Fine & Performing Arts College of Fine & Performing Arts


The Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts is comprised of the School of Art, Art History and Design, the Glenn Korff School of Music including the Dance Division, the Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film, the Johnny Carson Center for Emerging Media Arts, and the Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center. In addition, the Great Plains Art Museum, the Lied Center for the Performing Arts, and the Sheldon Museum of Art are affiliated with the College.

The College offers a wide range of degrees: the bachelor of arts, the bachelor of fine arts, the bachelor of music, and the bachelor of music education. The programs in the College provide students with both a general liberal education, as well as specialized training in their chosen field. Many of the degrees offered by the College are professionally oriented and prepare students to enter an occupation directly or to attend graduate or professional schools. Students may major in art, art history and criticism, graphic design, dance, music, music education, theatre arts, acting, or emerging media arts. Each of the academic units in the Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts is accredited by the national accrediting organization in the field: the National Association of Schools of Art and Design, the National Association of Schools of Dance, the National Association of Schools of Music, and the National Association of Schools of Theatre.

The Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts is committed to facilitating the interaction between the many arts entities on campus and to providing students with a high quality education and many opportunities to participate in cultural activities.


The College nurtures creative, artistic activity and scholarship; educates students to a high level of accomplishment as artists, teachers, and scholars; and enriches the education of all students through the study and practice of the arts. The College provides the citizens of Nebraska with opportunities to enjoy, appreciate, and participate in the arts through outreach programs. Through its creative activity, research, and exhibitions it contributes to the arts nationally and internationally. In fulfillment of its mission, the College:

  • Provides comprehensive educational programs of study in the arts at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
  • Fosters creative activity and scholarly research in the arts.
  • Provides professional preparation for artists, historians, theorists, and arts educators.
  • Sustains a strong commitment to liberal education for all University of Nebraska–Lincoln students through its course offerings and special programs.
  • Provides opportunities for the performance, collection, preservation, publication, and exhibition of important works.
  • Develops supportive and knowledgeable audiences and patrons for the arts.
  • Maintains a strong interdisciplinary and continuing education emphasis by creating comprehensive cultural and educational opportunities.
  • Supports and contributes to collaborative multicultural and intercultural programs.
  • Serves the entire state and region as an important artistic and cultural resource through its exhibitions, performances, and educational outreach programs.
  • Provides leadership for the understanding and development of the arts in the state and nation.


College Admission

Requirements for admission to the Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts are consistent with general University admission requirements. These include:

  • English (4 units)
  • Mathematics (4 units)
  • Social studies (3 units)
  • Natural sciences (3 units)
  • Foreign language (2 units)

Note: One unit equals one year of high school credit.

One of the following performance standards must also be met:

New Freshmen: Minimum ACT 20 (composite), minimum SAT 950 (combined), or rank in top half of high school graduating class.

Transfer and Readmit Students: Completed 12 or more semester credits from a post-secondary institution with a minimum cumulative GPA 2.0 and GPA 2.0 during the last semester of record at the time of application. (Emerging media arts majors: minimum cumulative GPA 3.0 and GPA 3.0 during the last semester of record at the time of application.)

International Students: Minimum TOEFL 70 (Internet) or 523 (paper).

Individual departments may have higher standards for acceptance into the different degrees and options. Please check with the individual departments for these standards.

Auditions/Portfolio Reviews

Auditions are required for admission to the Glenn Korff School of Music for music, music education, and dance majors. Auditions are also required for admission to the Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film acting major. A separate application and portfolio review are required for acceptance into all other programs in the Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film.

Admission Deficiencies/Removal of Deficiencies

Students who are admitted through the Admission by Review process with core course deficiencies will have certain conditions attached to their enrollment at Nebraska. These conditions are in this catalog under “Removal of Deficiencies.”

Students with one deficiency, two deficiencies but not in the same category, or two deficiencies in a world language who receive a Deferred Admission or Admission by Review, may be considered for admission to the college. Students who are admitted through the Admission by Review process with core course deficiencies will have certain conditions attached to their enrollment at Nebraska. These conditions are explained under Admission to the University, Removal of Deficiencies in this catalog.


Academic Advising

Primary academic advising for students in the Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts is provided by the student’s home school. A faculty advisor is assigned by the department or school to help students plan their academic careers and select appropriate courses. Incoming freshmen are counseled during New Student Enrollment by specially trained advisors. Students are responsible for meeting with their academic advisors on a regular basis so that timely and appropriate counsel can be received. Students should contact their department or school office for more information on advising policies and procedures. The Dean’s Office is also available upon referral, but the school is the principal source for advising information.

Students wishing to include credits transferred from another institution in their program of study must submit a transcript to the Office of Admissions. The Dean’s Office will complete an evaluation of transfer credit upon receipt of Courses Presented for Transfer from the Office of Admissions. Students who have previously had transfer credits evaluated in another University of Nebraska–Lincoln college must have the credits reevaluated upon entering the Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts.

The applicability of transfer credits toward major requirements is determined by the school offering the major. Students who wish to apply transfer credits toward major requirements or who wish to request any waiver or substitution of requirements must complete a Request for Waiver or Substitution form. The Request for Waiver or Substitution must first be approved by the appropriate advisor (listed below) and school director, before being forwarded to the Dean’s Office for final approval. Requests for waiver or substitution involving courses not offered by the student’s home school must have the approval (on the Request for Waiver or Substitution form) of the appropriate University of Nebraska–Lincoln department.

Art, Art History and Design: Christy Aggens, 120 Richards Hall

Dance: Susan Levine Ourada, 155D Johnny Carson Center for Emerging Media Arts

Emerging Media Arts: Courtney Ring, 206 Temple Building

Music: Jacqueline Mattingly, 351 Westbrook Music Building

Music Education: Robert Woody, 354 Westbrook Music Building

Acting: Courtney Ring, 206 Temple Building

Theatre Arts (BA): Courtney Ring, 206 Temple Building

Theatre Arts (BFA): Courtney Ring, 206 Temple Building

Academic Programs & Policies

Academic Load

Full-time status is attained by registering for 12 or more credits each semester. The Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts allows a maximum of 20 credits per semester.

Course Exclusions and Restrictions


No credit for the degree will be granted for the following:

  • Courses deemed to be high school level (MATH 100A Intermediate Algebra, driver training education, etc.)
  • Transfer credit from an institution with the primary purpose of vocational training (automotive repair, respiratory therapy, etc.)


  • No more than 4 credit hours in activity or athletic practice courses may apply toward total hours for the degree
    • At UNL, these classes are those from designators ATHP, COMB, FITN, INDV, MARK, ODED and RACS
  • No more than 15 credit hours may apply to the degree in the combined areas of:
    • Military Science (MLSC), Naval Science (NAVS), or Aerospace Studies (AERO)
    • Military credit for coursework presented through the Joint Services Transcript

Credit Rules

Credit by Examination

Through study or experience that parallels a University of Nebraska–Lincoln course, a regularly enrolled university student may feel prepared to pass an examination on the course content of a specific course for credit in that course. To apply for credit, a student should:

  1. Consult with the department chair.
  2. Obtain a Credit by Examination Form at Husker Hub, first floor of Canfield Administration Building. Current enrollment in the University must also be verified.
  3. Secure the approval signature from the department chair, instructor, and the dean of the student’s college.
  4. Secure the bursar’s receipt for payment of the appropriate fee per course for Credit by Examination. Currently, the fee is one-half the resident tuition rate.
  5. Present the completed form to the instructor designated by the department chair. The instructor will give the examination and report the results on the Credit by Examination Form. Return the form to the Admissions Office, Alexander Building, 0417.

Examination for credit through University of Nebraska–Lincoln departments may be taken only by currently enrolled students. A student is not permitted to receive Credit by Examination in a course which is a prerequisite for a course already taken unless the course and its prerequisites cover essentially different subject matter.

The Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts also gives credit for the subject and general examinations of the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) and the Advanced Placement Program (AP) administered by the College Entrance Examination Board. See the Dean’s Office, 102 Woods Art Building, for current policy regarding CLEP and AP examinations.

Dual Degrees

Students who wish to pursue two degrees at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln must declare the additional degree through an approval process with the new college. Students in the Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts are allowed to declare two different degrees within the college, provided that the overlap in courses used for major requirements between the two is no more than 18 credits. Dual degrees that would not be allowed include, but are not limited to:

BME music education major with BA or BM music major

BM music major with BA music major

BFA acting major with BA theatre major

BFA theatre major with BA theatre major

BFA art major with BA graphic design major

BFA graphic design major with BA art major

Because of its unique nature, the BA interdisciplinary studies major may not be combined with any other degree in the college. Whether the two degrees are in different colleges or in the Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts, students must complete all requirements for each degree, which may exceed 120 credit hours. Two degrees (diplomas) are awarded upon completion.

Note: A BA degree may have more than one major and is not subject to these limitations. BFA degrees may not have more than one major.

Honors Program

The Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts encourages qualified students to participate in the University Honors Program. As far as their plans and programs permit, these students are enrolled in the special sections for superior students.

Student Recognition

Dean’s List

The College recognizes students for academic achievement during the fall and spring semesters by placement on the College Dean’s List. To qualify for the Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts Dean’s List, students must complete 12 graded hours by the time of the first grade reports and attain a minimum semester grade point average of 3.7. The following do not qualify as part of the 12 credit hours: Pass/No Pass credit, transfer hours, removal of incompletes, and grade changes submitted after the census grade reports.

Degrees with Distinction

In recognition of outstanding academic excellence, the College grants the bachelors degree with the designation of With Distinction, With High Distinction, and With Highest Distinction to qualified students. The College Academic Distinction and Awards Committee determines the level of distinction. To be recommended for distinction, candidates must fulfill the specific criteria for With Highest Distinction, With High Distinction, or With Distinction, as described below, in addition to all of the general criteria and procedures applicable to all distinction classifications.

With Highest Distinction. Candidates for the bachelors degree may be awarded Highest Distinction on the basis of the following criteria: outstanding scholastic standing (a cumulative GPA above 3.9 as of the semester preceding graduation) and a thesis project of high quality.

With High Distinction. Candidates for the bachelors degree may be awarded High Distinction by fulfilling one of two sets of criteria:

  1. By achieving outstanding scholastic standing (a cumulative GPA above 3.9 as of the semester preceding graduation).
  2. By achieving excellent scholastic standing (a cumulative GPA above 3.8 as of the semester preceding graduation) and a thesis project of high quality.

With Distinction. Candidates for the bachelors degree may be awarded Distinction by achieving one of two sets of criteria:

  1. By excellent scholastic standing (a cumulative GPA above 3.8 as of the semester preceding graduation).
  2. By achieving high scholastic standing (a cumulative GPA of 3.5 as of the semester preceding graduation) and a thesis project of high quality.

The following criteria apply to all categories: an award of distinction on the basis of GPA alone (for With Distinction or With High Distinction) should not be considered automatic. In reviewing candidates, a consideration of the GPA is followed by an evaluation of the transcript, which includes: the general quality and breadth of the program, the quality of any transfer credit hours, the number of 300/400-level courses, the number of courses taken Pass/No Pass, and the number of courses retaken to remove D grades. Students must remove any incompletes by the end of the 8th week of classes in the term preceding graduation in order to be considered for recognition. In addition, ordinarily only students who have taken their last 48 hours of graded coursework while registered in the Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts are considered. Consequently, it is possible for a student to have a GPA above the cut-off point and still not receive a recommendation for distinction. Also, graduation with any level of distinction is not automatic with the submission of a thesis project (a requirement for a degree With Highest Distinction, and an option for degrees With High Distinction or With Distinction). It does, however, make a student eligible to be considered for graduation with such honors.

Thesis Project. The thesis project should be substantially more extensive than a term paper. It must be the result of independent, sustained thought and intellectual curiosity, and it must be completed outside of the structured assignments normally required for a course (excluding 499H courses). A survey of the literature about a particular topic is not sufficient. The project must include a significant written component. All of the following elements are required:

  1. An abstract consisting of no more than one page.
  2. A clear formulation of the problem, question, or project.
  3. A scholarly study which illuminates it.
  4. A substantive conclusion supported by evidence. Students must write in a manner and style that can be understood by a non-specialist in the field. A bibliography and reference to existing literature in the field should be included where appropriate. The phrase “Thesis Project” acknowledges the possibility of having a scholarly honors endeavor which might not conform to the narrow definition of a “thesis.”

The following are examples of previous Thesis Projects:

  1. The arrangement of a particular symphony and a detailed description of the process of composing arrangements with literary references.
  2. The creation of a portfolio of photographic works accompanied by a lengthy historical and literary background.
  3. A complete set of costume designs with detailed information about the design, research, and garment building process and photographs of the realized costumes.

The project must have a significant written component, but it need not be in the format of a formal thesis.

Procedure: Students who elect to work on a thesis project must make arrangements before their senior year by consulting with a faculty member who will supervise the project. The student must register for an independent study course in their major area of study (499H) before proceeding with the preparation of the independent work. The Thesis Project Proposal must be completed with signatures and filed in the Dean’s Office (102 Woods Art Building) one year prior to the term of graduation (see College website for specific dates). The Thesis Project supervisor is expected to offer guidance to the student throughout the duration of the project. Two faculty members, the supervisor and the second reader, must complete a Thesis Project Evaluation Form. It is the responsibility of the faculty members to clearly address in their evaluations the extent to which the thesis project meets the three required elements listed above. Thesis projects and faculty evaluations must be submitted to the Associate Dean by the established deadline. The College Academic Distinction and Awards Committee conducts the final evaluation of the thesis project. Specific deadlines for each term are indicated on the Proposal and Evaluation forms. Materials submitted after the stated deadlines will not be considered by the Academic Distinction and Awards Committee.

In general, every thesis project is reviewed by the Committee. However, if no member of the Committee feels qualified in the subject area of the thesis project submitted, the Committee solicits the help of another faculty member with an appropriate background. This outside reader then submits to the Committee a formal written evaluation. Even so, members of the Committee must depend heavily on the faculty evaluations.

Students in the University Honors Program may submit an Honors Thesis, providing all of the above requirements and deadlines are met.

Dean’s Award for Academic Excellence

This award is presented annually in the spring to the graduating student from the three graduations (May, August, and December) of the previous calendar year who has achieved the highest level of scholastic performance while in the Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts. The award is based on the final cumulative grade point average at graduation. In the event of a tie, other factors will be taken into consideration. It is expected that the last 48 hours of the student’s work will have been completed in the Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts.

International Study/Education Abroad

Credit earned during education abroad may be used toward degree requirements if students participate in prior approved programs and register through the university. Credit awarded from an institution other than Nebraska will be subject to transfer credit and residency rules.


Student Standing/Classification

Sophomore Standing. For admission to sophomore standing, a student must have completed all of the College entrance requirements, earned a minimum of 27 semester hours of credit, and attained a total grade point average of at least 2.0.

Junior Standing. A student has junior standing after meeting the requirements for sophomore standing and completing 53 semester hours of credit.

Senior Standing. A student has senior standing after meeting the requirements for junior standing and completing 89 semester hours of credit.

Substitutions and Waivers

Special requests concerning degree programs, including inquiries about exceptions to degree requirements, waivers, and substitutions, should be made to the Dean’s Office, 102 Woods Art Building.

ACE Requirements

All students must fulfill the Achievement-Centered Education (ACE) requirements. Information about the ACE program may be viewed at

Catalog to Use

Students who first enroll at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln under the 2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog must fulfill the requirements stated in this catalog or in any other catalog which is published while they are enrolled in the College, provided the catalog they follow is no more than ten years old at the time of graduation. A student must, however, meet the requirements from one catalog only rather than choosing a portion from one catalog and the remainder from another.

Exception: Students pursuing any degree in the Glenn Korff School of Music who fail to take at least one course that will fulfill their major requirements during a 12-month period must re-audition. They will then move to the catalog in effect at that time.

Students who have transferred from a community college may be eligible to fulfill the requirements as stated in the catalog for an academic year in which they were enrolled at the community college prior to attending the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. The decision to utilize a previous catalog should be made in consultation with academic advisors and must be requested within the first two semesters of enrollment after transferring. Students must complete all degree requirements from a single catalog year and within the time frame allowable for that catalog year.

Eligibility to use a prior catalog is dependent upon

  • Admission to the university as a transfer student
  • Enrollment at a community college during the catalog year being used
  • Continuous enrollment at the previous institution for one academic year or more
  • Proceeding to enrollment at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln within one calendar year from the last enrollment at the previous institution
  • Maintaining the same major after the admission process

College Degree Requirements

College General Education Requirements

World Languages/Language Requirement

The language requirement serves to help students gain a working familiarity with a language and a culture other than their own.

All students pursuing bachelor of arts or bachelor of music degrees are required to complete the intermediate level in one world language. The language requirement is fulfilled by the completion of the 4th level of a single language (either in high school or in college). Language study at UNL is currently available in Arabic, Chinese, Czech, French, German, Greek, Japanese, Latin, Russian, Spanish, and American Sign Language. Courses offered at UNL that complete the sequence include: ARAB 202, CHIN 202, CZEC 202, FREN 202 or FREN 210, GERM 202, GREK 301 & GREK 302, JAPN 202, LATN 301 & LATN 302, RUSS 202, SLPA 202, SPAN 202 or SPAN 210.


  • A student who has completed the fourth-year level of one world language in high school is exempt from the language requirement.
  • A student whose language proficiency is not reflected on a transcript may demonstrate proficiency of the intermediate level through assessment with the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures. (Greek, Latin, and American Sign Language are not included in this process.) Report of the results will be made to the academic advisor for consideration of a waiver of the language requirement without credit toward the degree.
  • International and domestic students whose first language is not English will be exempt from the requirement without credit toward the degree based on documentation of previous study.

Minimum Hours Required for Graduation

A minimum of 120 semester hours of credit is required for graduation from the Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts. Students in the College are required to maintain a minimum current and cumulative GPA of 2.0. Individual departments may require a higher current and cumulative GPA.

Grade Rules

C- and D Grades

The College will accept no more than 15 semester hours of D grades from schools outside of the University of Nebraska system.

Grades lower than C earned at Nebraska or transferred from other schools cannot be applied toward requirements in a major, but may be applied toward total hours.

Pass/No Pass

University regulations for the Pass/No Pass privilege state: The Pass/No Pass option is designed to be used by a student seeking to expand his/her intellectual horizons by taking courses in areas where he/she may have minimum preparation without adversely affecting his/her grade point average.

  1. Neither the P nor the N grade contributes to a student’s GPA.
  2. P is interpreted to mean C or above. Some professional education courses require a C+ or above.
  3. A change to or from Pass/No Pass may be made until mid-term (1/2 of the course). This date coincides with the final date to drop a course without the instructor’s approval.
  4. The Pass/No Pass or grade registration cannot conflict with the professor’s, department’s, college, or University policy governing grading option.
  5. Prior to the mid-term deadline, changing to or from the Pass/No Pass requires using the MyRED system to change the grading option or filing a Drop/Add form at Husker Hub, first floor Canfield Administration Building. After the mid-term deadline, a student registered for Pass/No Pass cannot change to a grade registration unless the Pass/No Pass registration is in conflict with a professor’s, department’s, college, or University policy governing Pass/No Pass.
  6. The Pass/No Pass grading option cannot be used for the removal of C- or D or F grades.

Pass/No Pass privileges in the Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts are extended to students according to the following additional regulations:

  1. Pass/No Pass hours can count toward fulfillment of ACE requirements up to the 24-hour maximum.
  2. Freshmen and sophomores may enroll for no more than 6 hours of Pass/No Pass work per semester.
  3. Students may not elect to take courses on a Pass/No Pass basis to fulfill degree requirements in the major. Departments may allow up to 6 hours of Pass/No Pass to be taken in the minor offered by the Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts.
  4. Departments may specify that certain courses can be taken only on a Pass/No Pass basis.
  5. The College will permit no more than a total of 24 semester hours of Pass/No Pass grades to be applied toward degree requirements. This total includes all “pass” grades earned at Nebraska and other schools.

Individual departments vary in their policies regarding Pass/No Pass hours as applied to the major and minor. Consult the individual departmental listings for these policies. Students who wish to apply Pass/No Pass hours to their major and minor(s) must obtain approval on a form that is available in the Dean’s Office, 102 Woods Art Building.

GPA Requirements

Students are expected to maintain a minimum 2.0 grade point average each semester. Some programs within the College may have higher GPA requirements to keep in good academic standing.

Transfer Credit Rules

Ordinarily, hours earned at an accredited college are accepted by the University. The College, however, will evaluate all hours submitted on an application for transfer and reserves the right to accept or reject any of them. The maximum number of hours the University will accept on transfer from a two-year college is 60.

Normally, credit is not given for pre-university work. In some instances, however, it may be possible to receive credit through satisfactory examination.

All transfer students must complete the Residency Requirement (see “Residency Requirement”), and at least 9 hours in the major field must be completed at the University regardless of the number of hours transferred.

The Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts will accept no more than 15 semester hours of D grades from schools other than UNO or UNK. All grades may be transferred from UNO or UNK. However, transfer courses within a student’s major or minor will be evaluated by that unit and held to the same minimum grade standards as courses taken at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.

School of Art, Art History and Design Transfer Credit Policy

A studio or art history course presented for possible transfer to the University of Nebraska–Lincoln is evaluated by the School of Art, Art History and Design using course descriptions and/or course syllabi to evaluate content, and course schedules to evaluate the hours of instruction.

Studio courses that are eligible for transfer credit based on course content are awarded 1 credit hour for every 30 hours of instruction (with the assumption that the transfer course required 15 hours of work outside of class for every 30 hours spent in class with the instructor). Credit is rounded to the nearest half-credit hour. If a course is presented for possible transfer, and the hours of instruction fall short of the University’s NASAD-based standards, the course will receive a proportional reduction in credit.

Each major requires a minimum amount of credit that must be completed at Nebraska. Courses taken at other academic institutions may be applied toward the remaining required credits subject to evaluation by the department. Specific limits may be found in the major requirements section.

Glenn Korff School of Music Transfer Credit Policy

The following will be used by advisors as guidelines for the evaluation of transfer credits which are less than five years old:

  • If a transfer student has successfully completed (grade C or above) approved transfer credits which are equivalent to music major/minor requirements in terms of number of credit hours and scope of content, that area will be considered completed at the discretion of the chief degree program advisor.
  • For approved transfer credits which are lacking equivalency in either number of credit hours, scope of content, or grade received to music major/minor requirements in applied music, music theory, sight singing/aural skills, and keyboard skills, the number of transfer credits accepted and placement will be determined by audition/proficiency tests administered by designated area faculty.
  • For approved transfer credits which are lacking equivalency in other music areas (history and ensembles), the number of transfer credits accepted will be determined by the chief degree program advisor.

All music coursework which is more than five years old must be validated by an audition or competency examination given by designated area faculty.

Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film Transfer Credit Policy

There are no additional restrictions regarding transfer credit.

Transfer Credit from Foreign Institutions

Credit for courses taken at foreign universities and colleges will be transferred only after validation by the appropriate department. This evaluation may include examination of the student over subject matter studied at the foreign institution.

International Baccalaureate Credit

Students who have studied art, music, or theatre within the International Baccalaureate Program will be given credit for courses at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln according to the guidelines established by each academic unit. Contact the department office for specific course information.

Course Level Requirements

Upper-Level Requirement: Thirty of the 120 semester hours of credit must be in courses numbered above 299.


Students must meet either of the following residency qualifications:

  • At least 30 of the last 36 hours of credit must be registered for and completed while enrolled at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.
  • A total of 90 credits must be registered for and completed while enrolled at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.

Credit earned during education abroad may be used toward degree requirements if students participate in prior approved programs and register through the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. Credit awarded from an institution other than Nebraska will be subject to transfer credit and residency rules.

Experiential Learning Requirement

All undergraduates in the Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts must complete an Experiential Learning (EL) designated course.

Degrees & Majors

Areas offering Bachelor of Arts degree:


Art History and Criticism


Graphic Design

Interdisciplinary Studies



Areas offering Bachelor of Fine Arts degree:



Emerging Media Arts

Graphic Design

Theatre–Design/Technical Production

Area offering Bachelor of Music degree:


Area offering Bachelor of Music Education degree:

Music Education

Minors & Areas of Specializations Offered


Art History and Criticism



Music Technology



College Scholarships and Student Support

Donors have provided a limited number of scholarships that are reserved for students in the Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts. Students interested in applying for one of these awards may obtain information from departmental chairpersons or from the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid.

The Hixson-Lied Endowment offers funding to support selected activities for students seeking degrees from the Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts through the following competitive grants: International or Domestic Study, Scholarly/Creative Activity, and Presentation of Scholarly/Creative Activity. Applications and deadline information for all grants are available on the College website.

Grading Appeals

A student who feels that he/she has been unfairly graded may take the following sequential steps:

  1. Talk with the instructor concerned. Most problems are resolved at this point.
  2. Talk to the instructor’s department chairperson.
  3. Take the case to the Grading Appeal Committee of the department concerned. The Committee should be contacted through the department chairperson.
  4. Take the case to the College Grading Appeals Committee by contacting the Dean’s Office, 102 Woods Art Building.

Application for a Degree

Graduation Requirements

Students are expected to develop a clear understanding of degree requirements and to plan their course of study with their academic advisor. Students requiring clarification of outstanding degree requirements should visit with their advisor promptly.

Students should access their Degree Audit via MyRED at least once each term to review degree requirements and progress toward graduation. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure their Degree Audit accurately reflects their current College and program of study.

Students who believe their Degree Audit has errors or omissions should visit with their advisor promptly. It is important that these matters are addressed as soon as practical to avoid a delay in graduation.

Each student with MyRED access must submit an online Application for Graduation via MyRED for each degree to be received by:

  • The fourth Friday in January for May graduation
  • The second Friday in June for August graduation
  • The second Friday in September for December graduation

Students submitting an electronic Application for Graduation via MyRED will be billed a $25.00 per degree fee on their student account. Those students without MyRED access may apply for graduation in person at Husker Hub in the Canfield Administration Building, or by mail. Applications for Graduation submitted in person or by mail must be accompanied by a check or money order in the amount of $25.00 payable to the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. Failure to submit a timely Application for Graduation may preclude the awarding of a degree in the intended term.

The Application for Graduation and required $25.00 fee are good only for the term marked on the application. Neither the application nor the fee are transferrable to another term. If an Application for Graduation and the $25.00 fee are submitted for a specified term but degree requirements are not completed in that term, a new Application for Graduation and $25.00 fee will be needed to graduate in a future term.

Commencement ceremony information including information about ordering cap and gown can be found at Each student who has applied for graduation must submit an online Commencement Attendance Form via MyRED, which will be available approximately one month before graduation.

Only those students who have applied for graduation, had the application accepted, and fulfilled all degree requirements as of the last day of the academic term may participate in the commencement ceremony for that term. Because the University of Nebraska–Lincoln has a commencement for each term, ceremony participation is allowed only in the term during which the student has properly and timely applied for graduation and fulfilled degree requirements.