Business Business Administration
- Description
- Other
- College Degree Requirements
- Overview of College Degree Requirements
- Non-Business Requirements (NBR)
- Business Core – Four Sections (approximately 62-74 hours)
- Electives – Hours vary to meet 120 hour minimum to graduate
- Other Requirements
- Experiential Learning Requirement
- Foreign Languages/Language Requirement
- Minimum Hours Required for Graduation
- Grade Rules
- Transfer Credit Rules
- Residency
- ACE Requirements
- Catalog Rule
- Learning Outcomes
The business administration major is designed for students who wish to obtain a broad education in business administration rather than specializing in a specific area within the College. For the student who has an educational goal that bridges two or more areas of business, the general business administration major permits the design of a tailor-made program to fit that goal.
All students enrolling in CoB courses are required to meet the prerequisites listed for each course; this includes any specific grade or GPA requirement, as well as class standing requirements and specific class requirements. Most 300- or 400-level business courses require completion of BCF and BCI classes. Please see these areas of the catalog for additional information.
College Admission
The entrance requirements for the College of Business (CoB) are the same as the University of Nebraska–Lincoln General Admission Requirements.
Admission Deficiencies/Removal of Deficiencies
Students admitted to the College of Business with core course deficiencies are advised to remove these deficiencies as soon as possible.
College-level coursework taken to remove deficiencies MAY NOT be used to meet degree requirements in the College.
Honors Program
Nebraska Business Honors Academy
The Nebraska Business Honors Academy is a unique cohort-based program for high-ability students with demonstrated leadership potential. The goal of the Academy is to develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills to prepare graduates to be strategic decision-makers and innovators. The Academy combines a rigorous curriculum (including approximately 40 credit hours of cohort-based courses) with leadership training, co-curricular activities, and corporate involvement. Nebraska Business Honors Academy requirements differ from those listed in the catalog. Students work closely with the Academy’s advisors on appropriate sequencing and enrollment in Academy-specific requirements.
Jeffrey S. Raikes School of Computer Science and Management
The purpose of the Jeffrey S. Raikes School of Computer Science and Management is to produce unique graduates who combine business knowledge and computing fundamentals for enterprise information and software systems. Graduates will be professionals who understand the multiple levels of new information systems and who become the technology sector’s innovators, product developers, entrepreneurs, chief information officers, and CEOs. Students interested in learning more about the Jeffrey S. Raikes School of Computer Science and Management program and curriculum requirements (which may differ from those listed here) are encouraged to call 402-472-6000 or visit the Jeffrey S. Raikes program website. Students may also reference the Jeffrey S. Raikes School of Computer Science and Management catalog section under Other Academic Units.
College Degree Requirements
Overview of College Degree Requirements
The curriculum requirements for the College consist of coursework in three areas. All coursework (except electives and where otherwise noted) must be taken for a grade.
1. Non-Business Requirements (NBR)
- Consist primarily of College and University ACE (Achievement-Centered Education) coursework
2. Business Core
- Foundation (BCF), (includes ACE 6)
- Intermediate (BCI), (includes ACE 8)
- Advanced-Major (BCA-M)
- Advanced-Capstone (BCA-C), (ACE 10)
3. Electives
Non-Business Requirements (NBR)
(Most of the ACE requirements)
Eight Courses (normally 24-26 hours)
All students in the College of Business will take the following non-business courses (unless otherwise noted).
- While NBR 1, 2, 7, and 8 identify specific ACE options to choose from or identify an ACE course specifically required for the College, NBR 3, 4, 5, and 6 allow students to select courses according to their personal interests (and meet ACE 4, 5, 7, and 9).
- Most students will take coursework to fulfill these requirements during the freshman/sophomore year. However, if hours are still needed during the junior/senior year, there may also be options to ‘double count’ coursework for NBR 3 (ACE 4) and/or NBR 6 (ACE 9) toward the major (BCA-M) or a minor. This is likely to be of most benefit to ‘transfer-in students’ due to the nature of the program and when ACE requirements are traditionally taken.
All coursework for NBR must be taken for a grade.
NBR 1: Written Communication (ACE 1)
Choose ONE of the following:
ENGL 150 Writing and Inquiry
ENGL 151 Writing for Change
Students should refer to the course descriptions to select the one course best suited to individual interests. While several communication courses may be selected to fulfill the University ACE 1 outcome, one of the above is a specific requirement for the College of Business and will fulfill both requirements with one course. ENGL 150 and ENGL 151 are primarily restricted to first- and second-year students. Upperclass students who have not completed one of these options should take ENGL 254 Writing and Communities as a substitute.
NBR 2: Mathematical, Computational, Statistical or Formal Reasoning Skills (ACE 3)
Choose ONE of the following:
MATH 104 Applied Calculus
MATH 106 Calculus I
Any advanced calculus course above the 106 level
Notes regarding the selection of coursework for NBR 2 (ACE 3):
- Credit cannot be given for both MATH 104 and MATH 106 . Students must determine the appropriate course early in their program.
- A first-semester student’s score on the Math Placement Exam will determine eligibility for MATH 104 or MATH 106. The student should select between these classes based on the following sets of circumstances:
- Actuarial science majors MUST take MATH 106 (or a higher-level calculus).
- Actuarial science majors will also take MATH 107 Calculus II and MATH 208 Calculus III.
- Raikes students MUST take MATH 106 and MATH 107 (or a higher-level calculus).
- MATH 106 (or higher calculus) is strongly encouraged for those students majoring in accounting, majoring in finance, majoring in economics, or considering graduate school.
- While several courses may be selected to fulfill the University ACE 3 outcome, one of the above is a specific requirement for the College of Business and will fulfill both requirements with one course.
- Freshman students who place below MATH 104 on the Math Placement Exam may want to consider summer school in order to maintain their sequence of courses.
Math Placement Exam (MPE)
Students admitted to the College of Business are required to take a Math Placement Exam prior to enrolling in the college math requirement of MATH 104 or MATH 106 (or higher math).
- The results of this examination determine which math course students will enroll in their first semester on campus.
- The Math Placement Exam may be retaken if a student feels that they are able to test into a higher level course.
- Students lacking sufficient high school preparation in math may need to enroll in equivalent high school preparatory courses, as will be determined by the MPE.
- Preparatory courses should be taken as soon as possible to avoid future sequencing problems.
- Additional information about the exam can be found on the Math Placement website.
Whether required to enroll in preparation coursework first, as indicated on the MPE (MATH 100A Intermediate Algebra, MATH 101 College Algebra and/or MATH 103 College Algebra and Trigonometry), or in one of the required courses, it is critical to begin math the first semester on campus.
NBR 3: The Study of Scientific Methods and Knowledge of the Natural and Physical World (ACE 4)
Choose one course from ACE 4 Certified Courses. (Course credit will vary between 3-4 credit hours.)
- Agribusiness majors – NBR 3 (ACE 4) – AGRI 115 Biotechnology: Food, Health and Environment; PLAS 100 Plants, Landscapes, & the Environment; PLAS 131 Plant Science; ENTO 115 Insect Biology; AGST 109 Physical Principles in Agriculture and Life Sciences; NRES 108 Earth's Natural Resource Systems Laboratory; PLPT 110 Fantastic Fungi - The Fatal and the Friendly may be taken to fulfill the science requirement (NBR 3–ACE 4) as well as a requirement for the major (BCA-M).
NBR 4: Study of Humanities (ACE 5)
Choose one course from ACE 5 Certified Courses.
- International business majors – NBR 4 (ACE 5) – FREN 301 Survey of French Literature, FREN 302 Themes in French Literature, RUSS 301 Russian Cultural Studies, RUSS 302 Studies in Russian Culture and Film, RUSS 482 Russian Literature in Translation, RUSS 483 Russian Secular and Political Folklore, SPAN 305 The Analysis of Communication in Spanish, SPAN 314 Ecological Imagination in Hispanic Culture, SPAN 315 Gender and Sexuality in Hispanic Culture, SPAN 331 War and Human Rights in Latin America may be taken to fulfill NBR 4–ACE 5 as well as a requirement for a language minor or toward the major language requirement.
NBR 5: Study of the Arts to Understand Their Context (ACE 7)
Choose one course from ACE 7 Certified Courses.
NBR 6: Global Awareness or Knowledge of Human Diversity Through Analysis of an Issue (ACE 9)
Choose one course from ACE 9 Certified Courses.
Students enrolling for their first semester with junior standing (or more) will see that the list of approved courses includes a few business courses. While this section is labeled “non-business requirements,” students may elect to enroll in one of the business courses to fulfill the ACE 9 requirement as long as prerequisites are completed (which are generally reserved for juniors or seniors). Work closely with your advisor and bring this to their attention to question how this course may potentially satisfy other degree program requirements, including in the major.
The options include:
- Actuarial science majors – must complete an International Business Course as part of the degree requirements. Actuarial science majors may choose to take ECON 321 Introduction to International Economics to fulfill the IBCR as well as the global awareness requirement (NBR 6–ACE 9).
- Agribusiness majors – AECN 220 International Agricultural Trade, AECN 346 World Food Economics, AECN 367 Agricultural Development in Developing Countries, AECN 420 International Food and Agricultural Trade, AECN 425 Agricultural Marketing in a Multinational Environment, AGRI 282 Introduction to Global Agricultural and Natural Resources Issues, ENSC 110 Energy in Perspective, or PLAS 200 Landscape and Environmental Appreciation may be taken to fulfill the global awareness requirement (NBR 6–ACE 9) as well as a requirement for the major.
- Business administration majors – ECON 321 or MNGT 414 International Management may be taken to fulfill the global awareness requirement (NBR 6–ACE 9) as well as a requirement for the major. (ECON 321 and MNGT 414 are also IBCR course options.)
- Economics majors – ECON 321 may be taken to fulfill the global awareness requirement (NBR 6–ACE 9) as well as a requirement for the major. (ECON 321 is also an IBCR option).
- International business majors – BSAD 320 Global Issues, BSAD 420 Global Leadership and the Culture Map, ECON 321 or MNGT 414 may be taken to fulfill the global awareness requirement (NBR 6–ACE 9) and may fill a requirement for the major. (They are also IBCR options.)
- Management majors – MNGT 365 Managing Diversity in Organizations or MNGT 414 may be taken to fulfill the global awareness requirement (NBR 6–ACE 9) and may be able to fulfill a requirement for the major/minor depending on the option selected. (MNGT 414 is also an IBCR option.)
- Supply chain management majors – ECON 321 may be taken to fulfill the global awareness requirement (NBR 6–ACE 9) as well as a directed elective for the major. (ECON 321 is also an IBCR option).
- An alternative to the above options is allowance of the course to count for NBR 6–ACE 9 and the associated minor—but only one or the other (major OR minor).
In any of the above instances where double counting is an option, only 3 hours of credit are awarded; students will still need to meet the 120 hours for graduation. Any course that is used for both an ACE requirement and a first major requirement is not allowed to be used towards the completion of the 300/400 upper-level requirement.
NBR 7: Business Communication (ACE 1)
BSAD 220 Business Writing
This is a business writing course that requires sophomore standing and ENGL 150 or ENGL 151 as prerequisites. While it is also an ACE 1 course, as is ENGL, BOTH are specific requirements for the College of Business.
NBR 8: Oral Communication Skills (ACE 2)
Choose one course from:
MRKT 257 Sales Communication
COMM 286 Business and Professional Communication
- Due to the importance of this requirement to the business curriculum, the College recommends taking this course on campus.
- While several other courses may be selected to fulfill the University ACE 2 requirement, MRKT 257 or COMM 286 is a specific requirement for the College of Business.
NOTE: In the selection of coursework for any of the above NBR’s, the term prerequisite, when stated anywhere in this catalog, means coursework that MUST BE COMPLETED to enroll in the class. Concurrent enrollment in any identified prerequisite(s) is NOT permitted unless so indicated in the course description.
Business Core – Four Sections (approximately 62-74 hours)
- Business Core Foundation (BCF) – 18 hours
- Business Core Intermediate (BCI) – 18 hours
- Business Core Advanced–Major (BCA-M) – Hours vary from 21-33 hrs
- Business Core Advanced–Capstone (BCA-C) – 3 hours + 0 hour assessment
The foundation and intermediate courses are designed to expose students to the various business disciplines. The advanced courses are those courses identified for each of the individual majors, and the capstone course is taken in the final semester of the program. All coursework for the Business Core (except where noted differently) must be taken for a grade.
Professional Enhancement Program (PrEP) (4 hours)
Designed to develop confident, professional, and polished business students positioned for lifelong career success, the PrEP program consists of four required 1-hour courses. These courses are labeled BSAD 111 PrEP I, Investing in Strengths; BSAD 222 PrEP II, Career Development and Planning; BSAD 333 PrEP III, Internship and Job Search Strategies; BSAD 444 PrEP IV, Professional and Life Skills; and are offered across the four-year curriculum as part of the Business Core requirements.
Business Core Foundation (BCF) – Nine Courses (18 hours)
All students in the College of Business will take the following courses (unless otherwise noted).
All coursework (except BSAD 50, BSAD 111, and BSAD 222) must be taken for a grade. Raikes students are exempted from these courses.
BCF 1 – BSAD 111 PrEP I, Investing in Strengths
- BSAD 111
- 1-credit-hour course (offered Pass/No Pass only).
- Required of all new freshmen.
- Taken as a freshman (preferably first semester).
- BSAD 111S
- 0-credit-hour course, available exclusively to transfer students (offered Pass/No Pass only).
- Required of all on- and off-campus transfer students.
- Taken as soon as possible upon transfer into the college (preferably first semester).
BCF 2 – BSAD 50 Business Computer Applications
- 0-credit-hour course (offered Pass/No Pass only).
- Offered twice per semester and should generally be taken in the FIRST seven weeks of semester two. It is a prerequisite for ECON 215, which is normally taken in the fall of the second year.
- Required basic-skills computer course that uses Microsoft Access, Word, PowerPoint, and Excel.
BCF 3 – SCMA 250 Spreadsheet Analytics
- 1-credit-hour course.
- Actuarial science majors take ACTS 250 Actuarial Technical Skills.
- ECON 215 Statistics is a prerequisite or may be taken concurrently.
BCF 4 – ACCT 201 Introductory Accounting I and ACCT 202 Introductory Accounting II
- ACCT 201
- ACCT 202
- Sequential; take ACCT 202 following completion of ACCT 201.
- Prerequisite: 2.5 cumulative GPA; sophomore standing, (or freshman standing with 14 hours of University of Nebraska-Lincoln credit and MATH 104 or MATH 106 with a grade of C or better); ACCT 201 with a grade of C or better.
- Grade of C or better in prerequisites is normally required for accounting courses.
BCF 5 – ECON 211 Principles of Macroeconomics and ECON 212 Principles of Microeconomics (ACE 6)
- Not sequential.
- Prerequisite: Completion of 12 hours of college coursework.
BCF 6 – ECON 215 Statistics (ACE 3)
- Prerequisites: Sophomore standing; MATH 104 or MATH 106; BSAD 50; and a 2.5 GPA.
- Must take ECON 215 (not STAT 218 Introduction to Statistics nor EDPS 459 Statistical Methods nor CRIM 300 Applied Statistics and Data Processing in the Public Sector nor SOCI 206 Introduction to Social Statistics).
- Actuarial science majors MUST take ACTS 445 Introduction to Actuarial Models instead of ECON 215, (actuarial science majors will also take STAT 462 Introduction to Mathematical Statistics I: Distribution Theory and STAT 463 Introduction to Mathematical Statistics II: Statistical Inference).
- Economics majors or minors can take STAT 380 instead of ECON 215.
BCF 7 – BSAD 222 PrEP II, Career Development and Planning
- 1-credit-hour course (offered Pass/No Pass only).
- Prerequisites: Major in College of Business; sophomore standing; and a 2.5 GPA.
- Taken as a sophomore.
Business Core Intermediate (BCI) – Six Courses (18 hours)
- Prerequisites for the BCI courses include MATH (NBR2), ACCT 201, ACCT 202, ECON 211, ECON 212, ECON 215, BSAD 220, and a 2.5 GPA.
- Required of all business students regardless of major (except where noted under individual courses).
- Enrollment in BCI normally occurs during the sophomore and junior years.
- All coursework must be taken for a grade.
- Sequence with the following recommendations/restrictions:
- Plan complete sequence of intentions to take BCI (and necessary prerequisites) to remain on schedule for graduation.
- Enroll in courses most applicable to your major as soon as possible, particularly MRKT, FINA, and SCMA, to stay on sequence for major.
- There are exceptions to these requirements for specific majors (ABUS, ACCT, MRKT, and ACTS). Please note those exceptions.
- If transferring, a maximum of 3 hours may apply, with further restrictions on applicability, to not exceed the 15-hour limitation. For details on transfer rules, see Transfer Credit Restrictions under Course Exclusions and Restrictions.
- See the links for each course to know the specific prerequisites and course descriptions.
BCI 1 – BLAW 371 Legal Environment or BLAW 372 Business Law I (ACE 8)
- Accounting majors must take BLAW 372.
BCI 2 – SCMA 350 Business Analytics/Information Analysis or in certain cases MRKT 350 Marketing Analytics
- Marketing and agribusiness majors may choose to take MRKT 350, which carries an additional prerequisite of MRKT 341.
- Actuarial science majors will take SCMA 451 Introduction to Predictive Analytics.
- Students must complete SCMA 250 prior to taking SCMA 350.
BCI 3 – FINA 361 Finance
- Actuarial science majors will take FINA 461 Advanced Finance to meet this requirement.
- Grade of C or better in this course is a requirement for a number of finance courses that follow.
BCI 4 – MRKT 341 Marketing
BCI 5 – SCMA 331 Operations and Supply Chain Management
BCI 6 – MNGT 301 Introduction to Management
Professional Enhancement Program – Upper level
PrEP – BSAD 333 PrEP III, Internship and Job Search Strategies
- 1-credit-hour course (offered Pass/No Pass only).
- Prerequisites: Major in College of Business; BSAD 222; and a 2.5 GPA.
- Taken second semester of sophomore year or junior year.
PrEP – BSAD 444 PrEP IV, Professional and Life Skills
- 1-credit-hour course (offered Pass/No Pass only).
- Prerequisites: Major in College of Business; senior standing or by permission; and a 2.5 GPA.
- Taken first or second semester of senior year.
Business Core Advanced-Major (BCA-M) – (21-33 hours)
- Coursework for the major requires completion of specific, required courses of the department, along with other guidelines.
- Refer to the Major page for a listing of requirements by major.
- Careful and advanced planning is necessary, as some courses for the major may not necessarily be available every semester, and classes for the major are limited in the summer sessions.
- ALL coursework for the major must be taken for a grade (students may not take classes Pass/No Pass).
- Students may be able to take their International Business Course Requirement (IBCR) as part of their major.
- Although a 2.5 GPA may not be required to take these courses, a 2.5 is required to apply for graduation; thus, students are expected to maintain this level throughout their collegiate career.
- Sequencing of classes is critical; plan the major courses well in advance of enrollment. Visit with an academic advisor for assistance planning critical class sequencing.
- By this point in time, the curriculum was designed for ACE (except ACE 10) to have been completed through other coursework. If missing an ACE 4 or 9, there may be options through the major to fulfill both requirements.
- A maximum of 3 hours of coursework may transfer if the 15-hour limitation has not been exceeded. Further restrictions may apply.
Business Core Advanced-Capstone (BCA-C) – Two Courses (3 hours)
BCA-C 1 – MNGT 475 Business Strategies (ACE 10)
- Prerequisites: 2.5 cumulative GPA; Major in the College of Business; senior standing; the Business Core Foundation (BCF) and Intermediate (BCI) coursework (BLAW 371 or BLAW 372 may be completed concurrently). Actuarial students may take FINA 461 concurrently with MNGT 475.
- A capstone course integrating business concepts covered throughout the program.
- Course MUST be taken at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln and taken for a grade (not Pass/No Pass).
BCA-C 2 – BSAD 98 Senior Assessment
- A 0-credit-hour seminar required of ALL business graduating seniors.
- Taught via Canvas—all components must be completed to a satisfactory level to graduate.
Electives – Hours vary to meet 120 hour minimum to graduate
Electives round out the rest of the 120 hour curriculum. Students have the option to choose courses toward a second major, a dual degree, a minor (or two); or students can simply select courses of personal interest.
- Some hours may need to be additional business coursework (to meet the requirement that 60 hours of coursework be in business). This requirement will vary by major.
- There may be a need to enroll in an international business course requirement (IBCR) if not taken as part of the major or for the business elective(s) requirement.
- A minimum of 12 hours of 300/400 upper-level coursework beyond the business core is required for most majors to ensure depth is achieved through enrollment in elective hours. See 300/400-level Elective Requirements below for additional information.
- If not completed through the other area requirements, any remaining ACE requirements will need to be completed as required electives.
- In a 21-hour major (BCA-M), students will average 31 hours of elective credit; second major options and/or minors may be appropriate to consider for elective hours.
Other Requirements
International Business Course Requirement (IBCR)
- The international business course requirement (IBCR) broadens the student’s international perspective.
- Each student, excluding accounting majors, must include one course which emphasizes an international business perspective.
- Actuarial science majors are encouraged to take FINA 450 if they have not met this requirement with completion of NBR 6 – ACE 9 with ECON 321 or MNGT 414.
- The IBCR must be taken for a grade.
The course must be chosen from the following approved list of International Business Course Requirement (IBCR) courses. Many of these courses have prerequisites. Some are restricted for education abroad and others may only be offered once a year. Thus, students are advised to plan ahead in scheduling this requirement into their programs.
IBCR Courses
BSAD 491 International Studies in Business and Economics (1-15 hrs)
- Available only to students studying abroad for which there is no University of Nebraska–Lincoln equivalent course.
- Available also for the Senshu, Japan, CIMBA Italy, and for the China Education Abroad Programs.
- Senshu program students may apply 3 hours towards electives in the FINA, MNGT, or MRKT major; 6 hours are applicable for BSAD or IBUS major/minor.
- BSAD 491 credit from any other study abroad program should be based on course topics directly associated with a specific major in MNGT, MRKT, or FINA and may need department consent to be used in the major. Students should visit with an academic advisor for assistance.
BSAD 320 Global Issues
BSAD 420 Global Leadership and the Culture Map
ECON 321 (If not completed at this point, ECON 321 may double count for ACE 9.)
ECON 421 International Trade
ECON 422 International Finance
ECON 423 Economics of the Less Developed Countries
ECON 440 Regional Development
ECON 466 Pro-seminar in International Relations & ECON 467 Pro-seminar in International Relations II (Credit option for students participating in the Nebraska at Oxford Program.)
FINA 450 International Financial Management
MNGT 414 (If not completed at this point, MNGT 414 may double count for ACE 9.)
MRKT 453 International Marketing
MRKT 491 International Studies in Business & Marketing
SCMA 439 Global Sourcing and Distribution
SCMA 459 Global Information Systems
If planned carefully, the IBCR course may count in two places. It is not an extra 3 hours of credit, but rather, is 3 hours embedded within other requirements. If selected carefully, it may also count for 3 hours of credit in the major (i.e., MRKT 453 International Marketing counts for a MRKT elective in the MRKT major and also counts for the IBCR; FINA 450 International Financial Management counts for a FINA elective in the FINA major (general option) and fulfills the IBCR as well). On the other hand, if coursework for the major is already determined by personal choices or requirements, the IBCR may count in electives, and more specifically, for one of the ‘business’ electives needed for most majors. If not planned carefully this requirement may mean that the student will need to take an additional 3 hours of credit.
300/400 Upper-level Requirement
As part of the degree requirements, all students must complete a certain number of 300/400-level courses. Most of these courses will be completed in the Business Core but some majors will require additional hours from outside of the Business Core. With a “standard” 21-hour major (BCA-M), 12 additional hours will be required. Normally, if a major is larger than 21 hours, the number of additional upper-level courses is reduced. This requirement can be met by business or non-business coursework.
Business coursework from the Business Core Intermediate (BCI), Business Core Advanced-Major (FIRST Major) or Business Core Advanced-Capstone may NOT be used to fulfill this requirement with exceptions noted below:
- If more than 21 hours of coursework for the major are taken at the 300/400 level, and of those hours, coursework is not being double counted toward the NBR and major, then the additional 300/400-level hours can be used to fulfill the 300/400-level requirement. Students will need to consult their Degree Audit to determine how the requirements are applied.
- Accounting majors, business administration majors and business and law majors will complete a 24-hour major and only need to complete 9 upper-level hours.
- Finance majors will take between 24 and 27 hours for their major; consult the major section in this document or the Degree Audit to determine how many hours will double count for this requirement. This will depend on which option is selected for the major.
- Actuarial science majors, agribusiness majors, supply chain management majors, and Raikes students do not need to meet this requirement due to the additional hours at the 300/400 level required for the major/program.
- Business Core Advanced-Major coursework used for a SECOND major (if selected), or upper-level graded coursework selected for a minor, MAY count.
- Coursework that is part of the Non-business Requirement (NBR) taken at the 300/400 level may be double counted to fulfill this requirement, if it is not being used to double count for the first major.
- No course may be taken on a Pass/No Pass basis unless it is a business course numbered 395/398/399. Only 3 hours of 395/398/399 credit is allowed for this requirement.
- Students generally fulfill this requirement through their electives, but there may be a few upper-class students who may fulfill the requirement with the ACE course requirements.
Business Course/Business Elective Hours
At a minimum, 60 hours of business courses are required for the BSBA degree.
The required hours WILL VARY BY MAJOR, dependent on how requirements have been accepted and/or completed throughout the previous components of the program. While GENERAL MINIMUM guidelines by major are noted below, the Degree Audit will specify minimum business credit hour expectations for each student. Students will generally see this addressed under the ELECTIVE section (BUSINESS ELECTIVES) on the Degree Audit.
- Economics, management, and marketing majors – 3 hours of business electives.
- Accounting and business administration majors – no additional business coursework, as the major consists of 24 hours of business coursework.
- Actuarial science majors – no additional business coursework, as the major consists of more than 24 hours of business coursework.
- Finance majors – no additional business coursework, as the major consists of 24-27 hours of business coursework.
- Supply chain management majors – no additional business coursework, as the major consists of 33 hours of business coursework.
- Agribusiness, Business & Law, and Raikes majors – no additional business coursework required due to intent of major as being ‘business-related’ coursework.
- Additional hours may be required if there is a variation in hours for NBR, BCF, BCI or BCA, or if there is a violation of transfer limits, the 15 hour rule, etc.
Experiential Learning Requirement
All undergraduates in the College of Business must complete an Experiential Learning designated course or experience (which may include 0-credit courses designated to document co-curricular activities recognized as experiential learning) beginning with the 2022-23 Undergraduate Catalog.
Foreign Languages/Language Requirement
Other than meeting the minimum requirement for admission to the University, the College does not require any additional work in foreign languages, except for IBUS majors. IBUS majors must complete the equivalent of 8 hours of a foreign language while in college. However, students are encouraged to take language courses.
Minimum Hours Required for Graduation
A minimum of 120 semester hours of credit is required for graduation; more may be necessary if specific degree requirements have not yet been completed.
Grade Rules
C- and D Grades
While students may earn grades of C- or D, there are restrictions and recommendations for such grades and further enrollment options:
- A grade of C or higher is expected in prerequisite courses to enroll in ACCT courses.
- A grade of C or higher is required in FINA 361 in order to take most upper-level FINA courses.
- A grade of C or higher is required in other departmental higher-level sequencing courses (i.e., MATH 101 to take MATH 104, etc.). See course descriptions to determine enrollment restrictions.
- Minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA is required to enroll in many business courses, including ACCT 201, ACCT 202, BLAW 371, BLAW 372, ECON 215, FINA 361, MNGT 301, MNGT 475, MRKT 341, MRKT 350, SCMA 331, SCMA 350.
- Grades of C- or lower may be replaced in the calculation of GPA by retaking the course at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln or within the University system (UNK, UNO).
- Grades of C or better are required to transfer courses from outside of the University of Nebraska system.
- Academic bankruptcy options may be considered for students who have one or two semesters of poor performance.
Pass/No Pass
The Pass/No Pass option is designed for students who want to study areas or topics in which they may have minimum preparation. If used for this purpose, the option can enrich the student’s academic experience without lowering the student’s grade point average. Several restrictions apply when considering the Pass/No Pass option:
- BSAD 111, BSAD 222, BSAD 333, BSAD 444, BSAD 50, and BSAD 98 are offered only as Pass/No Pass. All are required.
- Students may apply no more than 6 hours of elective credit using the Pass/No Pass option (excludes ACCT 399, BSAD 111, BSAD 222, BSAD 333, BSAD 444, BSAD 395 (and cross-listings), MRKT 395).
- No student enrolled in any college at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln may take business courses in the College of Business using the Pass/No Pass option.
- College of Business students may NOT take coursework to satisfy ACE requirements, the International Business Course Requirement (IBCR), nor any required business coursework, including in the major and minor, using the Pass/No Pass option.
- Students majoring in actuarial science through the College of Business may NOT take any math, actuarial science, or required courses using the Pass/No Pass option.
- Students taking courses to fulfill the requirements of a minor in an area of study outside the College of Business are subject to College rules restricting use of the Pass/No Pass option if courses in the minor are used to meet ACE or any college-specific requirements.
- Students seeking any minor outside the College should verify rules applying to minimum grade expectations and Pass/No Pass options with the advisor for their minor, as additional restrictions may apply and often vary.
- Students from UNO/UNK/UNMC and from other institutions are subject to the same restrictions listed here for University of Nebraska–Lincoln students.
Exceptions to the above rules are limited to the following and no other exceptions will be made.
- An independent study or an internship course (395, 398, 399) may be taken in the College of Business using the Pass/No Pass option with the permission of the instructor and the department chair, but College of Business students who qualify for this exception may use the independent study or an internship course (395, 398, 399) only as elective credit.
- ACCT 399, BSAD 395 (and cross-listings) and MRKT 395 taken in the Pass/No Pass format will not count against the six hour Pass/No Pass maximum in open electives.
- Advanced Placement grades of Pass and Credit By Exam grades of Pass will be accepted to fulfill degree requirements. These hours will not count against the 6-hour-maximum hours permitted.
- Students who travel abroad and return with “credit” rather than grades from the institution where they studied may use Pass grades to fulfill degree requirements. These hours will not count against the 6-hour maximum number of hours permitted.
GPA Requirements
A 2.5 cumulative grade point average is required to apply for graduation, as well as a requirement for enrollment in ACCT 201 and ACCT 202, ECON 215, BLAW 371 and BLAW 372, FINA 361, SCMA 331, MNGT 301, MNGT 475, SCMA 350 or MRKT 350, and MRKT 341. Some upper-level courses in some majors will also require a 2.5 cumulative GPA. In some instances, a specific grade is required in certain courses to continue with upper-level coursework.
Transfer Credit Rules
For detailed information on transfer credit rules, see Transfer Credit Restrictions under Course Exclusions and Restrictions.
At least 30 of the last 36 hours of credit must be registered for and completed in residence at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.
Students electing to study abroad in their final semester are exempted for the hours earned abroad, but no additional hours may be transferred in the last 36 hours. This exemption requires filing a written appeal in the Business Advising and Student Engagement Office (Hawks Hall 125).
ACE Requirements
All students must fulfill the Achievement-Centered Education (ACE) requirements. Information about the ACE program may be viewed at the Achievement-Centered Education website. MyRED may also be used to search for currently offered ACE classes.
ACE Achievement-Centered Education—Ten Courses (normally 30 hours)
This is the university’s innovative, outcomes-focused general education component designed to enhance the undergraduate experience by providing broad exposure to multiple disciplines, complementing the major, and helping students develop important reasoning, inquiry, and civic capacities.
Important rules to remember when selecting coursework to meet this requirement:
- There are 10 ACE Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs). At least one course, equivalent to 3 credit hours, must be taken for each of the 10 SLOs.
- Up to three ACE SLOs from ACE 4–10 may be satisfied by work in one subject area.
- ACE SLOs must be satisfied by work in at least three subject areas.
- No ACE course may satisfy more than one ACE SLO in a student’s program.
- If an ACE course addresses two ACE SLOs, the student decides which one of the two outcomes the course will satisfy in that student’s program. (The Degree Audit will make an automatic decision based on first course taken, first SLO needed.)
- As part of the College requirements of non-business and business courses, many courses will also work for ACE. Students should carefully review required coursework with ACE options to make the best use of courses to fulfill both degree requirements as well as University of Nebraska–Lincoln ACE requirements.
Catalog Rule
Students (including transfer students) must follow the Undergraduate Catalog in effect when they are admitted into the College of Business. Students who leave the College and return, or those applying for ‘readmission’ to the College, are subject to requirements in place at the time of their readmission to the College.
Students who have transferred from a community college may be eligible to fulfill the requirements as stated in the catalog for an academic year in which they were enrolled at the community college prior to attending the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. The College will determine eligibility in consultation with academic advisors, provided the student a) was enrolled in a community college during the catalog year they are utilizing, b) maintained continuous enrollment at the previous institution for 1 academic year or more, and c) continued enrollment at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln within 1 calendar year from their last term at the previous institution. Students must complete all degree requirements from a single catalog year and within the timeframe allowable for that catalog year.
Learning Outcomes
Graduates of business administration will be able to:
- Demonstrate an advanced knowledge of at least five functional areas of business (from Accounting, Economics, Finance, Management, Marketing, and Supply Chain Management and Analytics).
- Locate and manipulate data to inform business decisions.
- Integrate the knowledge from multiple areas in making business decisions.
- Identify stakeholders and consider their perspectives in an ethical fashion.
Major Requirements
Core Requirements
In addition to the College Degree Requirements, students will complete 24 hours of coursework for the major (BCA-M).
As noted in the College Degree Requirements section, all coursework for the major must be taken for a grade.
No departmental 395/398/399/499 courses may count toward the business administration major (BCA-M).
Specific Major Requirements
Business Core Advanced–Major (BCA-M)
Students interested in pursuing the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration degree with a major in business administration are to complete 24 hours of 300/400-level business coursework for the Business Core Advanced-Major (BCA-M) to be selected from coursework offered by:
- Accounting
- Economics
- Finance
- Management/Entrepreneurship
- Marketing
- Supply Chain Management and Analytics
As part of the 24 hour requirement:
- Coursework must be from the 300/400-level, with the coursework selected from the following approved list.
- A MINIMUM of 3 hours from five departments must be represented.
- A MINIMUM of 6 hours from three departments must be represented.
- A MINIMUM of 9 hours must be taken at the 400 level. A minimum of three departments must be represented at the 400 level.
- Departmental 499s (unless an honors thesis) may NOT be used toward the major.
Coursework for the major must be selected from the following courses:
Code | Title | Credit Hours |
Accounting | ||
Using Accounting Information (Recommended course for Business Administration students) | ||
Managerial Accounting | ||
Accounting Systems | ||
Intermediate Accounting I | ||
Intermediate Accounting II | ||
Any 400-level Accounting course | ||
Economics | ||
Intermediate Macroeconomics - Descriptive | ||
Intermediate Microeconomics - Descriptive | ||
Introduction to International Economics | ||
Any 400-level Economics course | ||
Finance | ||
Principles of Individual and Corporate Risk Management | ||
Investment Principles | ||
Financial Institutions | ||
Any 400-level Finance or Actuarial Science course | ||
Management & Entreprenuership | ||
Foundations of Entrepreneurship | ||
Managing Behavior in Organizations | ||
Human Resource Management | ||
Any 400-level Entrepreneurship or Management course | ||
Marketing | ||
Market Research | ||
Marketing Channels Management | ||
Marketing Communication Strategy | ||
Marketing Analytics | ||
Marketing Metrics | ||
Any 400-level Marketing course | ||
Supply Chain Management and Analytics | ||
Decision Making Models | ||
Any 400-level Supply Chain Management and Analytics course |
Additional Restrictions
Students who earn BSAD 491 International Studies in Business and Economics (6 hrs) from the Senshu (Japan) study abroad program may substitute 6 hours of BSAD 491 toward the second course in two of the three required departments.
Students who earn BSAD 491 (3 hrs) from the CoB China study abroad program may substitute 3 hours of BSAD 491 toward the second course in one of the three required departments.
Students who earn BSAD 491 (3 hrs) from the CoB CIMBA (Italy) study abroad program may substitute 3 hours of BSAD 491 toward the second course in one of the three required departments.
Additional Major Requirements
Prerequisite Requirements/Rules
Enrollment in any upper-level coursework offered by the departments requires completion of appropriate prerequisites. Refer to course descriptions for specific course prerequisites.
Grade Rules
C- and D Grades
Same as College grade rules.
Pass/No Pass
Same as College Pass/No Pass rules.
GPA Requirements
Same as College GPA requirements.
Requirements for Minor Offered by Department
General Business Minor
The minor consists of the following eighteen (18) hours:
Code | Title | Credit Hours |
ACCT 200 | Accounting for Business Decisions 1 | 3 |
BLAW 300 | Business, Government & Society 2 | 3 |
ECON 200 | Economic Essentials and Issues 3 | 3 |
FINA 300 | Financial Decision Making 4 | 3 |
MNGT 300 | Management Essentials For Contemporary Organizations 5 | 3 |
MRKT 300 | Contemporary Marketing 6 | 3 |
Total Credit Hours | 18 |
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
Please note the following information:
- This minor is available to all other colleges at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.
- Only nonbusiness students may complete this minor.
- Courses in the minor cannot be used towards a degree in business.
- Prerequisites are strictly enforced.
- No more than one course/requirement may be transferred into the minor. The number of courses is calculated on the course replaced. If ACCT 201 Introductory Accounting I and ACCT 202 Introductory Accounting II are used to replace ACCT 200 Accounting for Business Decisions, it is considered one course. Students should visit with a business advisor if they are transferring in more than one course.
- Credit cannot be earned in both: ACCT 201 or ACCT 202 and ACCT 200; BLAW 371 Legal Environment or BLAW 372 Business Law I and BLAW 300 Business, Government & Society; ECON 211 Principles of Macroeconomics or ECON 212 Principles of Microeconomics and ECON 200 Economic Essentials and Issues; FINA 361 Finance and FINA 300 Financial Decision Making; MNGT 301 Introduction to Management and MNGT 300 Management Essentials For Contemporary Organizations; MRKT 341 Marketing and MRKT 300 Contemporary Marketing.
- During the year, courses are often offered in person and online. Students should plan ahead to complete their classes. Online classes are offered in the summer but, because of limitations, students should not plan to take more than two courses online in the summer.
Grade Rules
C- and D Grades
Same as College grade rules.
Pass/No Pass
Same as College Pass/No Pass rules.
GPA Requirements
Same as College GPA requirements.
Prerequisites: Non-CoB students only;2.5 cum GPA;Soph standing(or Freshman standing w/ 14 UNL credit hrs&MATH 104 w/ grade of 'C' or 'Pass' or better).Credit toward the degree cannot be earned in ACCT 200&any of the following:ACCT 201,ACCT 201H,ACCT 202,or ACCT 202H
Credit towards the degree cannot be earned in both ACCT 200 and ACCT 201 and/or ACCT 202. Letter grade only.
Description: This course is designed to introduce financial and managerial accounting concepts to students who are not business majors but who will use such information in future roles as investors, owners, managers, employees and /or taxpaying citizens. Because accounting is referred to as `the language of business' a primary objective of this course is to enable you to understand how accounting meets the information needs of various users. The course lays a foundation for understanding and use of accounting concepts, skills and judgments in numerous endeavors, both career and personal.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | ALL |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Sophomore standing(or Freshman standing w/ 14 crdt hrs of college credit & MATH 104 w/ grade of 'C' or 'Pass' or better);and 2.5 GPA. Credit toward the degree cannot be earned in ACCT 200&any of the following: ACCT 201, ACCT 201H, ACCT 202, or ACCT 202H
Provides foundation for advanced courses. Letter grade only. Credit toward the degree cannot be earned in both ACCT 200 and either of ACCT 201 and/or ACCT 202.
Description: Fundamentals of accounting, reporting, and analysis to understand financial, managerial, and business concepts and practices.
This course is a prerequisite for: ABUS 341, MRKT 341; ACCT 202; ACCT 202H; ACCT 301; ACCT 308; ACCT 309; ACCT 313; AECN 416; BLAW 371; BLAW 371H; BLAW 372; BLAW 372H; FINA 300; FINA 361; FINA 361A; FINA 361H; MNGT 301; MNGT 301H; MNGT 475; MRKT 341H, RAIK 341H; SCMA 331; SCMA 335; SCMA 350; SCMA 350H
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | ALL |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Open only to CoB Honors Academy students in good standing or by permission; freshman standing. Credit toward the degree cannot be earned in ACCT 200 and any of the following: ACCT 201, ACCT 201H, ACCT 202, or ACCT 202H
Description: Fundamentals of accounting, reporting, and analysis to understand financial, managerial, and business concepts and practices.
This course is a prerequisite for: ABUS 341, MRKT 341; ACCT 202; ACCT 202H; ACCT 301; ACCT 308; ACCT 309; ACCT 313; AECN 416; BLAW 371; BLAW 371H; BLAW 372; BLAW 372H; FINA 361; FINA 361A; FINA 361H; MNGT 301; MNGT 301H; MNGT 475; MRKT 341H, RAIK 341H; SCMA 331; SCMA 335; SCMA 350; SCMA 350H
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Sophomore standing(or freshman standing w/ 14 UNL crdt hrs&MATH 104 or 106 w/ grade of C or Pass or better);ACCT 201or201H w/ grade of C or above;&2.5GPA. Crdt toward the degree cannot be earned in ACCT 200&any of the following:ACCT 201,201H,202 or 202H
Description: Continuation of ACCT 201.
This course is a prerequisite for: ABUS 341, MRKT 341; ACCT 301; ACCT 308; ACCT 309; ACCT 313; AECN 416; BLAW 371; BLAW 371H; BLAW 372; BLAW 372H; FINA 300; FINA 361; FINA 361H; HRTM 479; MNGT 301; MNGT 301H; MNGT 475; SCMA 331; SCMA 350; SCMA 350H
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | ALL |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Only CoB Hon Acad. students in good standing or by permission. Sophomore standing;ACCT 201 or 201H with grade of C or above;&2.5 cumulative GPA. Credit toward the degree cannot be earned in ACCT 200&any of the following:ACCT 201,201H,202 or 202H
Description: Continuation of ACCT 201H.
This course is a prerequisite for: ABUS 341, MRKT 341; ACCT 301; ACCT 308; ACCT 309; ACCT 313; AECN 416; BLAW 371; BLAW 371H; BLAW 372; BLAW 372H; FINA 361; FINA 361H; HRTM 479; MNGT 301; MNGT 301H; MNGT 475; SCMA 331; SCMA 350; SCMA 350H
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: For non-Accounting majors only; 2.5 GPA, ACCT 201 or 201H and ACCT 202 or 202H with a C or better.
Does not provide credit toward an accounting degree or accounting minor.
Description: Designed to introduce non-accounting majors to the basics of using accounting information. Covers the practical relationships between business decisions and the financial statements, including forecasting, investment decisions, and tax effects.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Except for the 53-hr requirement, the junior standing prerequisite is waived.
A one-semester course for students above the sophomore level who desire a knowledge of the fundamentals of accounting. Not open to students who have credit in ACCT 201 and/or ACCT 202.
Description: Fundamentals of accounting analysis which are most helpful in understanding managerial and business concepts and practices.
This course is a prerequisite for: ABUS 341, MRKT 341; ACCT 308; ACCT 309; ACCT 313; BLAW 371; BLAW 371H; BLAW 372; MNGT 475; SCMA 331; SCMA 350; SCMA 350H
Credit Hours: | 4 |
Max credits per semester: | 4 |
Max credits per degree: | 4 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:4
Prerequisites: ACCT 201 or 201H, ACCT 202 or 202H, or ACCT 306, ECON 215 or STAT 218, SCMA 331 and MATH 104 or 106; all with grades of 'C' or above.
Description: Internal accounting as a tool to generate information for managerial planning and control. Conventional and computer problem materials are used to develop understanding of operating and capital budgets, standard costs, incremental concepts, relevant costs, transfer pricing, and responsibility and profit center reports as a means of analysis as well as techniques of measurement.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: ACCT 201 or 201H and ACCT 202 or 202H, or ACCT 306, and MATH 104 or 106, and SCMA 250; with grades of C or better; or permission.
Description: Examination of accounting system concepts, applications, and the process by which they are analyzed, designed, and implemented. Emphasis on management information and computer applications in financial accounting, auditing, and management accounting by means of case study analysis.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Co-requisite: to be taken con-currently with or after ACCT 313
Description: Federal and state income tax concepts. Includes theory and historical growth of the fundamentals of the federal tax laws and regulations. Emphasis on the practical application of the tax laws in the preparation of the tax returns (for wage earners and sole proprietors) and the need for tax planning.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $20 |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: ACCT 201 or 201H and ACCT 202 or 202H, or ACCT 306, and MATH 104 or 106; with grades of C or better.
Description: Analysis and interpretation of financial and operating statements; net income concepts, statements from incomplete records; theory and practice relating to cash flow; and the investment in tangible and intangible assets.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: ACCT 313 with grade of C or better or permission
Description: Continuation of ACCT 313 with emphasis on contemporary accounting theory and practice regarding long-term liabilities, corporate equities, and problem areas under study by professional accounting organizations. Analysis of financial statements and the statements of cash flow stressed and related to current controversial topics.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: An undergraduate major in the College of Business with at least sophomore standing and departmental consent and acceptance into an approved internship. Departmental credit for course cross-listings may have additional requirements for consent.
May be repeated.
Description: Provides an opportunity to study theories, principles, practices, techniques, and strategies utilized in the business field through an internship related to the major field of study and an integral or important part of their program of study. Reflect on classroom knowledge and develop practical experience in professional business situations through an approved internship.
Credit Hours: | 0-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 6 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Experiential Learning: | Internship/Co-op |
Credit Hours:0-3
Prerequisites: Permission of department chair.
Description: Topics vary.
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:1-3
Prerequisites: Permission of director of the School of Accountancy.
Open to juniors and seniors concentrating in accounting.
Description: Special research project or reading program under the direction of a staff member in the School.
Credit Hours: | 1-6 |
Max credits per semester: | 6 |
Max credits per degree: | 6 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:1-6
Prerequisites: Good standing in the University Honors Program or by invitation, and permission of the supervising faculty member and chair of the School of Accountancy.
Description: Special research project or reading program under the direction of a faculty member within the School of Accountancy
Credit Hours: | 3-6 |
Max credits per semester: | 6 |
Max credits per degree: | 6 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3-6
Description: Principles and methodologies of detecting and deterring fraud using accounting, auditing, and investigative skills. Also introduces the fundamentals of internal auditing in a changing business environment.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: ACCT Major or Permission; ACCT 314 with grade of C or better.
Description: Special accounting problems relating to the preparation of combined and consolidated financial statements for accounting entities with branch offices and with subsidiaries, both domestic and foreign; partnership accounting; accounting for foreign currency transactions and translations; governmental and not-for-profit accounting.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: ACCT 313 with grade of "C" or better
Description: Role of a professional accountant, codes of accountants, ethical decision making, the legal, regulatory and social environment in which an accountant makes an ethical decision.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Duties and responsibilities of auditors, methods of conducting various kind of audits; audit working papers; the preparation of the audit report; the auditor's certificate; special problems in the audit of different kinds of enterprises.
This course is a prerequisite for: ACCT 802
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: ACCT Major or Permission; ACCT 312 with a grade of C or better.
Description: Federal income taxation for corporations. Tax laws associated with formation, operation, distribution, redemption, and reorganizations are analyzed.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Improvisation, professional writing, and professional presentations.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Experiential Learning: | Case/Project-Based Learning |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Good standing in the University Honors Program or by invitation, and permission.
Description: Conduct a scholarly research project and write a University Honors Program or undergraduate thesis.
Credit Hours: | 3-6 |
Max credits per semester: | 6 |
Max credits per degree: | 6 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3-6
Prerequisites: BSAD 50
Description: Data organization, manipulation, and analysis using current software tools and programming languages to solve business problems of an actuarial nature.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: An undergraduate major in the College of Business with at least sophomore standing and departmental consent and acceptance into an approved internship. Departmental credit for course cross-listings may have additional requirements for consent.
May be repeated.
Description: Provides an opportunity to study theories, principles, practices, techniques, and strategies utilized in the business field through an internship related to the major field of study and an integral or important part of their program of study. Reflect on classroom knowledge and develop practical experience in professional business situations through an approved internship.
Credit Hours: | 0-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 6 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Experiential Learning: | Internship/Co-op |
Credit Hours:0-3
Prerequisites: Permission.
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 24 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Credit Hours:1-3
Prerequisites: STAT 463 with a grade of "C" or better.
Description: Introduction to a variety of loss distributions used for prediction of losses in short-term insurance, different approaches to model selection, and Bayesian and empirical Bayesian credibility theory.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | SPRING |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: STAT 463 with a grade of "C" or better
Data sets processed and analyzed using statistical software.
Description: Introduction to forecasting in actuarial science. Simple and multiple regression, instrumental variables, time series methods, and applications of methods in forecasting actuarial variables. Interest rates, inflation rates, and claim frequencies.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: STAT 463 with a grade of "C" or better.
Description: Introduction to statistical learning with actuarial applications using time series models and machine learning techniques. The topics covered include time series models, principal component analysis (PCA), decision tree, and clustering.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | SPRING |
Credit Hours:3
Grade only
Description: Fundamental concepts of financial mathematics, and how those concepts are applied in calculating present and accumulated values for various streams of cash flows. Practical applications of these concepts in loans, bonds, capital budgeting, and portfolio management.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Basic probability theory, random variables for actuarial models, bask distributional quantiles, characteristics of actuarial models, commonly used discrete and continuous distributions for actuarial models, and survival models.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | SPRING |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: STAT 463 with a grade of "C" or better
Description: Introduction to stochastic processes and their applications in actuarial science. Discrete-time and continuous-time processes; Markov chains; the Poisson process; compound Poisson processes; non-homogeneous Poisson processes; arithmetic and geometric Brownian motions. Applications of these processes in computation of resident fees for continuing care retirement communities. Pricing of financial instruments.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Introduction to short-term insurance coverage, risk measure, coverage modifications, aggregate loss models, introduction to credibility, short-term insurance loss reserving, and short-term insurance ratemaking.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | SPRING |
Credit Hours:3
First course of a two-course sequence that includes ACTS 471.
Description: Theory and applications of contingency mathematics in the areas of life and health insurance, annuities, and pensions. Probabilistic models.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | SPRING |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: ACTS 470 and STAT 462, each with a grade of "C" or better; graduate students must complete ACTS 870 with a grade of "B" or better.
Second course of a two-course sequence that includes ACTS 470.
Description: Further applications of actuarial probabilistic methods to determine net premiums, gross premiums, and reserves in the areas of life and health insurance, and annuities. Other topics include insurance and annuities involving multiple lives, multiple decrements, multi-state models, and pensions.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | FALL |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: ACTS 470 and STAT 462, each with a grade of "C" or better; graduate students must complete ACTS 870 with a grade of "B" or better.
Description: Further applications of actuarial probabilistic methods to determine in the areas of interpreting and performing calculations involving profit testing on both traditional life insurance and more modern life insurance such as universal life and equity-linked insurance, as well as pricing and reserving embedded options.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | FALL |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: ACTS 460 and STAT 462, each with a grade of "C" or better; graduate students must completed ACTS 860 with a grade of "B" or better.
Description: The theory and applications of short-term actuarial models are explored. Topics include Interpreting and performing calculations involving: (i) some commonly used claim frequency and claim severity distributions as they are applied in so-called aggregate risk models; (ii) coverage modifications; (iii) actuarial ratemaking; and (iv) various loss-reserving techniques for property/casualty insurance policies.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | FALL |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Principles and practices of pricing and/or funding and valuation for life, health, property and liability insurance, and annuities and pension plans. Commercially available actuarial modeling software.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 10 Integrated Product |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 10 Integrated Product
Prerequisites: For non-CoB students only; 2.5 cum gpa; Sophomore Standing. Credit toward the dgree cannot be earned in BLAW 300 and any of the following: BLAW 371, BLAW 371H, BLAW 372, BLAW 372H
Credit towards the degree cannot be earned in both BLAW 300 and BLAW 371 and/or BLAW 372. Letter grade only.
Description: This course examines the business organization in relationship to government, employee groups and the community. A major theme in the course is the social responsibility of business. Topics of study include ethics, environmental issues, employee rights, government regulation, global management and the U.S. political system as it affects business decision making.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 8 Civic/Ethics/Stewardship |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 8 Civic/Ethics/Stewardship
Prerequisites: Soph standing;2.5 GPA;Bus. Qual.(MATH104,106,107or208;BSAD220;ACCT201&202;ECON211&212;ECON215 or equiv)Prereqs differ for RAIKES,ACTS&ABUS majors-see bulletin for exceptions.Credit toward degree cannot be earned in BLAW300 & any of:BLAW371,371H,372,372H
Credit toward the degree cannot be earned in both BLAW 300 and either of BLAW 371/BLAW 371H or BLAW 372.
Description: Law as it relates to the business transaction. Torts, contracts, sales, and related topics in the political and economics environment in which business functions and consideration of social and ethical issues creating pressure for change.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 8 Civic/Ethics/Stewardship |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 8 Civic/Ethics/Stewardship
Prerequisites: Soph standing;2.5 GPA;Bus. Qual.(MATH104,106,107 or 208;BSAD220;ACCT201&202;ECON211&212;ECON215 or equiv)Prereqs differ for RAIKES,ACTS&ABUS mjrs-see bulletin for exceptions. Credit toward degree cannot be earned in BLAW300 & any of:BLAW371,371H,372,372H
Open only to CoB Honors Academy students in good standing or by permission. Cannot be taken Pass/No Pass. Credit toward the degree cannot be earned in both BLAW 300 and either of BLAW 371/ BLAW 371H or BLAW 372.
Description: Law as it relates to the business transaction. Torts, contracts, sales, and related topics in the political and economics environment in which business functions and consideration of social and ethical issues creating pressure for change.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Soph standing;2.5 GPA;Bus. Qual.(MATH104,106,107 or 208;BSAD220;ACCT201&202;ECON211&212;ECON215 or equiv) Prereqs differ for RAIKES,ACTS&ABUS mjrs-see bulletin for exceptions.Credit toward degree cannot be earned in BLAW300 & any of:BLAW371,371H,372,372H
Cannot be taken Pass/No Pass. Credit toward the degree cannot be earned in both BLAW 300 and either of BLAW 371/BLAW 371H or BLAW 372.
Description: Basic legal principles needed to recognize the relevant issues and the legal implications of business situations. Application of the principles of law to accounting and auditing. Political, social, and ethical implications. Property and contracts.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 8 Civic/Ethics/Stewardship |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 8 Civic/Ethics/Stewardship
Prerequisites: Soph standing;2.5 GPA;Bus. Qual.(MATH104 or 106 or 107 or 208;BSAD220;ACCT201&202;ECON211&212;ECON215 or equiv) Open only to NE Business Hons Academy students or by permission. Crdt toward degree cannot be earned in BLAW300&any of:BLAW371,371H,372,372H
Credit toward the degree cannot be earned in both BLAW 300 and either of BLAW 371/BLAW 371H or BLAW 372/BLAW 372H.
Description: Basic legal principles needed to recognize the relevant issues and the legal implications of business situations. Application of the principles of law to accounting and auditing. Political, social, and ethical implications. Property and contracts.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | FALL |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 8 Civic/Ethics/Stewardship |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 8 Civic/Ethics/Stewardship
Prerequisites: Junior standing and at least a 3.25 cumulative GPA.
Description: An examination of the continuing influence of the common law on the resolution of contemporary legal issues. Considers the common law in the context of law created by other law-making institutions. Reviews the law of torts, contracts, and property and explores how traditional doctrines have evolved to govern current social problems, with emphasis on issues impacting business activity.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | FALL |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Junior standing and at least a 3.25 cumulative GPA.
Description: Examines civil and criminal justice system and key legal concepts that frame the operations of these systems, including jurisdiction and venue, civil and criminal case progression, structure and function of key legal documents, discovery and evidence, civil appeals process, components of criminal responsibility criminal defenses, search and seizure, the privilege against self-incrimination, sentencing issues, and the post-conviction process. Examines issues that arise in business settings.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | FALL |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Junior standing and at least a 3.25 cumulative GPA.
Description: Examines relationships between corporate governance, risk and compliance. Identification and discussion of common features of compliance programs and specific regulations affecting corporate compliance. Discussion of the role of risk assessment and ethical considerations.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | SPRING |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Junior standing and at least a 3.25 cumulative GPA.
Description: Introduction to legislation, the structure of the U.S. government, the sources of governmental policy, and the various factors that influence policy and related regulations. Examines considerations that go into legislative and administrative policymaking and how businesses can play a role in shaping legislative and administrative agendas. Analyzes complex language through the art of statutory interpretation.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | SPRING |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Freshman standing; a major in the College of Business.
Pass/No Pass only.
Description: Focuses on identifying and developing your unique strengths for personal success in college and in life. Part of the Professional Enhancement Program (PREP), a series of classes designed to develop professional, confident and polished students for lifelong career success.
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Pass No Pass |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $20 |
Credit Hours:1
Prerequisites: Open only to College of Business majors with sophomore standing or above.
Description: Focuses on identifying unique strengths for personal success in college and in life. Provides transfer students with essential information to understand their strengths. Part of the Professional Enhancement Program (PrEP), a series of classes designed to develop professional, confident and polished students for lifelong career success.
Credit Hours: | 0 |
Max credits per semester: | |
Max credits per degree: | |
Grading Option: | Pass No Pass |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $10 |
Credit Hours:0
Prerequisites: Good standing in the University Honors Program; admission to the Raikes School of Computer Science and Management.
First course in the Raikes School core.
Description: Introduction to financial and managerial accounting, and accounting information systems. Content integration and application, problem-solving and situational analysis.
This course is a prerequisite for: ABUS 341, MRKT 341; ACCT 202; ACCT 301; ACCT 308; ACCT 309; ACCT 313; BLAW 371; BLAW 371H; BLAW 372; FINA 361A; MNGT 301; MNGT 301H; MNGT 475; MNGT 475H, RAIK 476H; MRKT 341H, RAIK 341H; RAIK 182H, BSAD 182H; SCMA 331; SCMA 335; SCMA 350; SCMA 350H
Credit Hours: | 4 |
Max credits per semester: | 4 |
Max credits per degree: | 4 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:4
Prerequisites: Good standing in the University Honors Program; admission to the Raikes School of Computer Science and Management and BSAD/RAIK 181H.
Second course in the Raikes School core.
Description: Introduction to microeconomics and macroeconomics. Content integration and application, problem-solving and situational analysis.
This course is a prerequisite for: ABUS 341, MRKT 341; BLAW 371; BLAW 371H; BLAW 372; ECON 303; ECON 311A; ECON 311B; ECON 312A; ECON 312B; ECON 321; ECON 389; FINA 307; FINA 361A; MNGT 301; MNGT 301H; MNGT 475; MRKT 341H, RAIK 341H; RAIK 381H, BSAD 381H; SCMA 331; SCMA 335; SCMA 350; SCMA 350H
Credit Hours: | 4 |
Max credits per semester: | 4 |
Max credits per degree: | 4 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | SPRING |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 6 Social Science |
Credit Hours:4
ACE:ACE 6 Social Science
Prerequisites: Good standing in the University Honors Program; Admission to the Raikes School of Computer Science and Management.
Description: Introduction to personal development and its application to leadership.
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:1
Prerequisites: Admission to the Raikes School of Computer Science and Management and BSAD/RAIK 185H.
Second course in the Raikes School leadership core. Letter grade only.
Description: Continued pursuit and analysis of personal development and its application to leadership. Introduction to teams.
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:1
Prerequisites: Permission
Amount of credit to be earned is determined by the instructor at the time of registration.
Description: Topics vary.
Credit Hours: | 0-6 |
Max credits per semester: | 6 |
Max credits per degree: | 6 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Credit Hours:0-6
Description: Variety of topics at the undergraduate level. Open only to CoB Honors Academy students or by permission.
Credit Hours: | 0-6 |
Max credits per semester: | 6 |
Max credits per degree: | 6 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Credit Hours:0-6
Description: Principles of effective written business communication. Focus on effective writing strategies used in business disciplines.
This course is a prerequisite for: ABUS 341, MRKT 341; BLAW 371; BLAW 371H; BLAW 372; BLAW 372H; FINA 361; FINA 361H; MNGT 301; MNGT 301H; MNGT 475; SCMA 331; SCMA 350
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 1 Writing |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 1 Writing
Prerequisites: Open to CBA Honors Academy Students or Raikes School of Computer Science and Management students in good standing or by permission. Sophomore standing; ENGL 150/ENGL 150H or ENGL 151/ENGL 151H.
Description: Principles of effective written business communication. Focus on effective writing strategies used in business disciplines.
This course is a prerequisite for: ABUS 341, MRKT 341; BLAW 371; BLAW 371H; BLAW 372; BLAW 372H; FINA 361; FINA 361H; MNGT 301; MNGT 301H; MNGT 475; SCMA 331; SCMA 350
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 1 Writing |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 1 Writing
Prerequisites: Majors in College of Business; Sophomore Standing; 2.5 GPA, BSAD 111/BSAD 111S or concurrent.
Offered Pass/No Pass.
Description: Focuses on career development and planning. Part of the Professional Enhancement Program (PrEP), a series of classes designed to develop professional, confident and polished students for lifelong career success.
This course is a prerequisite for: BSAD 333
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Pass No Pass |
Credit Hours:1
Prerequisites: Open only to students in the CoB Honors Academy or by permission. Major in College of Business, Sophomore standing, 2.5 GPA, BSAD 111/BSAD 111S or concurrent.
Offered Pass/No Pass.
Description: Focuses on career development and planning. Part of the Professional Enhancement Program (PrEP), a series of classes designed to develop professional, confident and polished students for lifelong career success.
This course is a prerequisite for: BSAD 333
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Pass No Pass |
Credit Hours:1
Prerequisites: Sophomore standing
Description: Explores complex global issues from an interdisciplinary perspective. Examines how change and innovation are continuously transforming human endeavors such as technology, business, politics, laws, culture and arts. Investigates how innovation and change can provide new solutions to the many challenges humanity faces, yet may create novel problems and unintended consequences.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 9 Global/Diversity |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 9 Global/Diversity
Prerequisites: Majors in College of Business Administration; 2.5 GPA; BSAD 222.
Pass/No Pass.
Description: Focuses on internship/job search strategies. Part of the Professional Enhancement Program (PrEP), a series of classes designed to develop professional, confident and polished students for lifelong career success.
This course is a prerequisite for: BSAD 444H
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Pass No Pass |
Credit Hours:1
Prerequisites: Junior standing in the Raikes School of Computer Science and Management and RAIK 270H and RAIK 370H.
Third course in Raikes School Data and Models course sequence.
Description: Focus on time series and random processes, simulation, network models, and constrained optimization for business modeling and decision making.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | SPRING |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Admission to the Raikes School of Computer Science and Management and RAIK 184H.
Description: Legal, ethical, and social issues related to the development and use of computer technology. Basic legal principles needed to recognize the relevant issues and the legal implications of business situations. Ethical theory, and social, political, and legal considerations. Scenarios in problem areas: privacy, reliability and risks of complex systems, intellectual property, and responsibility of professionals for applications and consequences of their work.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | SPRING |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 8 Civic/Ethics/Stewardship |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 8 Civic/Ethics/Stewardship
Prerequisites: Good standing in the University Honors Program and admission to the Raikes School of Computer Science and Management; BSAD/RAIK 182H.
Description: Macroeconomics and introduction to advanced topics in accounting systems, finance, management and information systems. Content integration and application to problem-solving and situational analysis.
This course is a prerequisite for: ECON 365, FINA 365; FINA 338; FINA 363; FINA 367; FINA 375; FINA 382; FINA 450; FINA 464; MNGT 475; MNGT 475H, RAIK 476H
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Permission of Department Chair
Amount of credit to be earned is determined by the instructor at the time of registration.
Description: Topic varies.
Credit Hours: | 1-6 |
Max credits per semester: | 6 |
Max credits per degree: | 6 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Credit Hours:1-6
Prerequisites: Permission of Department Chair
Amount of credit to be earned is determined by the instructor at the time of registration.
Description: Topic varies.
Credit Hours: | 1-6 |
Max credits per semester: | 6 |
Max credits per degree: | 6 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:1-6
Prerequisites: An undergraduate major in the College of Business with at least sophomore standing and departmental consent and acceptance into an approved internship. Departmental credit for course cross-listings may have additional requirements for consent.
May be repeated.
Description: Provides an opportunity to study theories, principles, practices, techniques, and strategies utilized in the business field through an internship related to the major field of study and an integral or important part of their program of study. Reflect on classroom knowledge and develop practical experience in professional business situations through an approved internship.
Credit Hours: | 0-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 6 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Experiential Learning: | Internship/Co-op |
Credit Hours:0-3
Prerequisites: Good standing in the University Honors Program or by invitation; admission to the Jeffrey S. Raikes School of Computer Science and Management; RAIK 284H/SOFT 261H or equivalent.
First semester in the Jeffrey S. Raikes School of Computer Science and Management design studio
Description: Application of Raikes School core content in a team oriented, project management setting. Complete projects in consultation with private and public sector clients.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | FALL |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 8 Civic/Ethics/Stewardship |
Experiential Learning: | Case/Project-Based Learning |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 8 Civic/Ethics/Stewardship
Prerequisites: Good standing in the University Honors Program or by invitation; admission to the Jeffrey S. Raikes School of Computer Science and Management; BSAD/CSCE/SOFT/RAIK 401H.
Second semester in the Jeffrey S. Raikes School of Computer Science and Management design studio
Description: Application of Raikes School core content in a team oriented, project management setting. Complete projects in consultation with private and public sector clients.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | SPRING |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 10 Integrated Product |
Experiential Learning: | Case/Project-Based Learning |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 10 Integrated Product
Prerequisites: Good standing in the University Honors Program or by invitation; admission to the Jeffrey S. Raikes School of Computer Science and Management; BSAD/CSCE/SOFT/RAIK 402H.
Third semester of Jeffrey S. Raikes School of Computer Science and Management design studio sequence.
Description: Application of Jeffrey S. Raikes School of Computer Science and Management core content in a team oriented, project management setting. Complete projects in consultation with private and public sector clients.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Experiential Learning: | Case/Project-Based Learning |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Good standing in the University Honors Program or by invitation; admission to the Jeffrey S. Raikes School of Computer Science and Management; and BSAD/CSCE/SOFT/RAIK 403H.
Fourth semester in the Jeffrey S. Raikes School of Computer Science and Management design studio sequence.
Description: Application of Raikes School core content in a team oriented, project management setting. Complete projects in consultation with private and public sector clients.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Experiential Learning: | Case/Project-Based Learning |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Sophomore standing
Description: Connects business functional areas to global contexts in theory and practice. Covers international management from a strategic perspective with an in-depth focus on cross-cultural dimensions among countries. Examines emerging competitive strategies used by multinational companies and strategic issues in international company expansions and international venture launches.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 9 Global/Diversity |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 9 Global/Diversity
Prerequisites: Majors in College of Business; 2.5 GPA; Senior standing or by permission.
Offered Pass/No Pass only.
Description: Focuses on professional and life skills. Part of the Professional Enhancement Program (PrEP), a series of classes designed to develop professional, confident and polished students for lifelong career success.
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Pass No Pass |
Credit Hours:1
Prerequisites: Open only to CoB Honors Academy students in good standing or by permission. Major in College of Business, 2.5 GPA; BSAD 333
Offered Pass/No Pass Only.
Description: Focuses on professional and life skills. Part of the Professional Enhancement Program (PrEP), a series of classes designed to develop professional, confident and polished students for lifelong career success.
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Pass No Pass |
Credit Hours:1
Prerequisites: Permission of Program Coordinator, major or interest in business administration or by invitation.
Passport to travel in some countries required, educational visa may be required. Student must confer with the College of Business (CoB) faculty adviser to determine if course work is applicable towards a specific CoB major. Travel outside the United States is required. Arrangements for payment and program costs (tuition, transportation, room and/or board, etc.) will vary depending on the program.
Description: Primary study at site(s) outside the United States with topics to vary depending on the country(ies) and area of study.
Credit Hours: | 1-15 |
Max credits per semester: | 15 |
Max credits per degree: | 15 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:1-15
Prerequisites: 12 credit hours. Credit toward the degree cannot be earned in ECON 200 and any of the following: ECON 211, ECON 211H, ECON 212, ECON 212H
Letter grade only. Credit towards the degree cannot be earned in both ECON 200 and ECON 211 and/or ECON 212. This course fulfills the economics requirement for the Minor in Business Administration for non-CoB students and cannot be applied to any other degree program.
Description: Introduction to economic reasoning and methods. Consumer choice, resources, decision making under constraints, supply, demand, markets, economic welfare analysis, measurement, prices, employment, money and interest rates. Economic policy and limitations are evaluated.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | General Economics and Theory |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 6 Social Science ACE 8 Civic/Ethics/Stewardship |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 6 Social Science ACE 8 Civic/Ethics/Stewardship
Prerequisites: 12 cr hrs. Credit toward the degree cannot be earned in ECON 200 and any of the following: ECON 211, ECON 211H, ECON 212, ECON 212H
Credit toward the degree cannot be earned in both ECON 200 or ECON 210, and in ECON 211 and/or ECON 212.
Description: Introduction to the nature and methods of economics. Economic systems. Measurement and analysis of aggregate variables, such as national income, consumption, saving, investment, international payments, employment, price indices, money supply, and interest rates. Fiscal, monetary, and other policies for macroeconomic stabilization and growth are evaluated.
This course is a prerequisite for: ABUS 341, MRKT 341; AECN 346; AECN 367; AECN 420; BLAW 371; BLAW 371H; BLAW 372; BLAW 372H; ECON 303; ECON 311A; ECON 311B; ECON 312A; ECON 312B; ECON 315; ECON 321; ECON 389; ECON 417; ECON 457, ECON 857, HIST 857, HIST 457; ECON 471; FINA 300; FINA 307; FINA 307H; FINA 361; FINA 361A; FINA 361H; MNGT 301; MNGT 301H; MNGT 475; MRKT 300; SCMA 331; SCMA 335; SCMA 350; SCMA 350H
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | General Economics and Theory |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 6 Social Science |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 6 Social Science
Prerequisites: Open only to CoB Honors Academy students in good standing or by permission. Credit toward the degree cannot be earned in ECON 200 and any of the following: ECON 211, ECON 211H, ECON 212, ECON 212H
Required for College of Business Administration major and for Arts and Sciences economics major. Credit towards degree cannot be earned in both ECON 210 and in ECON 211 or ECON 211H and/or ECON 212 or ECON 212H.
Description: Introduction to the nature and methods of economics. Economic systems. Measurement and analysis of aggregate variables, such as national income, consumption, saving, investment, international payments, employment, price indices, money supply, and interest rates. Fiscal, monetary, and other policies for macroeconomic stabilization and growth are evaluated.
This course is a prerequisite for: ABUS 341, MRKT 341; AECN 346; AECN 367; AECN 420; BLAW 371; BLAW 371H; BLAW 372; BLAW 372H; ECON 311A; ECON 311B; ECON 312A; ECON 312B; ECON 321; ECON 417; ECON 457, ECON 857, HIST 857, HIST 457; ECON 471; FINA 307; FINA 307H; FINA 361; FINA 361A; FINA 361H; MNGT 301; MNGT 301H; MNGT 475; SCMA 331; SCMA 335; SCMA 350; SCMA 350H
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 6 Social Science |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 6 Social Science
Prerequisites: 12 cr hrs. Credit toward the degree cannot be earned in ECON 200 and any of the following: ECON 211, ECON 211H, ECON 212, ECON 212H
Credit toward the degree cannot be earned in both ECON 200 or ECON 210, and in ECON 211 and/or ECON 212.
Description: Continuation of an introduction to economic methods. With emphasis on analysis and evaluation of markets. Includes demand, supply, elasticity, production costs, consumption utility, monopoly, competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, allocative and technical efficiency, and income distribution. Analysis applied to resource markets, unions, antitrust laws, agriculture, international trade, and other economic problems and policies.
This course is a prerequisite for: ABUS 341, MRKT 341; AECN 201; AECN 220; AECN 225, EAEP 225, MRKT 225; AECN 235, MRKT 235; AECN 265, NREE 265; AECN 301; AECN 316; AECN 345; AECN 346; AECN 367; AECN 376; AECN 420; AECN 436; AECN 453; AECN 474; BLAW 371; BLAW 371H; BLAW 372; BLAW 372H; ECON 303; ECON 311A; ECON 311B; ECON 312A; ECON 312B; ECON 315; ECON 321; ECON 389; ECON 417; ECON 435; ECON 448; ECON 452; ECON 457, ECON 857, HIST 857, HIST 457; ECON 471; ECON 477; FINA 300; FINA 361; FINA 361H; MNGT 301; MNGT 301H; MNGT 475; MRKT 300; MRKT 341H, RAIK 341H; SCMA 331; SCMA 335; SCMA 350; SCMA 350H
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | General Economics and Theory |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 6 Social Science |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 6 Social Science
Prerequisites: Open only to CoB Honors Academy students in good standing or by permission. Credit toward the degree cannot be earned in ECON 200 and any of the following: ECON 211, ECON 211H, ECON 212, ECON 212H
Credit toward the degree cannot be earned in both ECON 210, and in ECON 211 or ECON 211H and/or ECON 212 or ECON 212H.
Description: Continuation of an introduction to economic methods. With emphasis on analysis and evaluation of markets. Includes demand, supply, elasticity, production costs, consumption utility, monopoly, competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, allocative and technical efficiency, and income distribution. Analysis applied to resource markets, unions, antitrust laws, agriculture, international trade, and other economic problems and policies.
This course is a prerequisite for: ABUS 341, MRKT 341; AECN 201; AECN 220; AECN 225, EAEP 225, MRKT 225; AECN 265, NREE 265; AECN 301; AECN 316; AECN 346; AECN 367; AECN 376; AECN 420; AECN 453; AECN 474; BLAW 371; BLAW 371H; BLAW 372; BLAW 372H; ECON 311A; ECON 311B; ECON 312A; ECON 312B; ECON 321; ECON 417; ECON 435; ECON 448; ECON 452; ECON 457, ECON 857, HIST 857, HIST 457; ECON 471; ECON 477; FINA 361; FINA 361H; MNGT 301; MNGT 301H; MNGT 475; MRKT 341H, RAIK 341H; SCMA 331; SCMA 335; SCMA 350; SCMA 350H
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 6 Social Science |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 6 Social Science
Credit toward the degree in the College of Business Administration cannot be earned in both ECON 215, and STAT 218 or EDPS 459 or CRIM 300; or in both ECON 215 and SOCI 206. Credit towards the degree in the College of Arts and Sciences cannot be earned in both ECON 215 and STAT 218, or in both EDPS 459 and STAT 218.
Description: Introduction to the collection, analysis, and interpretation of statistical data used in economics and business. Probability analysis, sampling, hypothesis testings, analysis of trends and seasonality, correlation, and simple regressions.
This course is a prerequisite for: ABUS 341, MRKT 341; ACCT 308; AECN 436; BLAW 371; BLAW 371H; BLAW 372; BLAW 372H; ECON 311A; ECON 311B; ECON 312A; ECON 312B; ECON 315; ECON 417; ECON 448; ECON 452; ECON 817; FINA 361; FINA 361A; FINA 361H; MNGT 301; MNGT 301H; MRKT 345; MRKT 350; MRKT 446; SCMA 250; SCMA 331; SCMA 335; SCMA 350; SCMA 350H; SOCI 333
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Quantitative Economics |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 3 Math/Stat/Reasoning |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 3 Math/Stat/Reasoning
Prerequisites: Open only to CoB Honors Academy students in good standing or by permission. Sophomore standing; MATH 104 or MATH 106; BSAD 50; 2.5 GPA
Credit toward the degree in the College of Business Administration cannot be earned in both ECON 215H, and STAT 218 or EDPS 459 or CRIM 300; or in both ECON 215H and SOCI 206.
Description: Introduction to the collection, analysis, and interpretation of statistical data used in economics and business. Probability analysis, sampling, hypothesis testings, analysis of trends and seasonality, correlation, and simple regressions.
This course is a prerequisite for: ABUS 341, MRKT 341; ACCT 308; BLAW 371; BLAW 371H; BLAW 372; BLAW 372H; ECON 311A; ECON 311B; ECON 312A; ECON 312B; ECON 315; ECON 417; ECON 448; ECON 452; ECON 817; FINA 361; FINA 361A; FINA 361H; MNGT 301; MNGT 301H; MRKT 345; MRKT 350; SCMA 250; SCMA 331; SCMA 335; SCMA 350; SCMA 350H; SOCI 333
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Quantitative Economics |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 3 Math/Stat/Reasoning |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 3 Math/Stat/Reasoning
Description: Understanding of the nature of money, the commercial and central banking system, and the role of money and monetary policy as determinants of the aggregate levels of national spending and income, output, employment, and prices.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Monetary Economics |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: ECON 211 and 212; ECON 215 or equivalent; MATH 104 or equivalent. Credit toward the degree may be earned in only one of ECON 311A or ECON 311B
This course is intended for economics majors and those preferring a quantitative approach.
Description: Extensions and elaboration of theories of aggregate production, consumption, savings and investment, and international trade and finance. Detailed analyses of aggregate demand and supply and applications to inflation and unemployment. Various models of a market economy's performance, and analyses of monetary and fiscal policies for macroeconomic stabilization and growth.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Groups: | General Economics and Theory |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: ECON 211 and 212; ECON 215 or equivalent; MATH 104 or equivalent. Credit toward the degree may be earned in only one of ECON 311A or ECON 311B
This course is intended for non-economics majors and those preferring a descriptive approach.
Description: Extensions and elaboration of theories of aggregate production, consumption, savings and investment, and international trade and finance. Detailed analyses of aggregate demand and supply and applications to inflation and unemployment. Various models of a market economy's performance, and analyses of monetary and fiscal policies for macroeconomic stabilization and growth.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Groups: | General Economics and Theory |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: ECON 211 and 212; ECON 215 or equivalent; MATH 104 or equivalent. Credit toward the degree may be earned in only one of ECON 312A or ECON 312B
This course is intended for economics majors and those preferring a quantitative approach.
Description: Extension and elaboration of the economic theories of the behavior of producers, consumers, and markets. Applications include analyses of taxation, rationing and other government policies, price discrimination, cartels, unions, and international markets.
This course is a prerequisite for: ECON 471
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Groups: | General Economics and Theory |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: ECON 211 and 212; ECON 215 or equivalent; MATH 104 or equivalent. Credit toward the degree may be earned in only one of ECON 312A or ECON 312B
This course is intended for non-economics majors and those preferring a descriptive approach.
Description: Extension and elaboration of the economic theories of the behavior of producers, consumers, and markets. Applications include analyses of taxation, rationing and other government policies, price discrimination, cartels, unions, and international markets.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Groups: | General Economics and Theory |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Learn to collect, clean, manage, describe, and visualize economic data using modern statistical software such as R, SQL, or Excel. Develop skills to apply economic analysis to business and policy issues. Builds upon the statistical skills and economic theories learned previously but will also introduce new statistical techniques and economic ideas. Each content area will be learned through applications and projects.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Experiential Learning: | Case/Project-Based Learning |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Minimum sophomore standing.
Description: Foundational elements necessary for understanding and analyzing modern-day trade policy-making, including the origins and evolution of the modern international trading system, U.S. domestic trade policy processes, the interaction between business goals and government policy, and the interplay between trade policy and overall U.S. foreign policy objectives. Analytical frameworks and the opportunity to develop practical skills applicable to any future professional or policy-making setting.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | FALL |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Intermediate survey of international trade and factor movements; balance of payments; commercial policy; economic integration; international monetary system and institutions; exchange rates; and open economy macroeconomics.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | International Trade & Finance |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 9 Global/Diversity |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 9 Global/Diversity
Description: Various institutions which collectively constitute the US financial system and a discussion of their origin and development. Analysis of the supply and demand for funds and characteristic of the main financial markets. Emphasis on the determination of the price of credit and the term structure of interest rates.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Monetary Economics |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Critical analysis of economic issues based upon readings of current and historical importance. (Possible topics: pollution, discrimination, poverty, energy, agribusiness, health, demographics, ideology, and crime.)
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | General Economics and Theory |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: An undergraduate major in the College of Business with at least sophomore standing and departmental consent and acceptance into an approved internship. Departmental credit for course cross-listings may have additional requirements for consent.
May be repeated.
Description: Provides an opportunity to study theories, principles, practices, techniques, and strategies utilized in the business field through an internship related to the major field of study and an integral or important part of their program of study. Reflect on classroom knowledge and develop practical experience in professional business situations through an approved internship.
Credit Hours: | 0-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 6 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Experiential Learning: | Internship/Co-op |
Credit Hours:0-3
Prerequisites: Prior arrangement with and permission of individual faculty member and completion of proposed plan to departmental office
Description: Special research project or reading program under the direction of a staff member in the department.
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 24 |
Grading Option: | Pass No Pass |
Credit Hours:1-3
Prerequisites: Admission to the University Honors Program or by invitation.
Description: Special research project or reading program.
Credit Hours: | 3-6 |
Max credits per semester: | 6 |
Max credits per degree: | 6 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3-6
Description: Basic policy implications of monetary economics with special reference to the role of money in the determination of income, employment, and prices. Includes demand for and supply of money, commercial and central banking system, monetary policy-making, nonbank financial system, and other issues in monetary economics.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Monetary Economics |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Experience with research methods in economics. Statistical analysis to investigate economic issues and related policies; find relevant data; perform and interpret univariate and multivariate statistical analyses; and formulate and test specific hypotheses.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Quantitative Economics |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: ECON 215
Description: Decision making under conditions of uncertainty. Introduction to Bayesian methods including the main methods of traditional statistics. Both prior knowledge and consequences of decision error are explicitly taken into account in the analysis.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Quantitative Economics |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Introduction to basic econometric methods including economic model estimation and analyses of economic data. Hypothesis formulation and testing, economic prediction and problems in analyzing economic cross-section and time series data are considered.
This course is a prerequisite for: AECN 868
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Experiential Learning: | Research |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Selected topics involving the use of quantitative methods in applied research.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | FALL |
Groups: | Quantitative Economics |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Determinants of the volume, prices, and commodity composition of trade. Effects of trade, international resource movements, trade restrictions on resource allocation, income distribution, and social welfare.
This course is a prerequisite for: AECN 901D
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | International Trade & Finance |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Determinants of exchange rates, international payments, inflation, unemployment, national income, and interest rates in an open economy. International monetary system and capital and financial markets, and of the mechanisms by which a national economy and the rest of the world adjust to external disturbances.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | International Trade & Finance |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Advanced survey of development problems and goals; roles of land, labor, capital, entrepreneurship, and technical progress in economic growth of the less developed countries. Theories and strategies relating to international trade and economic development.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | Comp Intrntnl & Reg Develpmnt |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: ECON 212
Description: Introduction to game theory and strategic thinking, with applications drawn from economics, political science, finance, management, and other disciplines. Topics include dominance, Nash equilibrium, entry deterrence, reputation, signaling, strategic communication.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Industrial Organization&Reg |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Advanced analysis of regional growth and development. Emphasis on the relationship between national and regional growth as well as local attributes influencing development patterns. Comparisons between developed and developing countries used to highlight similarities and differences in development patterns and policies. Empirical applicability of regional economic models stressed.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | SPRING |
Groups: | Comp Intrntnl & Reg Develpmnt |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 10 Integrated Product |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 10 Integrated Product
Description: Introduction to economic theory and empirical research on race and gender differences in economic outcomes and social circumstances. Topics include discrimination, history of exclusionary public policy, evolution of gender roles, human capital, the criminal justice system.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Groups: | General Economics and Theory |
Experiential Learning: | Research |
Credit Hours:3
Description: An introduction to the economic and financial principles relevant to the intercollegiate athletic environment. Examination of the economic factors that influence the delivery of collegiate sport products. Study of the revenue streams and costs applicable to NCAA institutions.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Structure and function of the economic system and problems in achieving goals of efficient allocation of resources, full employment, stable prices, economic growth, and security. Emphasis on teaching of economics at the pre-college level.
Credit Hours: | 2-6 |
Max credits per semester: | 6 |
Max credits per degree: | 6 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Economic Education |
Credit Hours:2-6
Description: Analysis of the educational system in the United States and other developed countries, drawing on insights from economic theory, frontier empirical research, and the history of education policy. Discussion on educational system design, financing, returns to education, school choice, and downstream effects on productivity, innovation, and inequality.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Transformation of the United States economy from an agrarian to an industrial society and the impact of that transformation on people's livelihoods. The economic of slavery, the impact of the railroads, immigration, and the collective response of business and labor to industrialization.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Transformation of the United States economy in the twentieth century. Attention to the continued consolidation of the business enterprise, business cycle episodes including the Great Depression of the 1930's, organized labor, and the role of government in managing and coping with this transformation in economic life.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 10 Integrated Product |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 10 Integrated Product
Prerequisites: Senior standing and permission.
Open to students with an interest in international relations.
Description: Topic varies.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Senior standing and permission.
Open to students with an interest in international relations.
Description: Topics vary.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Microeconomic analysis of policy issues in public finance, emphasizing taxation. Includes public goods and externalities; analysis of tax incidence, efficiency, and equity; and fiscal federalism.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Experiential Learning: | Fieldwork |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Prepares students to conduct social and economic planning, program evaluation, and budgeting. Analysis of the delivery of government goods and services consistent with values and societal goals. Includes: philosophy of government, budget theory, social indicators, social fabric matrix, cost effective analysis, technology assessment, evaluation of the natural environment, and time analysis.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Experiential Learning: | Fieldwork |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: ECON 212
Description: Economic analysis of the law, focusing on incentives and the efficiency of the legal system. Topics the economic theory and analysis of tort, contract, property, corporate, and antitrust law. Some economic theory and analysis relevant to criminal law are also covered.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Microeconomics of wages and employment; determinants of labor demand and supply; marginal productivity; bargaining theories of wages; labor mobility and allocation among employers; and the impact of unions, government policy, investment in human capital; and discrimination in labor markets.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Labor Economics |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 10 Integrated Product |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 10 Integrated Product
Description: Macroeconomics aspects of labor economics; how the labor sector of the economy and the economy's overall performance are interrelated; analysis of the general level of wages, employment, unemployment, business cycles, and inflation.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Labor Economics |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 10 Integrated Product |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 10 Integrated Product
Prerequisites: Junior standing
Description: Government regulation of employment and labor relations. Includes laws and agencies relating to employment practices, pay, hours, equal employment opportunity, labor relations, safety, health, pensions, and benefits. Social and economic implications of governmental regulation considered.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Labor Economics |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Admission to the University Honors Program or by invitation, and permission.
Description: Conduct a scholarly research project and write a University Honors Program thesis.
Credit Hours: | 3-6 |
Max credits per semester: | 6 |
Max credits per degree: | 6 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3-6
Description: Combines the expertise of Business College faculty with real world experiences of successful practitioners to examine the success principles of the free enterprise system and provide students an understanding of the nature of entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Overview of financial issues for agribusiness start-ups. Business funding specific to new enterprises. Case studies on financial practices for start-up firms.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Credit Hours:3
Will not fulfill any of the requirements for a degree in the College of Business Administration.
Description: Variety of topics in small business and entrepreneurship, including, but not limited to marketing, finance, human resources, and operations.
Credit Hours: | 1-6 |
Max credits per semester: | 6 |
Max credits per degree: | 6 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Credit Hours:1-6
Prerequisites: Sophomore Standing
Description: Introduction to entrepreneurship management/marketing. Provides an 'insider's view' of entrepreneurial creativity, innovation, and value creation. First-hand accounts from personal experiences in creating new products, services, and ideas. Insight into real-world marketing creativity, leadership applications, research and development, market analysis, feasibility study, and potential careers in creativity and related fields. Involves the investigation of markets, both for profit and not-for-profit.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Sophomore Standing. Acceptance into the Clifton Builders Program.
Description: Introduction to entrepreneurship management/marketing. Provides an 'insider's view' of entrepreneurial creativity, innovation, and value creation. First-hand accounts from personal experiences in creating new products, services, and ideas. Insight into real-world marketing creativity, leadership applications, research and development, market analysis, feasibility study, and potential careers in creativity and related fields. Involves the investigation of markets, both for profit and not-for-profit.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Experiential Learning: | Student Teaching/Education Practicum |
Credit Hours:3
Description: The opportunities and challenges that are distinctive to businesses owned and operated by members of a family. Shared governance, leadership development, succession, and family-business tensions.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Experiential Learning: | Fieldwork |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Provides an opportunity to experience the highs, lows, fun, and pressure of developing a business idea and working in a startup environment. Understand the challenging trade-offs entrepreneurs face as they launch a new business, product, service, or process. Identify and evaluate potential business opportunities in the marketplace using established tools. Formulate and justify a pitch for a new product or service.
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Credit Hours:1
Open to students of all majors and colleges at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Some sections may include mentors from the community who are local entrepreneurs and business community members from the entrepreneurship ecosystem in Lincoln and Omaha.
Description: Provide a real-world look at raising money for "start-up companies" and why it matters. Open-forum discussion, practical application exercises, and examination of real-world case studies.
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Credit Hours:1
Description: Develop your creativity by examining it within the context of entrepreneurship. Learn how entrepreneurial processes can develop our creative abilities in a variety of contexts, including (but not limited to) the new business context.
Credit Hours: | 2 |
Max credits per semester: | 2 |
Max credits per degree: | 2 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:2
Description: Introduction to the basic concepts of how to present yourself and ideas in a compelling manner. Explore how to prepare, design, and deliver a persuasive presentation. Utilize lectures, readings, discussions, reflection papers, and presentations to develop presentation or 'pitch' skills
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Pass No Pass |
Credit Hours:1
Description: Introductory models for a startup business. Ideation, customer segments, value proposition, minimal viable product and market fit.
This course is a prerequisite for: PLAS 301
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Credit Hours:3
Cannot be taken Pass/No Pass.
Description: Covers the creative skills fundamental to the process of identifying and exploiting entrepreneurial opportunities and the analytical toolkit needed to explore the feasibility of an entrepreneurial opportunity. Integrates experiential exercises, thought leadership in the field, and case study analysis to hone in on the critical importance of the entrepreneurial mindset to society. A variety of contexts are considered, including traditional small businesses, social/non-profit organizations, and innovative efforts within established firms
This course is a prerequisite for: ENTR 424
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Experiential Learning: | Fieldwork |
Credit Hours:3
Cannot be taken Pass/No Pass
Description: Addresses financial, human resource, operations and marketing issues that face entrepreneurs whose businesses are confronted with significant growth. In addition, will learn change management concepts that are targeted towards managing an organization in extremely turbulent times. Prepares students to work in fast-growth firms, whether they are interested in starting their own business or joining an already established fast-growth firm. Helpful for students interested in fast-growth industries such as life science and high technology.
This course is a prerequisite for: ENTR 424
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Junior standing
Description: The obligations and operating practices required by ownership of one's own business, whether new or acquired. Interactions with owners of small businesses (e.g., on-site visits and discussions). Cases and projects relevant to small businesses.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Credit Hours:3
Cannot be taken Pass/No Pass.
Description: Takes an in-depth look at the business planning process. By the end of the class, students produce their own business plans. Learn through their own business plan writing, through in-depth cases studies, by engaging in role plays and by interacting with business executives. Business plans are a critical part of any organization, thus, preparing students to develop business plans for a variety of new concepts and ideas, whether inside an established firm or as part of the start-up new venture. Students will be asked to enter their business plans into the business planning competitions in which the university participates.
This course is a prerequisite for: ENTR 424
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Experiential Learning: | Research |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Practicum in Entrepreneurship. This course provides a hands-on experience. Students will choose one of two paths. They will work on their own start-up or they will intern at a start-up business. Students are responsible for weekly progress reports and other assignments suited to their path.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Introduction to franchising, how it relates to the entrepreneurial journal, and the differences compared to the traditional business model. Explores how to choose between buying an independent business and joining a franchise network and what makes a successful franchisee compared to another.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Description: The process of starting your own enterprise. Competitive environment, risk management, finance for business startups, funding, and business plan writing.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 10 Integrated Product |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 10 Integrated Product
Description: Introductory course in the finance area with concentration in personal financial applications. Includes: income and occupation, expenditures, budgeting, consumerism, taxes, consumer credit, banking services, savings and savings instruments, life insurance, social security, annuities, pensions, health insurance and care, automobile, fire, and property insurance, home ownership, investments and securities, mutual funds, and estate planning including wills, trusts, estates, death taxes, and gift taxes.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 6 Social Science |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 6 Social Science
Prerequisites: For non-CoB students only; 2.5 cum GPA; ACCT 200 (or ACCT 201 and ACCT 202) and ECON 200 (or ECON 211 and ECON 212). Credit towards the degree may only be earned in one of FINA 300, FINA 361, FINA 361A and FINA 361H.
Description: Covers the basic principles of Financial Decision Making with an emphasis on time value of money, financial statement analysis, working capital management, capital budgeting and risk management.
This course is a prerequisite for: FINA 382
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: ECON 210 or 211
Description: Fundamentals of risk management and insurance. The nature and treatment of pure loss exposures, legal principles, property and liability insurance, life and health insurance, social insurance, and the functional and financial operation of insurance companies. Personal risk management.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: ECON 210 or 211
Description: Fundamentals of risk management and insurance. The nature and treatment of pure loss exposures, legal principles, property and liability insurance, life and health insurance, social insurance, and the functional and financial operation of insurance companies. Personal risk management.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Identification and management of risk at the individual and corporate level. The risk management process and tools for risk management. Different personal insurance policies and corporate risk management methods and their applications. Analysis of value creation of corporate risk management.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Sophomore standing; 2.5 GPA; MATH 104,106,107 or 208; BSAD 220; ACCT 201&202; ECON 211&212; ECON 215 or equiv. Prereqs differ for RAIKES, ACTS & ABUS majors-see catalog. Credit towards the degree may only be earned in one of: FINA 300,361,361A and 361H.
Cannot be taken Pass/No Pass. Credit toward the degree may only be earned in one of FINA 300, FINA 361, FINA 361A, and FINA 361H. FINA 361 may replace D and F grades in FINA 361A.
Description: Scope and content of the finance specialization; survey of the major theoretical issues; the financial instruments; analysis of the capital management problems; and development of criteria for financial decision making.
This course is a prerequisite for: AECN 416; ECON 365, FINA 365; FINA 338; FINA 363; FINA 367; FINA 375; FINA 382; FINA 450; FINA 464; MNGT 475
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Freshman or Sophomore Only; 3.25 GPA; ACCT 201; ECON 211 & 215 or equiv.; MATH 104, 106, 107 or 208. Prereqs differ for RAIKES, ACTS & ABUS Majors-see bulletin for exceptions. Credit towards the degree may only be earned in one of:FINA 300,361,361A,361H.
Cannot be taken Pass/No Pass. Credit toward the degree may only be earned in one of FINA 300, FINA 361, FINA 361A, and FINA 361H
Description: Scope and content of the finance specialization with emphasis on financial modeling used for valuation; in-depth analysis of major theoretical issues; analysis of capital management problems and criteria for financial decision making.
This course is a prerequisite for: ECON 365, FINA 365; FINA 338; FINA 363; FINA 367; FINA 375; FINA 382; FINA 450; FINA 464
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | FALL |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: CBA Hon;Soph standing;2.5 GPA;MATH104,106,107 or 208;BSAD220;ACCT 201&202;ECON 211&212;ECON215 or equiv.)Prereqs differ for RAIKES,ACTS&ABUS majors-see bulletin for exceptions.Credit towards the degree may only be earned in one of:FINA 300,361,361A,361H.
Cannot be taken Pass/No Pass. Credit towards the degree may only be earned in one of FINA 300, FINA 361, FINA 361A, and FINA 361H.
Description: Scope and content of the finance specialization; survey of the major theoretical issues; the financial instruments; analysis of the capital management problems; and development of criteria for financial decision making.
This course is a prerequisite for: AECN 416; ECON 365, FINA 365; FINA 338; FINA 363; FINA 367; FINA 375; FINA 382; FINA 450; FINA 464; MNGT 475
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Survey of investment risks and rewards, the operation of the securities business, and an introduction to the problems of qualitative and quantitative analysis and portfolio selection.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Various institutions which collectively constitute the US financial system and a discussion of their origin and development. Analysis of the supply and demand for funds and characteristic of the main financial markets. Emphasis on the determination of the price of credit and the term structure of interest rates.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Monetary Economics |
Credit Hours:3
Description: This course is designed to provide students with a basic understanding of fixed-income markets, fixed-income securities, and tools employed by market participants to the analysis of fixed-income investments. The main topics include (1) debt and money markets, (2) interest rate behavior and determination, (3) bond valuation, (4) managing bond risk, (5) bonds with embedded options, and (6) mortgage-backed and asset-backed securities.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Letter grade only
Description: Analysis of the environment in which financial reporting choices are made and what the options are. How financial statements and data are used for various types of decisions. How to avoid misusing financial statement data.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Real estate market: ownership, interests, sales, leases and agencies, special financing institutions, financial aspects of ownership, managerial aspects of brokerage, property valuation, and real estate appraising.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: An undergraduate major in the College of Business with at least sophomore standing and departmental consent and acceptance into an approved internship. Departmental credit for course cross-listings may have additional requirements for consent.
May be repeated.
Description: Provides an opportunity to study theories, principles, practices, techniques, and strategies utilized in the business field through an internship related to the major field of study and an integral or important part of their program of study. Reflect on classroom knowledge and develop practical experience in professional business situations through an approved internship.
Credit Hours: | 0-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 6 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Experiential Learning: | Internship/Co-op |
Credit Hours:0-3
Prerequisites: Permission of Department Chair.
Credit Hours: | 1-6 |
Max credits per semester: | 6 |
Max credits per degree: | 6 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:1-6
Prerequisites: Permission.
Description: Special research project or reading program.
Credit Hours: | 1-6 |
Max credits per semester: | 6 |
Max credits per degree: | 6 |
Grading Option: | Pass No Pass |
Credit Hours:1-6
Prerequisites: Good standing in the University Honors Program or by invitation; permission of supervising faculty member and departmental chair.
Description: Special research project or reading program under the direction of a faculty member from the department.
Credit Hours: | 3-6 |
Max credits per semester: | 6 |
Max credits per degree: | 6 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3-6
Description: Applications of quantitative analysis in finance. Development of time value of money principles, asset pricing models and valuation methods in Finance. Emphasis on applications using appropriate software.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: FINA 361 with a grade of "C" or better.
Description: The economic functions of life insurance. The human-life value concept and the basic forms of life insurance and annuities used in insuring life values. Life insurance pricing, functional company operations, legal aspects, and contractual provision. Health and other specialized forms of human-life value insurance.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Analysis of group life insurance, group medical expense and disability income insurance, private pension plans, profit sharing and thrift plans, Section 401(k) plans, individual retirement accounts (IRAs), Keogh plans for the self-employed, group property and liability insurance, and other employee benefits. An analysis of major public policy issues.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Japanese business techniques in the five functional areas: accounting, economics, finance, management, and marketing. Historical perspective and current practices are emphasized. Strong academic emphasis as well as lectures by academicians, business people, and civil servants. Student may apply only 3 hrs towards satisfying the requirements for their major. The other 3 hrs will be used as business elective credit. Course offered in English only by the faculty of the College of Business of Senshu University, Tokyo, Japan. Plant and office visits required.
Credit Hours: | 6 |
Max credits per semester: | 6 |
Max credits per degree: | 6 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:6
Prerequisites: FINA 361 with a grade "C" or better.
Description: Major and minor pure loss exposures facing business firms, the alternative risk management techniques for dealing with these exposure, the most appropriate technique(s) for controlling each exposure, and the financial results so the risk management program remains effective. Actual risk management audits of business firms and case studies are used to integrate the concepts, techniques, and tools.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Description: International aspects of corporate financial management and financial institutions. Decision making by individual businesses in foreign operations. Explores interaction of multinational corporations and world capital markets with emphasis on quantitative techniques. Current theoretical and practical issues in international finance.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Advanced development of the corporate finance tools used in financial management. Application of quantitative techniques used in financial statement forecasting, advanced capital budgeting, advanced cost of capital estimation, corporate valuation, and external financing policy of the firm.
This course is a prerequisite for: FINA 475
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: 2.5 cum GPA; FINA 363
Letter grade only
Description: Analysis of security instruments, fixed income, equities, convertibles, and business valuation. Both fundamental and technical analysis are treated. Valuation methodologies employed by analysts. The criteria used by Warren Buffett for evaluation of potential acquisitions and investments. Application of computer techniques and models.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Description: The purpose and function of capital markets. The role of asset managers in fixed income markets, public equity markets and private markets. Emphasis is on the purpose of finance and investing and how it impacts lives. Core topics include ESG investing and private wealth management.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | FALL |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Bank asset management; policy and practices for reserves, loans and investments. Internal organization of commercial banks. New problems and recent innovations in commercial banking.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: FINA 363 and admission to the Finance Department's CFA - Investment Option.
The first course of a two-semester sequence that includes FINA 469/869. Letter grade only.
Description: Practical experience in financial asset management. Economic and industry information, money and capital market forecasts, to determine how to select individual securities and how to develop a portfolio strategy.
This course is a prerequisite for: FINA 469
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: FINA 468
The second course of a two-semester sequence that includes FINA 468/868. Letter grade only.
Description: Practical experience in financial asset management. Economic and industry information, money and capital market forecasts, to determine how to select individual securities and how to develop a portfolio strategy.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Strategic corporate financial decisions on firm value. Cases and projects that synthesize material from other courses within the finance major and core business classes. The application of financial and business principles in value-based management.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: FINA 382
Description: Consideration of procedure, instruments, techniques, and trends in financing urban real property; an examination of realty credit markets and sources of funds (private and public); valuation of real property for lending and investment purposes; and measurement of investment performance.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Good standing in the University Honors Program or by invitation, and permission.
Description: Conduct a scholarly research project. Write a University Honors Program or undergraduate thesis.
Credit Hours: | 3-6 |
Max credits per semester: | 6 |
Max credits per degree: | 6 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3-6
Prerequisites: Good standing in the University Honors Program or by invitation.
University Honors Seminar 189H is required of all students in the University Honors Program. Topic varies.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Variety of topics on the undergraduate level.
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:1-3
Prerequisites: For non-CoB students only. Credit toward the degree cannot be earned in both MNGT 300 and any of the following: MNGT 301 or MNGT 301H
Description: Designed to be an introduction to the role of managers in various organizational structures and types for students from non-business fields. Explores how the practice of management is relevant to different fields of study or academic disciplines. Provides an analysis of organizations and the management processes of planning, organizing, directing, and controlling. Individual, group, intergroup, and organizational responses to various environments and technologies are studied as well as pertinent techniques for managing human capital.
This course is a prerequisite for: MNGT 342
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Sophomore standing;2.5 GPA;MATH104,106/106B,107 or 208; BSAD220; ACCT201 & 202;ECON211 & 212; ECON215 or equiv.) Prereqs differ for RAIKES, ACTS&ABUS mjrs. Credit toward the degree cannot be earned in both MNGT 300 & any of the following:MNGT 301 or 301H
Credit toward the degree cannot be earned in both MNGT300 and MNGT301/MNGT301H. Cannot be taken Pass/No Pass.
Description: Nature of management - who managers are and what they do. Broad overview of best managerial practices. Framework for understanding contextual influences involved in both managing and being managed. Examines the multiple roles held by the manager: planning, organizing, controlling and leading an organization. Focus primarily on for-profit companies but also relevant to other types of organizations (non-profit and public sector).
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: CoB Hon Acad;Soph; 2.5 GPA;MATH104,106/106B,107 or 208;BSAD220;ACCT201&202;ECON211&212;ECON215 or equiv.Prereqs differ for RAIKES,ACTS&ABUS majors-see bulletin for excptns.Crdt toward the degree cannot be earned in both MNGT 300&any of:MNGT 301 or 301H
Credit toward the degree cannot be earned in both MNGT300 and MNGT301/MNGT301H. Cannot be taken Pass/No Pass.
Description: Nature of management - who managers are and what they do. Broad overview of best managerial practices. Framework for understanding contextual influences involved in both managing and being managed. Examines the multiple roles held by the manager: planning, organizing, controlling and leading an organization. Focus primarily on for-profit companies but also relevant to other types of organizations (non-profit and public sector).
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Sophomore Standing.
Credit towards the degree cannot be earned in both MNGT 311 and MNGT 467/867.
Description: Building on theory and historical and contemporary perspectives, this course will examine the process of leadership development, with a focus on relational models of leadership. The course will also focus on group dynamics and the promotion of optimum team performance. Students will learn the processes of group formation and how to take advantage of the talents of each group member to enhance the achievement of group objectives. The differences between groups and teams and how to structure work among group/team members to maximize learning and goal attainment will be emphasized. Learning and practicing new ways of communication will be a central component of this course.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Acceptance into the Clifton Builders Program
Initial course for all students accepted into the Clifton Builders Program.
Description: An exploration of personal strengths and individual uniqueness for creating growth and impact in organizations. Focuses on developing expertise in strengths based leadership, well-being, and employee engagement.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | FALL |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Provides an introduction to the sports industry and the factors that make it unique to other industries. Discuss basic management skills necessary in the operation of sports organizations. Examine social, behavioral, managerial, and strategic foundations of the sports industry.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Sophomore standing
Cannot be taken Pass/No Pass.
Description: Foundations of organizational behavior. This course provides the basic knowledge for managing people in organizations by surveying frameworks for individual, group, and system behaviors. The course builds critical thinking skills by examining the role of perception, personality and attitudes, motivation, leadership, group dynamics, employee engagement, organizational culture, communication and decision making in the management of work.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Experiential Learning: | Case/Project-Based Learning |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Sophomore standing. Acceptance into the Clifton Builders Program.
Description: Foundations of organizational behavior. Provides the basic knowledge for managing people in organizations by surveying frameworks for individual, group, and system behaviors. Builds critical thinking skills by examining the role of perception, personality and attitudes, motivation, leadership, group dynamics, employee engagement, organizational culture, communication and decision making in the management of work. Also includes two workshops created and delivered by Gallup Inc: Leading High Performance Teams and Creating an Engaging Workplace
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | SPRING |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Open only to CoB Honors Academy students in good standing or by permission. Sophomore standing.
Cannot be taken Pass/No Pass.
Description: The foundation and application of organizational behavior. Perspective, historical background, methodology, and theoretical framework for human behavior in organizations. Micro- (perception, personality and attitudes, motivation, and learning) interactive (group dynamics, conflict, stress, power and politics, and leadership), and macro- (communication, decision making, organization theory and design, and organizational culture) levels of analysis. Applications for performance improvement and organizational change and development.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Sophomore Standing
Description: Introductory course that approaches Human Resource Management from the perspective of the human resource professional and the individual manager or supervisor. Presents the integrated nature of human resource management and the operation of human resource policies and principles in the contemporary organizational environment. Materials will cover the challenges and opportunities faced by those who are charged with responsibility for acquisition, management, development, and retention of organizational human capital. Provides an overview of the typical human resource functions and requisite decision making in those areas.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Challenges and opportunities for maximizing the power of a diverse workforce. Contemporary response to the issues of effective management of pluralistic perspectives and the impact of diversity on organizational climate and productivity. Introduction to diversity competence skill development techniques, strategies, and best practices for organizational effectiveness.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 9 Global/Diversity |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 9 Global/Diversity
Prerequisites: An undergraduate major in the College of Business with at least sophomore standing and departmental consent and acceptance into an approved internship. Departmental credit for course cross-listings may have additional requirements for consent.
May be repeated.
Description: Provides an opportunity to study theories, principles, practices, techniques, and strategies utilized in the business field through an internship related to the major field of study and an integral or important part of their program of study. Reflect on classroom knowledge and develop practical experience in professional business situations through an approved internship.
Credit Hours: | 0-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 6 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Experiential Learning: | Internship/Co-op |
Credit Hours:0-3
Specific topic covered in any given term and credit awarded is to be determined by the instructor. Topic varies.
Description: Topics Vary
Credit Hours: | 1-6 |
Max credits per semester: | 6 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:1-6
Prerequisites: Junior standing; permission of supervising instructor and department chair.
Description: Special research project or reading program.
Credit Hours: | 1-6 |
Max credits per semester: | 6 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Credit Hours:1-6
Prerequisites: Good standing in the University Honors Program or by invitation; permission of instructor and department chair.
Description: Special research project or reading program.
Credit Hours: | 3-6 |
Max credits per semester: | 6 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3-6
Prerequisites: Junior standing
Cannot be taken Pass/No Pass
Description: Significant community engagement by conducting an entire philanthropic grant process across the semester. Fosters understanding of how strategic giving has social impact. Examine the structure of projects. Refine leadership through applied group work. Focus on philanthropic environment and awareness of corporate and non-profit contributions as they create social change within the community.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Experiential Learning: | Community Engagement |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Junior standing.
Cannot be taken Pass/No Pass.
Description: Management in organizational settings requires skillful negotiation. This course will help develop a set of useful negotiation skills and strategies. Course uses a series of negotiation simulations and debriefings that help students learn to identify different types of conflict situations; learn to employ appropriate, purposeful negotiation techniques; and learn to evaluate negotiated outcomes.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Junior standing.
Credit toward the degree cannot be earned in both MNGT 413 and UHON 395H. Cannot be taken Pass/No Pass.
Description: Examines how ethical organizations are created to engage with and prosper in natural, economic, and social environments.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Junior standing
Cannot be taken Pass/No Pass.
Description: Introduction to major management issues that companies face when doing business internationally. Prepare leaders to deal with a wide array of cultural, economic, legal, and technological differences. Deal with concepts, issues, and research in international management, with a focus on the international application of: (1) culture, communication, and leadership, (2) strategic management, and (3) development and coordination of international subsidiaries.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 9 Global/Diversity |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 9 Global/Diversity
Prerequisites: Accepted as a Student Strengths Coach
Required course towards becoming a Certified Student Strengths Coach through the Clifton Strengths Institute.
Description: Provides in-depth knowledge of strengths-based development and techniques to maximize the individual potential of others through the exploration and application of CliftonStrengths. Develops skills to be successful in coaching and positively impacting student development, engagement, and well-being in college and after graduation.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | SPRING |
Experiential Learning: | Student Teaching/Education Practicum |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Engage with the theory and practice of strategic human resource management in contemporary organizational settings. Examine the fundamentals of HRM strategic planning and scenario models. Learn the importance of evidenced based decision making, and using HRM analytics such as return on investment. Primary focus on human resource management effectiveness and engagement as a strategic partner in organizations.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Junior standing; MNGT 360 or ECON 381
Description: Interdisciplinary approach to labor-management relations with emphasis on collective bargaining and grievance administration. Appreciation of collective bargaining process gained through actual negotiating of a labor-management contract. On-going union-management relationships explored.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Design and administration of compensation systems. Deals with determinants of general level of pay, pay structures, wage and salary surveys, job analysis, job evaluation, performance evaluation, benefit plans, and financial incentive systems.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Explain the process by which organizations forecast employment needs, recruit potential employees, select high potential candidates from applicant pools, assess job performance levels, give feedback, train and develop existing employees, and deal with voluntary and involuntary turnover. Examples of tools used by HR professionals in the staffing process are provided. Evaluate and suggest improvements to real HR recruiting and selection systems based on the information learned in the classroom.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Junior standing
Description: Government regulation of employment and labor relations. Includes laws and agencies relating to employment practices, pay, hours, equal employment opportunity, labor relations, safety, health, pensions, and benefits. Social and economic implications of governmental regulation considered.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Groups: | Labor Economics |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Junior or Senior standing
Description: Build skills for working successfully in the virtual world. Focus on issues and skill development impacting leadership, communication, and teamwork in the virtual world and effective practice of these skills.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Open only to students in the College of Business. SR; 2.5 GPA; major in the College of Business; BSAD220; ACCT201 and ACCT202; ECON211 and ECON212; FINA 361; SCMA350 and SCMA331; MNGT301; SCMA 331; MRKT 341; or equivalent.
Seniors graduating at the end of the current term will have first priority. Non-priority students may be dropped. Cannot be taken Pass/No Pass.
Description: Learn the principal concepts, frameworks, and techniques of strategic management. Formulate and apply business strategies, analyze cases, explore business simulations, and gain an understanding and appreciation of how strategy affects careers, company performance, and industry attractiveness.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 10 Integrated Product |
Experiential Learning: | Case/Project-Based Learning |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 10 Integrated Product
Prerequisites: Open CoB Hon, Raikes and Hon students in good & SR standing. 2.5 GPA; major in Col of Bus; BSAD220; ACCT201&202; ECON211&212; FINA361; SCMA350&331; MNGT301; MRKT341; or equiv. Prereqs differ for RAIKES, ACTS, & ABUS majors - see bulletin for exceptions
Cannot be taken Pass/No Pass.
Description: Learn the principal concepts, frameworks, and techniques of strategic management. Formulate and apply business strategies, analyze cases, explore business simulations, and gain an understanding and appreciation of how strategy affects careers, company performance, and industry attractiveness.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 10 Integrated Product |
Experiential Learning: | Case/Project-Based Learning |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 10 Integrated Product
Prerequisites: Open only to CoB Honors Academy students in good standing. Must be taken concurrently with MNGT 475H.
Description: Application of strategic management theory and concepts to solve business problems for corporations.
Credit Hours: | 2 |
Max credits per semester: | 2 |
Max credits per degree: | 2 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:2
Prerequisites: Good standing in the University Honors Program or by invitation, and permission.
Description: Conduct a scholarly research project and write a University Honors Program or undergraduate thesis.
Credit Hours: | 3-6 |
Max credits per semester: | 6 |
Max credits per degree: | 6 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3-6
Pass/No Pass option not allowed for College of Business majors.
Description: Marketing strategies and entrepreneurship ventures throughout a food systems channel from producers of agricultural commodities to processors of food products and the final consumer. Entrepreneurship studies dealing with food processors, wholesaling, retailing and food service firms. Create strategic marketing plan to introduce a new food product into a retail consumer market.
This course is a prerequisite for: AECN 316
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | SPRING |
Credit Hours:3
Pass/No Pass option not allowed for College of Business majors.
Description: This course focuses on the foundations of commodity markets. It discusses how markets were created, how commodities are traded from producers to final consumers, the role of transportation and storage, among other topics. It provides a broad and detailed discussion of economic theories behind markets, how they work in practice, and the current state of these markets in the world.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Offered: | SPRING |
Credit Hours:3
Letter Grade Only.
Description: Provides an introduction to the fundamentals of sales communication including verbal, listening and written skills. Students learn the various components of the selling process, develop a written selling plan, and gain experience in executing each step of the selling process through role-play exercises.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 2 Communication Competence |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 2 Communication Competence
Prerequisites: For non-CoB students only; 2.5 cum GPA; Sophomore standing, ECON 200 (or ECON 211 and 212). Credit toward the degree cannot be earned in MRKT 300 and any of the following: MRKT 341/ABUS 341 or MRKT 341H/RAIK 341H
Letter grade only. Fulfills the Marketing requirement for the minor in business administration for non-business students and is part of a six course sequence for the minor. Credit towards the degree cannot be earned in both MRKT 300 and MRKT 341.
Description: Survey of marketing principles for non-business students. Overview of the fundamental terms and concepts in contemporary marketing, introduction to real world marketing strategies and focuses on marketing's role in organizations and businesses.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: AECN 235
Pass/No Pass option not allowed for College of Business majors.
Description: Operation and use of agricultural commodity markets and institutions as applied to enterprise and firm risk management. Cash; futures and futures option markets; basis; hedging; price discovery; fundamental analysis; and risk management strategies.
This course is a prerequisite for: AECN 316
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $40 |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Soph standing;2.5 GPA;MATH104,106,107 or 208;BSAD220;ACCT201&202;ECON211&212;ECON215 or equiv.)Prereqs differ for RAIKES,ACTS&ABUS mjrs-see bulletin for excptns.Crdt toward the degree cannot be earned in MRKT 300 & any of:MRKT/ABUS 341 or MRKT/RAIK 341H
Credit toward the degree cannot be earned in both MRKT 300 and MRKT 341/MRKT 341H. Cannot be taken Pass/No Pass.
Description: The marketing system, its relations with the socioeconomic system, and the influences of each upon the other. Evolution and present structure of marketing institutions and processes. Customer attributes and behavioral characteristics, and how a marketing manager responds to these in the design of marketing strategies, using research, product development, pricing, distribution structure, and promotion.
This course is a prerequisite for: MNGT 475; MRKT 345; MRKT 346, SCMA 346; MRKT 347; MRKT 350; MRKT 355; MRKT 395; MRKT 399; MRKT 425; MRKT 426; MRKT 428; MRKT 441; MRKT 442; MRKT 443; MRKT 444, SCMA 444; MRKT 446; MRKT 449; MRKT 453; MRKT 458; MRKT 490; MRKT 491; SCMA 432; SCMA 447
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: CoB Hon or Raikes in good standing or permission. SO; 2.5 GPA; Bus Qual (MATH104 or 106 or 107 or 208; BSAD220; ACCT201 and 202; ECON211 and 212; ECON215 or equivalent.) Prereqs differ for RAIKES, ACTS, and ABUS majors - see bulletin for exceptions.
Credit toward the degree cannot be earned in both MRKT 300 and MRKT 341/MRKT 341H. Cannot be taken Pass/No Pass.
Description: The marketing system, its relations with the socioeconomic system, and the influences of each upon the other. Evolution and present structure of marketing institutions and processes. Customer attributes and behavioral characteristics, and how a marketing manager responds to these in the design of marketing strategies, using research, product development, pricing, distribution structure, and promotion.
This course is a prerequisite for: MNGT 475; MNGT 475H, RAIK 476H; MRKT 345; MRKT 346, SCMA 346; MRKT 347; MRKT 350; MRKT 355; MRKT 395; MRKT 399; MRKT 425; MRKT 426; MRKT 428; MRKT 441; MRKT 442; MRKT 443; MRKT 444, SCMA 444; MRKT 446; MRKT 449; MRKT 453; MRKT 458; MRKT 490; MRKT 491; SCMA 432
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Introduction to methods and principles of investigation and analysis used in making marketing decisions, from product development to channel decisions, to advertising decisions. Planning studies, proposing studies, conducting data gathering, analyzing and interpreting data, reporting results.
This course is a prerequisite for: MRKT 442
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: MRKT 341
Description: Basic concepts used in analyzing marketing channels, identifies the issues of designing sound channels, the issues of managing them effectively, and evaluating their performance.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: MRKT 341
Description: Role of communication in the marketing process. Integration of advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, packaging, public relations, as well as their social, economic, and legal impact. Emphasis on influence of marketing communication on consumer information processing and decision making processes and determination and evaluation of marketing communication opportunities, objectives, messages, and effort.
This course is a prerequisite for: MRKT 449
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Letter grade only.
Description: Introduction to analytical methods of marketing analysis for marketing decisions using data-based cases, including choice models, mapping methods, clustering and mixture regression models, conjoint analysis, sales response models, and data visualization. Applications are in the areas of customer value assessment, segmentation, targeting, brand positioning, new product development, and resource allocation.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: MRKT 341
Description: Quantifying the success of marketing strategies and programs in terms of measurements. The advantages and disadvantages of competing metrics are discussed. Systematizing marketing metrics as an organizational process is discussed.
This course is a prerequisite for: MRKT 442
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: MRKT 257; admission to Center for Sales Excellence or Permission
Letter Grade only
Description: Professional selling theory and practice. Sales processes, planning and delivery of sales presentations, and developing personal communications skills needed for professional selling. Professional selling practice and individual feedback for improvement. Ethical issues.
This course is a prerequisite for: MRKT 460
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Admission to Center for Sales Excellence
Description: Develop a personal and professional brand, as well as learn effective career strategies in sales. Guest speakers from various companies share key developments in the sales profession, and what they look for in potential hires. Learn to put selling skills into practice to obtain a dream job.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: MRKT 257 and admission into the Certificate Program in Sales Excellence.
Description: Practicum designed to enhance internship experience. Work closely with the instructor to develop an understanding of how sales concepts taught in class apply to the practical internship experience.
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Experiential Learning: | Internship/Co-op |
Credit Hours:1-3
Prerequisites: MRKT 341, an undergraduate major in the College of Business, and approval of study plan by a faculty supervisor.
This course may not count toward the major or minor in marketing.
Description: Provides an opportunity to study theories, principles, practices, techniques, and strategies utilized in the field of marketing through a marketing internship. Reflect on classroom knowledge and develop practical experience in professional business situations through an approved internship under the direction of a faculty member.
Credit Hours: | 0-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 6 |
Grading Option: | Pass No Pass |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Experiential Learning: | Internship/Co-op |
Credit Hours:0-3
Prerequisites: MRKT 341 and approval of study plan by faculty member
Description: For advanced undergraduates with demonstrated ability and special interests in marketing who wish to undertake an individual project under the direction of a faculty member.
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Pass No Pass |
Credit Hours:1-3
Prerequisites: Good standing in the University Honors Program or by invitation, permission of instructor and departmental chair.
Description: Research project or reading program.
Credit Hours: | 1-6 |
Max credits per semester: | 6 |
Max credits per degree: | 6 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:1-6
Prerequisites: MRKT 341
Description: Foundations and structure of retailing; role of the retailing executive; decision making in such problems as site selection, layout, organization, personnel policies, planning stock, buying, pricing, promotion, credit, customer services, merchandise control, budgeting, and research.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: MRKT 341
Description: Services marketing and the services marketing process. Key concepts, issues and terminology. Specific tools and frameworks enabling communication with other professional marketers and analysis of services marketing situations to make realistic recommendations for managerial action.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: MRKT 341
Description: Focuses on the development, promotion, and implementation of various forms of consumer experiences. Topics include, but are not limited to sports participation, sporting events, concerts, theatrical performances, museums, renaissance fairs, and theme parks. Topics covered will also include the planning, promotion, and logistical support needed to provide a meaningful experience to consumers.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Japanese business techniques in the five functional areas: accounting, economics, finance, management, and marketing. Historical perspective and current practices emphasized. Strong academic emphasis as well as lectures by academicians, business people, and civil servants. Plant and office visits required. This course may count only as a free elective for students majoring in marketing. Course offered in English only by the faculty of the College of Business of Senshu University, Tokyo, Japan.
Credit Hours: | 6 |
Max credits per semester: | 6 |
Max credits per degree: | 6 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:6
Prerequisites: MRKT 341
Description: Strategies to deal with opportunities and challenges of evolving technology and marketing in digital networks of customers, suppliers, and employees; social and mobile marketing; different interactive marketing platforms for e-commerce; the future and strategic, societal, and ethical implications of technology and interactive marketing in e-commerce.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Senior standing; Marketing major or International Business major with marketing as an option; MRKT 341; MRKT 345 or MRKT 350 or MRKT 355; AND 6 hours of marketing electives.
Description: Application of marketing principles to the solution of a wide variety of problems involving influence of the consumer, choice of channels, marketing legislation, and the management of merchandising, advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, pricing, and marketing research.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Experiential Learning: | Case/Project-Based Learning |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: MRKT 341
Description: Application of behavioral science theories, concepts, methods, and research findings to the understanding and prediction of consumer behavior as the basis of decision making by marketing managers.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Examination of physical distribution activities in the marketing mix from the viewpoints of both providers and users of components of logistics systems. Logistics problems of concern to the marketing manager include time and place utility concepts, spatial relationships of markets, channel design, transportation modes, and inventory management.
This course is a prerequisite for: SCMA 474
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Introduction to the use of quantitative techniques in marketing analysis. Emphasis on understanding and evaluating the applicability of existing models to marketing decision problems in such areas of competitive strategy, marketing mix analysis, pricing, promotion, distribution, and product policy.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Managerial problems involved in the formulation, execution, and evaluation of marketing communication campaigns. Total marketing communication effort examined with particular emphasis to the potential role of marketing communication campaigns, audience identification, campaign objectives and messages, media strategy, and campaign evaluation. Case material dealing with campaigns for products, services, institutions, and political candidates.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: MRKT 341 and Junior standing
Description: Marketing problems of international business. Export marketing and domestic marketing of USA products abroad. Influence of international institutions, culture, stage of development, and geography; problems in terminology, product policy, promotion, distribution, research, pricing, and starting marketing operations.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: MRKT 257 and admission to Center for Sales Excellence
Letter Grade only
Description: Focuses on understanding and managing customer relationships through the use of technology. Learn about the customer lifecycle, customer lifetime value, and the importance of data for creating and maintaining good customer relationships. Train on current CRM systems and learn about the role of emerging technologies in the modern sales organization.
This course is a prerequisite for: MRKT 460
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: MRKT 341 or admission to Center for Sales Excellence
Letter Grade only
Description: This course covers issues faced by sales managers in building, directing, and leading a sales force. Topics include sales forecasting, territory structure design, hiring and managing salespeople, and compensation and performance evaluation systems.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Letter Grade only
Description: Teaches how to segment key accounts, how to identify high-margin business opportunities, how to sell to complex enterprises, and how to manage a Key Account team. Students practice key account presentations through role-play exercises and make actual calls and presentations to businesses in the region.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: MRKT 341 and permission
Description: Topic varies.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 6 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Experiential Learning: | Student Teaching/Education Practicum |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: MRKT 341 or Permission of Program Coordinator, major interest in marketing.
A passport to travel in some countries is required, an educational visa may be required. Student must confer with the College of Business (CoB) academic advisor to determine if course work is applicable towards a specific CoB major. Travel outside the United States is required. Arrangements for payment and program costs (tuition, transportation, room and/or board, etc.) will vary depending on the program.
Description: Primary study at site(s) outside the United States with topics to vary depending on the country(ies) and area of study.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Experiential Learning: | Fieldwork |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Good standing in the University Honors Program or by invitation, and permission.
Description: Conduct a scholarly research project and write a University Honors Program or undergraduate thesis.
Credit Hours: | 3-6 |
Max credits per semester: | 6 |
Max credits per degree: | 6 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3-6
This document represents a sample 4-year plan for degree completion with this major. Actual course selection and sequence may vary and should be discussed individually with your college or department academic advisor. Advisors also can help you plan other experiences to enrich your undergraduate education such as internships, education abroad, undergraduate research, learning communities, and service learning and community-based learning.
- 2.50 cumulative GPA required in order to apply for a degree.
- 30 of the last 36 hours must be taken at UNL.
- Maximum 6 hours Pass/No Pass credit excluding BSAD 98, BSAD 111, BSAD 50, BSAD 222, BSAD 333, and BSAD 444.
- ***Total Credits Applying Toward 120 Total Hours***
Career Information
The following represents a sample of the internships, jobs and graduate school programs that current students and recent graduates have reported.
Transferable Skills
- Broad Knowledge of Business
- Teamwork
- Analytical Skills
- Problem-Solving/Critical Thinking Skills
- Oral and Written Communication Skills
- Computer Skills
- Interpersonal Skills
Jobs of Recent Graduates
- Claims Professional, Berkshire Hathaway - Omaha, NE
- Marketing Specialist, BMW - Munich, Germany
- Trader, Eldorado Trading LLC - Chicago, IL
- Analyst, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City - Kansas City, MO
- Coach Support Specialist, Hudl - Lincoln, NE
- Sales/Marketing/Game Night Promotions Associate, Lincoln Stars Hockey Team - Lincoln, NE
- Store Management Executive Development Program, Macy's - Miami, FL
- Sales Representative, Sandhills Publishing - Lincoln, NE
- Transportation Manager, Union Pacific Railroad - Omaha, NE
- Event Management Specialist, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Athletic Department - Lincoln, NE
- Technician, Apple - San Francisco, CA
- Sales Intern, Assurity Life Insurance - Lincoln, NE
- Human Resource Generalist Intern, ConAgra Brands - Omaha, NE
- Technical Writer Intern, Fiserv - Lincoln, NE
- Marketing Intern, Hudl - Lincoln, NE
- Project Manager Intern, Kidwell - Lincoln, NE
- Finance Intern, Nelnet - Lincoln, NE
- Financial Analyst Intern, PepsiCo - Mexico City, Mexico
- Sales Intern, Sandhills Publishing - Lincoln, NE
- IT Support Intern, Spreetail - Lincoln, NE
Graduate & Professional Schools
- Master's of Business Administration (MBA), Emory University - Atlanta, GA
- Master's of Science in Sports Management, Liberty University - Lynchburg, VA
- Master's of Science in Aeronautics and Astronautics, Stanford University - Stanford, CA
- Doctor of Medicine (MD), University of Chicago - Chicago, IL
- Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D), University of Nebraska Medical Center - Omaha, NE
- Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS), University of Nebraska Medical Center - Lincoln, NE
- Master's of Business Administration, University of Nebraska-Lincoln - Lincoln, NE
- Master's of Professional Accountancy, University of Nebraska-Lincoln - Lincoln, NE
- Juris Doctor (JD), University of Nebraska-Lincoln - Lincoln, NE
- Juris Doctor (JD), University of Wisconsin-Madison - Madison, WI