Graduate Certificates

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Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources

Advanced Horticulture

To earn the Graduate Certificate in Floriculture and Nursery Production Management:

  1. Learn More.
  2. Apply for admission.
  3. Consult an advisor to develop a plan of study.
  4. Complete 12 credit hours as outlined here, with grades of B or higher in all classes.
Select 12 credits from the following:12
Management of Horticultural Crop Insects
Entomology and Pest Management
Plant Nutrition and Nutrient Management
Plant Physiology
Greenhouse Crop Production
Advanced Arboriculture
Weed Science
Environmental Nursery Production Practices
Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development
Credit Hours Subtotal: 12


To earn the Graduate Certificate in Agronomy:

  1. Learn More.
  2. Apply for admission.
  3. Consult an advisor to develop a plan of study.
  4. After meeting with an advisor, complete 12 credit hours from the course listing below.
AGRO 809ACase studies in plant breeding: Breeding for Disease Resistance1
AGRO 809BCase Studies in plant breeding: Transgenic strategies for disease resistance1
AGRO 811Crop Genetic Engineering2
AGRO 812Crop and Weed Genetics2
AGRO 821Learning Biotechnology3
AGRO 822Integrated Weed Management1
AGRO 825Cover Crops in Agroecosystems3
AGRO 826Invasive Plants3
AGRO 829Plant Biotechnology Applications3
AGRO 831Spatial Variability in Soils2
AGRO 832Learning Plant Science3
AGRO 835Agroecology3
AGRO 845Livestock Management on Range and Pasture3
AGRO 846Forage Quality3
AGRO 855Soil Chemistry and Mineralogy3
AGRO 860Soil Microbial Ecology3
AGRO 862Cannabis Growth, Production and Breeding Basics2
AGRO 872Applied Soil Physics3
AGRO 878Plant Anatomy4
AGRO 888Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development3
AGRO 906Crop Growth and Yield Modeling3
AGRO 931Population Genetics3


To earn the Graduate Certificate in Entomology:

  1. Learn More.
  2. Apply for admission.
  3. Consult an advisor to develop a plan of study.
  4. Certificate must be completed within 5 years of admission to program. Complete 15 credit hours as described here.
Required Courses (8 credits)8
ENTO 805Introduction to Entomology1
ENTO 806Insect Ecology3
ENTO 818Insect Identification and Natural History4
ENTO 800Insect Biodiversity4
Electives (7 credits)7
ENTO 801Insect Physiology3
ENTO 803Management of Horticultural Crop Insects3
ENTO 809Insect Control by Host-Plant Resistance3
ENTO 810Insects as Educational Tools for the Classroom3
ENTO 812Entomology and Pest Management3
ENTO 813Biological Control of Pests3
ENTO 814Forensic Entomology3
ENTO 815Medical Entomology3
ENTO 816Forensic Insect Succession1
ENTO 819Insect Behavior3
ENTO 820Insecticide Toxicology3
ENTO 822Cultural Entomology3
ENTO 825Management of Agronomic Crop Insects3
ENTO 828Scientific Illustration3
ENTO 835Chemical Ecology of Insect-Plant Interactions3
ENTO 850Forensic Insect Morphology1
ENTO 905Seminar in Entomology1
ENTO 915Presentation Methods3

Floriculture and Nursery Production Management

To earn the Graduate Certificate in Floriculture and Nursery Production Management:

  1. Learn More.
  2. Apply for admission.
  3. Consult an advisor to develop a plan of study.
  4. Complete 12 credit hours as outlined here, with grades of B or higher in all classes.  Only 1 course per "or" group below may be applied toward this certificate.
Required Courses (6-7 credits)6-7
HORT 824Plant Nutrition and Nutrient Management3
or HORT 842B Plant Physiology
HORT 843AGreenhouse Crop Production3-4
or HORT 844A Environmental Nursery Production Practices
Electives (5-6 credits)5-6
HORT 843EAdvanced Interiorscaping3
HORT 844BEnvironmental Stress Physiology1
HORT 888Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development3
ENTO 803Management of Horticultural Crop Insects3
or ENTO 812 Entomology and Pest Management
or ENTO 813 Biological Control of Pests
or ENTO 820 Insecticide Toxicology
AGRO 896Independent Study1-6
or ENTO 896 Independent Study in Entomology
or HORT 842A Plant Pathology

Food Safety and Defense

To earn the Graduate Certificate in Food Safety and Defense:

  1. Learn More.
  2. Apply for Admission.
  3. Consult an advisor to develop a plan of study.
  4. Complete 12 credit hours, with 9 credit hours in core courses and 3 elective credit hours.
Required Courses (9 credits)9
FDST 871A Multidisciplinary Overview of Food Safety and Security (Kansas State Univ)2
FDST 805Food Microbiology (Univ of Nebraska)3
FDST 872Principles of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point System (Kansas State Univ)2
FDST 873Food-borne Toxicants (Iowa State Univ)2
Electives (3 credits)3
FDST 855Microbiology of Fermented Foods (Univ of Nebraska, 2 cr)2
FDST 874Food Laws, Regulations, and the Regulatory Process (Iowa State Univ, 2 cr)2
FDST 875Rapid Methods in Food Microbiology (Kansas State Univ, 2 cr)2
FDST 876Risk Assessment for Food, Agriculture, and Veterinary Medicine (Iowa State Univ, 3 cr)3
FDST 877Advanced Food Microbiology and Biotechnology (Univ of Missouri-Columbia, 3 cr)3

Grassland Management

To earn the Graduate Certificate in Grassland Management:

  1. Learn More.
  2. Apply for Admission.
  3. Consult an advisor to develop a plan of study.
  4. Complete 12 credit hours as planned. Up to half of the required coursework may be transferred on a case-by-case basis with the approval of the student’s advisor.
Required Courses (12-13 credits)12-13
AGRO 843Ecology of Invasive Species3
AGRO 846Forage Quality3
AGRO 847Grassland Fire Ecology3
AGRO 848Grassland Monitoring and Assessment2
AGRO 849Watershed Management in Grasslands3
AGRO 851Grassland Plant Identification2

Ornamentals, Landscape, and Turf

To earn the Graduate Certificate in Ornamentals, Landscape, and Turf:

  1. Learn More.
  2. Apply for Admission.
  3. Consult an advisor to develop a plan of study.
  4. Complete 12 credit hours as described here, with grades of B or higher in all classes.
Required Courses (6 credits)6
HORT 824Plant Nutrition and Nutrient Management3
or HORT 842B Plant Physiology
HORT 843KAdvanced Arboriculture3
Electives (6 credits)6
HORT 814Turfgrass Disease Management1
HORT 844BEnvironmental Stress Physiology1
HORT 880Modified Root Zones1
HORT 888Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development3
HORT 813Turfgrass and Landscape Weed Management1
or HORT 843M Weed Science
ENTO 803Management of Horticultural Crop Insects3
or ENTO 812 Entomology and Pest Management
or ENTO 813 Biological Control of Pests
or ENTO 820 Insecticide Toxicology
AGRO 896Independent Study1-6
or ENTO 896 Independent Study in Entomology
or HORT 842A Plant Pathology

Personal Leadership

To earn the Graduate Certificate in Personal Leadership:

  1. Learn More.
  2. Apply for Admission.
  3. Consult an advisor to develop a plan of study.
  4. Complete 12 credit hours as described here, with grades of B or higher in all classes.
Required Courses (6 credits)6
ALEC 877Leadership and Motivation3
ALEC 807Supervisory Leadership3
Electives (6 credits)6
ALEC 810Environmental Leadership3
ALEC 814Classic Figures in Leadership3
ALEC 855Dynamics of Effective Leadership in Groups & Teams3
ALEC 866Leadership and Diversity in Organizations and Communities3
ALEC 888Leadership, Power and Influence3

Rural Economic and Community Vitality

To earn the Graduate Certificate in Rural Economic and Community Vitality:

  1. Learn More.
  2. Apply for Admission.
  3. Consult an advisor to develop a plan of study.
  4. Complete 12 credit hours as described here, with grades of B or higher in all classes.
Required Courses (9 credits)9
CDEV 814Community and Regional Economic Analysis3
ALEC 855Dynamics of Effective Leadership in Groups & Teams3
CDEV 894Practicum/Creative Component/Thesis in Community Development3
Electives (3 credits)3
CDEV 816Nebraska Rural Government Law Fundamentals1
CDEV 817Nebraska Rural Government Finance Fundamentals1
CDEV 818Community Engagement1
CDEV 819Community Action Strategies1
CDEV 825Sustainable Economic Development1
CDEV 826Fundamentals of Business Analysis1
CDEV 827Community Workforce Development1


Urban Design

To earn the Graduate Certificate in Urban Design :

  1. Learn More.
  2. Apply for Admission.
  3. Consult an advisor to develop a plan of study.
  4. Complete 14-15 credit hours as outlined here, with grades of B or higher in all classes.  Only 1 course per "or" group below may be applied toward this certificate.
Required Courses (6 credits)6
CRPL 800Introduction to Planning3
ARCH 861Urbanism3
Electives (8-9 credits)8-9
ARCH 810
ARCH 811
Advanced Architectural Design I
and Advanced Architectural Design II
or ARCH 613
ARCH 614
Architectural Design Thesis I
and Architectural Design Thesis II
CRPL 830Planning with GIS3
CRPL 833GIS in Environmental Design and Planning3
ARCH 562Urbanism and the Catalysts of Change3
ARCH 863Project Territory (available only to students stacking this certificate with M.Arch)3
CRPL 864Urban Design3
ARCH 892Selected Topics in Architecture1-6
CRPL 892Selected Topics in Community and Regional Planning1-9
or CRPL 990 Planning Studio

Arts and Sciences

Bioanalytical Chemistry

To earn the Graduate Certificate in Bioanalytical Chemistry:

  1. Learn More.
  2. Apply for Admission.
  3. Consult an advisor to develop a plan of study.
  4. Complete 18 credit hours. 
Required courses (6 credits)6
CHEM 821Analytical Chemistry3
or CHEM 824 Applied Problems in Analytical Chemistry
CHEM 835Chemical Biology3
Select two of the following (6 credits)6
CHEM 825DMass Spectrometry3
CHEM 825GChromatographic Separations3
CHEM 825KIntroduction to Nuclear Magnetic Resonance3
CHEM 991ASelected Topics in Analytical Chemistry (Biosensors)1-6
Electives (6 credits)6
CHEM 825EData Handling and Statistics2
CHEM 991ESpecial Topics in Organic Chemistry (Introduction to Computational Chemistry)2-4
CHEM 936Molecular Biology Methods2-3
CHEM 871Physical Chemistry4
CBIO 842Biosystems Research 2:Integrating Quantitative and Computational Biology into Life Sciences Research3
BIOC 837Research Techniques in Biochemistry4
CHEM 823Analytical Chemistry Laboratory2
CHEM 898Special Problems (non-thesis research)1-6
CHEM 825DMass Spectrometry (if not counted within core requirements)3
CHEM 825GChromatographic Separations (if not counted within core requirements)3
CHEM 991ASelected Topics in Analytical Chemistry (other than Biosensors)1-6

Chromatography and Analytical Separations

To earn the Graduate Certificate in Chromatography and Analytical Separations:

  1. Learn More.
  2. Apply for Admission.
  3. Consult an advisor to develop a plan of study.
  4. Complete 18 credit hours. 
Required courses (12 credits)12
CHEM 821Analytical Chemistry3
or CHEM 824 Applied Problems in Analytical Chemistry
CHEM 825GChromatographic Separations3
CHEM 991ASelected Topics in Analytical Chemistry2
CHEM 825DMass Spectrometry3
CHEM 825AIonic Equilibria1
or CHEM 825E Data Handling and Statistics
Electives (6 credits)6
CHEM 898Special Problems (non-thesis research)1-6
CHEM 823Analytical Chemistry Laboratory2
CHEM 835Chemical Biology3
CHEM 982Chemical Thermodynamics3
CHEM 984Chemical Kinetics2
CHEM 991ESpecial Topics in Organic Chemistry (Introduction to Computational Chemistry)2-4
BIOC 837Research Techniques in Biochemistry4
CHME 873Biochemical Engineering3
CHME 874Advanced Biochemical Engineering2-6

Digital Humanities

To earn the Graduate Certificate in Digital Humanities:

  1. Learn More.
  2. Apply for Admission.
  3. Consult an advisor to develop a plan of study.
  4. Complete 12 credit hours as described here with a grade of B or better.  The certificate program is comprised of interdisciplinary coursework between: Anthropology; Art, Art History & Design; Classics & Religious Studies; English; History; Modern Languages; and University Libraries. For further information about the certificate, see
Electives (12 credits)12
ADPR 866Social Media Theory and Practice3
AHIS 806 / ANTH 806 / CLAS 806Visualizing the Ancient City3
ANTH 816Digital Anthropologies3
ANTH 884Data Analytics in Anthropology3
ANTH 886Digital Heritage3
ANTH 946 / ENGL 946 / HIST 946 / MODL 946Interdisciplinary Readings in Digital Humanities3
ENGL 872 / HIST 872Digital Humanities Practicum3
ENGL 877Advanced Topics in Digital Humanities3
ENGL 878Digital Archives and Editions3
GEOG 817Web GIS3
GEOG 825Geovisualization3
HIST 970Seminar in Digital History3
MODL 891Special Topics in Modern Languages3 or 6

Forensic Anthropology

To earn the Graduate Certificate in Forensic Anthropology:

  1. Learn More.
  2. Apply for Admission.
  3. Consult an advisor to develop a plan of study.
  4. Complete 18 credit hours. 
Required Courses (6 credits)6
ANTH 844Human Osteology3
ANTH 862Forensic Anthropology3
Electives (12 credits)12
ANTH 843Dental Anthropology3
ANTH 855Forensic Archaeology: Clandestine Burials, Mass Graves, and Human Rights3
ANTH 856Forensic Taphonomy: an Anthropological Approach3
ANTH 884Data Analytics in Anthropology3
ANTH 887DAnalysis of Archaeological Materials - Archaeofauna3
ANTH 897Advanced Fieldwork3
ANTH 895Internship in Anthropology3
ANTH 945Seminar in Bioanthropology3

Geographic Information Science

To earn the Graduate Certificate in Geographic Information Science:

  1. Learn More.
  2. Apply for Admission.
  3. Consult an advisor to develop a plan of study.
  4. Complete 15 credit hours and a comprehensive examination.
Required Courses (6-7 credits, choose at least 2)6-7
GEOG 817Web GIS3
GEOG 822Advanced Techniques in Geographic Information Systems4
GEOG 825Geovisualization3
GEOG 832Programming, Scripting, and Automation for GIS3
Electives (8-9 credits, select at least 2)8-9
GEOG 818 / NRES 818Introduction to Remote Sensing4
GEOG 819 / NRES 820Applications of Remote Sensing in Agriculture and Natural Resources4
GEOG 827 / NRES 827Introduction to the Global Positioning System (GPS)2
GEOG 844Geo-demographic and Geographic Information Systems (GIS)3
GEOG 861 / ANTH 861Geospatial Approaches in Digital Humanities and Social Sciences3
GEOG 891Special Topics in Geography2-3
CIVE 853GIS in Water Resources3
CRPL 830Planning with GIS3
CRPL 832Advanced Spatial Analysis with GIS3
CRPL 833GIS in Environmental Design and Planning3
CRPL 892Selected Topics in Community and Regional Planning1-9
NRES 815GIS for Agriculture and Natural Resources4
STAT 831Spatial Statistics3

Museum Studies

To earn the Graduate Certificate in Museum Studies:

  1. Learn More.
  2. Apply for Admission.
  3. Consult an advisor to develop a plan of study.
  4. Complete 18 credit hours. 
Required Courses (18 credits)18
ANTH 818Ethnology and Museums3
ANTH 886Digital Heritage3
ANTH 887AAnalysis of Archaeological Materials - Ceramics3
or ANTH 887B Analysis of Archaeological Materials - Lithics
or ANTH 887D Analysis of Archaeological Materials - Archaeofauna
or ANTH 887E Analysis of Archaeological Materials - Historic Material Culture
ANTH 895Internship in Anthropology1-6
ANTH 898Research1-3
ANTH 835Heritage Resource Protection and Management3

Teaching of Writing

To earn the Graduate Certificate in Teaching of Writing:

  1. Learn More.
  2. Apply for Admission.
  3. Consult an advisor to develop a plan of study.
  4. Complete a minimum of 5 courses equating to 15-18 credit hours. This may include up to 6 credit hours from outside the English Department.
Required Courses (3-6 credits)3-6
ENGL 857AComposition and Rhetorical Theory3-4
ENGL 957Composition Theory and Practice1-6
ENGL 957BNebraska Writing Project6
Electives (credits 9-15, Maximum 6 credits outside of English)9-15
ENGL 857BNebraska Writing Project1-3
ENGL 875Rhetoric3
ENGL 875ARhetorical Theory: Rhetoric of Women Writers3
ENGL 895Internship in English1-3
ENGL 895ANebraska Writing Project Internship1-3
ENGL 880Writing Center Theory, Practice, and Research3
ENGL 882Literacy Issues and Community3-6
ENGL 973Seminar in Literacy Studies1-24
ENGL 976Seminar in Rhetorical Theory1-24
ENGL 992BPlace Conscious Teaching1-6
TEAC 813Studies in Teaching English as a Second Language1-15
TEAC 818Teaching Writing in K-12 Schools3
TEAC 838Linguistics in Language and Learning Contexts3
TEAC 840Culture and Schooling3
TEAC 921Seminar in Literacy Studies3
TEAC 950Contextual Research in English/Language Arts3
TEAC 952Language and Learning3
TEAC 953Seminar on Writing in the Curriculum3

Business Administration

Business Analytics

To earn the Graduate Certificate in Business Analytics:

  1. Learn More.
  2. Apply for Admission.
  3. Consult an advisor to develop a plan of study.
  4. Complete 12 credit hours as listed below, in this sequence starting with GRBA 851.
Required courses (6 credits)6
GRBA 851Business Analytics3
ECON 817Introductory Econometrics3
Electives (6 credits)6
Preferred (3-6 credits)3-6
SCMA 851Predictive Analytics3
SCMA 853Data Mining and Descriptive Analytics3
Optional (3 credits - If only one of the above courses is taken)3
SCMA 837Risk and Simulation Modeling3
SCMA 852Data Management and Organization3
SCMA 854Advanced Analytics and Big Data3
SCMA 855Prescriptive Analytics3

Financial Analytics

To earn the Graduate Certificate in Financial Analytics:

  1. Learn More.
  2. Apply for Admission.
  3. Consult an advisor to develop a plan of study.
  4. Complete 12 credit hours as listed below.
Required Courses (6 credits)6
FINA 801Quantitative Methods in Finance3
SCMA 851Predictive Analytics3
Electives (6 credits, choose only one FINA course and one SCMA course)6
FINA 802Fixed Income Analysis3
FINA 863Portfolio Management3
FINA 867Options, Futures and Derivative Securities3
SCMA 837Risk and Simulation Modeling3
SCMA 853Data Mining and Descriptive Analytics3
SCMA 854Advanced Analytics and Big Data3

Financial Communications

To earn the Graduate Certificate in Financial Communications:

  1. Learn More.
  2. Apply for Admission.
  3. Consult an advisor to develop a plan of study.
  4. Complete 12 credit hours as listed below.
Required Courses (6 credits)6
JOMC 820Financial Communications3
GRBA 808Foundations of Business Strategy3
Electives (6 credits)6
ADPR 850Public Relations Management and Case Studies3
or JGRD 819 Graduate Writing, Reporting and Editing
GRBA 809Financial Accounting3
or GRBA 811 Managerial Finance

Human Resources Management

To earn the Graduate Certificate in Human Resources Management:

  1. Learn More.
  2. Apply for Admission.
  3. Consult an advisor to develop a plan of study.
  4. Complete 12 credit hours as listed below.
Required Courses (3 credits)3
GRBA 816Strategic Human Resource Management3
Electives (9 credits)9
MNGT 863Compensation Administration3
MNGT 864Talent Acquisition and Staffing3
MNGT 866The Regulatory Environment for Employment and Labor3
Optional (if preferred not available)
MNGT 859 / MRKT 859Managerial Negotiations3
MNGT 817Positivity for Managers3

Marketing Analytics

To earn the Graduate Certificate in Marketing Analytics:

  1. Learn More.
  2. Apply for Admission.
  3. Consult an advisor to develop a plan of study.
  4. Complete 12 credits hours as listed below.
Required Courses (6 credit)6
GRBA 813Managerial Marketing3
GRBA 851Business Analytics3
Electives (6 credits)6
MRKT 821Applied Marketing Research3
MRKT 824Advanced Quantitative Analysis in Marketing3
MRKT 845Advanced Marketing Analytics3
MRKT 850Data-Driven Decision Making3

Sales Excellence

To earn the Graduate Certificate in Sales Excellence:

  1. Learn More.
  2. Apply for Admission.
  3. Consult an advisor to develop a plan of study.
  4. Complete 12 credits hours as listed below.
Required Course (3 credits)3
GRBA 813Managerial Marketing3
Electives (9 credits)9
MRKT 850Data-Driven Decision Making3
MRKT 857Consultative Selling3
MRKT 858Sales Leadership3
MRKT 859Managerial Negotiations3

Strategic Innovation and Entrepreneurship

To earn the Graduate Certificate in Strategic Innovation and Entrepreneurship:

  1. Learn More.
  2. Apply for Admission.
  3. Consult an advisor to develop a plan of study.
  4. Complete 12 credit hours as listed below.
Required Courses (6 credits)6
GRBA 808Foundations of Business Strategy3
GRBA 853Advanced Business Strategy3
Electives (6 credits)6
MNGT 818Organization Designs for Competitive Advantage3
ENTR 821Identifying and Exploring Entrepreneurial Opportunities3
ENTR 822Entrepreneurship in Established Firms3
ENTR 823Business Plan Development and Decision Making3
MNGT 840Corporate Strategy and Entrepreneurship3

Strategic Marketing

To earn the Graduate Certificate in Strategic Marketing:

  1. Learn More.
  2. Apply for Admission.
  3. Consult an advisor to develop a plan of study.
  4. Complete 12 credit hours as listed below.
Required Courses (3 credits)3
GRBA 813Managerial Marketing3
Electives (9 credits)9
MRKT 821Applied Marketing Research3
MRKT 822Survey of Buyer Behavior3
MRKT 826Services Marketing3
MRKT 828Sports Marketing3
MRKT 830Strategic Issues in Marketing Communication3
MRKT 835Marketing Channels and Distribution3
MRKT 841Digital Marketing and Electronic Commerce3
MRKT 855Marketing and Globalization3-6

Supply Chain Analytics

To earn the Graduate Certificate in Supply Chain Analytics:

  1. Learn More.
  2. Apply for Admission.
  3. Consult an advisor to develop a plan of study.
  4. Complete 12 credit hours as listed below. GRBA 815 and GRBA 851 plus 2 of the other 6 courses listed.
Required Courses (6 credits)6
GRBA 815Supply Chain Management Strategies3
GRBA 851Business Analytics3
Electives (6 credits)6
SCMA 831Advanced Enterprise Systems3
SCMA 836Project Management and Implementation3
SCMA 837Risk and Simulation Modeling3
SCMA 851Predictive Analytics3
SCMA 853Data Mining and Descriptive Analytics3
SCMA 855Prescriptive Analytics3

Supply Chain Management Systems

To earn the Graduate Certificate in Supply Chain Management Systems:

  1. Learn More.
  2. Apply for Admission.
  3. Consult an advisor to develop a plan of study.
  4. Complete 12 credit hours (grade must be a B or better).
Required Courses (3 credits)3
GRBA 815Supply Chain Management Strategies3
Electives (9 credits)9
SCMA 831Advanced Enterprise Systems3
SCMA 832Planning and Controlling Supply Chain Systems3
SCMA 834Advanced Topics in Lean Supply Chain Management3
SCMA 836Project Management and Implementation3
SCMA 839Global Supply Chain Management3
SCMA 844Managing Logistics in the Supply Chain3
SCMA 847Information Technologies for Operations and Innovation3

Education and Human Sciences

Community College Leadership

To earn the Graduate Certificate in Community College Leadership:

  1. Learn More.
  2. Apply for Admission.
  3. Consult an advisor to develop a plan of study.
  4. Complete 15 credit hours as described here.
Required Courses (15 credits)15
EDAD 923The Community/Junior College3
EDAD 929Organizational Theory and Change3
EDAD 935Workforce, Economic, and Community Development3
EDAD 934Teaching and Learning in the Community College3
EDAD 912BEmerging Issues in Community College Leadership3

Early Childhood & Family Policy

To earn the Graduate Certificate in Early Childhood & Family Policy:

  1. Learn More.
  2. Apply for Admission.
  3. Consult an advisor to develop a plan of study.
  4. Complete 12 credit hours as listed below, (grade must be a C or better). All courses below are offered sequentially.
CYAF 831ECFP: History, Development, and Equity in Shaping Early Childhood Policy3
CYAF 832ECFP: Using a Policy Framework to Examine Early Childhood Services and Issues3
CYAF 906ECFP: Policy Research in Early Childhood3
CYAF 907ECFP: Policy Leadership and Advocacy in Early Childhood3
Total Credit Hours12

Early Childhood Special Education

To earn the Graduate Certificate in Early Childhood Special Education:

  1. Learn More.
  2. Apply for Admission.
  3. Consult an advisor to develop a plan of study.
  4. Complete 12 credit hours as listed below, (grade must be a B or better).
Required Courses (12 credits)12
SPED 860Issues in Early Childhood Special Education3
SPED 861Infants with Disabilities and Home Visiting3
or SPED 862 Preschool Children with Disabilities
SPED 960Family and School Collaboration in Special Education3
SPED 863Medically Fragile infants3
or SPED 882 Severe Multiple Disabilities: Methods

Early Literacy

To earn the Graduate Certificate in Early Literacy:

  1. Learn More.
  2. Apply for Admission.
  3. Consult an advisor to develop a plan of study.
  4. Complete 18 credit hours as described below, with an overall minimum GPA of 3.0.  Only one course per "or" group may be applied toward the certificate.
Required Courses (10-12 credits)10-12
TEAC 802Contemporary Children's Literature: Principles and Practices3
TEAC 854Multiethnic Literature for Children & Adolescents3
TEAC 817Emerging Reading and Language3
TEAC 813ASecond Language Acquisition1-3
or TEAC 811 Reading Processes and Practices
Electives (6-8 credits)6-8
CYAF 874Assessment in Early Childhood3
PSYC 889Child Behavior and Development3
TEAC 811Reading Processes and Practices1-6
TEAC 836AProfessional Development: Literacy Coaching3
TEAC 890Workshop Seminar (section must be approved by advisory committee)1-12
SPED 815Reading and Writing Disabilities: Elementary Students2
or SPED 815A Practicum in Reading and Writing Disabilities-Elementary

Educational Neuroscience

To earn the Graduate Certificate in Educational Neuroscience:

  1. Learn More.
  2. Apply for Admission.
  3. Consult an advisor to develop a plan of study.
  4. Complete 12 credit hours of electives approved by the Certificate Program Advisor.
Required Courses (12 credits)12
PSYC 865Behavioral Neuroscience3
or EDPS 922 Mind, Brain, and Education
EDPS 991Contemporary Topics in Educational Psychology3
SLPA 995Doctoral Seminar (Neural Basis of Reading)3
SLPA 995Doctoral Seminar (Neuroimaging & Language Disorders)3
Courses Taught at UNMC
NSC 820 Methods in Neuroscience
NSC 932 Systems Neuroscience

Family Financial Planning

To earn the Graduate Certificate in Family Financial Planning:

  1. Learn More.
  2. Apply for Admission.
  3. Consult an advisor to develop a plan of study.
  4. Complete 18 credit hours as listed here.
Required Courses (18 credits)18
CYAF 821FFPLN: Insurance Planning for Families3
CYAF 823FFPLN: Estate Planning for Families3
CYAF 828FFPLN: Retirement Planning, Employee Benefits and the Family3
CYAF 836FFPLN: Financial Planning Case Studies3
CYAF 840FFPLN: Personal Income Taxation3
CYAF 883FFPLN: Investing for the Family's Future3

Financial Counseling

To earn the Graduate Certificate in Financial & Housing Counseling:

  1. Learn More.
  2. Apply for Admission.
  3. Consult an advisor to develop a plan of study.
  4. Complete 18 credit hours as listed below.
Required Courses (12 credits)12
CYAF 825FCSE: Reading in the Content Area3
CYAF 822FFPLN: Financial Counseling3
CYAF 824FFPLN: Fundamentals of Financial Planning3
CYAF 841FFPLN: Housing/Real Estate3
Electives (6 credits)6
CYAF 821FFPLN: Insurance Planning for Families3
CYAF 823FFPLN: Estate Planning for Families3
CYAF 826FFPLN: Military Personal Financial Readiness3
CYAF 828FFPLN: Retirement Planning, Employee Benefits and the Family3
CYAF 840FFPLN: Personal Income Taxation3
CYAF 883FFPLN: Investing for the Family's Future3
CYAF 897BPracticum in Family Financial Planning3-6

K-3 Mathematics Specialist

To earn the Graduate Certificate in K-3 Mathematics Specialist:

  1. Learn More.
  2. Apply for Admission.
  3. Consult an advisor to develop a plan of study.
  4. Complete 18 credit hours as listed below. The required courses should be completed prior to registering for electives.
Required Courses (9 credits)9
MATH 800PNumber and Operation for K-3 Mathematics Specialists3
MATH 801PGeometry, Measurement, and Algebraic Thinking for K-3 Mathematics Specialists3
MATH 802PNumber, Geometry and Algebraic Thinking II for K-3 Math Specialists3
Electives (9 credits)9
TEAC 807AEquitable Practices in Mathematics Education: Identity, Access, & Equity in Mathematics Education3
TEAC 807BEquitable Practices in Mathematics Education: Teaching Mathematics for Social Justice3
TEAC 807CEquitable Practices in Mathematics Education: Mathematics Classroom Discourse3
TEAC 808GImprovement of Instruction in School Mathematics: Manipulatives in Mathematics Education3
TEAC 808JImprovement of Instruction in School Mathematics Special Topics3
TEAC 836GProfessional Development: Mathematics Education Leadership3
TEAC 848GIntroduction to Curriculum Studies: Mathematics Curriculum Analysis & Design3
TEAC 849GStudies in Assessment and Leadership for Learning: Assessment in Mathematics Education3
TEAC 856PLearning Models: Theories and Applications Specific to Mathematics Instruction3
TEAC 880ETeaching with Technology: Instructional Technology in Mathematics1-3

Mathematics Education

To earn the Graduate Certificate in Mathematics Education:

  1. Learn More.
  2. Apply for Admission.
  3. Consult an advisor to develop a plan of study.
  4. Complete 15 credit hours as described.
Required Courses (15 credits - 12 must be from TEAC)15
TEAC 807AEquitable Practices in Mathematics Education: Identity, Access, & Equity in Mathematics Education3
TEAC 807BEquitable Practices in Mathematics Education: Teaching Mathematics for Social Justice3
TEAC 807CEquitable Practices in Mathematics Education: Mathematics Classroom Discourse3
TEAC 808GImprovement of Instruction in School Mathematics: Manipulatives in Mathematics Education3
TEAC 836GProfessional Development: Mathematics Education Leadership3
TEAC 848GIntroduction to Curriculum Studies: Mathematics Curriculum Analysis & Design3
TEAC 849GStudies in Assessment and Leadership for Learning: Assessment in Mathematics Education3
TEAC 880ETeaching with Technology: Instructional Technology in Mathematics1-3
TEAC 856PLearning Models: Theories and Applications Specific to Mathematics Instruction3
TEAC 907Seminar in Elementary School Mathematics3
CYAF 890AWorkshop Seminar: Early Childhood1-3
MATH 800TMathematics as a Second Language3
MATH 802TFunctions, Algebra, and Geometry for Middle Level Teachers3
MATH 803PAlgebraic Thinking in the Elementary Classroom3
MATH 804PProblem Solving and Critical Thinking in the Elementary Classroom3
MATH 804TExperimentation, Conjecture and Reasoning3
MATH 805TDiscrete Mathematics for Middle Level Teachers3
MATH 806TNumber Theory and Cryptology for Middle Level Teachers3
MATH 807TUsing Mathematics to Understand Our World3
MATH 808TConcepts of Calculus for Middle Level Teachers3
MATH 810TAlgebra for Algebra Teachers3
MATH 811TFunctions for High School Teachers3
MATH 812TGeometry for Geometry Teachers3
MATH 814TLinear Algebra for Teachers3
MATH 816TMath in the City for Teachers3
STAT 812TStatistics for High School Teachers3

Medical Family Therapy

To earn the Graduate Certificate in Medical Family Therapy:

  1. Learn More.
  2. Apply for Admission.
  3. Consult an advisor to develop a plan of study.  There are two approaches to completing this certificate:
    • Approach A: Those who hold a qualifying degree will be able to complete the certificate program within one year by taking the four core courses and practicum. For information on qualifying degrees and prerequisites, contact the department.

    • Approach B: Those who do not hold a qualifying degree may complete the certificate as a standalone non-degree objective or as part of the Child, Youth and Family Studies master's degree with a specialization in Marriage and Family Therapy. Requirements:

      • The core courses and practicum (as for option A)

      • The seven "other required courses" listed below

      • Nine credit hours in individual development and family relations. Courses offered through UNL, UNMC, UNO, and other institutions will be considered on an individual basis. Courses from the UNL Marriage and Family Therapy Program which fulfill this include: CYAF 872, 881, 882, 883, 888, 980, 984.

  4. Complete 15 (option A) or 45 (option B) credit hours as described here.
Core Courses and Practicum
CYAF 951Theoretical Foundations of Marriage and Family Therapy3
CYAF 957Theory and Practice of Medical Family Therapy3
CYAF 958Families, Health, and Illness in a Collaborative Care Context3
CYAF 959Applied Medical Family Therapy3
CYAF 997Advanced Practicum in Family Therapy1-14 (3 credits needed for the certificate)
Other Required Courses
CYAF 952Psychopathology and Dysfunctional Interactions3
CYAF 954Assessment in Family Therapy3
CYAF 955Clinical Family Therapy (Must take both 955A and 955B)3
CYAF 956Couples and Sex Therapy3
CYAF 953Issues and Ethics for Family Professionals3
CYAF 865Research Design and Methods3
Individual development and family relations (9 cr, courses vary)

Mixed Methods Research

To earn the Graduate Certificate in Mixed Methods Research:

  1. Learn More.
  2. Apply for Admission.
  3. Consult an advisor to develop a plan of study.
  4. Upon admission, complete 15 credit hours as described here, with a grade of B or better in each course.
Required Courses (12 credits)12
Statistics: Choose 1 course (3 cr)
EDPS 859Statistical Methods 13
EDPS 860Applications of Selected Advanced Statistics 13
EDPS 941Intermediate Statistics: Experimental Methods3
EDPS 942Intermediate Statistics: Correlational Methods3
EDPS 971Structural Equation Modeling3
EDPS 972Multivariate Analysis3
Measurement: Choose 1 course (3 cr)3
EDPS 870Introduction to Educational and Psychological Measurement 13
EDPS 970Theory and Methods of Educational Measurement3
Qualitative Methods: Choose 1 course (3 cr)
EDPS 900KQualitative Approaches to Educational Research 13
EDPS 935Seminar in Qualitative Research 13
EDPS 930AEthnographic Methods3
EDPS 930DDiscourse Analysis Across School, Home and Community Settings3
Mixed Methods: Choose 1 course (3 cr)
EDPS 936Mixed Methods Research 13
Elective (3 credits)3
Choose one additional course from the Statistics, Measurement, or Qualitative Methods sections.

Nutrition, Non-coding RNAs, and Extracellular Vesicles (N2V)

To earn the Graduate Certificate in Nutrition, Non-coding RNAs, and Extracellular Vesicles (N2V):

  1. Learn More.
  2. Apply for Admission.
  3. Consult an advisor to develop a plan of study.
  4. Complete 18 credits hours as listed below with a grade of B or better.
Required Courses (18 credits - Select one course from each competency, an additional course from a competency may be required to meet 18 credits) 18
RNA Biology Competency (3 credits) 3
BIOS 945RNA Biology3
Bioinformatics Competency (3 credits)3
BIOS 826Systems Biology3
BIOS 827Practical Bioinformatics Laboratory3
CSCE 823Design and Analysis of Algorithms3
CSCE 871Computational Methods in Bioinformatics3
CSCE 892Special Topics in Computer Science1-3
Human Nutrition Competency (2-3 credits)2-3
NUTR 820Molecular Nutrition3
NUTR 821Molecular Nutrition Techniques3
NUTR 950Integrated Principles of Human Nutrition3
Cell Biology Competency (3 credits)3
BIOS 820Molecular Genetics3
Health and Disease Competency (3 credits)3
BIOC 935Metabolic Function and Dysfunction3
Research Ethics & Management (1 or 3 credits)1-3
AGRO 803Scientific Writing and Communication3
BIOS 809Professionalism1

Social Justice and Diversity Education

To earn the Graduate Certificate in Social Justice and Diversity Education:

  1. Learn More.
  2. Apply for Admission.
  3. Consult an advisor to develop a plan of study.
  4. Complete 15 credit hours as described here:  two required courses and three elective approved by the Certificate Program Advisor.
Required Courses (6 credits, an additional 6 credits may be taken)6
TEAC 813JIntercultural Communication3
TEAC 861Education for a Pluralistic Society: Foundation and Issues3
TEAC 862Seminar in Democratic Education3
TEAC 944BSpecial Topics in Curriculum1-3
TEAC 949BCritical, Anti-colonial, & Decolonizing Theories in Education3
Electives (3-9 credits)3-9
TEAC 807AEquitable Practices in Mathematics Education: Identity, Access, & Equity in Mathematics Education3
TEAC 807BEquitable Practices in Mathematics Education: Teaching Mathematics for Social Justice3
TEAC 807CEquitable Practices in Mathematics Education: Mathematics Classroom Discourse3
TEAC 811Reading Processes and Practices1-6
TEAC 815AFoundations of Dual Language Education3
TEAC 815JSpanish in the Content Areas3
TEAC 833BComparative Education: Special Topics/Travel Study3-9
TEAC 833Comparative Education3
TEAC 838Linguistics in Language and Learning Contexts3
TEAC 840DCulture and Schooling: Special Topics1-6
TEAC 840MLanguage and Power3
TEAC 887Effecting High School Improvement3
TEAC 908JCritical Conversations in U.S. Teacher Preparation Policy and Practice: Teacher Education To What E3
TEAC 921DSeminar in Literacy Studies: Language, Culture, and Education1-9
TEAC 930MIntroduction to Multimodal Textual Analysis3
TEAC 936Seminar in College Teaching1-3
TEAC 944Seminar in Curriculum Studies1-3

Quilt Studies

To earn the Graduate Certificate in Quilt Studies:

  1. Learn More.
  2. Apply for Admission.
  3. Consult an advisor to develop a plan of study.
  4. Complete 12 credit hours as described here:  three required courses and one elective approved by the Certificate Program Advisor.
Required Courses (9 credits)9
TMFD 814The Studio Craft Movement from Mid-century to DIY3
TMFD 815Aesthetics and the Quilt3
TMFD 818Quilts, History, Culture3
Electives (3 credits)3
TMFD 808Textiles, Technology and Culture3
TMFD 809Museums: Theory and Practice3
TMFD 876Material Culture Research Methods3
TMFD 997Internship3

Response to Intervention: Reading

To earn the Graduate Certificate in Response to Intervention: Reading

  1. Learn More.
  2. Apply for Admission.
  3. Consult an advisor to develop a plan of study.
  4. Complete 13-15 credit hours as described here:  two core courses, one required workshop, and two other TEAC/SPED courses.
Required Courses (9 credits)9
TEAC 811ATeaching Reading3
TEAC 841Content Area Reading, Grades 4-123
TEAC 802Contemporary Children's Literature: Principles and Practices3
or TEAC 839 Literature for Adolescents
Electives Choose two courses (6-7 credits); at least one of the two elective courses must be a TEAC course.6-7
TEAC 806 and TEAC 806A must be taken together, 4 cr
Reading and Writing Disabilities: Adolescents
Reading Center Practicum II
TEAC 811Reading Processes and Practices (other than Response to Intervention)3
TEAC 817Emerging Reading and Language3
TEAC 836AProfessional Development: Literacy Coaching3
TEAC 838Linguistics in Language and Learning Contexts3
TEAC 854Multiethnic Literature for Children & Adolescents3
TEAC 886Assessment, Evaluation, and Instruction of At-Risk Readers (specific section must be approved for inclusion by the advisory committee)3
SPED 886ASpecial Topics in Literacy Assessment3

Sensory Disabilities

To earn the Graduate Certificate in Sensory Disabilities:

  1. Learn More.
  2. Apply for Admission.
  3. Consult an advisor to develop a plan of study.
  4. Complete 12 credit hours as described here.
Required Courses (12 credits)12
SPED 846Visual Impairments: Characteristics3
SPED 872Deaf or Hard of Hearing: Characteristics3
SPED 960Family and School Collaboration in Special Education3
or SPED 860 Issues in Early Childhood Special Education
or SPED 861 Infants with Disabilities and Home Visiting
or SPED 863 Medically Fragile infants
SPED 852Visual Impairments: Methods3
or SPED 873 Deaf or Hard of Hearing: Content Methods

Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

To earn the Graduate Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages:

  1. Learn More.
  2. Apply for Admission.
  3. Consult an advisor to develop a plan of study.
  4. Complete 12 credit hours as described below with a B or better grade and no less than a 3.25 GPA.
Required Courses (9 credits)9
TEAC 813ASecond Language Acquisition3
TEAC 813KLinguistics for Language Teachers3
TEAC 813PTeaching English as an International Language3
or TEAC 813B ESL: Teaching and Curriculum
Electives (3 credits)3
TEAC 813DWorld Languages Assessment1-3
TEAC 813ESpecial Topics in TESOL1-3
TEAC 813JIntercultural Communication3
TEAC 813MTeaching Multilingual Learners in Content Areas3
TEAC 833AComparative Education Survey3
TEAC 833BComparative Education: Special Topics/Travel Study3
TEAC 897EStudent Teaching Internship: English as a Second Language1-3
TEAC 838Linguistics in Language and Learning Contexts3
TEAC 921DSeminar in Literacy Studies: Language, Culture, and Education1-3

World Language Teaching: German

To earn the Graduate Certificate in World Language Teaching: German:

  1. Learn More.
  2. Apply for Admission.
  3. Consult an advisor to develop a plan of study.
  4. Complete 15 credit hours as described below.
Required Courses (15 credits - choose 15 credits from the following)15
TEAC 922Seminar in the Learning and Teaching of Foreign Languages3
TEAC 922CThe Interpretive Mode: Reading and Listening in the German Language Classroom (formerly 922B)3
TEAC 922GInterpersonal and Presentational Writing in the German Language Classroom (formerly 922F)3
TEAC 922PAssessment in the German Language Classroom (formerly 922O)3
TEAC 922TPlanning in the German Language Classroom (formerly 922S)3
TEAC 922XTechnology-Enhanced German Language Instruction (formerly 922W)3
TEAC 922ETeaching for Intercultural Communicative Competence in the German Language Classroom3
TEAC 922LInterpersonal and Presentational Speaking in the German Language Classroom3
TEAC 922ZTeaching for Intercultural Communicative Competence in the Foreign Language Classroom3

World Language Teaching: Spanish

To earn the Graduate Certificate in World Language Teaching: Spanish:

  1. Learn More.
  2. Apply for Admission.
  3. Consult an advisor to develop a plan of study.
  4. Complete 15 credit hours as described below.
Required Courses (15 credits - choose 15 credits from the following)15
TEAC 922ATeaching for Intercultural Communicative Competence in the Spanish Language Classroom3
TEAC 922BThe Interpretive Mode: Reading and Listening in the Spanish Language Classroom3
TEAC 922FInterpersonal and Presentational Writing in the Spanish Language Classroom3
TEAC 922KInterpersonal and Presentational Speaking in the Spanish Language Classroom3
TEAC 922OAssessment in the Spanish Language Classroom3
TEAC 922SPlanning in the Spanish Language Classroom3
TEAC 922WTechnology-Enhanced Spanish Language Instruction3
TEAC 922Seminar in the Learning and Teaching of Foreign Languages3

Youth Development Certificate

To earn the Graduate Certificate in Youth Development:

  1. Learn More.
  2. Apply for Admission.
  3. Consult an advisor to develop a plan of study and choose a focus:  Youth Development Specialist or Youth Program Management and Evaluation.
  4. Complete 12 credit hours as described below. Some courses listed require admission to a Child, Youth and Family Studies graduate degree program or permission.
Youth Development Specialist:
Required: 6 cr.6
YD: Foundations of Youth Development
YD: Youth Development
Electives: 6 cr.6
YD: Youth Mental Health
YD: Youth in Cultural Contexts (Michigan State Univ)
YD: Youth Policy (Michigan State Univ)
Credit Hours Subtotal: 12
Youth Program Management & Evaluation:
Required: 9 cr.9
YD: Foundations of Youth Development
FAM/YD: Administration and Program Management
FAM/YD: Program Design, Evaluation and Implementation
Electives: 3 cr.3
YD: Grants & Administration
YD: Youth Professionals as Consumers of Research (UNL)
YD: Youth Mental Health
YD: Youth Policy
Credit Hours Subtotal: 12


Additive Manufacturing

To earn the Graduate Certificate in Construction Engineering & Management:

  1. Learn More.
  2. Apply for Admission.
  3. Consult an advisor to develop a plan of study.
  4. Complete 12 credit hours as described below with a grade of B or better.
Required Courses (3 credits)3
MECH 872Additive Manufacturing3
Electives (9 credits)9
MECH 822Industrial Quality Control3
MECH 820Heat Transfer3
MECH 851Introduction to Finite Element Analysis3
MATL 860Mechanical Aspects of Materials3
MATL 865Applied Physical Metallurgy and Design3

Construction Engineering & Management

To earn the Graduate Certificate in Construction Engineering & Management:

  1. Learn More.
  2. Apply for Admission.
  3. Consult an advisor to develop a plan of study.
  4. Complete 12 credit hours as described below with a grade of B or better.
CNST 811Project Administration3
CNST 815Mechanical/Electrical Project Management3
CNST 820Professional Practice and Ethics3
CNST 825Alternative Project Delivery Methods3
CNST 826Occupational Health and Safety for Construction3
CNST 834The Design-Build Project Delivery System3
CNST 836Intent and Application of International Building Code3
CNST 844Construction Site Safety Management3
CNST 850Sustainable Construction3
CNST 860Construction Visualization and Simulation3
CNST 880Productivity and Human Factors in Construction3
CNST 882Heavy and/or Civil Construction3
CNST 885Construction Planning, Scheduling, and Controls3
CNST 886Construction Management Systems3
CNST 887Construction Leadership and Strategic Planning3
CNST 890Masters Project3
CNST 895Graduate Internship3
CNST 898 / CONE 898Special Topics in Construction Management **1-6
CONE 817Formwork Systems3
CONE 821Construction Risk Assessment and Management3
CONE 859BIM I: Introduction to Building Information Modeling (BIM)3
CONE 866Heavy and/or Civil Estimating3
CONE 876Project Budgets and Controls3
CONE 883Support of Excavation3
CONE 895Graduate Internship3
**Indicates a course that may count as a graduate credit “only” course. The student must work with their advisor, the graduate committee chair, and the course instructor to determine the status of the section taken. A written contract is required.

Engineering Management

To earn the Graduate Certificate in Engineering Management:

  1. Learn More.
  2. Apply for Admission.
  3. Consult an advisor to develop a plan of study.
  4. Complete 15 credit hours as described below.
Required Courses (6 credits)6
EMGT 805Teamwork for Organizational Commitment and Collaboration3
EMGT 806Decision and Risk Analysis3
Electives (9 credits)9
EMGT 803Management of Engineering and Technology3
EMGT 804Human Relations in Engineering and Sciences3
EMGT 807Project Management3
EMGT 808Engineering Leadership3
EMGT 811Legal Considerations for Engineering Managers3
EMGT 819Applied Management Science for Engineering and Operations3
EMGT 822Production and Operations Management3
EMGT 820Quantitative Analysis for Engineering Management Decisions3
EMGT 891Special Topics in Engineering Management3
EMGT 901Total Quality Management Using Six Sigma Techniques3
EMGT 905Strategic Management and Planning3

Journalism and Mass Communications

Public Relations and Social Media

To earn the Graduate Certificate in Public Relations and Social Media:

  1. Learn More.
  2. Apply for Admission.
  3. Consult an advisor to develop a plan of study.
  4. Complete 12 credit hours as described here, with grades of B or higher in all classes.
Required courses (12 credits)12
ADPR 830Strategic Communications: Advertising Issues and Strategies3
ADPR 834Digital Insight & Analytics3
ADPR 850Public Relations Management and Case Studies3
ADPR 866Social Media Theory and Practice3

 Sports Promotion

To earn the Graduate Certificate in Sports Promotion:

  1. Learn More.
  2. Apply for Admission.
  3. Consult an advisor to develop a plan of study.
  4. Complete 12 credit hours as described here, with grades of B or higher in all classes.
Required courses (3 credits)
ADPR 884Brands & Branding3
Elective courses (9 credits)9
Sports Media Relations & Promotions
Sports Promotion and Engagement
Planning for Sports Event Production
Content Strategy in Sports Promotion
Social and Digital Media for Sports Promotion
Credit Hours Subtotal: 12
Total Credit Hours12