MUAP 232 Keyboard Skills IV (or piano proficiency).
- Completion of a personal and professional fitness self-disclosure form and formal criminal history background check (fee required). (Undertaken during MUED 201 and MUED 297.)
- Successful completion of a screening interview and digital portfolio review with music education faculty. (Undertaken during MUED 244.)
Interview and Portfolio Review Process
Through coursework taken during the freshman and sophomore years, each student will compile a digital portfolio to give evidence of his or her potential as a music teacher. This portfolio will include an autobiographical essay, an educational philosophy statement, a professional resume, and sample lesson plans. The music education faculty will review the digital portfolio prior to conducting a screening interview. During the interview, students will demonstrate their suitability for a career in music education by responding to questions posed by the faculty. Feedback will be provided to each student detailing the results of the faculty’s assessment.
Students will be admitted into the Music Teacher Education Program during the spring semester. If a student fails to meet any of the above criteria, they will meet with the music education faculty to determine a course of remediation if applicable. If a student wishes to contest the decision of the music education faculty, they may appeal to the director of the Glenn Korff School of Music.
Admission to Student Teaching
Student teaching is required for all students who are candidates for an appropriately endorsed Nebraska Teacher’s Certificate. Students who plan to student teach during the fall semester must apply to the coordinator of Music Field Experiences by the preceding March 1. Students who plan to student teach during the spring semester must apply by the preceding October 1.
During their student teaching semester, students are to be enrolled exclusively in courses that comprise the student teaching experience (MUED 403 Student Teaching Seminar and MUED 497D Student Teaching - Elementary Music or MUED 497T Student Teaching - Secondary Music). Students wishing to enroll in a degree requirement course while student teaching (in order to graduate at the end of the semester) may do so only with the permission of the director of the Glenn Korff School of Music. Students cannot enroll in classes that are not required for their degree.
The removal of an incomplete in student recitals (MUSR 90 Recital in Applied Music) during student teaching must have prior approval from the director of the Glenn Korff School of Music.
The basic requirements for admission to student teaching are:
- Matriculation in the Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts, the Graduate College, or dual matriculation in the Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts and another college.
- Admission to the Music Teacher Education Program.
- Senior standing (89 hours or more) with a minimum cumulative 2.5 GPA.
- Completion of all 300- and 400-level MUED courses: MUED 343 Music Composition Methods, MUED 344 General Music Methods, MUED 345 Instrumental Music Methods, MUED 346 Choral Music Methods, MUED 374 Advanced Conducting, and MUED 470 Music and Special Education, with a minimum GPA of 2.5 and no grade below C+ (2.33).
- Completion of all 300- and 400-level practica: MUED 397A Professional Practicum Experiences - General Music, MUED 397B Professional Practicum Experiences - Instrumental Music/MUED 397D Professional Practicum Experiences - Choral Music, and MUED 497D Student Teaching - Elementary Music/MUED 497T Student Teaching - Secondary Music, each with a grade of Pass.
- Completion of a criminal history check that will be conducted by an independent party (fee required).
The basic program for student teaching in music provides for a full-day experience on a semester basis.
Student Teaching Placement
All student teachers will have a student teacher placement within a 90-mile radius of the UNL City Campus. Although efforts will be made to place students in their location of choice, no placement is guaranteed and is subject to the discretion of the district’s HR representative, building principal, cooperating teacher, and the GKSOM Coordinator of Music Field Experiences (COMFE). All placements outside of Lincoln Public Schools (LPS) must be confirmed by the time of the LPS student teacher placement meeting; otherwise, an LPS placement will be requested for the student.
Students must be formally observed a minimum of five times during the semester by a designated UNL supervisor. The supervisor will also be responsible for completing a midterm and final evaluation of the student teacher. Students are not to contact potential cooperating teachers directly to set up their own placement, since each district must follow its specific placement process. The student may only contact the cooperating teacher directly once notified by the COMFE that the placement has been confirmed and approved. Students may not student teach at the high school from which they graduated. Cooperating teachers must have completed at least three years of teaching experience. State rule also requires that student teachers are placed in a building that is approved or accredited. Student teachers must complete a OneSource criminal background check within 90 days prior to the start of student teaching. Students will be responsible for attending MUED 403 Student Teaching Seminar, which meets approximately once a month during the semester. Students must attend the seminar in person; remote attendance will not be permitted.
Criminal History/Background Check
All students will be required to have a criminal history/background check completed no earlier than 90 days prior to the first day of their student teaching experience. This will be at the expense of the student. The applications for acceptance into the music teacher education program and into student teaching also require the completion of a self-disclosure form.
Removal from Student Teaching
Students participating in practicum or student teaching assignments may be removed from their assigned schools if their conduct suggests a lack of professional commitment and presents a negative influence on the well-being or learning of the students in the schools. If such a problem occurs, the student in question will be removed by the coordinator of Music Field Experiences at the request of the cooperating teacher, building principal, and the university supervisor. In such cases, a written report stating the problem and efforts to correct the situation will be forwarded to the Certification Officer for the College of Education and Human Sciences.
Any student removed from a practicum or student teaching assignment may appeal that decision by submitting a written request to the director of the School of Music within 30 days of the removal. The director will schedule a meeting, request pertinent information from the coordinator of Music Field Experiences, and notify the student several days in advance of the scheduled appeal meeting. Students are advised of their right to seek legal advice and may personally attend the appeals meeting. The decision will be forwarded in writing to the student, the coordinator of Music Field Experiences, the director of Field Experiences for the College of Education and Human Sciences, and the dean of the College.
Moral Character and Safety Concerns
Teaching is a profession that requires its potential candidates to be individuals of integrity. Prospective teachers must be able to demonstrate that they are individuals of strong moral character who can make mature decisions for themselves and for their students. Teachers are responsible for the education, safety and well-being for anyone in their charge. Therefore, the Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts is interested in training future teachers who show a high degree of moral character and the ability to act responsibly. These individuals must be able to serve as representatives of our College and the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.
With this in mind, should the College discover behavior which in its reasonable judgment establishes on the part of the candidate a lack of integrity or questionable moral/ethical character or otherwise indicates a potential of risk to young persons and others in the educational community, the Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts reserves the right to deny entry to or dismiss anyone from any program which leads to certification. More specifically, these kinds of behavior shall be adequate foundation to deny any candidate or potential candidate from participation in any practicum, pre-practicum, student teaching, or similar field experience, since the interests and safety of the children and young people present in the classroom, schools, and other venues where these practicum experiences take place are paramount.
Problematic behaviors, which the Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts reasonably determines renders the candidate a risk to the educational community or demonstrates a likelihood of illegal activity, may be established by any credible means, including the facts surrounding a record of arrests and/or convictions.
Similarly, behaviors which result in a finding by a court or other governmental body that the individual is:
- A mentally ill and dangerous person.
- Mentally incompetent to stand trial.
- Acquitted of criminal charges because of insanity.
- An incapacitated person.
- A person in need of a guardian or conservator.
- A person unable to manage his or her property due to mental illness, mental deficiency, or chronic use of drugs or chronic intoxication are the kind of behaviors which are likely to disqualify a candidate from participation in practicum experiences and other Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts programs.
Nebraska State Department of Education Policy Pertaining to Students with Felony or Misdemeanor Convictions
The Nebraska Department of Education policy requires that a person with felony convictions or misdemeanor convictions involving abuse, neglect, or sexual misconduct shall not be allowed to participate in pre-student teaching laboratory and classroom experiences or student teach without approval by the Board of Education. To comply with this policy, the Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts will require each student to affirm under oath that he or she does not have any convictions in the above named areas prior to each field placement. If a student does have any felony or misdemeanor convictions, he/she is required to meet with the Director of Accreditation, Placement, and Licensure in the College of Education and Human Sciences as soon as possible.
Application for a Nebraska Teaching Certificate
To actively engage in the teaching profession, a candidate must fulfill both the College degree requirements and the professional certification requirements of the State of Nebraska. Undergraduate students apply for the teaching certificate at the same time they apply for the baccalaureate degree. Post-baccalaureate students completing teacher certification apply to the Advisor for Music Education, Westbrook Music Building.
Graduation Without Certification
In rare cases, permission may be granted for a student to graduate without a recommendation for certification. This provision is for the student who does not qualify for or is removed from student teaching. However, there are times when, because of illness or other extreme situations, a student will decide not to complete all professional requirements. In this situation, the student should contact his or her advisor, then complete a formal request to the coordinator of Music Field Experiences to be allowed to graduate without completing all certification requirements. If permission is granted, the student is expected to complete all professional requirements except student teaching. This includes a passing grade in all methods courses. If a student fails to complete at least one half of the student teaching assignment, the individual will be required to complete a culminating project not to exceed 6 credit hours.
Any student who graduates without a recommendation for certification will not be recommended for teacher certification in any state. In addition, the student will not be eligible for graduation with honors. If, at some future time, the student wishes to complete certification requirements, he or she must first appeal for readmission to the music teacher education program. At least one semester must pass after graduation before the appeal can be made. If the appeal is granted, the student will be treated as a readmitted student and will complete all requirements in effect at the time of reentry, including passing grades in all methods courses.
College Requirements
College Admission
Requirements for admission to the Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts are consistent with general University admission requirements. These include:
- English (4 units)
- Mathematics (4 units)
- Social studies (3 units)
- Natural sciences (3 units)
- Foreign language (2 units)
NOTE: One unit equals one year of high school credit.
One of the following performance standards must also be met:
New Freshmen: Minimum ACT 20 (composite), minimum SAT 950 (combined), or rank in top half of high school graduating class.
Transfer and Readmit Students: Completed 12 or more semester credits from a post-secondary institution with a minimum cumulative 2.0 GPA and 2.0 GPA during the last semester of record at the time of application. (Emerging media arts majors: minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA and 3.0 GPA during the last semester of record at the time of application.)
International Students: Minimum TOEFL 70 (Internet) or 523 (paper).
Individual departments may have higher standards for acceptance into the different degrees and options. Please check with the individual departments for these standards.
Auditions/Portfolio Reviews
Auditions are required for admission to the Glenn Korff School of Music for music, music education, and dance majors. Auditions are also required for admission to the Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film for the acting major. A separate application and portfolio review are required for acceptance into all other programs in the Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film.
Admission Deficiencies/Removal of Deficiencies
Students who are admitted through the Admission by Review process with core course deficiencies will have certain conditions attached to their enrollment at Nebraska. These conditions are in this catalog under “Removal of Deficiencies.”
Students with one deficiency, two deficiencies but not in the same category, or two deficiencies in a world language who receive a Deferred Admission or Admission by Review, may be considered for admission to the college. Students who are admitted through the Admission by Review process with core course deficiencies will have certain conditions attached to their enrollment at Nebraska. These conditions are explained under Admission to the University, Removal of Deficiencies in this catalog.
College Degree Requirements
College General Education Requirements
World Languages/Language Requirement
The language requirement serves to help students gain a working familiarity with a language and a culture other than their own.
All students pursuing bachelor of arts or bachelor of music degrees are required to complete the intermediate level in one world language. The language requirement is fulfilled by the completion of the 4th level of a single language (either in high school or in college). Language study at UNL is currently available in Arabic, Chinese, Czech, French, German, Greek, Japanese, Latin, Russian, Spanish, and American Sign Language. Courses offered at UNL that complete the sequence include: ARAB 202, CHIN 202, CZEC 202, FREN 202 or FREN 210, GERM 202, GREK 301 & GREK 302, JAPN 202, LATN 301 & LATN 302, RUSS 202, SLPA 202, SPAN 202 or SPAN 210.
- A student who has completed the fourth-year level of one world language in high school is exempt from the language requirement.
- A student whose language proficiency is not reflected on a transcript may demonstrate proficiency of the intermediate level through assessment with the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures. (Greek, Latin, and American Sign Language are not included in this process.) Report of the results will be made to the academic advisor for consideration of a waiver of the language requirement without credit toward the degree.
- International and domestic students whose first language is not English will be exempt from the requirement without credit toward the degree based on documentation of previous study.
Minimum Hours Required for Graduation
A minimum of 120 semester hours of credit is required for graduation from the Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts. Students in the College are required to maintain a minimum current and cumulative GPA of 2.0. Individual departments may require a higher current and cumulative GPA.
Grade Rules
C- and D Grades
The College will accept no more than 15 semester hours of grades lower than C (includes C-, D+, D, and D- grades) from schools outside of the University of Nebraska system.
Courses with grades lower than C—either those earned at Nebraska or transferred from other schools—cannot be applied toward requirements in a major, but may be applied toward total hours and other requirements that do not have a minimum grade threshold.
Pass/No Pass
University regulations for the Pass/No Pass privilege state: The Pass/No Pass option is designed to be used by a student seeking to expand his/her intellectual horizons by taking courses in areas where he/she may have minimum preparation without adversely affecting his/her grade point average.
- Neither the P nor the N grade contribute to a student’s GPA.
- P is interpreted to mean C or above. Some professional education courses require a C+ or above.
- A change to or from Pass/No Pass may be made until mid-term (1/2 of the course). This date coincides with the final date to drop a course without the instructor’s approval.
- The Pass/No Pass or grade registration cannot conflict with the professor’s, department’s, college, or University policy governing grading option.
- Prior to the mid-term deadline, changing to or from the Pass/No Pass requires using the MyRED system to change the grading option or filing a Drop/Add form with Husker Hub, first floor Canfield Administration Building. After the mid-term deadline, a student registered for Pass/No Pass cannot change to a grade registration unless the Pass/No Pass registration is in conflict with a professor’s, department’s, college, or University policy governing Pass/No Pass.
- The Pass/No Pass grading option cannot be used for the removal of C- or D or F grades.
Pass/No Pass privileges in the Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts are extended to students according to the following additional regulations:
- Pass/No Pass hours can count toward fulfillment of ACE requirements up to the 24-hour maximum.
- Freshmen and sophomores may enroll for no more than 6 hours of Pass/No Pass work per semester.
- Students may not elect to take courses on a Pass/No Pass basis to fulfill degree requirements in the major. Departments may allow up to 6 hours of Pass/No Pass to be taken in the minor offered by the Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts.
- Departments may specify that certain courses can be taken only on a Pass/No Pass basis.
- The College will permit no more than a total of 24 semester hours of Pass/No Pass grades to be applied toward degree requirements. This total includes all “pass” grades earned at Nebraska and other schools.
Individual departments vary in their policies regarding Pass/No Pass hours as applied to the major and minor. Consult the individual departmental listings for these policies. Students who wish to apply Pass/No Pass hours to their major and minor(s) must obtain approval on a form that is available in the Dean’s Office, 102 Woods Art Building.
GPA Requirements
Students are expected to maintain a minimum 2.0 grade point average each semester. Some programs within the College may have higher GPA requirements to keep in good academic standing.
Transfer Credit Rules
Ordinarily, hours earned at an accredited college are accepted by the University. The College, however, will evaluate all hours submitted on an application for transfer and reserves the right to accept or reject any of them. The maximum number of hours the University will accept on transfer from a two-year college is 60.
Normally, credit is not given for pre-university work. In some instances, however, it may be possible to receive credit through satisfactory examination.
All transfer students must complete the Residency Requirement (see “Residency Requirement”), and at least 9 hours in the major field must be completed at the University regardless of the number of hours transferred.
The Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts will accept no more than 15 semester hours of D grades from schools other than UNO or UNK. All grades may be transferred from UNO or UNK. However, transfer courses within a student’s major or minor will be evaluated by that unit and held to the same minimum grade standards as courses taken at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.
Transfer Credit from Foreign Institutions
Credit for courses taken at foreign universities and colleges will be transferred only after validation by the appropriate department. This evaluation may include examination of the student over subject matter studied at the foreign institution.
International Baccalaureate Credit
Students who have studied art, music, or theatre within the International Baccalaureate Program will be given credit for courses at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln according to the guidelines established by each academic unit. Contact the department office for specific course information.
Course Level Requirements
Upper-Level Requirement: Thirty of the 120 semester hours of credit must be in courses numbered above 299.
Students must meet either of the following residency qualifications:
- At least 30 of the last 36 hours of credit must be registered for and completed while enrolled at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.
- A total of 90 credits must be registered for and completed while enrolled at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.
Credit earned during education abroad may be used toward degree requirements if students participate in prior approved programs and register through the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. Credit awarded from an institution other than Nebraska will be subject to transfer credit and residency rules.
Experiential Learning Requirement
All undergraduates in the Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts must complete an Experiential Learning (EL) designated course.
ACE Requirements
All students must fulfill the Achievement Centered Education (ACE) requirements. Information about the ACE program may be viewed at
Catalog Rule
Students who first enroll at Nebraska under the 2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog must fulfill the requirements stated in this catalog or in any other catalog which is published while they are enrolled in the College, provided the catalog they follow is no more than ten years old at the time of graduation. A student must, however, meet the requirements from one catalog only rather than choosing a portion from one catalog and the remainder from another.
Exception: Students pursuing any degree in the Glenn Korff School of Music who fail to take at least one course that will fulfill their major requirements during a 12-month period must re-audition. They will then move to the catalog in effect at that time.
Students who have transferred from a community college may be eligible to fulfill the requirements as stated in the catalog for an academic year in which they were enrolled at the community college prior to attending the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. The decision to utilize a previous catalog should be made in consultation with academic advisors and must be requested within the first two semesters of enrollment after transferring. Students must complete all degree requirements from a single catalog year and within the time frame allowable for that catalog year.
Eligibility to use a prior catalog is dependent upon:
- Admission to the university as a transfer student
- Enrollment at a community college during the catalog year being used
- Continuous enrollment at the previous institution for one academic year or more
- Proceeding to enrollment at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln within one calendar year from the last enrollment at the previous institution
- Maintaining the same major after the admission process
Learning Outcomes
Graduates of music education (BME) will be able to:
- Understand the role of music in the physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development of children and adolescents.
- Integrate into instruction a variety of musical styles including classical, jazz, popular, and world music.
- Acquire effective teacher characteristics in terms of rapport with students, verbal instruction, and nonverbal communication.
- Detect errors in musical performance and devise effective strategies to correct them.
- Build a repertoire of classroom management techniques to use in any music teaching situation.
- Teach with engaging classroom activities and sound rehearsal techniques.
- Develop curricula and plan for instruction in P-12 settings.
- Use assessment appropriately in various educational settings.
Major Requirements
Core Requirements
A three-year sequence of courses called the Music Core Curriculum is at the heart of the Glenn Korff School of Music instructional program. Music Core Curriculum courses may not be taken for a Pass/No Pass grade.
The first year of study provides, within a comprehensive framework, a foundation for the successful study of music in an academic environment. Courses include a historical overview and concentrate on music fundamentals, keyboard and aural skills, and conducting. Courses are taken concurrently in each of two semesters beginning with the fall semester.
BME Music Education
Code | Title | Credit Hours |
Core Curriculum | ||
MUSC 64 | Senior Assessment in Music | 0 |
MUSC 131 | Keyboard Skills I | 1 |
MUSC 132 | Keyboard Skills II | 1 |
MUSC 160 | Music as Art, Discipline and Profession (ACE 7) | 3 |
MUSC 165 | Music Theory I | 3 |
MUSC 165A | Aural Skills I | 1 |
MUSC 166 | Music Theory II | 3 |
MUSC 166A | Aural Skills II | 1 |
MUSC 265 | Music Theory III | 3 |
MUSC 265A | Aural Skills III | 1 |
MUSC 266 | Music Theory IV | 3 |
MUSC 266A | Aural Skills IV | 1 |
MUSC 274 | Beginning Conducting | 1 |
MUSC 365 | Music History and Literature I | 3 |
MUSC 366 | Music History and Literature II | 3 |
MUSR 68 | Undergraduate Convocation (7 semesters) | 0 |
Credit Hours Subtotal: | 28 | |
Total Credit Hours | 28 |
Specific Major Requirements
NOTE: Students preparing for teaching careers will enroll in the following professional courses. Careful planning for the sequencing of these courses is of utmost importance. Students must consult their advisor regularly to be sure their programs are properly scheduled.
Go to the Overview tab above for additional teacher certification information.
Code | Title | Credit Hours |
Professional and Music Education Requirements | ||
Pre-Professional and Music Education Requirements | ||
MUED 201 | Introduction to Music Education | 2 |
MUED 244 | Music Learning and Development (ACE 6) | 3 |
Method Courses | ||
Must earn a minimum grade of C+ in each course and a combined GPA of 2.5. Admission to the Music Education Endorsement Program is required prior to taking these courses | ||
MUED 343 | Music Composition Methods | 2 |
MUED 344 | General Music Methods | 3 |
MUED 345 | Instrumental Music Methods | 3 |
MUED 346 | Choral Music Methods | 3 |
MUED 374 | Advanced Conducting | 3 |
MUED 470 | Music and Special Education | 3 |
Music Education Practicum | ||
MUED 297 | Professional Practicum Experiences | 1 |
MUED 397A | Professional Practicum Experiences - General Music | 1 |
MUED 397B | Professional Practicum Experiences - Instrumental Music | 1 |
or MUED 397D | Professional Practicum Experiences - Choral Music | |
Music Education Student Teaching | ||
Students must enroll for these courses as pass/no pass. | ||
MUED 497D | Student Teaching - Elementary Music | 1 |
or MUED 497T | Student Teaching - Secondary Music | |
MUED 497D | Student Teaching - Elementary Music | 9 |
or MUED 497T | Student Teaching - Secondary Music | |
MUED 403 | Student Teaching Seminar (ACE 10) | 3 |
Music Education Specialization Courses | ||
Complete three MUED 401 courses from the following listings. Must earn a minimum grade of C in each course and a combined GPA of 2.5. MUED 401A, MUED 401B, MUED 401E, MUED 401J, MUED 401K, MUED 401L, MUED 401M, MUED 401N, MUED 401P, MUED 401Q, MUED 401Z | 3 | |
Credit Hours Subtotal: | 41 | |
Music K-12 Endorsement Requirements | ||
MUAP 231 & MUAP 232 | Keyboard Skills III and Keyboard Skills IV (or demonstrated proficiency) | 2 |
MUAP 235 | Class Instruction Voice | 1 |
MUAP 236 | Class Instruction in String Instruments | 1 |
MUAP 237 | Class Instruction in Brass Instruments | 1 |
MUAP 238 | Class Instruction in Flute and Clarinet | 1 |
MUAP 239 | Class Instruction in Percussion Instruments | 1 |
MUAP 240 | Class Instruction in Double Reed Woodwind Instruments and Saxophone | 1 |
MUSR 90 | Recital in Applied Music (Music education students cannot present student recitals during student teaching.) | 0 |
MUAP Applied Area (6 semesters, 2 credits each) see option requirements below | 12 | |
MUDC Ensembles (see Glenn Korff School of Music Handbook) see option requirements below | 7 | |
Credit Hours Subtotal: | 27 | |
Total Credit Hours | 68 |
Note: Students in this degree will fulfill the college’s 30-hour 300/400 level requirement through required coursework in the major/degree.
Option Requirements
Students must complete an option.
Bassoon Option
MUAP Applied Area (12 Total Credits)
Complete the following MUAP Applied Area courses (6 semesters, 2 credits each)
MUAP 118, MUAP 118, MUAP 218, MUAP 218, MUAP 318, MUAP 318
MUDC Ensembles (7 Total Credits)
First Year Choral1
- 3 credits from Instrumental Groups I/IA: MUDC 347, MUDC 348A, MUDC 348B
- 1 credit from Instrumental Groups I/IA: MUDC 347, MUDC 348A, MUDC 348B, MUDC 353A, MUDC 353B
- 2 credits from Vocal or Instrumental Group II2: MUDC 341, MUDC 343, MUDC 346, MUDC 348D, MUDC 348E, MUDC 350, MUDC 351, MUDC 353B, MUDC 353E
Cello Option
MUAP Applied Area (12 Total Credits)
Complete the following MUAP Applied Area courses (6 semesters, 2 credits each)
MUAP 107, MUAP 107, MUAP 207, MUAP 207, MUAP 307, MUAP 307
MUDC Ensembles (7 Total Credits)
First Year Choral1
- 3 credits from Instrumental Groups I/IA: MUDC 347
- 1 credit from Instrumental Groups I/IA: MUDC 347, MUDC 348A, MUDC 353A, MUDC 353B
- 2 credits from Vocal or Instrumental Group II2: MUDC 341, MUDC 343, MUDC 346, MUDC 348B, MUDC 348D, MUDC 348E, MUDC 350, MUDC 351, MUDC 353B, MUDC 353E
Clarinet Option
MUAP Applied Area (12 Total Credits)
Complete the following MUAP Applied Area courses (6 semesters, 2 credits each)
MUAP 117, MUAP 117, MUAP 217, MUAP 217, MUAP 317, MUAP 317
MUDC Ensembles (7 Total Credits)
First Year Choral1
- 3 credits from Instrumental Groups I/IA: MUDC 347, MUDC 348A, MUDC 348B
- 1 credit from Instrumental Groups I/IA: MUDC 347, MUDC 348A, MUDC 348B, MUDC 353A, MUDC 353B
- 2 credits from Vocal or Instrumental Group II2: MUDC 341, MUDC 343, MUDC 346, MUDC 348D, MUDC 348E, MUDC 350, MUDC 351, MUDC 353B, MUDC 353E
Composition Option
MUAP Applied Area (12 Total Credits)
Complete the following MUAP Applied Area courses (6 semesters, 2 credits each)
MUCP 183, MUCP 184, MUCP 283, MUCP 284, MUCP 383, MUCP 384
MUDC Ensembles (7 Total Credits)
First Year Choral1
- 4 credits from Vocal or Instrumental Groups I/IA: MUDC 341, MUDC 345, MUDC 347, MUDC 348A, MUDC 348B, MUDC 349, MUDC 353A, MUDC 353B
- 1 credit from Instrumental Group II2: MUDC 348D, MUDC 348E, MUDC 353B
- 1 credit from Vocal Group II: MUDC 341, MUDC 343, MUDC 346, MUDC 350, MUDC 351, MUDC 353E
Double Bass Option
MUAP Applied Area (12 Total Credits)
Complete the following MUAP Applied Area courses (6 semesters, 2 credits each)
MUAP 108, MUAP 108, MUAP 208, MUAP 208, MUAP 308, MUAP 308
MUDC Ensembles (7 Total Credits)
First Year Choral1
- 3 credits from Instrumental Groups I/IA: MUDC 347
- 1 credit from Instrumental Groups I/IA: MUDC 347, MUDC 348A, MUDC 353A, MUDC 353B
- 2 credits from Vocal or Instrumental Group II2: MUDC 341, MUDC 343, MUDC 346, MUDC 348B, MUDC 348D, MUDC 348E, MUDC 350, MUDC 351, MUDC 353B, MUDC 353E
Euphonium Option
MUAP Applied Area (12 Total Credits)
Complete the following MUAP Applied Area courses (6 semesters, 2 credits each)
MUAP 113, MUAP 113, MUAP 213, MUAP 213, MUAP 313, MUAP 313
MUDC Ensembles (7 Total Credits)
First Year Choral1
- 3 credits from Instrumental Groups I/IA: MUDC 347, MUDC 348A, MUDC 348B
- 1 credit from Instrumental Groups I/IA: MUDC 347, MUDC 348A, MUDC 348B, MUDC 353A, MUDC 353B
- 2 credits from Vocal or Instrumental Group II2: MUDC 341, MUDC 343, MUDC 346, MUDC 348D, MUDC 348E, MUDC 350, MUDC 351, MUDC 353B, MUDC 353E
French Horn Option
MUAP Applied Area (12 Total Credits)
Complete the following MUAP Applied Area courses (6 semesters, 2 credits each)
MUAP 111, MUAP 111, MUAP 211, MUAP 211, MUAP 311, MUAP 311
MUDC Ensembles (7 Total Credits)
First Year Choral1
- 3 credits from Instrumental Groups I/IA: MUDC 347, MUDC 348A, MUDC 348B
- 1 credit from Instrumental Groups I/IA: MUDC 347, MUDC 348A, MUDC 348B, MUDC 353A, MUDC 353B
- 2 credits from Vocal or Instrumental Group II2: MUDC 341, MUDC 343, MUDC 346, MUDC 348D, MUDC 348E, MUDC 350, MUDC 351, MUDC 353B, MUDC 353E
Flute Option
MUAP Applied Area (12 Total Credits)
Complete the following MUAP Applied Area courses (6 semesters, 2 credits each)
MUAP 115, MUAP 115, MUAP 215, MUAP 215, MUAP 315, MUAP 315
MUDC Ensembles (7 Total Credits)
First Year Choral1
- 3 credits from Instrumental Groups I/IA: MUDC 347, MUDC 348A, MUDC 348B
- 1 credit from Instrumental Groups I/IA: MUDC 347, MUDC 348A, MUDC 348B, MUDC 353A, MUDC 353B
- 2 credits from Vocal or Instrumental Group II2: MUDC 341, MUDC 343, MUDC 346, MUDC 348D, MUDC 348E, MUDC 350, MUDC 351, MUDC 353B, MUDC 353E
Guitar Option
MUAP Applied Area (12 Total Credits)
Complete the following MUAP Applied Area courses (6 semesters, 2 credits each)
MUAP 124, MUAP 124, MUAP 224, MUAP 224, MUAP 324, MUAP 324
MUDC Ensembles (7 Total Credits)
First Year Choral1
- 4 credits from Vocal or Instrumental Groups I/IA: MUDC 341, MUDC 345, MUDC 347, MUDC 348A, MUDC 348B, MUDC 349, MUDC 353A, MUDC 353B
- 1 credit from Instrumental Group II2: MUDC 348D, MUDC 348E, MUDC 353B
- 1 credit from Vocal Group II: MUDC 341, MUDC 343, MUDC 346, MUDC 350, MUDC 351, MUDC 353E
Harp Option
MUAP Applied Area (12 Total Credits)
Complete the following MUAP Applied Area courses (6 semesters, 2 credits each)
MUAP 109, MUAP 109, MUAP 209, MUAP 209, MUAP 309, MUAP 309
MUDC Ensembles (7 Total Credits)
First Year Choral1
- 4 credits from Vocal or Instrumental Groups I/IA: MUDC 341, MUDC 345, MUDC 347, MUDC 348A, MUDC 348B, MUDC 349, MUDC 353A, MUDC 353B
- 1 credit from Instrumental Group II2: MUDC 348D, MUDC 348E, MUDC 353B
- 1 credit from Vocal Group II: MUDC 341, MUDC 343, MUDC 346, MUDC 350, MUDC 351, MUDC 353E
Harpsichord Option
MUAP Applied Area (12 Total Credits)
Complete the following MUAP Applied Area courses (6 semesters, 2 credits each)
MUAP 104, MUAP 104, MUAP 204, MUAP 204, MUAP 304, MUAP 304
MUDC Ensembles (7 Total Credits)
First Year Choral1
- 4 credits from Vocal or Instrumental Groups I/IA: MUDC 341, MUDC 345, MUDC 347, MUDC 348A, MUDC 348B, MUDC 349, MUDC 353A, MUDC 353B
- 1 credit from Instrumental Group II2: MUDC 348D, MUDC 348E, MUDC 353B
- 1 credit from Vocal Group II: MUDC 341, MUDC 343, MUDC 346, MUDC 350, MUDC 351, MUDC 353E
Oboe Option
MUAP Applied Area (12 Total Credits)
Complete the following MUAP Applied Area courses (6 semesters, 2 credits each)
MUAP 116, MUAP 116, MUAP 216, MUAP 216, MUAP 316, MUAP 316
MUDC Ensembles (7 Total Credits)
First Year Choral1
- 3 credits from Instrumental Groups I/IA: MUDC 347, MUDC 348A, MUDC 348B
- 1 credit from Instrumental Groups I/IA: MUDC 347, MUDC 348A, MUDC 348B, MUDC 353A, MUDC 353B
- 2 credits from Vocal or Instrumental Group II2: MUDC 341, MUDC 343, MUDC 346, MUDC 348D, MUDC 348E, MUDC 350, MUDC 351, MUDC 353B, MUDC 353E
Organ Option
MUAP Applied Area (12 Total Credits)
Complete the following MUAP Applied Area courses (6 semesters, 2 credits each)
MUAP 103, MUAP 103, MUAP 203, MUAP 203, MUAP 303, MUAP 303
MUDC Ensembles (7 Total Credits)
First Year Choral1
- 4 credits from Vocal or Instrumental Groups I/IA: MUDC 341, MUDC 345, MUDC 347, MUDC 348A, MUDC 348B, MUDC 349, MUDC 353A, MUDC 353B
- 1 credit from Instrumental Group II2: MUDC 348D, MUDC 348E, MUDC 353B
- 1 credit from Vocal Group II: MUDC 341, MUDC 343, MUDC 346, MUDC 350, MUDC 351, MUDC 353E
Percussion Option
MUAP Applied Area (12 Total Credits)
Complete the following MUAP Applied Area courses (6 semesters, 2 credits each)
MUAP 120, MUAP 120, MUAP 220, MUAP 220, MUAP 320, MUAP 320
MUDC Ensembles (7 Total Credits)
First Year Choral1
- 3 credits from Instrumental Groups I/IA: MUDC 347, MUDC 348A, MUDC 348B
- 1 credit from Instrumental Groups I/IA: MUDC 347, MUDC 348A, MUDC 348B, MUDC 353A, MUDC 353B
- 2 credits from Vocal or Instrumental Group II2: MUDC 341, MUDC 343, MUDC 346, MUDC 348D, MUDC 348E, MUDC 350, MUDC 351, MUDC 353B, MUDC 353E
Piano Option
MUAP Applied Area (12 Total Credits)
Complete the following MUAP Applied Area courses (6 semesters, 2 credits each)
MUAP 102, MUAP 102, MUAP 202, MUAP 202, MUAP 302, MUAP 302
MUDC Ensembles (7 Total Credits)
First Year Choral1
- 4 credits from Vocal or Instrumental Groups I/IA: MUDC 341, MUDC 345, MUDC 347, MUDC 348A, MUDC 348B, MUDC 349, MUDC 353A, MUDC 353B
- 1 credit from Instrumental Group II2: MUDC 348D, MUDC 348E, MUDC 353B
- 1 credit from Vocal Group II: MUDC 341, MUDC 343, MUDC 346, MUDC 350, MUDC 351, MUDC 353E
Saxophone Option
MUAP Applied Area (12 Total Credits)
Complete the following MUAP Applied Area courses (6 semesters, 2 credits each)
MUAP 119, MUAP 119, MUAP 219, MUAP 219, MUAP 319, MUAP 319
MUDC Ensembles (7 Total Credits)
First Year Choral1
- 3 credits from Instrumental Groups I/IA: MUDC 347, MUDC 348A, MUDC 348B
- 1 credit from Instrumental Groups I/IA: MUDC 347, MUDC 348A, MUDC 348B, MUDC 353A, MUDC 353B
- 2 credits from Vocal or Instrumental Group II2: MUDC 341, MUDC 343, MUDC 346, MUDC 348D, MUDC 348E, MUDC 350, MUDC 351, MUDC 353B, MUDC 353E
Trombone Option
MUAP Applied Area (12 Total Credits)
Complete the following MUAP Applied Area courses (6 semesters, 2 credits each)
MUAP 112, MUAP 112, MUAP 212, MUAP 212, MUAP 312, MUAP 312
MUDC Ensembles (7 Total Credits)
First Year Choral1
- 3 credits from Instrumental Groups I/IA: MUDC 347, MUDC 348A, MUDC 348B
- 1 credit from Instrumental Groups I/IA: MUDC 347, MUDC 348A, MUDC 348B, MUDC 353A, MUDC 353B
- 2 credits from Vocal or Instrumental Group II2: MUDC 341, MUDC 343, MUDC 346, MUDC 348D, MUDC 348E, MUDC 350, MUDC 351, MUDC 353B, MUDC 353E
Trumpet Option
MUAP Applied Area (12 Total Credits)
Complete the following MUAP Applied Area courses (6 semesters, 2 credits each)
MUAP 110, MUAP 110, MUAP 210, MUAP 210, MUAP 310, MUAP 310
MUDC Ensembles (7 Total Credits)
First Year Choral1
- 3 credits from Instrumental Groups I/IA: MUDC 347, MUDC 348A, MUDC 348B
- 1 credit from Instrumental Groups I/IA: MUDC 347, MUDC 348A, MUDC 348B, MUDC 353A, MUDC 353B
- 2 credits from Vocal or Instrumental Group II2: MUDC 341, MUDC 343, MUDC 346, MUDC 348D, MUDC 348E, MUDC 350, MUDC 351, MUDC 353B, MUDC 353E
Tuba Option
MUAP Applied Area (12 Total Credits)
Complete the following MUAP Applied Area courses (6 semesters, 2 credits each)
MUAP 114, MUAP 114, MUAP 214, MUAP 214, MUAP 314, MUAP 314
MUDC Ensembles (7 Total Credits)
First Year Choral1
- 3 credits from Instrumental Groups I/IA: MUDC 347, MUDC 348A, MUDC 348B
- 1 credit from Instrumental Groups I/IA: MUDC 347, MUDC 348A, MUDC 348B, MUDC 353A, MUDC 353B
- 2 credits from Vocal or Instrumental Group II2: MUDC 341, MUDC 343, MUDC 346, MUDC 348D, MUDC 348E, MUDC 350, MUDC 351, MUDC 353B, MUDC 353E
Viola Option
MUAP Applied Area (12 Total Credits)
Complete the following MUAP Applied Area courses (6 semesters, 2 credits each)
MUAP 106, MUAP 106, MUAP 206, MUAP 206, MUAP 306, MUAP 306
MUDC Ensembles (7 Total Credits)
First Year Choral1
- 3 credits from Instrumental Groups I/IA: MUDC 347
- 1 credit from Instrumental Groups I/IA: MUDC 347, MUDC 348A, MUDC 353A, MUDC 353B
- 2 credits from Vocal or Instrumental Group II2: MUDC 341, MUDC 343, MUDC 346, MUDC 348B, MUDC 348D, MUDC 348E, MUDC 350, MUDC 351, MUDC 353B, MUDC 353E
Violin Option
MUAP Applied Area (12 Total Credits)
Complete the following MUAP Applied Area courses (6 semesters, 2 credits each)
MUAP 105, MUAP 105, MUAP 205, MUAP 205, MUAP 305, MUAP 305
MUDC Ensembles (7 Total Credits)
First Year Choral1
- 3 credits from Instrumental Groups I/IA: MUDC 347
- 1 credit from Instrumental Groups I/IA: MUDC 347, MUDC 348A, MUDC 353A, MUDC 353B
- 2 credits from Vocal or Instrumental Group II2: MUDC 341, MUDC 343, MUDC 346, MUDC 348B, MUDC 348D, MUDC 348E, MUDC 350, MUDC 351, MUDC 353B, MUDC 353E
Voice Option
Diction and Literature (0 Total Credits)
Select two of the following:
MUAP Applied Area (12 Total Credits)
Complete the following MUAP Applied Area courses (6 semesters, 2 credits each)
MUAP 101, MUAP 101, MUAP 201, MUAP 201, MUAP 301, MUAP 301
MUDC Ensembles (7 Total Credits)
First Year Choral1
- 3 credits from Vocal or Instrumental Groups I/IA: MUDC 341, MUDC 345, MUDC 349
- 1 credit outside of Applied Area: MUDC 347, MUDC 348B, MUDC 348D, MUDC 348E, MUDC 350, MUDC 353B
- 1 credit from Vocal or Instrumental Group II2: MUDC 343, MUDC 346, MUDC 347, MUDC 348B, MUDC 348D, MUDC 348E, MUDC 350, MUDC 351, MUDC 353B, MUDC 353E
Ensemble Registration Policy
Music Ensembles for Degree Credit (MUDC) are exclusively for music majors and minors to fulfill music requirements. One, and only one, ensemble must be enrolled as MUDC each term in which the student is involved in major or minor courses. Additional ensembles taken in a given semester by music majors or minors should be registered as Music Ensembles (MUEN).
Students who are not a major or minor in music participating in an ensemble in a given semester must enroll in that ensemble for one credit using the MUEN subject code. Students who are taking applied lessons and are participating in more than one ensemble during the same semester have the option to take the additional ensemble(s) for zero credit. Zero-credit enrollment will not be allowed for students who are not taking applied lessons.
Ensemble registrations may be repeated for credit. Ensembles taken in excess of major requirements will only count as electives.
First Year/First Semester Student Ensemble Registration Policy
- All string majors must register for Symphony Orchestra (MUDC 347).
- All wind and percussion majors must register for Symphonic Band (MUDC 348B or MUEN 348B) or Jazz Ensemble: UNL Jazz Orchestra (MUDC 353A or MUEN 353A).
- All voice majors and all piano, organ, guitar, harp, harpsichord, and composition majors must register for Varsity Chorus (MUDC 343) or University Chorale (MUDC 346).
- All music minors (any applied area) registered for applied music must register for an applied related ensemble (Group I, IA, or II) selected from the List of Approved Ensembles.
Requirements for Majors
Every full-time music major (12 credit hours or more) enrolled in applied music lessons must perform in an ensemble from the List of Approved Ensembles (BA/BM keyboard and guitar players may also use MUDC 440A Accompanying Vocal, MUDC 440B Accompanying Instrumental, or MUDC 352 Chamber Music) each semester. Students should take one MUDC ensemble per semester until the ensemble requirement is completed. Ensembles taken to satisfy major requirements must be enrolled using the MUDC subject code, with a limit of one MUDC course per term. Additional ensembles may be taken using the MUEN listing. Students in the music education degree program cannot participate in ensembles during the student teaching semester. After the student has completed the minimum ensemble requirement for a degree, the student may participate in any ensembles listed below in the List of Approved Ensembles (plus MUDC 440A, MUDC 440B, or MUDC 352 for keyboard, composition, or guitar students).
Requirements for Continuing Study Toward a Music Degree
Music education majors are required to demonstrate adequate skills in applied music, functional keyboard, theory and sight singing before they may continue toward the completion of a degree. The following prerequisites are in place to secure this requirement.
Applied Music–Upper Divisional Qualifying Jury
Music majors must pass the Upper Divisional Qualifying Jury (UDQJ) to be admitted into 300-level applied music. The UDQJ is usually taken in the fourth semester of applied study.
Part I – Basic Skills
Faculty evaluate the student’s minimal capabilities, including the ability to sight read and perform scales and arpeggios, to determine if the student may continue as a music major.
Part II – Musicianship
Faculty evaluate the student’s performance to determine if the student may continue as a music major.
The UDQJ is judged Pass/No Pass, with pass meaning that the student’s basic musical skills and musicianship are judged to be at least minimal for his/her instrument. The jury members in each area will use a general consensus approach in determining Pass/No Pass. A no pass on the UDQJ will indicate an interpretation by the faculty that the student has not completed the requirements for the Upper Divisional Qualifying Jury, resulting in a formal grade of incomplete. The student then has two additional juries to remove the incomplete. The student may continue to register for applied study at the 200 level for a maximum of two semesters until the incomplete is removed. After one year, the incomplete will expire, causing the grade to revert to a D or F. If the student passes the re-take before the beginning of the 2nd week of classes, he/she will be permitted to register for 300-level applied music courses for that semester.
NOTE: A re-examination will be scheduled only during the first week of classes following a semester in which the UDQJ was failed or during regularly scheduled jury times at the end of a semester.
The status of the music major is provisional, pending satisfactory completion of the UDQJ. The result of the UDQJ is validated on the UDQJ form with faculty signatures, and filed in the music office.
Additional Major Requirements
Grade Rules
C- and D Grades
Students must earn grades of C or better in these courses. Any course in which a student earns a grade of C- or below must be repeated in order to count toward the requirement.
Pass No/Pass
All courses taken to fulfill music major or minor requirements must be taken for a grade (except those only offered as Pass/No Pass).
Extended Education, Independent Study Rules, Internship Credit Rules, Transfer Credit used in Major Requirements
The following will be used by advisors as guidelines for the evaluation of transfer credits that are less than five years old:
- If a transfer student has successfully completed (grade C or above) approved transfer credits that are equivalent to music major/minor requirements in terms of the number of credit hours and scope of content, that area will be considered completed at the discretion of the chief degree program advisor.
- For approved transfer credits that are lacking equivalency in either the number of credit hours, scope of content, or grade received to music major/minor requirements in applied music, music theory, sight singing/aural skills, and keyboard skills, the number of transfer credits accepted and placement will be determined by audition/proficiency tests administered by designated area faculty.
- For approved transfer credits that are lacking equivalency in other music areas (history and ensembles) the number of transfer credits accepted will be determined by the chief degree program advisor.
All music coursework that is more than five years old must be validated by an audition or competency examination given by designated area faculty.
Description: Applied studio instruction in Voice.
This course is a prerequisite for: MUAP 201
Credit Hours: | 1-2 |
Max credits per semester: | 2 |
Max credits per degree: | 4 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Applied Music |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-2
This course is a prerequisite for: MUSC 250
Credit Hours: | 1-2 |
Max credits per semester: | 2 |
Max credits per degree: | 4 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Applied Music |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-2
Credit Hours: | 1-2 |
Max credits per semester: | 2 |
Max credits per degree: | 4 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-2
Description: Applied studio instruction in Violin
This course is a prerequisite for: MUAP 205
Credit Hours: | 1-2 |
Max credits per semester: | 2 |
Max credits per degree: | 4 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-2
Description: Applied studio instruction in Viola
This course is a prerequisite for: MUAP 206
Credit Hours: | 1-2 |
Max credits per semester: | 2 |
Max credits per degree: | 4 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-2
Description: Applied studio instruction in Cello.
This course is a prerequisite for: MUAP 207
Credit Hours: | 1-2 |
Max credits per semester: | 2 |
Max credits per degree: | 4 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-2
Description: Applied studio instruction in Double Bass
This course is a prerequisite for: MUAP 208
Credit Hours: | 1-2 |
Max credits per semester: | 2 |
Max credits per degree: | 4 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-2
Description: Applied studio instruction in Harp
This course is a prerequisite for: MUAP 209
Credit Hours: | 1-2 |
Max credits per semester: | 2 |
Max credits per degree: | 4 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-2
Description: Applied studio instruction in Trumpet
This course is a prerequisite for: MUAP 210
Credit Hours: | 1-2 |
Max credits per semester: | 2 |
Max credits per degree: | 4 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-2
Description: Applied studio instruction in Horn.
This course is a prerequisite for: MUAP 211
Credit Hours: | 1-2 |
Max credits per semester: | 2 |
Max credits per degree: | 4 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-2
Description: Applied studio instruction in Trombone
This course is a prerequisite for: MUAP 212
Credit Hours: | 1-2 |
Max credits per semester: | 2 |
Max credits per degree: | 4 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-2
Description: Applied studio instruction in Tuba
This course is a prerequisite for: MUAP 214
Credit Hours: | 1-2 |
Max credits per semester: | 2 |
Max credits per degree: | 4 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-2
Description: Applied studio instruction in Flute.
This course is a prerequisite for: MUAP 215
Credit Hours: | 1-2 |
Max credits per semester: | 2 |
Max credits per degree: | 4 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-2
Description: Applied studio instruction in Oboe
This course is a prerequisite for: MUAP 216
Credit Hours: | 1-2 |
Max credits per semester: | 2 |
Max credits per degree: | 4 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-2
Description: Applied studio instruction in Clarinet
This course is a prerequisite for: MUAP 217
Credit Hours: | 1-2 |
Max credits per semester: | 2 |
Max credits per degree: | 4 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-2
Description: Applied studio instruction in Bassoon
This course is a prerequisite for: MUAP 218
Credit Hours: | 1-2 |
Max credits per semester: | 2 |
Max credits per degree: | 4 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-2
Description: Applied studio instruction in Saxophone
This course is a prerequisite for: MUAP 219
Credit Hours: | 1-2 |
Max credits per semester: | 2 |
Max credits per degree: | 4 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-2
Description: Applied studio instruction in Percussion
This course is a prerequisite for: MUAP 220
Credit Hours: | 1-2 |
Max credits per semester: | 2 |
Max credits per degree: | 4 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-2
Description: Applied studio instruction in Guitar
This course is a prerequisite for: MUAP 224
Credit Hours: | 1-2 |
Max credits per semester: | 2 |
Max credits per degree: | 4 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-2
Prerequisites: 4 credit hours of MUAP 101
Description: Applied studio instruction in Voice.
This course is a prerequisite for: MUAP 301
Credit Hours: | 1-2 |
Max credits per semester: | 2 |
Max credits per degree: | 4 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Applied Music |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-2
Prerequisites: 4 credit hours of MUAP 102
Description: Applied studio instruction in Piano
This course is a prerequisite for: MUAP 302
Credit Hours: | 1-2 |
Max credits per semester: | 2 |
Max credits per degree: | 4 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Applied Music |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-2
Credit Hours: | 1-2 |
Max credits per semester: | 2 |
Max credits per degree: | 4 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Applied Music |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-2
Credit Hours: | 1-2 |
Max credits per semester: | 2 |
Max credits per degree: | 4 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-2
Prerequisites: 4 credit hours of MUAP 113
Description: Applied studio instruction in Euphonium
Credit Hours: | 1-2 |
Max credits per semester: | 2 |
Max credits per degree: | 4 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-2
Prerequisites: MUSC 132 with a grade of C or better
Description: Refinement of skills gained in earlier courses with more advanced applications, use of chromatic chords, modulations, score reading, and basic accompanying.
This course is a prerequisite for: MUAP 232
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Applied Music |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $15 |
Credit Hours:1
Prerequisites: MUAP 231 with a grade of C or better
Final course for developing piano skills in preparation for the piano proficiency examination.
Description: Refinement of skills gained in earlier courses with more advanced applications, use of chromatic chords, modulations, score reading, and accompanying.
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Applied Music |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $15 |
Credit Hours:1
Description: Covers all the components for the piano proficiency examination in one semester, plus additional keyboard skills appropriate for well-prepared keyboard players (including the realization of lead sheets and other advanced piano skills). Intended for BM students in piano performance, and for other undergraduate music majors and minors who can demonstrate sufficient mastery of the piano.
Credit Hours: | 2 |
Max credits per semester: | 2 |
Max credits per degree: | 2 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Applied Music |
Credit Hours:2
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Applied Music |
Credit Hours:1
Prerequisites: Permission.
Description: Development of the skills and knowledge necessary to play and teach high and low string instruments in heterogeneous strings class settings. Goals include the development of a good working knowledge of solo and ensemble literature for students in school settings (grades 5-12).
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Applied Music |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $15 |
Credit Hours:1
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Applied Music |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $15 |
Credit Hours:1
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Applied Music |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $15 |
Credit Hours:1
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Applied Music |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $15 |
Credit Hours:1
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Applied Music |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $15 |
Credit Hours:1
Prerequisites: 4 credit hours of MUAP 201
Description: Applied studio instruction in Voice.
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 6 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-3
Prerequisites: 4 credit hours of MUAP 202
Description: Applied studio instruction in Piano
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 6 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-3
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 6 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-3
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 6 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-3
Prerequisites: 4 credit hours of MUAP 205
Description: Applied studio instruction in Violin
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 6 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-3
Prerequisites: 4 credit hours of MUAP 206
Description: Applied studio instruction in Viola
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 6 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-3
Prerequisites: 4 credit hours of MUAP 207
Description: Applied studio instruction in Cello.
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 6 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-3
Prerequisites: 4 credit hours of MUAP 208
Description: Applied studio instruction in Double Bass
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 6 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-3
Prerequisites: 4 credit hours of MUAP 209
Description: Applied studio instruction in Harp
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 6 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-3
Prerequisites: 4 credit hours of MUAP 210
Description: Applied studio instruction in Trumpet
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 6 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-3
Prerequisites: 4 credit hours of MUAP 211
Description: Applied studio instruction in Horn
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 6 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-3
Prerequisites: 4 credit hours of MUAP 212
Description: Applied studio instruction in Trombone
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 6 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-3
Prerequisites: 4 credit hours of MUAP 213
Description: Applied studio instruction in Euphonium
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 6 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-3
Prerequisites: 4 credit hours of MUAP 214
Description: Applied studio instruction in Tuba
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 6 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-3
Prerequisites: 4 credit hours of MUAP 215
Description: Applied studio instruction in Flute.
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 6 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-3
Prerequisites: 4 credit hours of MUAP 216
Description: Applied studio instruction in Oboe
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 6 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-3
Prerequisites: 4 credit hours of MUAP 217
Description: Applied studio instruction in Clarinet
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 6 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-3
Prerequisites: 4 credit hours of MUAP 218
Description: Applied studio instruction in Bassoon
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 6 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-3
Prerequisites: 4 credit hours of MUAP 219
Description: Applied studio instruction in Saxophone
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 6 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-3
Prerequisites: 4 credit hours of MUAP 220
Description: Applied studio instruction in Percussion
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 6 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-3
Prerequisites: 4 credit hours of MUAP 224
Description: Applied studio instruction in Guitar
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 6 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-3
Description: Applied studio instruction in Voice
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 9 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-3
Description: Applied studio instruction in Piano
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 9 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-3
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 9 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-3
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 9 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-3
Description: Applied studio instruction in Violin
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 9 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-3
Description: Applied studio instruction in Viola
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 9 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-3
Description: Applied studio instruction in Cello
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 9 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-3
Description: Applied studio instruction in Double Bass
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 9 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-3
Description: Applied studio instruction in Harp
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 9 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-3
Description: Applied studio instruction in Trumpet
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 9 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-3
Description: Applied studio instruction in Horn
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 9 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-3
Description: Applied studio instruction in Trombone
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 9 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-3
Description: Applied studio instruction in Euphonium
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 9 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-3
Description: Applied studio instruction in Tuba
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 9 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-3
Description: Applied studio instruction in Flute
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 9 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-3
Description: Applied studio instruction in Oboe
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 9 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-3
Description: Applied studio instruction in Clarinet
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 9 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-3
Description: Applied studio instruction in Bassoon
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 9 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-3
Description: Applied studio instruction in Saxophone
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 9 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-3
Description: Applied studio instruction in Percussion
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 9 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-3
Description: Applied studio instruction in Guitar
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 9 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Applied Music |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:1-3
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 5 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Music Ensembles for Elective C |
Credit Hours:1
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 5 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Music Ensembles for Elective C |
Credit Hours:1
Prerequisites: Admission to the Bachelor of Music degree program with Composition Emphasis
Description: Applied studio instruction in music composition.
This course is a prerequisite for: MUCP 184
Credit Hours: | 2 |
Max credits per semester: | 2 |
Max credits per degree: | 2 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Composition |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:2
Prerequisites: MUCP 183
Description: Applied studio instruction in music composition.
This course is a prerequisite for: MUCP 283
Credit Hours: | 2 |
Max credits per semester: | 2 |
Max credits per degree: | 2 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Composition |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:2
Prerequisites: MUCP 184
Description: Applied studio instruction in music composition.
This course is a prerequisite for: MUCP 284
Credit Hours: | 2 |
Max credits per semester: | 2 |
Max credits per degree: | 2 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Composition |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:2
Prerequisites: MUCP 283
Description: Applied studio instruction in music composition.
This course is a prerequisite for: MUCP 383
Credit Hours: | 2 |
Max credits per semester: | 2 |
Max credits per degree: | 2 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Composition |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:2
Prerequisites: MUCP 284
Description: Applied studio instruction in music composition.
This course is a prerequisite for: MUCP 384
Credit Hours: | 2 |
Max credits per semester: | 2 |
Max credits per degree: | 2 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Composition |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:2
Prerequisites: MUCP 383
Description: Applied studio instruction in music composition.
This course is a prerequisite for: MUCP 483
Credit Hours: | 2 |
Max credits per semester: | 2 |
Max credits per degree: | 2 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Composition |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:2
Prerequisites: MUCP 384
Description: Applied studio instruction in music composition.
This course is a prerequisite for: MUCP 484
Credit Hours: | 2 |
Max credits per semester: | 2 |
Max credits per degree: | 2 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Composition |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:2
Prerequisites: MUCP 483
Description: Applied studio instruction in music composition.
Credit Hours: | 2 |
Max credits per semester: | 2 |
Max credits per degree: | 2 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Composition |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $35 |
Credit Hours:2
Prerequisites: MUSC 266
Letter Grade only.
Description: Exploration of instrumental color and orchestral style, covering idiomatic writing for individual and groups of instruments, traditional and contemporary notational practices, and modern digital applications for score production.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: MUSC 266
Fluency in basic jazz theory is strongly recommended.
Description: Development of basic professional competency in the areas of scoring and music preparation for small jazz ensembles of varying instrumentations.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: MUCP 486/886
Description: Development of basic professional competency in the areas of scoring and music preparation for large jazz ensembles of varying instrumentations.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Audition not required. Off-campus performance as approved by the instructor and the Director of the School of Music.
Description: Standard choral works.
Credit Hours: | 0-1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Groups: | Music Ensembles for Elective C |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $20 |
Credit Hours:0-1
Tenor or bass voice. Audition not required. Off-campus performance as approved by the instructor and the Director of the School of Music.
Description: Tenor and bass choral literature chosen from folk songs, spirituals, Broadway and Cornhusker favorites.
Credit Hours: | 0-1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Groups: | Music Ensembles for Elective C |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $20 |
Credit Hours:0-1
Audition required. Performances on and off campus as approved by the instructor and the director of the School of Music.
Description: Repertoire from the choral literature of the Renaissance through contemporary periods.
Credit Hours: | 0-1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Groups: | Music Ensembles for Elective C |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $20 |
Credit Hours:0-1
Off-campus performances as approved by the instructor and the director of the School of Music.
Description: Soprano and alto choral literature.
Credit Hours: | 0-1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Groups: | Music Ensembles for Elective C |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $20 |
Credit Hours:0-1
Open only upon examination. Off-campus performances as approved by the instructor and the Director of the School of Music. May include collaborations with faculty, students, or guest soloists, and with choral ensembles.
Description: Rehearsal and performance of major orchestral works of the eighteenth though the twenty-first centuries.
Credit Hours: | 0-1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Groups: | Music Ensembles for Elective C |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $20 |
Credit Hours:0-1
Audition required, or permission of director of ensemble. Must meet and maintain full-time enrollment status at UNL. May require off-campus travel as approved. For Cornhusker Marching Band, Prereq: 2.0 GPA, and first round auditions must be completed by July 1.
Credit Hours: | 0-1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Groups: | Music Ensembles for Elective C |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $20 |
Credit Hours:0-1
Audition required, or permission of director of ensemble. Must meet and maintain full-time enrollment status at UNL. May require off-campus travel as approved. For Cornhusker Marching Band, Prereq: 2.0 GPA, and first round auditions must be completed by July 1.
Credit Hours: | 0-1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Groups: | Music Ensembles for Elective C |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $20 |
Credit Hours:0-1
Audition required, or permission of director of ensemble. Must meet and maintain full-time enrollment status at UNL. May require off-campus travel as approved. For Cornhusker Marching Band, Prereq: 2.0 GPA, and first round auditions must be completed by July 1.
Credit Hours: | 0-1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Groups: | Music Ensembles for Elective C |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $20 |
Credit Hours:0-1
Audition required, or permission of director of ensemble. Must meet and maintain full-time enrollment status at UNL. May require off-campus travel as approved. For Cornhusker Marching Band, Prereq: 2.0 GPA, and first round auditions must be completed by July 1.
Credit Hours: | 0-1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Groups: | Music Ensembles for Elective C |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $20 |
Credit Hours:0-1
Audition required, or permission of director of ensemble. Must meet and maintain full-time enrollment status at UNL. May require off-campus travel as approved. For Cornhusker Marching Band, Prereq: 2.0 GPA, and first round auditions must be completed by July 1.
Credit Hours: | 0-1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Groups: | Music Ensembles for Elective C |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $30 |
Credit Hours:0-1
Audition required. Off-campus performances as approved by instructor and the Director of the School of Music.
Description: Select vocal ensemble specializing in the performance of vocal chamber music ranging from early music to contemporary literature.
Credit Hours: | 0-1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Groups: | Music Ensembles for Elective C |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $20 |
Credit Hours:0-1
Open to all players of orchestral string instruments. No audition required.
Description: Rehearsal and performance of literature for small string orchestra.
Credit Hours: | 0-1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $20 |
Credit Hours:0-1
Audition required. Must meet and maintain full-time enrollment status at UNL. Current students must be enrolled full time, and hold a 2.0 GPA.
Description: Performance of Broadway and other contemporary repertoire.
Credit Hours: | 0-1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Groups: | Music Ensembles for Elective C |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $100 |
Credit Hours:0-1
Off-campus performances as approved. MUDC 352 open only to students whose applied related instrument is piano, organ, or guitar who are using it for degree credit. Open to all qualified participants for elective credit.
Description: Quartets, trios, duos, and miscellaneous chamber groups organized for supervised and scheduled rehearsals of music appropriate for the ensemble. Off-campus performances as approved.
Credit Hours: | 0-1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Groups: | Music Ensembles for Elective C |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $20 |
Credit Hours:0-1
Open by audition or permission of the Director of Jazz Activities. Auditions are held the weekend before each term. Performances are held on- and off- campus as approved by the Director of Jazz Activities and the Director of the School of Music.
Description: Jazz instrumental and/or vocal ensembles of standard instrumentation and/or voicing.
Credit Hours: | 0-1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Groups: | Music Ensembles for Elective C |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $100 |
Credit Hours:0-1
Open by audition or permission of the Director of Jazz Activities. Auditions are held the weekend before each term. Performances are held on- and off- campus as approved by the Director of Jazz Activities and the Director of the School of Music.
Description: Jazz instrumental and/or vocal ensembles of standard instrumentation and/or voicing.
Credit Hours: | 0-1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Groups: | Music Ensembles for Elective C |
Credit Hours:0-1
Open by audition or permission of the Director of Jazz Activities. Auditions are held the weekend before each term. Performances are held on- and off- campus as approved by the Director of Jazz Activities and the Director of the School of Music.
Description: Jazz instrumental and/or vocal ensembles of standard instrumentation and/or voicing.
Credit Hours: | 0-1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Groups: | Music Ensembles for Elective C |
Credit Hours:0-1
Prerequisites: Audition
Open by audition or permission of the Director of Jazz Activities. Auditions are held the weekend before each term. Performances are held on- and off- campus as approved by the Director of Jazz Activities and the Director of the School of Music.
Description: Jazz instrumental and/or vocal ensembles of standard instrumentation and/or voicing.
Credit Hours: | 0-1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Groups: | Music Ensembles for Elective C |
Credit Hours:0-1
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 5 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Music Ensembles for Elective C |
Credit Hours:1
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 5 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Music Ensembles for Elective C |
Credit Hours:1
Prerequisites: Co-requisite MUED 297
Description: Issues approach to identifying and analyzing the role and function of the school in American society with specific attention to music education. Orientation to music education as a career; skill development in music teaching; and professional communication via digital portfolio development.
This course is a prerequisite for: MUED 244
Credit Hours: | 2 |
Max credits per semester: | 2 |
Max credits per degree: | 2 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Music Education |
Credit Hours:2
Description: Concepts of human development (cognitive, psychomotor, affective and social) affecting musical learning across childhood and adolescence. Principles of motivation, skill development, and assessment of learning as they relate to educational practices in music.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Music Education |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 6 Social Science |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 6 Social Science
Prerequisites: TEAC 331.
Description: Introductory course that provides the music student with basic skills and understanding of computers for use in music processing (basic sequencing and notation) as well as the use of the Internet for music research and music education.
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Music Education |
Credit Hours:1
Description: Guided participation and/or observations in schools and/or agencies offering programs for children/youth.
This course is a prerequisite for: MUED 244
Credit Hours: | 1-2 |
Max credits per semester: | 2 |
Max credits per degree: | 2 |
Grading Option: | Pass No Pass |
Groups: | Music Education |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $15 |
Credit Hours:1-2
Prerequisites: Admission to Music Teacher Education Program or standing as Bachelor of Music (Composition Emphasis) student
Description: Instruction and guided practice in teaching music composition and production at the elementary and secondary level. Writing for traditional as well as non-traditional instrumentation. Instructional design, assessment, pedagogy, and technology.
This course is a prerequisite for: MUED 401A; MUED 401B; MUED 401E; MUED 401J; MUED 401K; MUED 401L; MUED 401M; MUED 401N; MUED 401P; MUED 401Q
Credit Hours: | 2 |
Max credits per semester: | 2 |
Max credits per degree: | 2 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Music Education |
Credit Hours:2
Prerequisites: Admission to the Music Teacher Education Program.
Parallel: MUED 397A.
Description: Skills, knowledge, methods, and materials needed for teaching in the elementary and secondary general music setting.
This course is a prerequisite for: MUED 401A; MUED 401B; MUED 401E; MUED 401J; MUED 401K; MUED 401L; MUED 401M; MUED 401N; MUED 401P; MUED 401Q; MUED 401Z; MUED 470
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Music Education |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Admission to the Music Teacher Education Program; MUED 374.
Description: Instruction and guided practice in teaching at the elementary and secondary level in band and orchestral settings with an emphasis on rehearsal techniques, assessment, and curriculum development.
This course is a prerequisite for: MUED 401A; MUED 401B; MUED 401E; MUED 401J; MUED 401K; MUED 401L; MUED 401M; MUED 401N; MUED 401P; MUED 401Z
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Music Education |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Admission to Music Teacher Education Program; MUED 374.
Description: Choral music teaching methods at the elementary and secondary school level. Various teaching strategies, rehearsal techniques, practical organization skills, and current trends.
This course is a prerequisite for: MUED 401A; MUED 401B; MUED 401E; MUED 401J; MUED 401K; MUED 401L; MUED 401M; MUED 401N; MUED 401P; MUED 401Z
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Music Education |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Admission to the Teacher Education Program.
Description: Designed for College of Education and Human Sciences students who are working toward an elementary certificate. Prospective teachers of elementary school-age children are given the basic rudiments and methodology needed to implement music in the curriculum. Skills lab required.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Music Education |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $20 |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: MUSC 274.
Description: Techniques of choral and instrumental conducting, score reading and preparation, rehearsal techniques, aural skills, practice strategies, and interpersonal considerations. Aspects of arranging as they relate to the conductor's craft, transposition, orchestration, and analysis. Resources available to conductors and arrangers, books, software, videos, periodicals and Internet sites.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Music Education |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $30 |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Admission to the Music Teacher Education Program.
Pass/No Pass only.
Description: Supervised teaching experiences in school.
Credit Hours: | 1-10 |
Max credits per semester: | 10 |
Max credits per degree: | 10 |
Grading Option: | Pass No Pass |
Groups: | Music Education |
Credit Hours:1-10
Prerequisites: Admission to the Music Teacher Education Program. Parallel with MUED 344.
Description: Supervised teaching experiences in school.
Credit Hours: | 1-2 |
Max credits per semester: | 2 |
Max credits per degree: | 2 |
Grading Option: | Pass No Pass |
Groups: | Music Education |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $15 |
Credit Hours:1-2
Prerequisites: Admission to the Music Teacher Education Program. Parallel with MUED 345.
Description: Supervised teaching experiences in school.
Credit Hours: | 1-2 |
Max credits per semester: | 2 |
Max credits per degree: | 2 |
Grading Option: | Pass No Pass |
Groups: | Music Education |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $15 |
Credit Hours:1-2
Prerequisites: Admission to the Music Teacher Education Program. Parallel with MUED 346.
Description: Supervised teaching experiences in school.
Credit Hours: | 1-2 |
Max credits per semester: | 2 |
Max credits per degree: | 2 |
Grading Option: | Pass No Pass |
Groups: | Music Education |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $15 |
Credit Hours:1-2
Description: Refine teaching skills in general music setting. Opportunity to individualize strategies for increasing knowledge of general music methods and materials and improve the effectiveness of teaching behaviors. Learning activities include creating original instructional materials, practicing music performance skills commonly used in classroom teaching, and writing and revising a formal statement of values related to the field of general music education.
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:1
Description: The course provides advanced work in the rehearsal of instrumental music ensembles. Students will learn how conducting and other presentational factors affect instructional effectiveness. They will also learn how to integrate alternative educational approaches into instrumental rehearsal.
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:1
Description: This course examines and provides resources for ensembles and activities that support and enhance the school chorus. Madrigals, solo and small ensembles, vocal jazz, and musical productions will be examined. Stylistic considerations, rehearsal techniques, various characteristics unique to each group, literature, and the organization, scheduling, and administration of these ensembles will be the focus.
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:1
Description: The course provides advanced work in teaching music in a jazz band setting. Students will experience jazz performance styles, develop jazz improvisation skills, and practice jazz band pedagogy. Students will develop expertise on rhythm section instruments in addition to jazz performance on their major instruments.
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:1
Description: Advanced work in current issues and trends in specific aspects of pre-K to 12th grade music education. Introduces a variety of pedagogical approaches to develop pre-K to 12th student creativity through improvisation. Instrumental and voice activities appropriate to a variety of developmental levels will be experienced and practiced. Multicultural and psychological perspectives on creativity and improvisation will be studied.
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:1
Description: Analysis of K-12 music teaching with special attention to: teacher certification, current issues in education, and professional communication.
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:1
Description: Introduction to elements of vernacular musicianship, including "rock band" instruments, ear-based performance, peer collaboration, and beginning songwriting.
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:1
Description: Instrumental arranging techniques including the application of the principles of orchestration and the instrumentation of harmonic and contrapuntal textures. Use of computer music notation software for arranging.
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:1
Prerequisites: Parallel MUED 497/897.
Description: Analysis of K to 12th grade music teaching: teacher certification; selected legal aspects of education; current issues in education; and professional communication.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Pass No Pass |
Groups: | Music Education |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 10 Integrated Product |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 10 Integrated Product
Description: Function and contribution of music in the education of students with special needs. Methodology, materials, and practicum for the development of effective musical experiences for Pre-K to 12th graders with various exceptionalities, including giftedness. Federal and state legislation, Individual Education Programs (IEP's), assessments, adaptations of curriculum materials, current methodologies, and research.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Music Education |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: MUED 344.
Description: For prospective new and experienced general music/middle school teachers. Characteristics of middle school students, materials, methodology, guitar and recorder techniques, and curriculum development.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Music Education |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Opportunity to learn and to put into practice the principles and techniques of music instruction.
Credit Hours: | 1-12 |
Max credits per semester: | 12 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Music Education |
Credit Hours:1-12
Description: Opportunity to learn and to put into practice the principles and techniques of music instruction.
Credit Hours: | 1-12 |
Max credits per semester: | 12 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Workshop Seminars in Music Ed |
Credit Hours:1-12
Prerequisites: Permission.
Description: Individual, scholarly study designed to enable a student to pursue a selected topic in music education with the direction and guidance of a faculty member.
Credit Hours: | 1-6 |
Max credits per semester: | 6 |
Max credits per degree: | 9 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Music Education |
Credit Hours:1-6
Description: Supervised teaching experiences in schools with accompanying seminar which focuses on: teacher certification, teacher and students rights and responsibilities, proper conduct of teachers, selected legal aspects of education, methods of communicating with parents and community members, and current issues which impact education. MUED 897 does not apply towards the master of music degree.
Credit Hours: | 1-12 |
Max credits per semester: | 12 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Music Education |
Credit Hours:1-12
Description: Supervised teaching experiences in schools with accompanying seminar which focuses on: teacher certification, teacher and students rights and responsibilities, proper conduct of teachers, selected legal aspects of education, methods of communicating with parents and community members, and current issues which impact education. MUED 897 does not apply towards the master of music degree.
Credit Hours: | 1-12 |
Max credits per semester: | 12 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Music Education |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $15 |
Credit Hours:1-12
Description: Supervised teaching experiences in schools with accompanying seminar which focuses on: teacher certification, teacher and students rights and responsibilities, proper conduct of teachers, selected legal aspects of education, methods of communicating with parents and community members, and current issues which impact education. MUED 897 does not apply towards the master of music degree.
Credit Hours: | 1-12 |
Max credits per semester: | 12 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Music Education |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $15 |
Credit Hours:1-12
Audition not required. Off-campus performance as approved by the instructor and the Director of the School of Music.
Description: Standard choral works.
Credit Hours: | 0-1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Groups: | Music Ensembles for Elective C |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $20 |
Credit Hours:0-1
Tenor or bass voice. Audition not required. Off-campus performance as approved by the instructor and the Director of the School of Music.
Description: Tenor and bass choral literature chosen from folk songs, spirituals, Broadway and Cornhusker favorites.
Credit Hours: | 0-1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Groups: | Music Ensembles for Elective C |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $20 |
Credit Hours:0-1
Prerequisites: 2.0 GPA.
Audition required. Must meet and maintain full-time enrollment status at UNL. Off-campus performances as approved. May require off-campus travel.
Description: Small groups of primarily like instruments organized for supervised and scheduled rehearsals of music appropriate for the ensemble.
Credit Hours: | 0-1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Groups: | Music Ensembles for Elective C |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $20 |
Credit Hours:0-1
Off-campus performances as approved. Audition required. Must meet and maintain full-time enrollment status at UNL. May require off-campus travel.
Description: Small groups of primarily like instruments organized for supervised and scheduled rehearsals of music appropriate for the ensemble.
Credit Hours: | 0-1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $20 |
Credit Hours:0-1
Off-campus performances as approved. Audition required. Must meet and maintain full-time enrollment status at UNL. May require off-campus travel.
Description: Small groups of primarily like instruments organized for supervised and scheduled rehearsals of music appropriate for the ensemble.
Credit Hours: | 0-1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $20 |
Credit Hours:0-1
Off-campus performances as approved. Audition required. Must meet and maintain full-time enrollment status at UNL. May require off-campus travel.
Description: Small groups of primarily like instruments organized for supervised and scheduled rehearsals of music appropriate for the ensemble.
Credit Hours: | 0-1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $20 |
Credit Hours:0-1
Off-campus performances as approved. Audition required. Must meet and maintain full-time enrollment status at UNL. May require off-campus travel.
Description: Small groups of primarily like instruments organized for supervised and scheduled rehearsals of music appropriate for the ensemble.
Credit Hours: | 0-1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $20 |
Credit Hours:0-1
Off-campus performances as approved. Audition required. Must meet and maintain full-time enrollment status at UNL. May require off-campus travel.
Description: Small groups of primarily like instruments organized for supervised and scheduled rehearsals of music appropriate for the ensemble.
Credit Hours: | 0-1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $20 |
Credit Hours:0-1
Off-campus performances as approved. Audition required. Must meet and maintain full-time enrollment status at UNL. May require off-campus travel.
Description: Small groups of primarily like instruments organized for supervised and scheduled rehearsals of music appropriate for the ensemble.
Credit Hours: | 0-1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Credit Hours:0-1
Off-campus performances as approved. Audition required. Must meet and maintain full-time enrollment status at UNL. May require off-campus travel.
Description: Small groups of primarily like instruments organized for supervised and scheduled rehearsals of music appropriate for the ensemble.
Credit Hours: | 0-1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Credit Hours:0-1
Off-campus performances as approved. Audition required. Must meet and maintain full-time enrollment status at UNL. May require off-campus travel.
Description: Small groups of primarily like instruments organized for supervised and scheduled rehearsals of music appropriate for the ensemble.
Credit Hours: | 0-1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $20 |
Credit Hours:0-1
Off-campus performances as approved. Audition required. Must meet and maintain full-time enrollment status at UNL. May require off-campus travel.
Description: Small groups of primarily like instruments organized for supervised and scheduled rehearsals of music appropriate for the ensemble.
Credit Hours: | 0-1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $20 |
Credit Hours:0-1
Off-campus performances as approved. Audition required. Must meet and maintain full-time enrollment status at UNL. May require off-campus travel.
Description: Small groups of primarily like instruments organized for supervised and scheduled rehearsals of music appropriate for the ensemble.
Credit Hours: | 0-1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $20 |
Credit Hours:0-1
Off-campus performances as approved. Audition required. Must meet and maintain full-time enrollment status at UNL. May require off-campus travel.
Description: Small groups of primarily like instruments organized for supervised and scheduled rehearsals of music appropriate for the ensemble.
Credit Hours: | 0-1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Credit Hours:0-1
Off-campus performances as approved. Audition required. Must meet and maintain full-time enrollment status at UNL. May require off-campus travel.
Description: Small groups of primarily like instruments organized for supervised and scheduled rehearsals of music appropriate for the ensemble.
Credit Hours: | 0-1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Credit Hours:0-1
Off-campus performances as approved. Audition required. Must meet and maintain full-time enrollment status at UNL. May require off-campus travel.
Description: Small groups of primarily like instruments organized for supervised and scheduled rehearsals of music appropriate for the ensemble.
Credit Hours: | 0-1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $20 |
Credit Hours:0-1
Audition required. Performances on and off campus as approved by the instructor and the director of the School of Music.
Description: Repertoire from the choral literature of the Renaissance through contemporary periods.
Credit Hours: | 0-1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Groups: | Music Ensembles for Elective C |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $20 |
Credit Hours:0-1
Off-campus performances as approved by the instructor and the director of the School of Music.
Description: Soprano and alto choral literature.
Credit Hours: | 0-1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Groups: | Music Ensembles for Elective C |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $20 |
Credit Hours:0-1
Open only upon examination. Off-campus performances as approved by the instructor and the Director of the School of Music. May include collaborations with faculty, students, or guest soloists, and with choral ensembles.
Description: Rehearsal and performance of major orchestral works of the eighteenth though the twenty-first centuries.
Credit Hours: | 0-1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Groups: | Music Ensembles for Elective C |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $20 |
Credit Hours:0-1
Audition required, or permission of director of ensemble. Must meet and maintain full-time enrollment status at UNL. May require off-campus travel as approved. For Cornhusker Marching Band, Prereq: 2.0 GPA, and first round auditions must be completed by July 1.
Credit Hours: | 0-1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Groups: | Music Ensembles for Elective C |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $20 |
Credit Hours:0-1
Audition required, or permission of director of ensemble. Must meet and maintain full-time enrollment status at UNL. May require off-campus travel as approved. For Cornhusker Marching Band, Prereq: 2.0 GPA, and first round auditions must be completed by July 1.
Credit Hours: | 0-1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Groups: | Music Ensembles for Elective C |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $20 |
Credit Hours:0-1
Audition required, or permission of director of ensemble. Must meet and maintain full-time enrollment status at UNL. May require off-campus travel as approved. For Cornhusker Marching Band, Prereq: 2.0 GPA, and first round auditions must be completed by July 1.
Credit Hours: | 0-1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Groups: | Music Ensembles for Elective C |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $20 |
Credit Hours:0-1
Audition required, or permission of director of ensemble. Must meet and maintain full-time enrollment status at UNL. May require off-campus travel as approved. For Cornhusker Marching Band, Prereq: 2.0 GPA, and first round auditions must be completed by July 1.
Credit Hours: | 0-1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Groups: | Music Ensembles for Elective C |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $20 |
Credit Hours:0-1
Audition required, or permission of director of ensemble. Must meet and maintain full-time enrollment status at UNL. May require off-campus travel as approved. For Cornhusker Marching Band, Prereq: 2.0 GPA, and first round auditions must be completed by July 1.
Credit Hours: | 0-1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Groups: | Music Ensembles for Elective C |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $30 |
Credit Hours:0-1
Audition required. Off-campus performances as approved by instructor and the Director of the School of Music.
Description: Select vocal ensemble specializing in the performance of vocal chamber music ranging from early music to contemporary literature.
Credit Hours: | 0-1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Groups: | Music Ensembles for Elective C |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $20 |
Credit Hours:0-1
Open to all players of orchestral string instruments. No audition required.
Description: Rehearsal and performance of literature for small string orchestra.
Credit Hours: | 0-1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $20 |
Credit Hours:0-1
Audition required. Must meet and maintain full-time enrollment status at UNL. Current students must be enrolled full time, and hold a 2.0 GPA.
Description: Performance of Broadway and other contemporary repertoire.
Credit Hours: | 0-1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Groups: | Music Ensembles for Elective C |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $100 |
Credit Hours:0-1
Off-campus performances as approved. MUDC 352 open only to students whose applied related instrument is piano, organ, or guitar who are using it for degree credit. Open to all qualified participants for elective credit.
Description: Quartets, trios, duos, and miscellaneous chamber groups organized for supervised and scheduled rehearsals of music appropriate for the ensemble. Off-campus performances as approved.
Credit Hours: | 0-1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Groups: | Music Ensembles for Elective C |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $20 |
Credit Hours:0-1
Open by audition or permission of the Director of Jazz Activities. Auditions are held the weekend before each term. Performances are held on- and off- campus as approved by the Director of Jazz Activities and the Director of the School of Music.
Description: Jazz instrumental and/or vocal ensembles of standard instrumentation and/or voicing.
Credit Hours: | 0-1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Groups: | Music Ensembles for Elective C |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $100 |
Credit Hours:0-1
Open by audition or permission of the Director of Jazz Activities. Auditions are held the weekend before each term. Performances are held on- and off- campus as approved by the Director of Jazz Activities and the Director of the School of Music.
Description: Jazz instrumental and/or vocal ensembles of standard instrumentation and/or voicing.
Credit Hours: | 0-1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Groups: | Music Ensembles for Elective C |
Credit Hours:0-1
Open by audition or permission of the Director of Jazz Activities. Auditions are held the weekend before each term. Performances are held on- and off- campus as approved by the Director of Jazz Activities and the Director of the School of Music.
Description: Jazz instrumental and/or vocal ensembles of standard instrumentation and/or voicing.
Credit Hours: | 0-1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Groups: | Music Ensembles for Elective C |
Credit Hours:0-1
Prerequisites: Audition
Open by audition or permission of the Director of Jazz Activities. Auditions are held the weekend before each term. Performances are held on- and off- campus as approved by the Director of Jazz Activities and the Director of the School of Music.
Description: Jazz instrumental and/or vocal ensembles of standard instrumentation and/or voicing.
Credit Hours: | 0-1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Groups: | Music Ensembles for Elective C |
Credit Hours:0-1
Prerequisites: Permission from School of Music
May not count toward requirements for music major or minor. Maximum of four semesters. No preregistration, since majors and minors must be assigned first to the available instructors. Applied music instruction fee of $80 will be charged in addition to tuition for credit hour. Grade only.
Description: Music lessons for non-music majors who studied an instrument or voice through high school and wish to continue taking lessons while in college. Private or group lessons at instructor's discretion.
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 4 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Applied Music for Non-majors |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $80 |
Credit Hours:1
Prerequisites: Permission from School of Music
Description: Music lessons for non-music majors who studied an instrument or voice through high school and wish to continue taking lessons while in college. Private or group lessons at instructor's discretion. May not count toward requirements for music major or minor. No preregistration, since majors and minors must be assigned first to the available instructors. Applied music instruction fee of $80 will be charged in addition to tuition for credit hour. Grade only. Maximum of four semesters.
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 4 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $80 |
Credit Hours:1
Prerequisites: Permission from School of Music
Description: Music lessons for non-music majors who studied an instrument or voice through high school and wish to continue taking lessons while in college. Private or group lessons at instructor's discretion. May not count toward requirements for music major or minor. No preregistration, since majors and minors must be assigned first to the available instructors. Applied music instruction fee of $80 will be charged in addition to tuition for credit hour. Grade only. Maximum of four semesters.
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 4 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $80 |
Credit Hours:1
Prerequisites: Permission from School of Music
Description: Music lessons for non-music majors who studied an instrument or voice through high school and wish to continue taking lessons while in college. Private or group lessons at instructor's discretion. May not count toward requirements for music major or minor. No preregistration, since majors and minors must be assigned first to the available instructors. Applied music instruction fee of $80 will be charged in addition to tuition for credit hour. Grade only. Maximum of four semesters.
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 4 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $80 |
Credit Hours:1
Prerequisites: Permission from School of Music
Description: Music lessons for non-music majors who studied an instrument or voice through high school and wish to continue taking lessons while in college. Private or group lessons at instructor's discretion. May not count toward requirements for music major or minor. No preregistration, since majors and minors must be assigned first to the available instructors. Applied music instruction fee of $80 will be charged in addition to tuition for credit hour. Grade only. Maximum of four semesters.
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 4 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $80 |
Credit Hours:1
Prerequisites: Permission from School of Music
Description: Music lessons for non-music majors who studied an instrument or voice through high school and wish to continue taking lessons while in college. Private or group lessons at instructor's discretion. May not count toward requirements for music major or minor. No preregistration, since majors and minors must be assigned first to the available instructors. Applied music instruction fee of $80 will be charged in addition to tuition for credit hour. Grade only. Maximum of four semesters.
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 4 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $80 |
Credit Hours:1
Prerequisites: Permission from School of Music
Description: Music lessons for non-music majors who studied an instrument or voice through high school and wish to continue taking lessons while in college. Private or group lessons at instructor's discretion. May not count toward requirements for music major or minor. No preregistration, since majors and minors must be assigned first to the available instructors. Applied music instruction fee of $80 will be charged in addition to tuition for credit hour. Grade only. Maximum of four semesters.
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 4 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $80 |
Credit Hours:1
Prerequisites: Permission from the School of Music
May not count toward requirements for music major or minor.
Description: Elective credit only. Taught individually or in groups as necessary. Permission based on availability in studio.
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 4 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:1
Description: The study of the language of western tonal music. Develop an understanding of note names, chords, scales, melody, harmony, rhythm, notation, and traditional practices of how these elements are used together.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Credit Hours:3
Requires attendance at events outside of scheduled class time.
Description: Exploration of various arts disciplines through readings, lectures, guest presentations, and attendance at local arts events. Examination of creative process and the impact of the arts in the community and in society. Emphasis will be placed on the role the arts play in understanding human diversity.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $50 |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 9 Global/Diversity ACE 7 Arts |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 9 Global/Diversity ACE 7 Arts
Prerequisites: Good standing in the University Honors Program or by invitation.
Description: Examine contemporary perspectives on a variety of non-western musical styles--both "serious" and popular--as well as a consideration of American vernacular idioms.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Independent Study, Seminars |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 7 Arts ACE 9 Global/Diversity |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 7 Arts ACE 9 Global/Diversity
Credit Hours: | 1-4 |
Max credits per semester: | 4 |
Max credits per degree: | 4 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Music for Non-majors |
Credit Hours:1-4
Prerequisites: Permission from School of Music
May not count toward requirements for music major or minor. Maximum of four semesters. No preregistration, since majors and minors must be assigned first to the available instructors. Applied music instruction fee of $80 will be charged in addition to tuition for credit hour. Grade only.
Description: A continuation of MUNM 100. For non-music majors who studied an instrument or voice through high school and wish to continue taking lessons; more advanced than MUNM 100. Private or group lessons at instructor's discretion.
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 4 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Applied Music for Non-majors |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $80 |
Credit Hours:1
Prerequisites: Permission from School of Music
Description: A continuation of MUNM 100. For non-music majors who studied an instrument or voice through high school and wish to continue taking lessons; more advanced than MUNM 100. Private or group lessons at instructor's discretion. May not count toward requirements for music major or minor. No preregistration, since majors and minors must be assigned first to the available instructors. Applied music instruction fee of $80 will be charged in addition to tuition for credit hour. Grade only. Maximum of four semesters.
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 4 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $80 |
Credit Hours:1
Prerequisites: Permission from School of Music
Description: A continuation of MUNM 100. For non-music majors who studied an instrument or voice through high school and wish to continue taking lessons; more advanced than MUNM 100. Private or group lessons at instructor's discretion. May not count toward requirements for music major or minor. No preregistration, since majors and minors must be assigned first to the available instructors. Applied music instruction fee of $80 will be charged in addition to tuition for credit hour. Grade only. Maximum of four semesters.
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 4 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $80 |
Credit Hours:1
Prerequisites: Permission from School of Music
Description: A continuation of MUNM 100. For non-music majors who studied an instrument or voice through high school and wish to continue taking lessons; more advanced than MUNM 100. Private or group lessons at instructor's discretion. May not count toward requirements for music major or minor. No preregistration, since majors and minors must be assigned first to the available instructors. Applied music instruction fee of $80 will be charged in addition to tuition for credit hour. Grade only. Maximum of four semesters.
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 4 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $80 |
Credit Hours:1
Prerequisites: Permission from School of Music
Description: A continuation of MUNM 100. For non-music majors who studied an instrument or voice through high school and wish to continue taking lessons; more advanced than MUNM 100. Private or group lessons at instructor's discretion. May not count toward requirements for music major or minor. No preregistration, since majors and minors must be assigned first to the available instructors. Applied music instruction fee of $80 will be charged in addition to tuition for credit hour. Grade only. Maximum of four semesters.
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 4 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $80 |
Credit Hours:1
Prerequisites: Permission from School of Music
Description: A continuation of MUNM 100. For non-music majors who studied an instrument or voice through high school and wish to continue taking lessons; more advanced than MUNM 100. Private or group lessons at instructor's discretion. May not count toward requirements for music major or minor. No preregistration, since majors and minors must be assigned first to the available instructors. Applied music instruction fee of $80 will be charged in addition to tuition for credit hour. Grade only. Maximum of four semesters.
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 4 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $80 |
Credit Hours:1
Prerequisites: Permission from School of Music
Description: A continuation of MUNM 100. For non-music majors who studied an instrument or voice through high school and wish to continue taking lessons; more advanced than MUNM 100. Private or group lessons at instructor's discretion. May not count toward requirements for music major or minor. No preregistration, since majors and minors must be assigned first to the available instructors. Applied music instruction fee of $80 will be charged in addition to tuition for credit hour. Grade only. Maximum of four semesters.
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 4 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $80 |
Credit Hours:1
Prerequisites: Permission from the School of Music
May not count toward requirements for music major or minor.
Description: Continuation of MUNM 100K. Elective credit only. Taught individually or in groups as necessary. Permission is based on availability in studio.
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 4 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:1
Description: The various roles that music and the other fine and performing arts play in today's society. The conceptual bases necessary to address selected art disciplines.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 7 Arts |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 7 Arts
Description: Survey of the development of film music from the perspective of important composers, film scores, and compositional practices that have formed what is known as film music. American films and scores in appropriate media and historical contexts.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Music for Non-majors |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 7 Arts |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 7 Arts
Description: Through directed listening to compositions chosen from the music literature-one of the great literatures of Western culture-the course attempts to teach the non-musician how to listen to and appreciate the human and cultural values of music as well as to become familiar with historical and stylistic views of music, the significance of music in cultural history, and the understanding of music as aesthetic expression.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Music for Non-majors |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 7 Arts |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 7 Arts
Description: Introduction to basic ethnomusicological terms and techniques, including the distinction between folk, pop, and art music. The first half of class on traditional folk music of Europe, Africa, and America. The second portion on the art musics of the Near East, India, Indonesia, and China-Japan.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 7 Arts ACE 9 Global/Diversity |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 7 Arts ACE 9 Global/Diversity
Description: Survey of country music's origins, history, sociopolitical impacts, and stylistic developments through the 20th century and beyond. Lives and stylistic idioms of individual performers and industry leaders who contributed to the music's development.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 7 Arts |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 7 Arts
Description: Survey of the history of rock music including its antecedents in Rhythm & Blues and Country. Two areas: a musical focus on musical characteristics and evolving musical styles, and a consideration of the sociopolitical impact rock music has had on late 20th Century life.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $10 |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 7 Arts |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 7 Arts
Prerequisites: Sophomore standing
Description: Comparison and contrast of the domains of music and sports from the perspective of the performer. Personal characteristics and experiences that make music and sports performers unique and principles involved in skill improvement (e.g., motivation, practice, performance anxiety). Roles that music and sports play in society.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Music for Non-majors |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 7 Arts ACE 6 Social Science |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 7 Arts ACE 6 Social Science
Description: Addresses broad psychological themes in the context of music--including motivation, learning, creativity, expressivity, and anxiety. The psychology of music can reveal much about how musicians convey their emotional intentions through sounded music, how listeners experience feelings and moods in response, and how this powerful process relates to social and cultural dynamics. Credit cannot be earned in both MUNM 333 and MUSC 189H University Honors Seminar - Psychology of Music.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Music for Non-majors |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 6 Social Science ACE 7 Arts |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 6 Social Science ACE 7 Arts
Prerequisites: Sophomore standing
Description: Examination of the relationship between music and political/social change in Latin America during the 20th century. Develops an understanding of the music and its significance to historical context. Connects musical traditions with trends in the modern world, in the United States and abroad.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | SPRING |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 9 Global/Diversity ACE 7 Arts |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 9 Global/Diversity ACE 7 Arts
Description: Survey of the development of American jazz music from the late nineteenth century to the present, with emphasis on Black ethnic origins and the stylistic idioms of individual performers.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $10 |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 7 Arts |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 7 Arts
Students will be assigned to a role in an opera scene, selected by the instructor, from the operatic repertoire that is matched to the individual student's background and level of proficiency. Students wishing to take on more than one role/scene may do so with the approval of the instructor.
Description: Opera performance training through focused preparation of selected opera scenes, culminating in public performance.
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 2 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Opera/Music Theatre Performanc |
Credit Hours:1
Prerequisites: Audition and permission.
Description: Preparation for and performance of a chorus, minor, or major role in a fully staged UNL Opera Theatre production.
Credit Hours: | 0-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Opera/Music Theatre Performanc |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $30 |
Credit Hours:0-3
Open by audition or permission of ensemble director.
Description: Rehearsal and performance of chamber orchestral and operatic repertoire of the seventeenth through the twenty-first centuries.
Credit Hours: | 0-1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Groups: | Opera/Music Theatre Performanc |
Credit Hours:0-1
Description: Advanced training in the integration of acting, movement, and singing skills for the performance of musical theatre. Training in artistic decision making that generates a character within a musical. Focus on a discipline of preparation and the resulting practice of performance; practical experiences with solos, duets, and ensembles from American Musical Theatre Repertoire.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Opera/Music Theatre Performanc |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $50 |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Introduction to the International Phonetic Alphabet incrementally using song literature of many languages including English, Latin, Spanish, Italian, German, French, and others. Symbols and their physical production in multiple contexts, with discussion on the mechanics of the articulators (lips, tongue, teeth, etc.) and how core sounds associated with each IPA symbol may subtly change from language to language. Active practice with these sounds through both speaking and singing.
Credit Hours: | 2 |
Max credits per semester: | 2 |
Max credits per degree: | 2 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | SPRING |
Credit Hours:2
Description: The correct pronunciation and diction for singing in Italian and English. Some of the art songs that comprise the standard Italian and English vocal literature.
Credit Hours: | 2 |
Max credits per semester: | 2 |
Max credits per degree: | 2 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:2
Description: The correct pronunciation and diction for singing in German. Some of the art songs that comprise the standard German vocal literature.
Credit Hours: | 0-2 |
Max credits per semester: | 2 |
Max credits per degree: | 2 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Core Curriculum |
Credit Hours:0-2
Credit Hours: | 0-2 |
Max credits per semester: | 2 |
Max credits per degree: | 2 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Core Curriculum |
Credit Hours:0-2
Description: Introduction for music majors to the development of functional piano technique for application to music theory, music reading, harmonization, improvisation, and other practical skills. Normally taken with MUSC 160, MUSC 165, MUSC 165A as the beginning of the music core curriculum
This course is a prerequisite for: MUSC 132
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Core Curriculum |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $15 |
Credit Hours:1
Prerequisites: MUSC 131 with a grade of C or better
Description: Continued development of functional piano skills such as sight-reading, harmonization, and improvisation.
This course is a prerequisite for: MUAP 231
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $15 |
Credit Hours:1
Description: Introduction to the degree programs in music and resources for the study of music at the university level. Historical, social, and stylistic views of music in western and non-western cultures. Significance of music in cultural history, and the understanding of music as aesthetic expression. How to listen to and appreciate the human and cultural values of music. This class is intended for music majors. Normally taken with MUSC 131, MUSC 165, MUSC 165A as the beginning of the music core curriculum.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Core Curriculum |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 7 Arts |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 7 Arts
Prerequisites: Good standing in the University Honors Program or permission as informed by diagnostic testing
Description: Intensive drill in skills (ear training, sight singing, and keyboard) to accompany written concepts.
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:1
Description: Beginning fundamentals of music. Beginning theory (notation, rhythm, and meter, pitch and melody, harmony and form). Normally taken with MUSC 131, MUSC 160, MUSC 165A as the beginning of the music core curriculum.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Core Curriculum |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Intensive drill in musicianship skills (ear training, sight singing, and keyboard). Normally taken with MUSC 131, MUSC 160, MUSC 165 as the beginning of the music core curriculum.
This course is a prerequisite for: MUSC 166A
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Core Curriculum |
Credit Hours:1
Prerequisites: Good standing in the University Honors Program
Normally taken with MUSC 131, MUSC 160, and either MUSC 164H or MUSC 165A as the beginning of the music core curriculum. Letter grade only.
Description: Beginning fundamentals of music. Beginning theory (notation, rhythm and meter, pitch, harmony) and its application to listening, performing, and thinking about music.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Core Curriculum |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: MUSC 165 with a grade of C or better
Description: Diatonic harmony, introduction to modulation, species counterpoint, introduction to form and analysis (compositional processes and small forms).
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Music majors should take this music core class together with core class MUSC 166.
Description: Intensive drill in skills (ear training, sight singing, and keyboard).
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Credit Hours:1
Prerequisites: Good standing in the University Honors Program or by invitation.
University Honors Seminar 189H is required of all students in the University Honors Program.
Description: Topic varies.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Independent Study, Seminars |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 7 Arts |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 7 Arts
Credit Hours: | 1-4 |
Max credits per semester: | 4 |
Max credits per degree: | 24 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Independent Study, Seminars |
Credit Hours:1-4
Description: Introduction to modern and historical keyboard instruments and initial development of skills on each. Emphasis on varied styles of keyboard performance including solo and collaborative, historical, modern, and vernacular. Overview of professional musicianship on keyboard instruments.
Credit Hours: | 2 |
Max credits per semester: | 2 |
Max credits per degree: | 2 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:2
Prerequisites: MUSC 166 with a grade of C or better
Description: Chromatic harmony; continued study of modulation; invention and fugue; continued study of form and analysis (sonata, rondo, and concerto).
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Credit Hours:3
Music majors should take this course together with core class MUSC 265.
Description: Intensive drill in skills (ear training, sight singing, and keyboard).
This course is a prerequisite for: MUSC 266A
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Credit Hours:1
Prerequisites: MUSC 265 with a grade of C or better
Description: Continued study of chromatic harmony (later nineteenth-century practice) and of form and analysis (Lied, theme and variation). Twentieth-century materials and techniques (new tonal resources, atonality).
This course is a prerequisite for: MUSC 365
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Credit Hours:3
Music majors should take this course together with core class MUSC 266.
Description: Intensive drill in skills (ear training, sight singing, and keyboard).
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Credit Hours:1
Description: Introduction to conducting, score analysis, score reading, baton technique, traditional patterns and expressive use of gestures.
This course is a prerequisite for: MUED 374
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Core Curriculum |
Experiential Learning: | Creative Activity |
Credit Hours:1
Description: Introduction to basic ethnomusicological terms and techniques, including the distinction between folk, pop, and art music. The first half of class on traditional folk music of Europe, Africa, and America. The second portion on the art musics of the Near East, India, Indonesia, and China-Japan.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 7 Arts ACE 9 Global/Diversity |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 7 Arts ACE 9 Global/Diversity
Description: Fundamentals of music composition with attention to creating original music in digital mediums including MIDI and digital audio. Theory and practice in improvisation as related to composition as well as techniques for reworking musical ideas towards creating a finished composition.
This course is a prerequisite for: EMAR 363
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $100 |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 7 Arts |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 7 Arts
Description: Introduction to the basic theory, practice, and procedures involved in recording and producing music in the modern digital audio production suite. Principles of sound, acoustics, and the fundamentals of DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) software and hardware (microphones and mixing consoles).
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Fundamental skills in personal and professional use of technology for music production with a focus on MIDI sequencing and music notation software. Foundation of MIDI technology including keyboard and instrument programming, internet applications with sound and MIDI in multimedia.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | SUMMER |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Survey of the history of rock music including its antecedents in Rhythm & Blues and Country. Two areas: a musical focus on musical characteristics and evolving musical styles, and a consideration of the sociopolitical impact rock music has had on late 20th Century life.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $10 |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 7 Arts |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 7 Arts
Description: Investigation of selected topics in digital arts.
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Credit Hours:1-3
Description: Exploration of the craft and art of scoring for visual media though practice, analysis and discussion. Develop creative and technical skills in audio editing and music composition for synchronization to picture.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: MUSC 266
Open to music majors only.
Description: Music of the Middle Ages, Renaissance and Baroque. An examination of style and social context from Gregorian chant through the mid-eighteenth century.
This course is a prerequisite for: MUSC 366
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: MUSC 365.
Description: Music of the Classic and Romantic eras and the twentieth century. Style and social context from mid-eighteenth century to the present.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Core Curriculum |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: MUSC 283 or permission
Description: Advanced work in audio recording and production with an emphasis on creating dynamic audio mixes for different musical contexts. Extensive work with DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) software and audio hardware such as microphones and mixing consoles, as well as foundational experience in using editing/mastering software.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $15 |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Investigation of topics in music, and the selection of one topic, for the purpose of preparing a proposal for a research document or undergraduate thesis.
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Independent Study, Seminars |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 10 Integrated Product |
Credit Hours:1
ACE:ACE 10 Integrated Product
Description: Investigation of topics in music, and the selection of one topic, for the purpose of preparing a proposal for a research document or undergraduate thesis.
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Independent Study, Seminars |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 10 Integrated Product |
Credit Hours:1
ACE:ACE 10 Integrated Product
Description: Investigation of topics in music, and the selection of one topic, for the purpose of preparing a proposal for a research document or undergraduate thesis.
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Independent Study, Seminars |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 10 Integrated Product |
Credit Hours:1
ACE:ACE 10 Integrated Product
Description: Investigation of topics in music, and the selection of one topic, for the purpose of preparing a proposal for a research document or undergraduate thesis.
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Independent Study, Seminars |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 10 Integrated Product |
Credit Hours:1
ACE:ACE 10 Integrated Product
Prerequisites: Permission.
Description: Investigation of selected topics in music.
Credit Hours: | 1-4 |
Max credits per semester: | 4 |
Max credits per degree: | 24 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Independent Study, Seminars |
Credit Hours:1-4
Prerequisites: 10 hrs applied piano.
Description: The history, materials, and methodologies of piano pedagogy from a perspective of wellness promotion. Special issues pertaining to teaching beginning, intermediate, and advanced students. Observation experience and a supervised teaching practicum.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Music Literature and Pedagogy |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: MUSC 424/824.
Description: Issues pertinent to studio piano teaching, including business issues, developing effective strategies for teaching selected musical and technical skills. Observation experience and a supervised teaching practicum.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Music Literature and Pedagogy |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Selected films, composers, scores, and the historical contexts. Historical trends in film and film scoring as well as how those trends are being interpreted by contemporary filmmakers.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Music History |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: MUSC 366.
Description: The history of jazz from its musical antecedents in the Nineteenth Century to the birth of modern jazz via Bebop in the 1940s. Important musical artists and trends within the larger context of American history in the Twentieth Century.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Music History |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: MUSC 366.
Description: The development of modern jazz from the late 1940s to the present. Important artists and trends within the larger context of American history in the Twentieth Century.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Music History |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: MUSC 366 or equivalent.
Description: Historical and stylistic study of the life and music of one or more important composers and/or performers in the European-American or non-Western musical traditions.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 6 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Music History |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Senior standing and MUSC 366.
Description: Relationship between musical analysis and musical performance. Individual performance project of a suitable composition and a research paper devoted to the work and its performance.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Music Theory |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 10 Integrated Product |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 10 Integrated Product
Prerequisites: For 446: MUSC 266; For 846: Permission (granted upon satisfactory completion of Graduate Diagnostic Theory Exam or required MUSC 848 modules)
Description: Survey and application of tools to create practical analytic perspectives of sound, harmony, melody, rhythm, and form in music
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | FALL |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: MUSC 366.
Description: Historical and stylistic study of medieval music and its antecedents.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Music History |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: MUSC 266.
Description: Counterpoint from the eighteenth through the twentieth century. Analysis of excerpts from the literature and composition of representative musical examples.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Music Theory |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: MUSC 266.
Description: Overview of recent techniques for the analysis of twentieth-century music. Evaluation of the theories of Schönberg, Forte, Babbitt, Perle, Lewin, Morris, and others. Application of musical examples.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Music Theory |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Senior standing or MUSC 366.
Description: Literature of the opera from its prehistory and beginnings to the present.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Music History |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Senior or graduate standing or MUSC 366.
Description: Literature of the symphony orchestra from the Baroque era to the present.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Music History |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: MUSC 266.
Description: The formal structure and design in music of the common practice period and the present, smaller structural units, motivic processes, binary and ternary forms, vocal forms, theme and variation, sonata, rondo, concerto, suite, ostinato, and contrapuntal forms.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Music Theory |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: MUSC 266.
Description: Analysis of music within historical and stylistic contexts with the goal of informing score study and preparation for performers, conductors, and music educators. Analysis of music from the Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and contemporary eras.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Music Theory |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Survey of the pedagogy and the solo, chamber and pedagogical literature of instruments from elementary to advanced levels, for class as well as private instruction.
Credit Hours: | 2-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Credit Hours:2-3
Description: Survey of the pedagogy and the solo, chamber and pedagogical literature of instruments from elementary to advanced levels, for class as well as private instruction.
Credit Hours: | 2-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Credit Hours:2-3
Description: Survey of the pedagogy and the solo, chamber and pedagogical literature of instruments from elementary to advanced levels, for class as well as private instruction.
Credit Hours: | 2-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Credit Hours:2-3
Description: Survey of the pedagogy and the solo, chamber and pedagogical literature of instruments from elementary to advanced levels, for class as well as private instruction.
Credit Hours: | 2-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Credit Hours:2-3
Description: Survey of the pedagogy and the solo, chamber and pedagogical literature of instruments from elementary to advanced levels, for class as well as private instruction.
Credit Hours: | 2-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Credit Hours:2-3
Description: Survey of the pedagogy and the solo, chamber and pedagogical literature of instruments from elementary to advanced levels, for class as well as private instruction.
Credit Hours: | 2-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Credit Hours:2-3
Description: Survey of the pedagogy and the solo, chamber and pedagogical literature of instruments from elementary to advanced levels, for class as well as private instruction.
Credit Hours: | 2-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Credit Hours:2-3
Description: Survey of the pedagogy and the solo, chamber and pedagogical literature of instruments from elementary to advanced levels, for class as well as private instruction.
Credit Hours: | 2-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Credit Hours:2-3
Description: Survey of the pedagogy and the solo, chamber and pedagogical literature of instruments from elementary to advanced levels, for class as well as private instruction.
Credit Hours: | 2-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Credit Hours:2-3
Description: Survey of the pedagogy and the solo, chamber and pedagogical literature of instruments from elementary to advanced levels, for class as well as private instruction.
Credit Hours: | 2-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Credit Hours:2-3
Description: Survey of the pedagogy and the solo, chamber and pedagogical literature of instruments from elementary to advanced levels, for class as well as private instruction.
Credit Hours: | 2-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Credit Hours:2-3
Description: Survey of the pedagogy and the solo, chamber and pedagogical literature of instruments from elementary to advanced levels, for class as well as private instruction.
Credit Hours: | 2-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Credit Hours:2-3
Description: Survey of the pedagogy and the solo, chamber and pedagogical literature of instruments from elementary to advanced levels, for class as well as private instruction.
Credit Hours: | 2-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Credit Hours:2-3
Description: Survey of the pedagogy and the solo, chamber and pedagogical literature of instruments from elementary to advanced levels, for class as well as private instruction.
Credit Hours: | 2-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Credit Hours:2-3
Description: Survey of the pedagogy and the solo, chamber and pedagogical literature of instruments from elementary to advanced levels, for class as well as private instruction.
Credit Hours: | 2-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Credit Hours:2-3
Description: Survey of the pedagogy and the solo, chamber and pedagogical literature of instruments from elementary to advanced levels, for class as well as private instruction.
Credit Hours: | 2-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Credit Hours:2-3
Description: Survey of the pedagogy and the solo, chamber and pedagogical literature of instruments from elementary to advanced levels, for class as well as private instruction.
Credit Hours: | 2-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Credit Hours:2-3
Description: Survey of the pedagogy and the solo, chamber and pedagogical literature of instruments from elementary to advanced levels, for class as well as private instruction.
Credit Hours: | 2-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Credit Hours:2-3
Description: Survey of the pedagogy and the solo, chamber and pedagogical literature of instruments from elementary to advanced levels, for class as well as private instruction.
Credit Hours: | 2-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Credit Hours:2-3
Prerequisites: MUSC 266.
Description: Theoretical foundation of jazz composition and performance. Ear training and keyboard skills.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Music Theory |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Jazz styles from 1920 to the present, with emphasis on the development of listening skills required to aurally identify improvisors, composer/arrangers and stylistic characteristics within the jazz idiom.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Music History |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: MUSC 465/865
Description: Exploration of the uses the elements of music (melody, harmony, rhythm, articulation, dynamics, form, etc.) in consonant and dissonant ways to create expressive, emotional and substantive improvisations. Topics include the role of the ear; free playing; intervalic and melodic construction; tone and chord character; and transcription.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Music Literature and Pedagogy |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Acquaints student with musical repertoire and rehearsal technique of the school jazz ensemble, the various methods of jazz improvisation instruction, the musical roles of the rhythm section, and the materials (books, audio, and video recordings, etc.) that are available to the jazz teacher.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Music Literature and Pedagogy |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Junior standing.
Description: The processes of teaching singing, basic physiology, and scientific and acoustical terms. Developing processes to teach breathing, phonation, registration, resonance strategies, and sound concept through discussion and evaluation of practice teaching, and on how to manage a private studio.
This course is a prerequisite for: MUSC 971
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Music Literature and Pedagogy |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Junior standing or above.
Description: Development of the art song, emphasizing the European and New World traditions from the eighteenth century to the present.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Music Literature and Pedagogy |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Junior standing.
Description: Intensive study of the German, French and American art song literature from the eighteenth century to the present.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Music Literature and Pedagogy |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: 10 hrs organ or equivalent.
Description: Survey of the most important trends in organ literature and pedagogy from medieval times to the present day. The interrelationships between the music and organ design.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Music Literature and Pedagogy |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: 10 hrs organ or equivalent.
Topics will rotate.
Description: Seminar in specific focus areas of organ literature.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 15 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Music Literature and Pedagogy |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Seminar in specific focus areas of organ literature.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Seminar in specific focus areas of organ literature.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Seminar in specific focus areas of organ literature.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Seminar in specific focus areas of organ literature.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Seminar in specific focus areas of organ literature.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: 12 hrs undergraduate piano.
Description: Literature for solo piano from the early Baroque through the Twentieth Century, with emphasis on musical styles.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Music Literature and Pedagogy |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: 12 hrs undergraduate piano.
Specific style periods rotate.
Description: Literature for solo piano.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Music Literature and Pedagogy |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Literature for solo piano.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Literature for solo piano.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Literature for solo piano.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: MUSC 366 or equivalent.
Description: Historical and stylistic study of the music composed from the last decade of the nineteenth century through World War II.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Music History |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: MUSC 266
Description: Examination of important works for orchestra by American composers from the late 1800s to the present day.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: MUSC 266.
Description: Compositional practices of late nineteenth-century European music. Chromatic harmony and devices of tonal and motivic expansion. Analytical concepts of Schenker, Schönberg, and others. Application of music examples.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Music Theory |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: MUSC 366 or equivalent.
Description: Historical and stylistic study of the music composed since World War II.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Music History |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Culminating experience in music technology. Proposal and production of project blending music and technology.
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 10 Integrated Product |
Credit Hours:1-3
ACE:ACE 10 Integrated Product
Prerequisites: MUSC 366 or equivalent.
Description: Forms, styles, composers, and aesthetics of the classic period.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Music History |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: MUSC 366 or equivalent.
Description: Forms, styles, composers, and aesthetics of music of the Renaissance.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Music History |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: MUSC 366.
Description: Forms, styles, composers, and aesthetics of the Baroque Era.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Music History |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: MUSC 366.
Description: Forms, styles, composers, and aesthetics of the Romantic Era.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Music History |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: MUSC 366 or equivalent.
Description: American music and musical life in its cultivated and vernacular traditions including a consideration of its cultural and social background as well as principal stylistic trends and predominant musical attitudes.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Music History |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Covers the practical aspects of a successful music career, including finances, self-presentation, publicity, and marketing for both new and traditional career directions.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Permission.
Description: Supervised practicum and/or field work in an area related to music under the direction of a university staff/faculty member and a cooperating professional in the particular area(s) of interest.
Credit Hours: | 0-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 6 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Independent Study, Seminars |
Credit Hours:0-3
Credit Hours: | 1-4 |
Max credits per semester: | 4 |
Max credits per degree: | 24 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:1-4
Prerequisites: Permission.
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 6 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Independent Study, Seminars |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 10 Integrated Product |
Credit Hours:1-3
ACE:ACE 10 Integrated Product
Prerequisites: Open to candidates for degrees with distinction, with high distinction, and with highest distinction in the Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts.
Credit Hours: | 1-4 |
Max credits per semester: | 4 |
Max credits per degree: | 8 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Independent Study, Seminars |
Credit Hours:1-4
Prerequisites: MUSR 90
Fulfills BM degree requirement.
Description: Public solo music recital.
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Groups: | Recitals |
Credit Hours:1
This document represents a sample 4-year plan for degree completion with this major. Actual course selection and sequence may vary and should be discussed individually with your college or department academic advisor. Advisors also can help you plan other experiences to enrich your undergraduate education such as internships, education abroad, undergraduate research, learning communities, and service learning and community-based learning.
Music Education - Violin
- A minimum 2.00 GPA required for graduation.
- ***Total Credits Applying Toward 120 Total Hours***
- Complete 30 of the last 36 hours in residence at UNL.
- Complete a minimum of 90 hours at UNL.
Music Education - Voice
- ***Total Credits Applying Toward 120 Total Hours***
- A minimum 2.00 GPA required for graduation.
- Complete 30 of the last 36 hours in residence at UNL.
- Complete a minimum of 90 hours at UNL.
Career Information
The following represents a sample of the internships, jobs and graduate school programs that current students and recent graduates have reported.
Jobs of Recent Graduates
- Assistant Band Director, Elkhorn Public Schools - Omaha, NE
- Elementary/Middle School Band Director, Beatrice Public Schools - Beatrice, NE
- Assistant Director of Choral Activities, Lincoln County School District - Troy, MO
- Elementary Music Teacher, Lincoln Public Schools - Lincoln, NE
- Assistant Director of Choral Activities, Ankeny Community School District - Ankeny, IA
- K-8 Music Education (Vocal), Cathedral of the Risen Christ - Lincoln, NE
- K-8 General Music & Youth Choir Teacher, North American Martyrs School - Lincoln, NE
- Orchestra Director, Rapid City Area Schools - Rapid City, SD
- High School Vocal Music Director, Millard Public Schools - Omaha, NE
- Music Instructor, Harris Academy of the Arts - Lincoln, NE
- Music Intern, St. Paul United Methodist Church - Lincoln, NE
- Intern, Angels Theater Company - Lincoln, NE
- Event Coordination, Lied Center - Lincoln, NE
- Creative Campus Intern, Lied Center - Lincoln, NE
Graduate & Professional Schools
- Master's in Music, University of Maryland - College Park, MD
- Master's in Music, University of Oregon - Eugene, OR
- Ph.D., Music Education, University of Minnesota - Minneapolis, MN
- Master's in Music, Performance, University of South Florida - Tampa, FL
- Jazz Studies, DePaul University - Chicago, IL
- Master's in Music, University of Missouri - Columbia, MO
- Education, University of Nebraska-Lincoln - Lincoln, NE