Architecture College of Architecture


Admission to the College of Architecture

Students accepted by the University of Nebraska–Lincoln must also seek enrollment in the College of Architecture by marking the proper major code on the University application form.

Freshmen and transfer students applying for admission to the architecture, interior design, and landscape architecture programs must submit complete admission application materials by May 1 for fall admission and December 1 for spring admission. These admission procedures apply to high school students seeking admission, as well as transfer students, international students, and also those transferring from the University of Nebraska Omaha and the University of Nebraska at Kearney to the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.

High School Standards Architecture, Interior Design, and Landscape Architecture Programs

Prospective students interested in the professional programs in the College of Architecture are eligible to apply for admission into the architecture, interior design, and landscape architecture majors if their high school records meet the following standards:

  1. Mathematics–4 units of Algebra I, II, geometry, one-half unit of trigonometry, and one-half unit that builds on a knowledge of algebra or pre-calculus.
  2. English–4 units of intensive reading and writing.
  3. Social Studies–3 units. At least one unit of American and/or world history and one additional unit of history, American government, and/or geography.
  4. Natural Science–3 units. At least two of the three units selected from biology, chemistry, physics, and earth sciences. One of the units must include a laboratory.
  5. Foreign Language–2 units.

General Admission Requirements for the College of Architecture

In addition to the high school admission requirements, the College of Architecture has established the following general admission requirements for all undergraduate students.

New freshman students must:
  • Graduate in the upper quartile of their high school class, or
  • Have a high school GPA of 3.2 or higher, or
  • Have an enhanced ACT composite score of 22, or
  • Have a combined SAT verbal and math total of at least 1110 enhanced, or
  • Receive permission from the program director with a waiver from the above requirements.
New international freshman students must:
  • Meet University of Nebraska–Lincoln entrance requirements for new international freshman students.
  • Have a MELAB score of at least 80, or a minimum TOEFL score of 550, or a computer-based score of 213, or Internet-based score of 79-80, or an IELTS of 6.5.
New transfer students must:
  • Have a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA for architecture, landscape architecture, and interior design and be in good scholastic standing.

NOTE: New transfer students must comply with new freshman student entrance requirements if they have completed less than 12 credit hours of college study.

New international transfer students must:
  • Meet University of Nebraska–Lincoln entrance requirements for international transfer students.
  • Have a MELAB score of at least 80, or a minimum TOEFL score of 550, or a computer-based score of 213, or Internet-based score of 79-80, or an IELTS of 6.5.
  • Have a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA and be in good scholastic standing.
Students who transfer into the College of Architecture from other colleges at UNL must:
  • Have a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA for architecture, landscape architecture, and interior design and be in good scholastic standing. Students transferring from UNO and UNK are included in the new transfer student category.

NOTE: New transfer students must comply with new freshman student entrance requirements if they have completed less than 12 credit hours of college study.


Students who apply for readmission to the College of Architecture must have a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA for architecture, landscape architecture and interior design, be in good scholastic standing, and receive permission from the dean of the College.

Former students who withdraw after being admitted to the College, or who have been academically suspended and wish to be readmitted must: a) be readmitted to the College in good scholastic standing, and b) be in good scholastic standing in accordance with the program standards and receive permission from the program director. Applicants for readmission will compete for spaces available with all other admission applicants.


Academic Advising

The College of Architecture is committed to providing effective advising services to students as an essential component of their educational experience.

Students in the architecture, landscape architecture, and interior design programs are assigned to a professional academic advisor. These advisors are located in the centralized Student Success office in Architecture Hall to afford students easy access to information and to the program directors should this be necessary or desirable.

Students are encouraged to regularly consult with their advisor and are responsible for initiating advising contacts and preparing for advising sessions. Students must consult with their advisor prior to registering for classes. Failure to do so may result in removal from classes. Ultimately, students are themselves responsible for fulfilling all the requirements of the curriculum in which they are enrolled. The intellectual mentoring relationship between an academic advisor and student is protected by confidentiality and strengthened by listening with understanding to student concerns.

Academic Programs & Policies


At least 30 of the last 36 hours of credit must be registered for and completed in residence at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. Credit earned during education abroad may be used toward degree requirements if students participate in prior approved programs and register through the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.

Academic Load

Students in the bachelor of science in design (BSD) and the bachelor of landscape architecture (BLA) degree programs must be enrolled in 12 credit hours of coursework to be classified as a full-time student. Students in the master of architecture degree program must be enrolled in 9 credit hours of coursework to be classified as full-time. Students participating in one of the program’s education abroad programs enrolled in less than the credit hours specified above may also be classified as full-time with the permission of the director.

BSD and BLA students must obtain permission from the program director to enroll in more than 17 credit hours prior to the start of the semester. Students in the M.Arch program must obtain similar permission to exceed 15 credit hours.

Employment and Course Load Guidelines

The architectural studies, interior design, and landscape architecture programs are demanding disciplines requiring significant commitment to succeed. For this reason, the college has adopted a policy recommending students who are employed to not exceed the following registration guidelines:

Work load per week Course load per semester
0 hours up to 18 credit hours
8-16 hours 13-16 credit hours
17-20 hours 10-12 credit hours
Full time up to 6 credit hours

Professional students holding teaching or research assistantships are required to be enrolled as a student in the professional program and their course load cannot exceed 12 credit hours per semester. Students holding these positions are prohibited from engaging in any other form of remunerative employment without the permission of the program director.

Course Exclusions & Restrictions

Military Credit

A maximum of 15 credit hours total of military credit can be applied to the BSD and BLA degrees from the combination of the following areas:

  1. ROTC credit for Aerospace Studies (AERO), Military Science (MLSC), or Naval Science (NAVS)
  2. Military credit for coursework presented through the Joint Services Transcript (JST)

Military credits will specifically apply toward degrees in the college of architecture as follows:

Architectural studies undergraduate students with military service will be awarded up to 9 credit hours of open electives with the potential for an additional 3 credits for ACE 8 and 3 credits for ACE 9 upon military credit evaluation for a maximum of 15 military credits.  

Interior Design undergraduate students with military service will be awarded up to 3 credit hours of open electives with the potential for an additional 3 credits for ACE 8 and 3 credits for ACE 9 upon military credit evaluation for a maximum of 9 military credits.  

Landscape Architecture undergraduate students with military service will be awarded up to 3 credit hours of open electives with the potential for an additional 3 credits for ACE 9 upon military credit evaluation for a maximum of 6 military credits.  

Physical Education

A maximum combination of 6 credit hours can be applied toward the bachelor of science in design and bachelor of landscape architecture degrees as elective credit. This restriction includes courses with the following subject codes: COMB, FITN, INDV, MARK, ODED, and RACS.


The university’s drop/add policy is outlined on the Office of the University Registrar’s website. The professional program subscribes to the same rules and limitations indicated in this publication. In general, classes can only be added during the first week of the semester. You may drop a class from your schedule anytime during the first eleven weeks of the semester. After the eleventh week, withdrawal from the class is possible only for extraordinary circumstances and will be granted only by petition. Grounds for extraordinary withdrawal include military service, medical illness, death in the immediate family, personal trauma, or complete absence from all courses without officially withdrawing.

The specific deadline for dropping a class is listed on the Office of the University Registrar’s website. Students can access their MyRED account to drop or add classes. Please be warned, failure to attend classes does not constitute proper notification of dropping a class. If you are unable to attend classes, please contact your instructor as soon as possible. Failure to do so may jeopardize your chances for dropping the class. If you wish to drop all your courses, please contact your academic advisor who will direct you to the appropriate University Withdrawal form

Enrollment Policy

College of Architecture Enrollment Policy

Enrollment in the architectural studies, interior design, and landscape architecture majors shall be limited by available teaching resources and space capacities, therefore an enrollment limit is established for each of these programs.

Admission to the architectural studies, interior design, and landscape architecture programs occurs year-round; however, access to studio courses is not guaranteed for those students admitted beyond the February 15th deadline for transfer students or the March 15th deadline for freshmen.

Academic Warning, Appeals, and Dismissal

Undergraduate students who are placed on academic warning will not be allowed to take any new architectural studies, design, interior design, or landscape architecture courses without the permission of the program director. Students will be allowed to retake architectural studies, design, interior design, and landscape architecture courses while on academic warning. Students may not take the same course more than three times.

Students in the undergraduate program placed on academic warning by the College for two consecutive semesters will be transferred out of the College of Architecture into the Exploratory and Pre-Professional Advising Center and must reapply for admission to the College and the architectural studies, landscape architecture, or interior design program. Students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 to be readmitted from the Exploratory and Pre-Professional Advising Center into architecture, interior design, and landscape architecture.

Students in the M.Arch program are required to maintain a 3.0 semester GPA. Students placed on academic warning will be allowed to continue with their classes for one semester if the cumulative GPA is 3.0 or with permission from the program director. If their next semester grade point average is below a 3.0 they are dismissed from the degree program. Students desiring to be readmitted will have to apply for admission to the professional program.

Students who register for new architectural studies, design, interior design, or landscape architecture courses while on academic warning will be administratively dropped from those courses unless they have received the permission of the program director.

Registration Limits

College of Architecture students are not allowed to register for 200-800 level architectural studies, interior design, or landscape architecture courses unless they have been admitted into the second year of their respective professional programs. Some specific courses allow registration of non-majors with the permission of the faculty member teaching the course. 

The programs have adopted limits on the number of credit hours a student can register for without the permission of the director. Undergraduate students in good academic standing are allowed to register for a maximum of 17 credit hours. Students wishing to exceed this number must secure permission from the director before registering for the courses. Under no circumstances can a student register for more than 19 hours in a semester.

Students who are on academic warning are restricted to a maximum number of 12 credit hours. Permission to exceed 12 credit hours must be granted by the program director. For more specific limitations for students on academic warning, see the Academic Warning, Appeals, and Dismissal section above.

Student Recognition

Dean’s List

Each semester, select undergraduate students enrolled in the College of Architecture are recognized for their scholastic accomplishments by being named to the dean’s list. Criteria for this honor are:

  1. Students must earn a semester (not cumulative) GPA of 3.75 or higher. Coursework must be completed by the census date of the grade reports.
  2. Students must earn a minimum of 12 graded credit hours during that semester. (Pass/No Pass credit cannot be applied toward the 12 required credit hours.)

Graduation With Distinction and With High Distinction

Students with outstanding scholastic records may earn the special honor of graduating With Distinction or With High Distinction. One student each graduation may be chosen to graduate With Highest Distinction. Requirements for these honors are listed below.

Graduation With Distinction shall be awarded to students earning at least 60 credit hours in residence at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln who are in the 90th percentile of those graduating in the prior twelve-month period or who have a minimum 3.6 cumulative GPA.

Graduation With High Distinction shall be awarded to students in the top half of those who meet the qualifications for graduation with distinction and have a minimum 3.8 cumulative GPA.

Graduation With Highest Distinction may be awarded by selection of the faculty to a student who meets the qualifications for graduation with high distinction and has also demonstrated outstanding professional excellence through creative work.

International Education Abroad Programs

The College of Architecture values the global context and rich experiences of education abroad. The following opportunities may be available on a regular basis to students.

Hannover, Germany. During the spring semester, qualified students in the fourth year of the architectural studies or third year of the landscape architecture program can elect to study in Hannover, Germany. Under an agreement with Hannover University, students have an opportunity to complete one semester of their requirements toward a degree at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.

Clermont-Ferrand, France. During the spring semester, qualified students in the fourth year of the architectural studies program can elect to study in Clermont-Ferrand, France. Under an agreement with the university, students have an opportunity to complete one semester of their requirements toward a degree at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.

London, England. During each fall semester, qualified students may elect one semester of resident studies in London, England. The program offers students enrolled in the master of architecture, interior design (4th year), or landscape architecture (4th year) the opportunity to study urban and architectural design in a cross-cultural and comparative manner. Under the direction of a faculty member in either the architectural studies, interior design, or landscape architecture programs, the program is annually accommodated by a wealth of historic and modern case materials with cooperative assistance from educators and practicing professionals in the London area.

Rome, Italy. During each spring semester, qualified interior design and landscape architecture students may elect a semester of studies in Rome, Italy. Please contact the Interior Design Program Director or the Landscape Architecture Program Director for more information on this study abroad opportunity.

Paris, France. During a 5-week summer session, the College of Architecture offers a 3-credit History and Theory elective course in Paris.

Barcelona, Spain. During a 3-week pre-session, the College of Architecture offers a 3-credit History and Theory elective course in Barcelona.

Senior Check/Degree Audit

Graduation Requirements

During the first year, students are expected to develop a clear understanding of degree requirements and to plan their course of study with a College advisor. Students requiring clarification of outstanding degree requirements should visit with their advisor promptly.

Students should access their Degree Audit via MyRED at least once each term to review degree requirements and progress toward graduation. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure their Degree Audit accurately reflects their current College and program of study.

Students who believe their Degree Audit has errors or omissions should visit with their advisor promptly. It is important that you resolve these matters as soon as possible to avoid a delay in graduation.

Each student with MyRED access must submit an online Application for Graduation via MyRED for each degree to be received by:

  • The fourth Friday in January for May graduation
  • The second Friday in June for August graduation
  • The second Friday in September for December graduation

Students submitting an electronic Application for Graduation via MyRED will be billed a $25.00 per degree fee on their student account. Those students without MyRED access may apply for graduation in person at Husker Hub in the Canfield Administration Building, or by mail. Applications for graduation submitted in person or by mail must be accompanied by a check or money order in the amount of $25.00 payable to the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. Failure to submit a timely Application for Graduation may preclude the awarding of a degree in the intended term.

Your Application for Graduation and the required $25.00 fee are good only for the term marked on your application. Neither your application nor your fee are transferrable to another term. If you submit an Application for Graduation and pay the $25.00 fee for a specified term but do not complete your degree requirements in that term, you will need to reapply to graduate in a future term and incur another $25.00 fee.

Commencement ceremony information including information about ordering cap and gown can be found at Each student who has applied for graduation must submit an online Commencement Attendance Form via MyRED, which will be available approximately one month before graduation.

Only those students who have applied for graduation, had the application accepted, and fulfilled all degree requirements as of the last day of the academic term may participate in the commencement ceremony for that term. Because the University of Nebraska–Lincoln has a commencement for each term, ceremony participation is allowed only in the term during which the student has properly and timely applied for graduation and fulfilled degree requirements.

Professional Graduation Check and Application for Degree (M.Arch)

During the last semester of the M.Arch, professional graduation checks are to be initiated by the student and reviewed by the student’s advisor. The professional graduation check forms are maintained by the advisor and filed in the students’ advising folders.

Professional students must submit an Application for Graduation, plus a $25.00 check or cash fee for each degree to be received, to the Office of the University Registrar by:

  • The fourth Friday in January for May graduation
  • The second Friday in June for August graduation
  • The second Friday in September for December graduation

An electronic Application for Graduation and payment is available via MyRED. Failure to submit a timely Application for Graduation may preclude the awarding of a degree in the intended term.

Substitutions and Waivers

Students wishing to propose a course substitution in their curriculum of study must petition the program's Professional Program Committee (PPC) by completing a substitution form. The substitution form should be filled out in consultation with your academic advisor. All proposals must include a detailed explanation for the substitution. The student’s advisor must review and sign the completed form before it can be submitted to the PPC. It is very important that these procedures be followed for an expeditious response to the proposal. Substitutions must be approved before enrolling in a substitute course.

Students are advised the PPC meets once a month and will not consider any substitution proposals without a completed form and explanation signed by their advisor. The process to obtain a course substitution is lengthy and cannot be accomplished at the “eleventh hour” to compensate for poor academic planning.

Copies of the substitution form are available in the Student Success office.

Independent Study

Credit hours earned through independent study need to be formally arranged with the faculty member supervising the work prior to registration for those credit hours.

ARCH 396Problems in Architecture1-6
ARCH 496Problems in Architecture1-6
ARCH 596Problems in Architecture1-6
ARCH 896Problems in Architecture1-6
IDES 496Problems in Interior Design1-6
IDES 896Problems in Interior Design1-6

This is accomplished through completion of the Independent Study Contract available in the Student Success office. It must have the signature of the faculty sponsor and be filed with the Student Success office in order to be valid.

Students are limited to a total of 9 credit hours of independent study over the course of their academic career in the professional program.


Architecture Internship

An internship program is available to students who have completed the BSD or its equivalent before or during the professional masters in architecture program. Academic credits will be given (up to 3 hours) for this internship experience. Students will be required to apply for acceptance into the program and will be monitored by the program’s internship coordinator.

Interior Design Internship

All students enrolled in the interior design program need to complete an approved internship as part of their professional requirements. Students are not eligible for an internship until they are enrolled in, or have completed, IDES 311 Interior Design Studio IV. Academic credits (3 hours) will be given for this internship. Students are monitored by the program’s internship coordinator.

Landscape Architecture Outside Enrichment Requirement

Students enrolled in the landscape architecture program are required to complete an outside enrichment opportunity. This opportunity must be a registered course-learning activity that is approved by the program director. The activity can fall into two broad categories, internship/co-op and study abroad. This activity can be in courses both inside and outside the design studio.

ACE Requirements

Achievement-Centered Education (ACE)

The University of Nebraska–Lincoln requires all students to receive a broad general education as part of their academic experience. This requirement translates into the obligation of all students to fulfill the requirements of the ACE program


Students are expected to take ENGL 150 Writing and Inquiry or ENGL 151 Writing for Change and COMM 286 Business and Professional Communication.

ENGL 186 ESL/Academic Reading Skills, ENGL 187 ESL/Academic Writing Skills, and ENGL 140 Advanced Academic Writing and Usage may not be used to satisfy the freshman English composition requirement.


All students in the College of Architecture are required to receive credit for MATH 104 Applied Calculus. Courses taken as deficiencies to qualify for MATH 104 will not apply as credit toward their degree.

College Degree Requirements


Minimum Hours Required for Graduation

Bachelor of Science in Design (BSD-Architecture) – 120 hours

Bachelor of Science in Design (BSD-Interior Design) – 120 hours

Bachelor of Landscape Architecture (BLA) – 120 hours

Grading Appeals

A student wishing to appeal a grade should contact his or her professor for clarification first before an appeal can be filed. If the dispute cannot be resolved with the instructor, it is recommended that the student meets with their advisor to get clarification on the appeals process. Appeals are only considered where it can be demonstrated that prejudice or capricious treatment influenced the grade received by the student.

Having exhausted these avenues, a student may then choose to make a formal appeal. The appeal is in the form of a written statement from the student to the program director. The director will then forward the letter to the appropriate faculty committee for review. The deadline for filing a grade appeal (which includes a written statement from the student) is 30 calendar days after the first day of classes of the next regular semester (fall or spring). Appeals filed after the deadline will not be heard.

Incomplete Grades

Incompletes for students in the pre-professional program shall be granted only for reasons outlined in the policy statement adopted by the University Senate. See the Office of the University Registrar’s website for the complete text.

Incompletes given to students in the professional programs are granted at the discretion of the faculty awarding the grade. The faculty and student together must file an incomplete form in the Student Success office to register the anticipated completion date and the grade that will be registered if the work is not completed by that time.

Students will be allowed a maximum of two weeks to remove incompletes from courses that are prerequisites to classes in which they are currently enrolled, or they will be administratively dropped from those courses.

Scholastic Standing

The following scholastic standards have been established to maintain the level of quality for students enrolled in the College of Architecture programs:

First Year – Architectural Studies, Landscape Architecture, and Interior Design

Students in the first year (d.ONE) are required to maintain both a semester and cumulative grade point average at or above 2.0. Students who fail to meet this standard are placed on academic warning and will not be permitted to take any new architectural studies, design, interior design, or landscape architecture courses without the permission of the program director.

Second, Third, and Fourth Year – Architectural Studies

Students in the second, third, and fourth years of the architectural studies program are required to maintain both a semester and cumulative grade point average of 2.6 to remain in good academic standing. The architectural studies program also requires that students earn a grade of C or higher in all required courses. Students who fail to meet this standard are placed on academic warning and will not be permitted to take any new architecture courses without the permission of the program director.

Second, Third, and Fourth Year – Interior Design and Landscape Architecture

Students in the second year are required to maintain both a semester and cumulative grade point average of 2.6. Students in the third and fourth year of the BSD–ID and BLA program are required to maintain a 2.6 cumulative grade point average to remain in good academic standing. The programs also require that students earn a grade of a C or higher in all required courses. The programs place students who fail to meet this standard on academic warning.

Master of Architecture

Students in the M.Arch program are required to maintain a semester grade point average of 3.0 to remain in good academic standing. The program places students who fail to meet this standard on academic warning.

Grade Rules

Students must earn at least a C (2.0) in all courses with an ARCH, DSGN, IDES, or LARC prefix to earn credit toward their degree. Students will be required to retake all required core courses with a grade of C- or below, but will not be required to repeat courses that were taken as electives.

Removal of Grades C- or Below

A student receiving a grade of C- or below for an overall course grade may remove that grade by retaking the same course again and receiving a higher grade at UNL, UNO, or UNK. The higher grade will be used to compute the student’s cumulative grade point average, but all grades appear on the student’s transcript. Students who choose to retake a course at an institution outside of the University of Nebraska system may count the course toward their degree requirement, but the grade will not replace the University of Nebraska–Lincoln grade from the student’s transcript.

The Pass/No Pass option cannot be used to remove these grades from the grade point average. Please be advised that once a course is no longer taught and no longer offered by the department, it is not possible to remove a grade of C- or below through substitution or any other means.

Should a student perform poorly in multiple courses during a semester, it is possible to bankrupt the entire semester’s grades. This is a drastic action and should be pursued only after a visit with the student's advisor.

Pass/No Pass

None of the required classes offered in the professional program are offered Pass/No Pass, except DSGN 10. Classes applying toward ACE requirements specified by the College of Architecture may not be taken Pass/No Pass.

A maximum of 12 Pass/No Pass credits from departments outside of the College of Architecture may be taken from the following areas:

  • Humanities and social sciences (i.e. open ACE areas where the College does not specify a required course)
  • Open electives

Note - DSGN 421, DSGN 422, and/or DSGN 423 may be taken Pass/No Pass for technique, professional, and/or other elective credit and do not count against the 12-credit hour Pass/No Pass limit.

Transfer Credit Rules

Transfer credit is evaluated at the College level for general coursework and at the Program level for technical, professional, and non-accredited credits.

College Evaluation of Transfer Credit

First-time students transferring to the College of Architecture from a similar accredited professional degree program will be evaluated on the basis of the current undergraduate catalog in effect at the time the student enrolls in the College of Architecture.

Confirmation procedure:
  1. It is the student’s responsibility to initiate this task.
  2. The student procedure is to seek review of appropriate materials from the Student Success office.
  3. A “portfolio review” will determine confirmation of credit. This review will be done by the appropriate faculty member or committee.
Evaluation of General Education Credits

Transfer students who have formally applied for admission will have their academic credits evaluated by the Office of the University Registrar and the College of Architecture. The College will evaluate all hours submitted on an admission application but reserves the right to reject any of these credits.

Program Evaluation of Professional Credit

All professional credits earned at another university to be applied toward the master of architecture degree must be approved by the Professional Program Committee in cooperation with the program director. At least 50 percent of the required coursework for the professional degree must be completed at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, with the exception of those students who are applying to enter the program with a four-year degree from an accredited architecture program. No professional transfer credit will be accepted from a non-accredited architecture program.


The program director will select and identify those courses that are applicable to the professional program in architectural studies, interior design, and landscape architecture programs. The College of Architecture will not accept courses for transfer which are below a 2.0 on a 4-point scale.

Evaluation of Technical and Non-accredited Transfer Credits

Students who desire to transfer credits from technical or non-accredited colleges must have architectural studies, interior design, and landscape architecture credits evaluated by the director and/or appropriate program representatives. Non-architecture credits will be evaluated by the appropriate university department.

Evaluation of Graphics, Design, and Production Drawing Credit

Transfer credit for graphics, basic and architectural studies, landscape architecture, and/or interior design work and production drawings will not be granted until the student’s work has been reviewed by the architecture, landscape architecture, or interior design program director. Allowable transfer credit in the design, production drawings, and graphics areas, whether the grades presented are C, B, or A, will be determined from this review and the student placed accordingly.

Clarification and Appeal

The student who has questions about or wishes to appeal the initial College evaluation of his or her transfer credit should contact the program office. If the evaluation is not satisfactorily resolved, the student has the right to register an appeal with the Student Affairs Committee of the architectural studies, landscape architecture, or interior design programs.

Transfer Catalog Year

Students who have transferred from a community college may be eligible to fulfill the requirements as stated in the catalog for an academic year in which they were enrolled at the community college prior to attending the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.  This decision shall be made in consultation with the student’s College of Architecture academic advising team (e.g., Student Success Center professional advisor and the appropriate faculty Program Director). Eligibility is based on a) enrollment in a community college during the catalog year the student wishes to utilize, b) maintaining continuous enrollment of at least 12 credit hours per semester at the previous institution for at least 2 semesters, and c) continuous enrollment at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln within 1 calendar year from the student’s last term at the previous institution.  Students must complete all degree requirements from a single catalog year and within the timeframe allowable for that catalog year.

Experiential Learning Requirement

All undergraduates in the College of Architecture must take an Experiential Learning (EL) designated course. DSGN 110 Design Thinking and DSGN 410 Design Studio: Collaborate have been designated as the Experiential Learning courses in the College of Architecture.

Other College Degree Requirements

Off-Campus Programs

The College of Architecture recognizes the need for some students to pursue their first-year design studies at other institutions. One semester (15 credit hours) of off-campus study should cause minimal delay in students’ educational timetables if courses can be selected from the following list and are approved by the College of Architecture. Students are encouraged to coordinate their off-campus architectural studies, landscape architecture, and interior design programs with the College of Architecture.

Recommended Courses

Calculus (3 hrs)
English Composition elective (3 hrs)
Humanities and Social Sciences electives (9 hrs) See University of Nebraska–Lincoln ACE requirements.
Calculus-based Physics (4 hrs) for architectural studies or Introduction to Horticulture (3 hrs) for landscape architecture
Speech (3 hrs)

Degrees & Majors

Organization and Degrees

The College of Architecture consists of four academic programs: architectural studies, interior design, landscape architecture, and community and regional planning. Architectural studies, interior design, and landscape architecture all begin with a one-year foundational program (d.ONE). In architectural studies, the first year is followed by a three-year program in which students earn a bachelor of science in design (BSD) degree and then a two-year professional master of architecture (M.Arch) degree. For the landscape architecture program, the first year is followed by three years in which students earn a professional bachelor of landscape architecture (BLA) degree. Similarly, after the first year, the interior design program is three years and culminates in the professional BSD degree. The community and regional planning program is exclusively a graduate degree program and is addressed in the Graduate Catalog.

Both architectural studies and interior design have post-professional MS research degrees.

Nonprofessional Master of Science Degree

The master of science (MS) degree is a scholarly, research-based curriculum and not an accredited professional degree. For more information, please see the University of Nebraska–Lincoln Graduate and Professional Catalog.

Community and Regional Planning

The community and regional planning program offers the two-year professional master of community and regional planning degree, which is fully accredited by the Planning Accreditation Board (PAB). In addition, a minor in community and regional planning is available to all students.

Minors & Areas of Specializations Offered

Architectural Studies Minor

Departmental Contact: Stephanie Kuenning

The architectural studies minor provides students an opportunity to learn about architecture and architectural history and a pathway to achieve designation for that focused learning.

The minor is available to all University of Nebraska–Lincoln undergraduate students.

Community and Regional Planning Minor

Departmental Contact: Zhenghong Tang, 313 Architecture Hall

Community and regional planning is an interdisciplinary field that influences a broad range of future-oriented decision making. A minor in community and regional planning will be useful for students who wish to pursue careers related to planning or who wish to understand the importance and impact of planning issues on communities, rural areas, and urban settings as they relate to health, growth, and quality of life. This is particularly relevant to those who pursue service on a City Council, Planning Board, or other aspects of being an active citizen in today's world. 

Majors that are related to planning include architecture, landscape architecture, anthropology, economics, environmental studies, ethnic studies, geography, geology, Great Plains studies, political science, and sociology, among others. Many professional positions in public, private, and nonprofit organizations involve knowledge and skills in community and regional planning.

The University of Nebraska–Lincoln offers the master of community and regional planning (MCRP) degree program, which prepares students for professional planning practice in public and private sectors, as well as preparation for positions related to community growth implications such as economic development. Requirements for the MCRP degree program are detailed in the Graduate and Professional Catalog. Completion of CRPL 400 Introduction to Planning in the minor fulfills the course content requirement of CRPL 800 Introduction to Planning for the MCRP degree; however, students pursuing the MCRP degree must still complete 48 credit hours at the graduate level.

The minor is available to all University of Nebraska–Lincoln undergraduate students.

Landscape Architecture Minor

Departmental Contact: Sarah Karle

The minor in landscape architecture is designed to provide a basic understanding of the issues and opportunities the profession of landscape architecture faces. Knowledge of landscape architecture history, theory, and context provides a useful addition to a student in any of the University disciplines.

The minor is open to all University of Nebraska–Lincoln students. 

Product Design Minor

Department Contact: Lindsey Bahe

The common core of courses shared by students in the College of Architecture (architecture, interior design, landscape architecture) provides students with an understanding of the design and fabrication process at a range of scales. The minor in product design provides an opportunity to explore design at a smaller, yet related scale. It allows students to develop academic strengths that will prepare them for advanced study and careers in the design of objects that people interact with on a personal level, of a size and function related to human dimensions. This includes furniture and a variety of manufactured objects.

The minor is available to students majoring in interior design, architecture, landscape architecture, emerging media arts, graphic design, art, and mechanical engineering.

Graduate Student Information

Graduate and Professional Teaching and Research Assistantships

The College of Architecture has several teaching and research assistantships available each year. Students accepted into the M.Arch, MS, and MCRP programs or those who are in the process of making an application are encouraged to apply for these assistantships. A brief letter of interest and qualifications plus completed graduate assistantship recommendation forms (which are available in the Student Success office) should be returned to the Student Success office before February 1 of each year for consideration. 

Course Hold for Professional Credit

Seniors who have obtained in advance the approval of the architecture program director may receive up to 12 hours credit towards their M.Arch degree prior to the completion of their BSD degree, provided the following conditions are met:

  • They are above the courses required for their BSD degree.
  • They are taken under the 500 number.
  • They are taken in the calendar year prior to the receipt of the BSD.

Catalog Rule

Degree Time Limits

Students will be required to complete coursework for their degree within a ten-year period from the time they are admitted into the second year of their professional program.


Ownership of Class Work

Students grant the College of Architecture and the University of Nebraska a royalty-free right to publish work produced as part of a course.

Significant student work will be retained on file by the program each semester as a necessary record for accrediting purposes and periodic display. Other student work must be retrieved by the student no later than seven working days past the end of the semester.

The College of Architecture is not responsible for storing or returning student work. It is the student’s responsibility to remove all items from studio spaces no later than seven working days past the end of each semester. In addition, it is the student’s responsibility to remove all materials from lockers. All padlocks left on lockers will be cut and the materials in the lockers confiscated after the completion of the spring semester.