Economics (ECN)
Description: This course will include an overview of food and agricultural issues. Goals of this course will be to: introduce students to the agribusiness sector of the U.S., survey of economic concepts that affect food and agricultural issues and developing an understanding of the interconnectedness of agricultural supply businesses, farm and ranch production, food markets, distribution and consumption.
Description: This course provides students an introduction to the economic principles and theories which have been developed to explain how firms make decisions on production and input use, how consumers make purchasing decisions, and how firms and consumers interact in the marketplace under differing market conditions.
Description: Introduction to the nature and methods of economics. Economic systems. Measurement and analysis of aggregate variables, such as National income, consumption, saving, investment, international payments, employment, price indices, money supply, and interest rates. Fiscal, monetary, and other policies for macroeconomic stabilization and growth.
Description: Explores global food and agricultural issues with a focus on hunger, chronic malnutrition, and diets of people in developing countries. Introduces basic economic concepts pertinent to understanding and analyzing global food markets and prices and to evaluating government policies designed to reduce food insecurity, enhance diets, and promote agricultural development. (Pre req: ECN 1203)
Description: Basic statistical analysis of business and economic data used in the decision making process. Topics include collection and presentation of data, discrete and continuous distributions, probability and sampling theory, statistical inference and hypothesis testing.