Journalism & Mass Communications Advertising & Public Relations
The advertising and public relations major prepares students for careers in a wide variety of communication-related areas. Recent graduates have accepted positions in more than 20 states and several other countries in diverse careers such as retail and corporate advertising and marketing, media sales, brand management, media planning, account management, research, public relations, media relations, special event planning, mobile and digital communications, creative concepting, sports media relations, digital insights and analytics, copywriting, and layout and design.
The advertising and public relations faculty members believe that a successful career must be built upon a solid foundation, an education that combines theory and practice. To achieve that end, the major offers courses in copywriting, layout, media planning, graphics, campaign development, research, management, coding, and strategic communications. The curriculum is designed to emphasize strategy, planning, and implementation in creative problem-solving.
Much emphasis is placed on individual relationships between faculty and students, an interaction vital to a student’s creative development. An advisor also helps each student tailor an academic plan to meet his or her interests and needs.
In advertising and public relations classes, students often work with actual clients who present real-life problems. This experience gives students a professional perspective on problem solving in many sectors including nonprofit, retail, small business, and community organizations as well as large corporations. Students are encouraged to augment their academic experience with internships.
The faculty, with many professional contacts both locally and nationwide, actively help students find jobs within the state and throughout the country. Students interested in majoring in advertising and public relations should contact the college office in 147 Andersen Hall, 402-472-3041.
College Requirements
College Admission
The entrance requirements for the College of Journalism and Mass Communications are the same as the admission requirements for the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.
These include:
- English (4 units)
- Mathematics (4 units)
- Social studies (3 units)
- Natural sciences (3 units)
- Foreign language (2 units)
One unit equals one year of high school credit. Students with one deficiency or two deficiencies, but not in the same category, who receive a Deferred Admission or Admission by Review, may be considered for admission to the college. Students who are admitted through the Admission by Review process with core course deficiencies will have certain conditions attached to their enrollment at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. These conditions are explained under Admission to the University, Removal of Deficiencies. High school deficiencies must be removed during the first 30 credit hours of enrollment at Nebraska or the first calendar year, whichever takes longer.
Admission GPA
Any student transferring into the college must have at least a 2.0 GPA. A student with 12 or more hours of college credit must have at least a 2.0 GPA to be admitted or readmitted to the College of Journalism and Mass Communications.
A student who left the University not in good standing (below a 2.0 grade point average) may be readmitted in the Explore Center. Such a student would be eligible to reenter the College of Journalism and Mass Communications upon attaining a 2.0 cumulative GPA.
Other Admission Requirements
Students from other Colleges
College of Journalism and Mass Communications courses will be restricted to College of Journalism and Mass Communications majors except where stipulated differently. Students from colleges and departments with a written agreement with the College of Journalism and Mass Communications will be exempt from this policy. Permission may be granted by an associate dean of the College of Journalism and Mass Communications in special circumstances following the directives provided by the faculty in these matters. Details about agreements with programs outside the College of Journalism and Mass Communications are listed on the college’s website.
ESL Students
Applicants who speak English as a second language must present a TOEFL score of 70 or higher, which includes a subscore of at least 20 on the writing test. Additionally, broadcasting majors must present a score of at least 45 on the Test of Spoken English.
College Degree Requirements
College General Education Requirements
To graduate with a bachelor of journalism degree, students must complete requirements from the following areas:
- the University ACE requirements
- the requirements for a major offered by the college
- the non-major requirements that are specific to the college
College Non-Major Requirements
The college non-major requirements (NMR) are designed to further the purposes of liberal education by encouraging study in several different areas. Courses satisfying these requirements may impart specialized knowledge or broadly connect the subject matter to other areas of knowledge.
Group 1—Achievement-Centered Education (ACE)
All College of Journalism and Mass Communication students must complete the University ACE requirements. The CoJMC requires all ACE courses be completed outside the college except ACE 10. Courses within the college are those with the following prefixes: ADPR, BRDC, JOMC, JOUR, SPMC. For the ACE 3 requirement, students must complete a statistics course from the following options: STAT 218 or CRIM 300 or ECON 215 or EDPS 459 or SOCI 206.
Group 2—Courses Outside of the College (60 hours)
Candidates for the bachelor of journalism degree must abide by the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communication accrediting guidelines, receiving a well-rounded liberal arts and science education. The CoJMC requires 60 semester hours be completed outside the college. Courses within the college are those with the following prefixes: ADPR, BRDC, JOMC, JOUR, SPMC. The same course restrictions and exclusions are noted on the College of Journalism and Mass Communications catalog page.
Group 3—Minor Outside of the College
CoJMC majors must complete one minor or an approved University of Nebraska–Lincoln undergraduate certificate of 12 of more credit hours outside the College of Journalism and Mass Communications. Students may complete more than one minor or certificate if they wish.
Generally, CoJMC courses will not count toward a minor or certificate outside the college unless the course is approved as part of the minor, certificate or the department offering the minor approves the substitution. The CoJMC course that was substituted cannot be a required course in the CoJMC major and cannot count toward the total number of hours in the CoJMC major.
Group 4—Languages–Classical and Modern: 0-6 or 10 hours
A student who has completed the fourth-year level of one foreign language in high school is exempt from the languages requirement. All foreign language courses, as well as American Sign Language courses, will also count in Group 2.
Options for completion of language requirement:
- Fulfilled by the completion of the 4th level of a single language (either in H.S. or in college). Language study at UNL is available in: ARAB, CHIN, CZEC, FREN, GERM, GREK, JAPN, LATN, RUSS, or SLPA, SPAN.1
- Students who have completed at least two years of one foreign language in high school may satisfy the college’s foreign language requirement by completing 101 and 102 in a different foreign language.
- For students who have no admission entrance deficiency in language, the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures or the Department of Classics and Religious Studies can oversee a test at the 202 level for any language taught in those departments (Arabic, Chinese, Czech, French, German, Greek, Japanese, Latin, Russian, or Spanish.) Report of the results will be made to the academic advisor for consideration of a waiver of the language requirement.
A student who has demonstrated acceptable proficiency in a language other than English is exempt from the foreign language requirement without credit toward the degree (for example, international students who completed high school outside the United States). Students may complete a placement exam administered at the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures or have a conference with a Modern Language professor for confirmation of language proficiency in 203 (or higher). Report of the results will be made to the academic advisor for consideration of a waiver of the language requirement.
- 1
Courses offered at UNL that complete the sequence include: ARAB 202, CHIN 202, CZEC 202, FREN 202 or FREN 210, GERM 202, GREK 301 & GREK 302, JAPN 202, LATN 301 & LATN 302, RUSS 202, SLPA 202, SPAN 202 or SPAN 210.
Group 5
At least 30 of the 120 semester hours of credit must be in courses numbered above 299 and 15 of the 30 hours required above 299 must be University of Nebraska–Lincoln hours/completed in residence.
Minimum Hours Required for Graduation
A minimum of 120 semester hours of credit is required for graduation from the College of Journalism and Mass Communications.
Grade Rules
C- and D Grades
The college will accept no more than 15 semester hours of grades less than a C from any program outside the University of Nebraska system. No grades less than a C will count toward a CoJMC major. The college will honor minimum grade requirements stipulated by departments offering minors outside the college.
Pass/No Pass
The college will accept up to 24 hours of Pass/No Pass courses toward a bachelor of journalism degree, subject to the limits stated below.
All courses in the College of Journalism and Mass Communications must be taken for grade only unless otherwise specified. This applies to both majors and non-majors.
The Pass/No Pass (P/N) option is designed to be used by students seeking to expand their intellectual horizons by taking courses outside the college in areas where they may have minimum preparation without adversely affecting a student’s grade point average.
- Neither a P (pass) nor an N (no pass) contributes to a student’s GPA.
- P is interpreted to mean a grade of C or better. A student who earns a C- or lower will receive a grade of N.
- The 24-hour college limit does not include courses offered on a Pass/No Pass only basis or AP credit. This limit does apply to transfer courses from UNO, UNK, UNMC, and other institutions.
- P/N hours can count toward fulfillment of group requirements up to the 24-credit hour maximum (if the course is eligible as a P/N course).
- Students may change from graded to P/N or vice versa only until halfway through the course. In either case, they must speak with an advisor before doing so.
Students must complete at least 30 of the 120 total hours for their degree at Nebraska. Students must complete at least half of their major coursework including 15 of the 30 hours required above 299 in residence. Students transferring hours into the advertising and public relations, broadcasting, journalism, or sports media and communication majors must meet additional requirements, which are described under Transfer Credit Rules. To encourage participation in international study, the college accepts all prior-approved education abroad credits as hours in residence.
Transfer Credit Rules
The goal of the following policy is to ensure that students from other campuses meet the same standards required of students who take all their courses at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s College of Journalism and Mass Communications.
The college will accept up to 6 hours in journalism and mass communications courses taken at institutions that do not have an ACEJMC-accredited journalism and mass communications program. Students must take the remainder of the required hours in their ADPR, BRDC, JOMC, JOUR, or SPMC majors from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. All students must complete the college’s capstone course designated for their major. At the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, students from ACEJMC-accredited programs may request equivalency reviews of the required courses at those schools. Degree candidates must accumulate 60 credit hours of non-journalism and mass communications classes. These are to be selected from ACE courses outside of journalism and mass communications courses or courses in disciplines listed as Liberal Education/Liberal Arts, which includes non-vocational ALEC courses, College of Business courses and College of Fine and Performing Arts courses.
Credit for courses taken at foreign universities and colleges will be transferred only after evaluation by the associate dean. This evaluation may include examination of the student over subject matter studied at the foreign institution.
ACE Requirements
All students must fulfill the Achievement-Centered Education (ACE) requirements. Information about the ACE program may be viewed at
Catalog Rule
Students who left the university in good standing may be readmitted to the College of Journalism and Mass Communications and they may choose the catalog under which they wish to graduate according to the following guidelines:
- Students must fulfill the requirements stated in the Undergraduate Catalog for the year they enter the College of Journalism and Mass Communications or in any subsequent catalog published while they are enrolled in the college.
- No returning student may use a catalog that is 10 years old or older. In addition, any student seeking graduation credit for a College of Journalism and Mass Communications course taken more than 10 years prior to graduation must demonstrate mastery of the material currently included in that course at the proficiency level satisfactory to the associate dean and one or more faculty members qualified to teach the course in question. Students unable to demonstrate satisfactory mastery of the course material will be required to repeat the original course or a corresponding contemporary course designated by the college’s advisory committee, if the original course is no longer offered.
Learning Outcomes
Graduates of advertising and public relations will be able to:
- Understand and apply the principles and laws of freedom of speech and press as well as receive instruction in and understand the range of systems of freedom of expression around the world, including the right to dissent, to monitor and criticize power, and to assemble and petition for redress of grievances.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the multicultural history and role of professionals and institutions in shaping communications.
- Demonstrate culturally proficient communication that empowers those traditionally disenfranchised in society, especially as grounded in race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation and ability, domestically and globally, across communication and media contexts.
- Present images and information effectively and creatively, using appropriate tools and technologies.
- Write correctly and clearly in forms and styles appropriate for the communications professions, audiences and purposes they serve.
- Demonstrate an understanding of professional ethical principles and work ethically in pursuit of truth, accuracy, fairness and diversity.
- Apply critical thinking skills in conducting research and evaluating information by methods appropriate to the communications professions in which they work.
- Effectively and correctly apply basic numerical and statistical concepts.
- Critically evaluate their own work and that of others for accuracy and fairness, clarity, appropriate style and grammatical correctness.
- Apply tools and technologies appropriate for the communications professions in which they work.
Major Requirements
The courses required for a 52-hour major in advertising and public relations are as follows:
Code | Title | Credit Hours |
Required Courses | ||
ADPR 151 | Introduction to Advertising and Public Relations | 3 |
ADPR 221 | Strategic Writing for Advertising and Public Relations | 3 |
ADPR 283 | Strategy Development for Advertising and Public Relations | 3 |
ADPR 381 | Applied Research in Advertising and Public Relations | 3 |
JOUR 200A | Fundamentals of Editing and Reporting I | 3 |
JOMC 222 | Social Justice, Human Rights and the Media | 3 |
JOMC 20 | Professional Development/Sophomore Experience | 0 |
JOMC 98 | Senior Assessment | 0 |
JOMC 100 | The First Year Experience | 1 |
JOMC 101 | Principles of Mass Media | 3 |
JOMC 130 | Introduction to Design Thinking | 1 |
JOMC 131 | Visual Communication Core Modules I | 1 |
JOMC 132 | Visual Communication Core Modules II | 1 |
JOMC 133 | Visual Communication Advanced Modules | 1 |
JOMC 134 | Visual Communication Project | 2 |
JOMC 486 | Mass Media Law | 3 |
JOMC 487 | Media, Ethics and Society | 3 |
Select one of the following capstone courses (ACE 10): | 3 | |
Jacht Student Ad Agency | ||
Student Competitions | ||
Advertising and Public Relations Campaigns | ||
Credit Hours Subtotal: | 37 | |
Electives | ||
Select 12 hours (See details in paragraph below.) | 12 | |
The Experience Lab | 3 | |
Experience Lab | ||
Experience Lab | ||
Experience Lab | ||
Credit Hours Subtotal: | 15 | |
Total Credit Hours | 52 |
Elective Hours
12 hours of electives are required with 9 of the 12 elective hours from ADPR elective options numbered 300 or higher or from JOUR 200B or ADPR 207. The remaining 3 hours of electives can be any level from ADPR, BRDC, JOMC, JOUR, or SPMC.
The 12 elective hours may comprise one of five suggested focus areas, including brand management; creative; media, data, and analytics; public relations; and global/multicultural communication. Students also may select elective courses from multiple suggested focus areas to provide a broad background. Each of the suggested focus areas requires 12 elective hours from the courses listed in each area below.
Suggested Focus Areas
Brand Management
Code | Title | Credit Hours |
ADPR 329 | Jacht Ad Lab | 3 |
ADPR 339 | Student Ad Competitions | 3 |
ADPR 355 | Event Planning for Branded Activations + Experiences | 3 |
ADPR 357 | Account Planning | 3 |
ADPR 361 | Connecting Through Owned, Earned, and Paid Media | 3 |
ADPR 362 | Digital Content Strategy | 3 |
ADPR 434 | Digital Insight & Analytics | 3 |
ADPR 481 | Advertising and Public Relations Research | 3 |
ADPR 484 | Brands & Branding | 3 |
Code | Title | Credit Hours |
ADPR 323 | Copy and Concept | 3 |
ADPR 329 | Jacht Ad Lab | 3 |
ADPR 333 | Design and Layout | 3 |
ADPR 339 | Student Ad Competitions | 3 |
ADPR 358 | UX/UI Design | 3 |
ADPR 433 | Art Direction | 3 |
ADPR 447 | Strategic and Creative Concepting | 3 |
ADPR 458 | Interactive Media Design | 3 |
BRDC 433 | Digital Motion Graphics | 3 |
Media, Data, and Analytics
Code | Title | Credit Hours |
ADPR 329 | Jacht Ad Lab | 3 |
ADPR 339 | Student Ad Competitions | 3 |
ADPR 360 | Media Planning and Strategy | 3 |
ADPR 361 | Connecting Through Owned, Earned, and Paid Media | 3 |
ADPR 362 | Digital Content Strategy | 3 |
ADPR 434 | Digital Insight & Analytics | 3 |
ADPR 458 | Interactive Media Design | 3 |
ADPR 466 | Social Media Theory and Practice | 3 |
JOUR 407 | Data Visualization | 3 |
JOUR 408 | News Applications | 3 |
Public Relations
Code | Title | Credit Hours |
ADPR 207 | Communicating Science with Public Audiences | 3 |
ADPR 329 | Jacht Ad Lab | 3 |
ADPR 339 | Student Ad Competitions | 3 |
ADPR 350 | Public Relations Planning and Strategy | 3 |
ADPR 361 | Connecting Through Owned, Earned, and Paid Media | 3 |
ADPR 417 / ALEC 417 | Issues Management and Crisis Communications in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences | 3 |
ADPR 437 | International/Multicultural Public Relations | 3 |
ADPR 450 | Public Relations Management and Case Studies | 3 |
ADPR 451 | Public Relations Techniques | 3 |
ADPR 457 | Crisis Management in Corporations and Nonprofits | 3 |
ADPR 466 | Social Media Theory and Practice | 3 |
JOUR 200B | Fundamentals of Editing and Reporting II | 3 |
Global/Multicultural Communication
Code | Title | Credit Hours |
ADPR 437 | International/Multicultural Public Relations | 3 |
ADPR 438 | Global Advertising | 3 |
JOMC 380 | Global News in the Age of Social Media | 3 |
JOMC 422 | Race, Gender, and Media | 3 |
JOUR 346 | Nebraska Mosaic | 3 |
If approved by the associate dean, all suggested focus areas may further include the following: ADPR X91, BRDC X91, JOUR X91, JOMC X91, JOMC 495 Internship for Credit, ADPR 496 Independent Study in Advertising and Public Relations, and ADPR 499H Honors Course.
Students may complete additional majors in the College of Journalism and Mass Communications by completing all requirements for each major. However, additional majors in the college will not take the place of a minor or any of the 60 hours required outside the college.
Graduating seniors also must complete JOMC 98 Senior Assessment, which is typically taken in the last semester.
Additional Major Requirements
Grade Rules
C- and D Grades
No grades less than a C will count toward a CoJMC major.
Pass/No Pass
All courses in the College of Journalism and Mass Communications must be taken for grade, except JOMC 20, JOMC 98, JOMC 100, JOMC 192, JOMC 197, JOMC 292, JOMC 297, JOMC 392, JOMC 397, JOMC 492, JOMC 495, JOMC 497, and JOUR 348. This applies to both majors and non-majors.
Requirements for Minor Offered by Department
The advertising and public relations minor is only open to students outside the College of Journalism and Mass Communications. It comprises the following 18 credit hours.
Code | Title | Credit Hours |
ADPR 151 | Introduction to Advertising and Public Relations | 3 |
ADPR 283 | Strategy Development for Advertising and Public Relations | 3 |
JOMC 101 | Principles of Mass Media | 3 |
JOMC 130 | Introduction to Design Thinking | 1 |
JOMC 131 | Visual Communication Core Modules I | 1 |
JOMC 132 | Visual Communication Core Modules II | 1 |
Select two elective courses from ADPR or JOMC. | 6 | |
Total Credit Hours | 18 |
Additional Major Requirements
Grade Rules
C- and D Grades
No grade less than C will count toward this minor.
Pass/No Pass
All courses must be taken for a grade, except JOMC 100, JOMC 192, JOMC 197, JOMC 292, JOMC 297, JOMC 392, JOMC 397, JOMC 492, JOMC 495 and JOMC 497.
Bachelor of Journalism in Advertising and Public Relations with the Master of Arts in Journalism and Mass Communication
In an accelerated program, a student may count up to 12 credit hours of approved graduate courses toward both the current undergraduate degree and the later graduate degree. Students must apply for graduate admission and be accepted prior to enrollment. For more information, visit
The following courses are approved for this program:
Code | Title | Credit Hours |
Specialization in Integrated Media Communications | ||
ADPR 866 | Social Media Theory and Practice (replaces ADPR 466) | 3 |
ADPR 850 | Public Relations Management and Case Studies (replaces ADPR 450) | 3 |
ADPR 834 | Digital Insight & Analytics (replaces ADPR 434) | 3 |
ADPR 884 | Brands & Branding (replaces ADPR 484) | 3 |
JOMC 886 | Mass Media Law (replaces JOMC 486) | 3 |
JOMC 887 | Media, Ethics and Society (replaces JOMC 487) | 3 |
Specialization in Professional Journalism | ||
ADPR 850 | Public Relations Management and Case Studies (replaces ADPR 450) | 3 |
JGRD 819 | Graduate Writing, Reporting and Editing (replaces JOUR 4XX) | 3 |
JOMC 886 | Mass Media Law (replaces JOMC 486) | 3 |
JOMC 887 | Media, Ethics and Society (replaces JOMC 487) | 3 |
JOMC 820 | Financial Communications (replaces JOMC 420) | 3 |
JOMC 822 | Race, Gender, and Media (replaces JOMC 422) | 3 |
Grading Requirements
Grading rules as defined by the undergraduate degree/major apply. Please consult your academic advisor and/or the department graduate chair for grading policy as it relates to credit applying toward a graduate degree.
Open to non-College of Journalism and Mass Communications majors.
Description: Fundamental concepts and processes underlying integrated marketing communications in a global market place. The discipline's historical roots and current role of professionals.
This course is a prerequisite for: ADPR 221; ADPR 283; ADPR 323; ADPR 329; ADPR 333; ADPR 339; ADPR 350; ADPR 355; ADPR 357; ADPR 358; ADPR 360; ADPR 361; ADPR 362; ADPR 381; ADPR 429; ADPR 439; ADPR 481; ADPR 484; ADPR 495; ALEC 417, ADPR 417; BRDC 327; BRDC 328; BRDC 329; BRDC 359; BRDC 369; BRDC 372; BRDC 374; BRDC 375; BRDC 376; BRDC 427; BRDC 429; BRDC 477; JOMC 352; JOUR 302; JOUR 303; JOUR 304; JOUR 305; JOUR 307; JOUR 326, SPMC 326; JOUR 346; JOUR 408; SPMC 350; SPMC 450; SPMC 460
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Good standing in the University Honors Program.
University Honors Seminar 189H is required of all students in the University Honors Program.
Description: Topic varies. All topics will focus on ACE 8 and be taught accordingly.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | FALL |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 8 Civic/Ethics/Stewardship |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 8 Civic/Ethics/Stewardship
12 hours max special topics hours at all levels (100, 200, 300, 400) per degree. May be repeated up to three times so long as the topics are different.
Description: Topics vary each term.
Credit Hours: | 1-4 |
Max credits per semester: | 4 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:1-4
Description: Concepts and techniques of strategic communication, with a special focus on issues involving food, agricultural production, environmental sustainability, and natural resources. Skills and theory essential for relating to public audiences and other stakeholders.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Advertising and public relations writing styles and techniques to develop effective, goal-oriented communications designed for diverse audiences, tactics and media. Spans objective news-style writing to digital storytelling, persuasive ad copywriting and promotional direct marketing.
This course is a prerequisite for: ADPR 323; ADPR 329; ADPR 333; ADPR 339; ADPR 350; ADPR 355; ADPR 357; ADPR 358; ADPR 360; ADPR 361; ADPR 362; ADPR 381; ADPR 429; ADPR 439; ADPR 481; ADPR 484; ADPR 495; ALEC 417, ADPR 417; BRDC 327; BRDC 328; BRDC 329; BRDC 359; BRDC 369; BRDC 372; BRDC 374; BRDC 375; BRDC 376; BRDC 427; BRDC 429; BRDC 477; JOMC 352; JOUR 302; JOUR 303; JOUR 304; JOUR 305; JOUR 307; JOUR 326, SPMC 326; JOUR 346; JOUR 408; SPMC 350; SPMC 450; SPMC 460
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 1 Writing |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 1 Writing
Prerequisites: ADPR 151 with a C or higher
Writing assignments require incorporation of research and strategy development, culminating in a creative brief.
Description: Examine client problems and possible solutions and develop and evaluate strategies and tactics for promotional communications.
This course is a prerequisite for: ADPR 323; ADPR 329; ADPR 333; ADPR 339; ADPR 350; ADPR 355; ADPR 357; ADPR 358; ADPR 360; ADPR 361; ADPR 362; ADPR 381; ADPR 429; ADPR 439; ADPR 481; ADPR 484; ADPR 495; ADPR 499H; ALEC 417, ADPR 417; BRDC 327; BRDC 328; BRDC 329; BRDC 359; BRDC 369; BRDC 372; BRDC 374; BRDC 375; BRDC 376; BRDC 427; BRDC 429; BRDC 477; JOMC 352; JOUR 302; JOUR 303; JOUR 304; JOUR 305; JOUR 307; JOUR 326, SPMC 326; JOUR 346; JOUR 408; SPMC 350; SPMC 450; SPMC 460
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
12 hours max special topics hours at all levels (100, 200, 300, 400) per degree. May be repeated up to three times so long as the topics are different.
Description: Topics vary each term.
Credit Hours: | 1-4 |
Max credits per semester: | 4 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:1-4
Prerequisites: JOMC 101, JOMC 130-134, JOUR 200A with a C or higher; ADPR 151, ADPR 221, ADPR 283 or BRDC 227, BRDC 269, BRDC 260 or SPMC 150, 250 or JOUR 200B with a C or higher
Description: The core of any great advertisement is its concept. This course is for copywriters to find that big idea then execute it by developing copy that effectively promotes the brand. Copywriters will have to write long copy, short copy, scripts for television and radio, and copy for interactive media.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: JOMC 101, JOMC 130-134, JOUR 200A with a C or higher; ADPR 151, ADPR 221, ADPR 283 or BRDC 227, BRDC 269, BRDC 260 or SPMC 150, 250 or JOUR 200B with a C or higher; permission code
Application required.
Description: Learn agency processes and business fundamentals. Work as junior member of one or more teams to conduct research and evaluate the findings, develop and present integrated marketing communications strategy and creative materials for a multimedia advertising and public relations campaign needed by a client.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: JOMC 101, JOMC 130-134, JOUR 200A with a C or higher; ADPR 151, ADPR 221, ADPR 283 or BRDC 227, BRDC 269, BRDC 260 or SPMC 150, 250 or JOUR 200B with a C or higher
Description: Graphics and design of advertising. Principles and techniques of typography, layout and design, computer graphics, and production methods. Develop strategies and design ads for various media using industry-standard graphic design programs.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: JOMC 101, JOMC 130-134, JOUR 200A with a C or higher; ADPR 151, ADPR 221, ADPR 283 or BRDC 227, BRDC 269, BRDC 260 or SPMC 150, 250 or JOUR 200B with a C or higher; permission code
Requires interview process and submission of portfolio.
Description: Conduct research and evaluate the findings to develop and present an integrated marketing communications strategy and creative materials for a nationally competitive advertising and public relations campaign for a national client.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $40 |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: JOMC 101, JOMC 130-134, JOUR 200A with a C or higher; ADPR 151, ADPR 221, ADPR 283 or BRDC 227, BRDC 269, BRDC 260 or SPMC 150, 250 or JOUR 200B with a C or higher
Description: Focus on strategic public relations planning process and explore many of the specialty practice areas related to PR. Apply strategic principles to solve public relations problems.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: JOMC 101, JOMC 130-134, JOUR 200a and ADPR 151, 221, and 283 or BRDC 269, 227, and BRDC 260 or JOUR 200B or SPMC 150 and 250
Description: Explore the purpose of an owned experience and experiential marketing for branded experiences. Understand pre-planning, logistics, budgeting, execution, and post-event follow up for event planning that translates across industries.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: JOMC 101, JOMC 130-134, JOUR 200A with a C or higher; ADPR 151, ADPR 221, ADPR 283 or BRDC 227, BRDC 269, BRDC 260 or SPMC 150, 250 or JOUR 200B with a C or higher
Description: Examines the role of an advertising agency account planner in developing strategies in the form of creative briefs based on insights from both primary and secondary research research.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: JOMC 101, JOMC 130-134, JOUR 200A with a C or higher; ADPR 151, ADPR 221, ADPR 283 or BRDC 227, BRDC 269, BRDC 260 or SPMC 150, 250 or JOUR 200B with a C or higher
Description: Study of design systems and the web design process from concept to prototyped execution.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: JOMC 101, JOMC 130-134, JOUR 200A with a C or higher; ADPR 151, ADPR 221, ADPR 283 or BRDC 227, BRDC 269, BRDC 260 or SPMC 150, 250 or JOUR 200B with a C or higher
Assignments include evaluating, selecting, and planning the use of media.
Description: The principles and practices of planning, evaluating, and selecting a variety of traditional and non-traditional media in a local and national context. Marketing-driven strategic approaches to understand how media fits into an integrated communication system. Integrating information from a variety of resources and applying basic numerical and statistical concepts that build the foundation for strategic media planning.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: JOMC 101, JOMC 130-134, JOUR 200A with a C or higher; ADPR 151, ADPR 221, ADPR 283 or BRDC 227, BRDC 269, BRDC 260 or SPMC 150, 250 or JOUR 200B with a C or higher
Description: Understanding connections between paid media (advertising) and owned and earned media (public relations) as part of integrated marketing communications.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: JOMC 101, JOMC 130-134, JOUR 200A with a C or higher; ADPR 151, ADPR 221, ADPR 283 or BRDC 227, BRDC 269, BRDC 260 or SPMC 150, 250 or JOUR 200B with a C or higher
Description: Overview of decisions communications managers must make when developing digital content. Introduction to breadth of digital content strategy.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: JOMC 101, JOMC 130-134, JOUR 200A with a C or higher; ADPR 151, ADPR 221, ADPR 283 or BRDC 227, BRDC 269, BRDC 260 or SPMC 150, 250 or JOUR 200B with a C or higher
Description: Develop, conduct and interpret primary research to arrive at actionable insights that increase a brand's engagement with its target audiences, attract new consumers, reverse declining sales, or make a campaign go viral overnight that building on skills from previous courses.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
12 hours max special topics hours at all levels (100, 200, 300, 400) per degree. May be repeated up to three times so long as the topics are different.
Description: Topics vary each term.
Credit Hours: | 1-4 |
Max credits per semester: | 4 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:1-4
Prerequisites: Junior standing; ALEC 207. College of Journalism and Mass Communications: Junior standing; JOMC 101, JOMC 130-134, ADPR 151, ADPR 221, and ADPR 283
Recommended: ALEC 260
Description: Examines strategic communication practices of issues management, risk assessment, and crisis communications in agriculture and other industries, explores the process necessary to address current and future issues, and outlines effective communication in times of crisis. Focused on issues and crisis in agriculture, environmental science, natural resources, and society.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: JOMC 101, JOMC 130-134, JOUR 200A with a C or higher; ADPR 151, ADPR 221, ADPR 283 or BRDC 227, BRDC 269, BRDC 260 or SPMC 150, 250 or JOUR 200B with a C or higher; senior standing and permission code
Requires interview process and submission of portfolio.
Description: Conduct research and evaluate the findings to develop and present an integrated marketing communications strategy and creative materials for a multimedia advertising and public relations campaign needed by a client. Learn and apply basic business concepts involved in a working ad agency startup. Application of knowledge, experience, and skills learned in previous courses to a new situation.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 10 Integrated Product |
Experiential Learning: | Case/Project-Based Learning |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 10 Integrated Product
Prerequisites: JOMC 101, JOMC 130-134, JOUR 200A with a C or higher; ADPR 151, ADPR 221, ADPR 283 or BRDC 227, BRDC 269, BRDC 260 or SPMC 150, 250 or JOUR 200B with a C or higher; junior standing
Has individual and team projects.
Description: Visual and graphic design as applied to the corporate environments of advertising and public relations. Print and electronic design principles, strategies and elements using traditional and new digital technologies. Development of creative materials for actual clients, corporate identities, electronic presentations, professional creative portfolios, non-traditional resumes, and World Wide Web (WWW) sites.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: JOMC 101, JOMC 130-134, JOUR 200A with a C or higher; ADPR 151, ADPR 221, ADPR 283 or BRDC 227, BRDC 269, BRDC 260 or SPMC 150, 250 or JOUR 200B with a C or higher; junior standing
Description: A study of the digital communication landscape. Course explores how various channels of digital communication can be used to analyze audiences, connect with them and ultimately build brands.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: JOMC 101, JOMC 130-134, JOUR 200A with a C or higher; ADPR 151, ADPR 221, ADPR 283 or BRDC 227, BRDC 269, BRDC 260 or SPMC 150, 250 or JOUR 200B with a C or higher; junior standing
Description: Content and discussions on global issues affecting the public relations profession, the professional, the specialized practices, and the engagement of stakeholders simultaneously at home and at transnational levels.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: JOMC 101, JOMC 130-134, JOUR 200A with a C or higher; ADPR 151, ADPR 221, ADPR 283 or BRDC 227, BRDC 269, BRDC 260 or SPMC 150, 250 or JOUR 200B with a C or higher; junior standing
Description: Global advertising and communication. Cultural, economic, political and social differences that affect advertising strategy and execution in foreign markets. Advertising a USA product or service in the global market.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 9 Global/Diversity |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 9 Global/Diversity
Prerequisites: JOMC 101, JOMC 130-134, JOUR 200A with a C or higher; ADPR 151, ADPR 221, ADPR 283 or BRDC 227, BRDC 269, BRDC 260 or SPMC 150, 250 or JOUR 200B with a C or higher; senior standing and permission code
Requires interview process and submission of portfolio.
Description: Conduct research and evaluate the findings to develop and present an integrated marketing communications strategy and creative materials for a nationally competitive advertising and public relations campaign for a national client.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $40 |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 10 Integrated Product |
Experiential Learning: | Case/Project-Based Learning |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 10 Integrated Product
Prerequisites: JOMC 101, JOMC 130-134, JOUR 200A with a C or higher; ADPR 151, ADPR 221, ADPR 283 or BRDC 227, BRDC 269, BRDC 260 or SPMC 150, 250 or JOUR 200B with a C or higher; junior standing
Description: The alternative and advanced methods of communicating a message, a need, a perception or attitude. Creative storytelling and problem-solving, critique and analysis, and how to creatively communicate with strategic thinking and design.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: JOMC 101, JOMC 130-134, JOUR 200A with a C or higher; ADPR 151, ADPR 221, ADPR 283 or BRDC 227, BRDC 269, BRDC 260 or SPMC 150, 250 or JOUR 200B with a C or higher; junior standing
Description: Philosophies and theories that underlie the discipline and profession of public relations. The critical and supportive perspectives used to gain insight into the history and direction of public relations.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: JOMC 101, JOMC 130-134, JOUR 200A with a C or higher; ADPR 151, ADPR 221, ADPR 283 or BRDC 227, BRDC 269, BRDC 260 or SPMC 150, 250 or JOUR 200B with a C or higher; junior standing
Description: Multimedia tools in advertising, public relations, direct marketing, and sales promotion. Promotional writing, publications development, and media relations.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: JOMC 101, JOMC 130-134, JOUR 200A with a C or higher; ADPR 151, ADPR 221, ADPR 283 or BRDC 227, BRDC 269, BRDC 260 or SPMC 150, 250 or JOUR 200B with a C or higher; junior standing
Description: Role of public relations in prevention of crises, response to crises, and recovery from crises. How to preempt, prepare for and respond to corporate, nonprofit and government sector crises from a public relations perspective.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: JOMC 101, JOMC 130-134, JOUR 200A with a C or higher; ADPR 151, ADPR 221, ADPR 283 or BRDC 227, BRDC 269, BRDC 260 or SPMC 150, 250 or JOUR 200B with a C or higher; junior standing
Description: Communication strategies and tactics using interactive media. Exploration of interactive's role in strategic communications, user experience, information architecture, interactive design and development using current web technologies.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: JOMC 101, JOMC 130-134, JOUR 200A with a C or higher; ADPR 151, ADPR 221, ADPR 283 or BRDC 227, BRDC 269, BRDC 260 or SPMC 150, 250 or JOUR 200B with a C or higher; junior standing
Description: Issues in sports media relations and integrated marketing communications. Background of the unpredictable nature of the sports industry and the relationships with its various publics and the media.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: JOMC 101, JOMC 130-134, JOUR 200A with a C or higher; ADPR 151, ADPR 221, ADPR 283 or BRDC 227, BRDC 269, BRDC 260 or SPMC 150, 250 or JOUR 200B with a C or higher; junior standing
Description: Key theories related to the study of social media, important social media monitoring and management practices, and advertising/PR opportunities on the most popular social and mobile media platforms.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: JOMC 101, JOMC 130-134, JOUR 200A with a C or higher; ADPR 151, ADPR 221, ADPR 283 or BRDC 227, BRDC 269, BRDC 260 or SPMC 150, 250 or JOUR 200B with a C or higher; junior standing
Experience the actual research process and produce a report.
Description: Research in the planning, development and evaluation of advertising. The research process, use of secondary sources of information and how to analyze data from these sources. The planning and execution of primary research. Survey techniques.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Description: How to improve individual portfolios of creative work and execute a variety of creative pieces that demonstrate improvement in their collections.
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:1
Prerequisites: JOMC 101, JOMC 130-134, JOUR 200A with a C or higher; ADPR 151, ADPR 221, ADPR 283 or BRDC 227, BRDC 269, BRDC 260 or SPMC 150, 250 or JOUR 200B with a C or higher; junior standing
Description: The managerial philosophy, techniques, and processes in advertising. Organizational structures, integrated marketing communications, strategic planning, marketing planning, advertising planning, advertising research, budgeting, and decision paradigms.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: JOMC 101, JOMC 130-134, JOUR 200A with a C or higher; ADPR 151, ADPR 221, ADPR 283 or BRDC 227, BRDC 269, BRDC 260 or SPMC 150, 250 or JOUR 200B with a C or higher; junior standing
Description: Techniques for print and electronic media sales and promotion. Rate structures, legal requirements, and social and economic effects.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: JOMC 101, JOMC 130-134, JOUR 200A with a C or higher; ADPR 151, ADPR 221, ADPR 283 or BRDC 227, BRDC 269, BRDC 260 or SPMC 150, 250 or JOUR 200B with a C or higher; senior standing and permission code
Requires working in teams.
Description: Conduct research and evaluate the findings to develop and present an integrated marketing communications strategy and creative materials for a multimedia advertising and public relations campaign needed by a client. Application of knowledge, experience, and skills learned in previous courses to a new situation.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Course and Laboratory Fee: | $40 |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 10 Integrated Product |
Experiential Learning: | Case/Project-Based Learning |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 10 Integrated Product
May be repeated up to three times so long as the topics are different. 12 hours max special topics hours at all levels (100, 200, 300, 400) per degree.
Description: Topics vary each term.
Credit Hours: | 1-4 |
Max credits per semester: | 4 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:1-4
Prerequisites: Junionr standing and JOMC 101, JOMC 130-134, ADPR 151, ADPR 221, ADPR 283, and permission.
A maximum of 3 hours will be accepted toward the degree.
Description: Advertising- or Public Relations-related internships, paid or unpaid, provide an opportunity to enhance professional skills while contributing meaningful work and expanding career networks. Required minimum of 150 hours of internship regardless of number of credit hours earned.
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Pass No Pass |
Credit Hours:1-3
Prerequisites: Permission
Credit Hours: | 1-24 |
Max credits per semester: | 24 |
Max credits per degree: | 24 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Credit Hours:1-24
Prerequisites: For candidates with distinction, with high distinction, and with highest distinction in the College of Journalism and Mass Communications.
Credit Hours: | 1-4 |
Max credits per semester: | 4 |
Max credits per degree: | 4 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:1-4
Description: Assists new students in making a successful transition to the University of Nebraska, specifically the College of Journalism and Mass Communications, both academically and personally. Fosters a sense of belonging, promotes engagement in the curricular and co-curricular life of the University, encourages self responsibility, and articulates the benefits of a higher education and the expectations and values of the University. Helps students develop and apply essential study skills, communication skills and explore interests, abilities and values.
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Pass No Pass |
Credit Hours:1
Description: Introduction to the mass media as sources of news and entertainment conduits for messages of persuasion. Background and history about print and broadcast media and about public relations. How the media and persuasive messages both affect and are affected by society and content. Open to non-College of Journalism and Mass Communications majors.
This course is a prerequisite for: ADPR 323; ADPR 329; ADPR 333; ADPR 339; ADPR 350; ADPR 355; ADPR 357; ADPR 358; ADPR 360; ADPR 361; ADPR 362; ADPR 381; ADPR 429; ADPR 439; ADPR 481; ADPR 484; ADPR 495; ALEC 417, ADPR 417; BRDC 227; BRDC 260; BRDC 269; BRDC 327; BRDC 328; BRDC 329; BRDC 359; BRDC 369; BRDC 372; BRDC 374; BRDC 375; BRDC 376; BRDC 427; BRDC 429; BRDC 477; JOMC 206; JOMC 352; JOUR 200B; JOUR 302; JOUR 303; JOUR 304; JOUR 305; JOUR 307; JOUR 326, SPMC 326; JOUR 346; JOUR 400, BRDC 400; JOUR 408; SPMC 350; SPMC 450; SPMC 460
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Declared CoJMC student or by permission for students whose home college has a written agreement with the CoJMC regarding this course; Co-req JOMC 131.
Students can complete JOMC 130, 131, 132, 133 and 134 in two, three or four semesters. The courses cannot be completed in one semester. Students can register for JOMC 130, 131 and 132 simultaneously. Students must register for JOMC 130 and 131 simultaneously. This is the first of six credit hours in visual communications required for all COJMC majors.
Description: Live events, online materials and activities in design thinking, storytelling, and how technology works to challenge students to think creatively, strategically and intelligently when producing content.
This course is a prerequisite for: ADPR 323; ADPR 329; ADPR 333; ADPR 339; ADPR 350; ADPR 355; ADPR 357; ADPR 358; ADPR 360; ADPR 361; ADPR 362; ADPR 381; ADPR 429; ADPR 439; ADPR 481; ADPR 484; ADPR 495; ALEC 417, ADPR 417; BRDC 227; BRDC 269; BRDC 327; BRDC 328; BRDC 329; BRDC 359; BRDC 369; BRDC 372; BRDC 374; BRDC 375; BRDC 376; BRDC 427; BRDC 429; BRDC 477; JOMC 131; JOMC 132; JOMC 133; JOMC 134; JOMC 206; JOMC 306; JOMC 352; JOUR 302; JOUR 303; JOUR 304; JOUR 305; JOUR 307; JOUR 326, SPMC 326; JOUR 346; JOUR 400, BRDC 400; JOUR 408; SPMC 350; SPMC 450; SPMC 460
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:1
Prerequisites: Declared CoJMC student or by permission for students whose home college has a written agreement with the CoJMC regarding this course; Co-req JOMC 130.
Students can complete JOMC 130, 131, 132, 133 and 134 in two, three or four semesters. The courses cannot be completed in one semester.
Description: Self-paced modules and weekly critiques introduce students to specific types of content in traditional and digital media, such as video, photography, layout, typography, web design, audio and mobile.
This course is a prerequisite for: ADPR 323; ADPR 329; ADPR 333; ADPR 339; ADPR 350; ADPR 355; ADPR 357; ADPR 358; ADPR 360; ADPR 361; ADPR 362; ADPR 381; ADPR 429; ADPR 439; ADPR 481; ADPR 484; ADPR 495; ALEC 417, ADPR 417; BRDC 227; BRDC 269; BRDC 327; BRDC 328; BRDC 329; BRDC 359; BRDC 369; BRDC 372; BRDC 374; BRDC 375; BRDC 376; BRDC 427; BRDC 429; BRDC 477; JOMC 130; JOMC 132; JOMC 133; JOMC 134; JOMC 206; JOMC 306; JOMC 352; JOUR 302; JOUR 303; JOUR 304; JOUR 305; JOUR 307; JOUR 326, SPMC 326; JOUR 346; JOUR 400, BRDC 400; JOUR 408; SPMC 350; SPMC 450; SPMC 460
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:1
Prerequisites: Declared CoJMC student or by permission for students whose home college has a written agreement with the CoJMC regarding this course; Co-req or pre-req JOMC 130 and JOMC 131.
Students can complete JOMC 130, 131, 132, 133 and 134 in two, three or four semesters. The courses cannot be completed in one semester.
Description: Students continue self-paced modules and weekly critiques to learn fundamentals of specific types of content in traditional and digital media, such as video, photography, layout, typography, web design, audio and mobile.
This course is a prerequisite for: ADPR 323; ADPR 329; ADPR 333; ADPR 339; ADPR 350; ADPR 355; ADPR 357; ADPR 358; ADPR 360; ADPR 361; ADPR 362; ADPR 381; ADPR 429; ADPR 439; ADPR 481; ADPR 484; ADPR 495; ALEC 417, ADPR 417; BRDC 227; BRDC 269; BRDC 327; BRDC 328; BRDC 329; BRDC 359; BRDC 369; BRDC 372; BRDC 374; BRDC 375; BRDC 376; BRDC 427; BRDC 429; BRDC 477; JOMC 133; JOMC 134; JOMC 206; JOMC 306; JOMC 352; JOUR 302; JOUR 303; JOUR 304; JOUR 305; JOUR 307; JOUR 326, SPMC 326; JOUR 346; JOUR 400, BRDC 400; JOUR 408; SPMC 350; SPMC 450; SPMC 460
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:1
Prerequisites: Declared CoJMC student or by permission for students whose home college has a written agreement with the CoJMC regarding this course; Pre-req JOMC 130 and JOMC 131 with a C or higher.
Students can complete JOMC 130, 131, 132, 133 and 134 in two, three or four semesters. The courses cannot be completed in one semester.
Description: Students continue self-paced modules and weekly critiques to achieve more advanced proficiency in specific types of visual communication used in traditional and digital media.
This course is a prerequisite for: ADPR 323; ADPR 329; ADPR 333; ADPR 339; ADPR 350; ADPR 355; ADPR 357; ADPR 358; ADPR 360; ADPR 361; ADPR 362; ADPR 381; ADPR 429; ADPR 439; ADPR 481; ADPR 484; ADPR 495; ALEC 417, ADPR 417; BRDC 327; BRDC 328; BRDC 329; BRDC 359; BRDC 369; BRDC 372; BRDC 374; BRDC 375; BRDC 376; BRDC 427; BRDC 429; BRDC 477; JOMC 134; JOMC 306; JOMC 352; JOUR 302; JOUR 303; JOUR 304; JOUR 305; JOUR 307; JOUR 326, SPMC 326; JOUR 346; JOUR 400, BRDC 400; JOUR 408; SPMC 350; SPMC 450; SPMC 460
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:1
Prerequisites: Declared CoJMC student or by permission for students whose home college has a written agreement with the CoJMC regarding this course; Pre-req JOMC 130, JOMC 131 and JOMC 132 with a C or higher and pre-req or co-req JOMC 133.
Students can complete JOMC 130, 131, 132, 133 and 134 in two, three or four semesters. The courses cannot be completed in one semester.
Description: Produce multimedia group project that communicates information about organization, group, social issue, etc. Use all skills developed in previous modules.
This course is a prerequisite for: ADPR 323; ADPR 329; ADPR 333; ADPR 339; ADPR 350; ADPR 355; ADPR 357; ADPR 358; ADPR 360; ADPR 361; ADPR 362; ADPR 381; ADPR 429; ADPR 439; ADPR 481; ADPR 484; ADPR 495; ALEC 417, ADPR 417; BRDC 327; BRDC 328; BRDC 329; BRDC 359; BRDC 369; BRDC 372; BRDC 374; BRDC 375; BRDC 376; BRDC 427; BRDC 429; BRDC 477; JOMC 306; JOMC 352; JOUR 302; JOUR 303; JOUR 304; JOUR 305; JOUR 307; JOUR 326, SPMC 326; JOUR 346; JOUR 400, BRDC 400; JOUR 408; SPMC 350; SPMC 450; SPMC 460
Credit Hours: | 2 |
Max credits per semester: | 2 |
Max credits per degree: | 2 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Experiential Learning: | Case/Project-Based Learning |
Credit Hours:2
Description: Topics vary each term. 12 hours max special topics hours at all levels (100, 200, 300, 400) per degree. May be repeated up to three times so long as the topics are different.
Credit Hours: | 1-4 |
Max credits per semester: | 4 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:1-4
Description: Topics vary every term.
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Pass No Pass |
Credit Hours:1
Description: A professionally oriented lab to learn processes and media fundamentals. Work on one or more teams with real clients, sources, stories and content within the community. A real-world setting and experience to develop skills in content production, social and digital media, and emerging technologies.
This course is a prerequisite for: JOMC 297
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Pass No Pass |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Experiential Learning: | Case/Project-Based Learning |
Credit Hours:1
Description: Gain skills using digital cameras, shooting photographs in numerous situations, understanding action, reaction and emotion in photography.
This course is a prerequisite for: JOMC 306
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Role of ethical principles and social responsibility and their importance in society and media today. Analysis of local and global human trafficking issues and advancing knowledge and solutions in areas of awareness, prevention, education, and role of media.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 8 Civic/Ethics/Stewardship ACE 9 Global/Diversity |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 8 Civic/Ethics/Stewardship ACE 9 Global/Diversity
Description: Topics vary each term. 12 hours max special topics hours at all levels (100, 200, 300, 400) per degree. May be repeated up to three times so long as the topics are different.
Credit Hours: | 1-4 |
Max credits per semester: | 4 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:1-4
Description: Topics vary every term.
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Pass No Pass |
Credit Hours:1
Prerequisites: JOMC 197
Description: A professionally oriented lab to learn processes and media fundamentals. Work on one or more teams with real clients, sources, stories and content within the community. A real-world setting and experience to develop skills in content production, social and digital media, and emerging technologies.
This course is a prerequisite for: JOMC 397
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Pass No Pass |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Experiential Learning: | Case/Project-Based Learning |
Credit Hours:1
Work will appear on the student news World Wide Web (WWW) site.
Description: Building visual skills to recognize action, reaction and/or emotion, and incorporating them into photos and videos.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Description: As a popular and constantly growing form of media, video games have become entrenched within society as art, entertainment, tool, and cause for concern. As with any new medium, video games have brought with them new cultural conversation about their influence on players and society. Examines video games based on scientific evidence in order to understand and address the dominant, current conversations about video games. Topics include game design (e.g., rewards, motivation, narrative), game effects (e.g., violence, immersion, learning, addiction), and behavioral design using the latest social scientific research available. Focus is on understanding and interpretation of primary research articles and designing research projects. Covers current debates and trends concerning video game design, use, and effects.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 6 Social Science |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 6 Social Science
Description: Explore the role media has in our democracy and learn techniques to judge reliability in the news. Examine information vs. disinformation, measure the bias, and judge accuracy of news stories.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 6 Social Science |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 6 Social Science
Prerequisites: JOMC 101, JOMC 130-134, JOUR 200A with a C or higher; ADPR 151, ADPR 221, ADPR 283 or BRDC 227, BRDC 269, BRDC 260 or SPMC 150, 250 or JOUR 200B with a C or higher
Description: Build on media production skills already amassed in the major. Plan, develop, distribute high quality content to various audiences on mobile devices, other emerging platforms.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Examines the flow of news from news organizations and from individuals around the world. Compare the journalistic model of verification with the social media model of speed and transparency stressing critical thinking and analysis. Use worldwide news reports and social media to learn about other people, cultures and world problems. Learn how different theories of the press relate to different regime structures and how those theories shape the news differently, depending on the country from which it originates. Compare and contrast news from different countries, and news from different sources about the same country, whether the source is reports from news organizations or from individuals using social media. Learn research and analysis skills, as well as fundamental information about different countries, cultures and people and about the diversity of life and conditions around the world.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | SPRING |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 9 Global/Diversity |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 9 Global/Diversity
Description: Topics vary each term. 12 hours max special topics hours at all levels (100, 200, 300, 400) per degree. May be repeated up to three times so long as the topics are different.
Credit Hours: | 1-4 |
Max credits per semester: | 4 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:1-4
Description: Topics vary every term.
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Pass No Pass |
Credit Hours:1
Prerequisites: JOMC 297
Description: A professionally oriented lab to learn processes and media fundamentals. Work on one or more teams with real clients, sources, stories and content within the community. A real-world setting and experience to develop skills in content production, social and digital media, and emerging technologies.
This course is a prerequisite for: JOMC 497
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Pass No Pass |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Experiential Learning: | Case/Project-Based Learning |
Credit Hours:1
Description: Current issues in media and politics, domestically and internationally.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Description: The roles and effects of mass media and major works exemplifying the practice of journalism.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
This is an eight-week, asynchronous, online course.
Description: Understanding and writing about corporate, economic and business topics as journalists or as public relations professionals.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Credit Hours:3
Open to non-College of Journalism and Mass Communications majors.
Description: Multicultural and gender diversity issues within the mass media. Broadcast news, print, and advertising media messages of racial, ethnic, and gender based minorities including African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans, and women.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 9 Global/Diversity ACE 8 Civic/Ethics/Stewardship |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 9 Global/Diversity ACE 8 Civic/Ethics/Stewardship
Prerequisites: Permission.
Open to all majors. Articles may be submitted for publication.
Description: Advanced writing about science for the non-expert and/or for the general public. Issues in science communication through reading the best writers in science and journalism. Research and write short articles and longer profiles about science and scientists at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) and elsewhere. Polish writing skills for doing work in science classes.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Examine the idea of social influence and how social media trends are changing the way information flows into our society. Through Socratic-based discussions discover the impact of social media on global political and social change movements.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Junior standing; major in advertising and public relations, broadcasting, or journalism
Description: History of American mass media in cultural and philosophical contexts; the evolution of mass media as a social institution.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Junior standing; major in the College of Journalism and Mass Communications
Description: Legal basis for freedom of speech and press. Limitations imposed upon rights by statue, common law and court decisions. Resolving conflicts between those rights and other constitutional rights. Enhancing critical-thinking and writing skills. Roles, rights, and responsibilities of mass media in a free society through analysis of cases.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded with Option |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Junior standing; major in the College of Journalism and Mass Communications
Required of all students seeking a degree through the College of Journalism and Mass Communications.
Description: Interrelationships between the American mass media and society, integrating ethics, theories and contemporary issues.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 8 Civic/Ethics/Stewardship |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 8 Civic/Ethics/Stewardship
12 hours max special topics hours at all levels (100, 200, 300, 400) per degree. May be repeated up to three times so long as the topics are different.
Description: Topics vary each term.
Credit Hours: | 1-4 |
Max credits per semester: | 4 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:1-4
Description: Topics vary every term.
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Pass No Pass |
Credit Hours:1
Prerequisites: Permission required.
Description: Complete an internship for credit in a work experience related to the student's major.
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Pass No Pass |
Experiential Learning: | Internship/Co-op |
Credit Hours:1-3
Prerequisites: JOMC 397
Description: A professionally oriented lab to learn processes and media fundamentals. Work on one or more teams with real clients, sources, stories and content within the community. A real-world setting and experience to develop skills in content production, social and digital media, and emerging technologies.
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Pass No Pass |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Experiential Learning: | Case/Project-Based Learning |
Credit Hours:1
Description: Introduction to techniques for gathering information for use in preparing news for public media. Get information from libraries, public records, advanced web searching, government document repositories and interviews with people.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Good standing in the University Honors Program or by invitation.
One University Honors Seminar 189H is required of all students in the University Honors Program. Open to University Honors Program students with any major and will count toward the degree in the College of Journalism and Mass Communications.
Description: Topic varies.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 5 Humanities |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 5 Humanities
Maximum of 12 credit hours of special topics at all levels (191, 291, 391, 491). May be repeated up to three times so long as the topics are different.
Description: Topics vary each term.
Credit Hours: | 1-4 |
Max credits per semester: | 4 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:1-4
Prerequisites: CoJMC major or BRDC Minor
Description: Fundamentals of reporting, writing and editing for news media in print, digital and broadcast platforms.
This course is a prerequisite for: ADPR 221; ADPR 323; ADPR 329; ADPR 333; ADPR 339; ADPR 350; ADPR 355; ADPR 357; ADPR 358; ADPR 360; ADPR 361; ADPR 362; ADPR 381; ADPR 429; ADPR 439; ADPR 481; ADPR 484; ALEC 307; BRDC 260; BRDC 327; BRDC 328; BRDC 329; BRDC 359; BRDC 369; BRDC 372; BRDC 374; BRDC 375; BRDC 376; BRDC 427; BRDC 429; BRDC 477; JOMC 352; JOUR 200B; JOUR 302; JOUR 303; JOUR 304; JOUR 305; JOUR 307; JOUR 326, SPMC 326; JOUR 346; JOUR 400, BRDC 400; JOUR 408; SPMC 250; SPMC 350; SPMC 450; SPMC 460
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Continuation of JOUR 200A, focusing on more depth in reporting, writing and editing for news media in print, digital and broadcast platforms.
This course is a prerequisite for: ADPR 323; ADPR 329; ADPR 333; ADPR 339; ADPR 350; ADPR 355; ADPR 357; ADPR 358; ADPR 360; ADPR 361; ADPR 362; ADPR 381; ADPR 429; ADPR 439; ADPR 481; ADPR 484; BRDC 327; BRDC 328; BRDC 329; BRDC 359; BRDC 369; BRDC 372; BRDC 374; BRDC 375; BRDC 376; BRDC 427; BRDC 429; BRDC 477; JOMC 352; JOUR 302; JOUR 303; JOUR 304; JOUR 305; JOUR 307; JOUR 326, SPMC 326; JOUR 346; JOUR 400, BRDC 400; JOUR 408; SPMC 350; SPMC 450; SPMC 460
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 1 Writing |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 1 Writing
12 hours max special topics hours at all levels (100, 200, 300, 400) per degree. May be repeated up to three times so long as the topics are different.
Description: Topics vary each term.
Credit Hours: | 1-4 |
Max credits per semester: | 4 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:1-4
Prerequisites: JOMC 101, JOMC 130-134, JOUR 200A with a C or higher; ADPR 151, ADPR 221, ADPR 283 or BRDC 227, BRDC 269, BRDC 260 or SPMC 150, 250 or JOUR 200B with a C or higher
Work will appear on the student news World Wide Web (WWW) site.
Description: Advanced reporting and writing. Skills and techniques necessary to develop more complex stories for all platforms.
This course is a prerequisite for: JOUR 386
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: JOMC 101, JOMC 130-134, JOUR 200A with a C or higher; ADPR 151, ADPR 221, ADPR 283 or BRDC 227, BRDC 269, BRDC 260 or SPMC 150, 250 or JOUR 200B with a C or higher
Work will appear on the student news World Wide Web (WWW) site. JOUR 303 is 'Letter grade only'.
Description: Refining of editing of news and feature stories for print and on-line media. Issues of ethics and news-editing.
This course is a prerequisite for: JOUR 386
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | FALL |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: JOMC 101, JOMC 130-134, JOUR 200A with a C or higher; ADPR 151, ADPR 221, ADPR 283 or BRDC 227, BRDC 269, BRDC 260 or SPMC 150, 250 or JOUR 200B with a C or higher
Description: Explores a variety of digital reporting and storytelling options used to produce journalistic content online.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: JOMC 101, JOMC 130-134, JOUR 200A with a C or higher; ADPR 151, ADPR 221, ADPR 283 or BRDC 227, BRDC 269, BRDC 260 or SPMC 150, 250 or JOUR 200B with a C or higher
Description: Study the origins, tenets and impact of solutions journalism and learn how to create news stories that are rigorously reported and compellingly written.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: JOMC 101, JOMC 130-134, JOUR 200A with a C or higher; ADPR 151, ADPR 221, ADPR 283 or BRDC 227, BRDC 269, BRDC 260 or SPMC 150, 250 or JOUR 200B with a C or higher
Description: News reporting using data and analysis. Techniques for analysis and skills for writing complex stories.
This course is a prerequisite for: SPMC 460
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: JOMC 101, JOMC 130-134, JOUR 200A with a C or higher; ADPR 151, ADPR 221, ADPR 283 or BRDC 227, BRDC 269, BRDC 260 or SPMC 150, SPMC 250 or JOUR 200B with a C or higher
Description: The importance of good sports reporting through clear writing and its importance to readers; the principles of different types of sports stories; how to think critically about sports media; and how the fundamentals of good reporting and writing apply to sports.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: JOMC 101, JOMC 130-134, JOUR 200A with a C or higher; ADPR 151, ADPR 221, ADPR 283 or BRDC 227, BRDC 269, BRDC 260 or SPMC 150, 250 or JOUR 200B with a C or higher
Description: Create and present news and information of particular interest to Lincoln's growing refugee communities. The stories students report will be presented on the Nebraska Mosaic website (, and they may also be re-purposed as part of printed newsletters or video projects distributed on DVD.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: Corequisite JOUR 200B
Pass/No Pass only
Description: An inside look at the news reporting business by hearing each week from working journalists at the Omaha World-Herald.
This course is a prerequisite for: JOUR 448
Credit Hours: | 1 |
Max credits per semester: | 1 |
Max credits per degree: | 1 |
Grading Option: | Pass No Pass |
Credit Hours:1
Work in will appear on the student news World Wide Web (WWW) site. Letter grade only.
Description: Theories and principles of editing and designing magazines. Decisions regarding the format and breakdown of the magazine, editing and designing stories, choosing photographs, writing captions and headlines.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Description: Topics vary each term. 12 hours max special topics hours at all levels (100, 200, 300, 400) per degree. May be repeated up to three times so long as the topics are different.
Credit Hours: | 1-4 |
Max credits per semester: | 4 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:1-4
Prerequisites: JOMC 101, JOMC 130-134; JOUR 200A; JOUR 200B or BRDC 227, 260 and 269; two of the following: BRDC 372, JOUR 302, 303, 304, 306, 307 or 346; senior standing; and permission code.
Topics vary.
Description: Produce multimedia presentations and content for publication with depth, exploration, and substance across web and streaming platforms by applying journalistic and broadcasting skills.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
ACE Outcomes: | ACE 10 Integrated Product |
Experiential Learning: | Case/Project-Based Learning |
Credit Hours:3
ACE:ACE 10 Integrated Product
Prerequisites: JOMC 101, JOMC 130-134, JOUR 200A with a C or higher; ADPR 151, ADPR 221, ADPR 283 or BRDC 227, BRDC 269, BRDC 260 or SPMC 150, 250 or JOUR 200B with a C or higher; junior standing
Description: Storytelling with visuals generated from data. Theory and practice of visualization and analysis basics.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: JOMC 101, JOMC 130-134, JOUR 200A with a C or higher; ADPR 151, ADPR 221, ADPR 283 or BRDC 227, BRDC 269, BRDC 260 or SPMC 150, 250 or JOUR 200B with a C or higher; junior standing
Description: Web development for data-driven storytelling on the Internet. Programming for news media.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: JOMC 101, JOMC 130-134, JOUR 200A with a C or higher; ADPR 151, ADPR 221, ADPR 283 or BRDC 227, BRDC 269, BRDC 260 or SPMC 150, 250 or JOUR 200B with a C or higher; junior standing
Description: Laws, regulations, and practices by which federal, state, and local government enhance or retard access to information about the executive, legislative, and judicial branches.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: JOUR 348 and permission code
For four students from a previous Real World I class who are chosen to participate in a fellowships at the Omaha World-Herald newspaper.
Description: Fellowship at the Omaha World-Herald newspaper.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Open only to students seeking a 7-12 journalism teaching endorsement.
Description: Problems and procedures involved in producing school newspapers, yearbooks, literary magazines, and radio and/or video projects.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:3
Prerequisites: JOMC 101, JOMC 130-134, JOUR 200A with a C or higher; ADPR 151, ADPR 221, ADPR 283 or BRDC 227, BRDC 269, BRDC 260 or SPMC 150, 250 or JOUR 200B with a C or higher; JOMC 206; junior standing
Description: Research and then visit a selected country and produce a multimedia story dealing with an emerging country in which there is need. Spend eight weeks conducting story research on campus then travel to the country either during winter break or in May. Spend three weeks in the country while working on the story then finish writing and editing after returning to Nebraska.
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 6 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Offered: | FALL/SPR |
Credit Hours:3
12 hours max special topics hours at all levels (100, 200, 300, 400) per degree
Description: Topics vary each term.
Credit Hours: | 1-4 |
Max credits per semester: | 4 |
Max credits per degree: | 12 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:1-4
Prerequisites: Permission
Description: Journalism-related internships, paid or unpaid, will provide students with an opportunity to enhance their professional skills while contributing meaningful work and expanding their career networks.
Credit Hours: | 1-3 |
Max credits per semester: | 3 |
Max credits per degree: | 3 |
Grading Option: | Pass No Pass |
Credit Hours:1-3
Credit Hours: | 1-24 |
Max credits per semester: | 24 |
Max credits per degree: | 24 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:1-24
Prerequisites: Good standing in the University Honors Program or by permission; candidate for degree with distinction or high distinction or highest distinction in the College of Journalism and Mass Communications.
Credit Hours: | 1-4 |
Max credits per semester: | 4 |
Max credits per degree: | 4 |
Grading Option: | Graded |
Credit Hours:1-4
This document represents a sample 4-year plan for degree completion with this major. Actual course selection and sequence may vary and should be discussed individually with your college or department academic advisor. Advisors also can help you plan other experiences to enrich your undergraduate education such as internships, education abroad, undergraduate research, learning communities, and service learning and community-based learning.
- You must declare a required minor by this term.
- A minimum 2.00 cumulative GPA required for Graduation.
- Complete 30 hours in residence at UNL.
- A maximum of 24 hours of Pass grades is allowed.
- ***Total Credits Applying Toward 120 Total Hours***
Career Information
The following represents a sample of the internships, jobs and graduate school programs that current students and recent graduates have reported.
Transferable Skills
- Ability to think critically
- Ability to gather information from data, documents and human sources
- Ability to write texts clearly and correctly across multiple platforms for multiple audiences
- Ability to use audio and visual communications tools to convey information appropriately with sound, graphics, still and moving images across multiple platforms
- Ability to work constructively and effectively in a team environment
Jobs of Recent Graduates
- Account Executive, Omaha World-Herald - Omaha, NE
- Project Manager, Bailey Lauerman - Omaha, NE
- Interactive Strategist, Archrival - Lincoln, NE
- Project Manager, Hudl - Lincoln, NE
- Creative Director, Hurrdat Social Media - Lincoln, NE
- Senior Content Strategist, Nonprofit Hub - Lincoln, NE
- Public Relations Writer, Swanson Russell - Lincoln, NE
- Social Media Content Specialist, Athletic Department, University of Nebraska-Lincoln - Lincoln, NE
- Copywriter, Snitily Carr - Lincoln, NE
- Advertising Graphic Artist, Lincoln Journal Star - Lincoln, NE
- Creative Intern, Swanson Russell - Lincoln, NE
- Communications and Social Media Intern, Nelnet - Lincoln,NE
- Digital Marketing Intern, Fox Broadcasting Company - Los Angeles, CA
- Consumer Insights Intern, Lawrence & Schiller - Sioux Falls, SD
- Community Relations Student Assistant, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Athletic Department - Lincoln, NE
- Marketing Intern, IMG Husker Sports Marketing - Lincoln, NE
- Athlete Relations Intern, Opendorse - Lincoln, NE
- Merchandise Intern, Disney World - Orlando, FL
- Strategic Content Intern, Nonprofit Hub - Lincoln, NE
- Digital Intern, Redstone Advertising - Omaha, NE
Graduate & Professional Schools
- Juris Doctor, University of Nebraska-Lincoln - Lincoln, NE
- Master's in Magazine Journalism, City University London - London, UK
- Master's in Mass Communication, Texas Tech University - Lubbock, TX
- Master's in Arts, Integrated Marketing Communication, University of Nebraska-Lincoln - Lincoln, NE
- Master's in Business Administration, Univeristy of Nebraska-Lincoln - Lincoln, NE
- Master's in Business Administration, Wichita State University - Wichita, KS