The University of Nebraska is a public university committed to providing a quality education to a diverse student body. Students are selected on the basis of academic preparation, ability, and the availability of space in the desired academic program. The Office of Graduate Studies adheres to the University of Nebraska’s nondiscrimination policy.
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln reserves the right to change the regulations with respect to admission to the Office of Graduate Studies, the continuance of graduate study and the granting of the degree.
All materials submitted become the permanent property of the Office of Graduate Studies and will not be photocopied for individual use, returned, or forwarded to other agencies. The Office of Graduate Studies follows the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska policies regarding records retention.
Admission Eligibility Requirements
Admission to the Office of Graduate Studies requires a complete application for admission. Applicants must submit an application, application fee, and transcripts from all post-secondary schools attended. If admitted and enrolled, official transcripts from all post-secondary schools attended are required.
Baccalaureate or Higher Degree
Applicants must hold a baccalaureate (bachelors) or higher degree from an institution that is regionally accredited or from an institution that is accredited by an organization recognized by the Council on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA), or from an accredited foreign institution that is recognized by the Office of Graduate Studies. If the student’s native language is not English, verification of English proficiency is required.
In the U.S. education system bachelor’s degree recipients have 16 years of formal education – 12 years of elementary and secondary education, plus four years of post-secondary study – which qualifies them for admission to advanced degree programs. When reviewing academic records from an institution outside the U.S., documents are assessed to determine whether the applicant has reached an academic level equivalent to a U. S. bachelor’s degree.
In some education systems, the first university degree may be obtained after three years of post-secondary study. Holders of such degrees may be eligible for graduate admission depending upon evaluation of the degree by the Office of Graduate Studies.
There is no guarantee that academic documentation will qualify for graduate study until all documents have been reviewed. When applying, transcripts are required for all post-secondary coursework. Degree certificates are required if the applicant has completed international coursework. If we are unable to verify the nature or authenticity of foreign academic documents, the applicant will be asked to provide supplemental information or to obtain an evaluation from a foreign credential evaluation service at the applicant’s expense. The final admission decision rests with the Dean for Graduate Studies.
Applicants who have been dismissed from another institution for academic dishonesty or violations of student codes of conduct are not eligible for admission to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Office of Graduate Studies. Students whose UNL graduate program has been terminated for reasons other than violations of the student code of conduct may apply for admission to another degree program, certificate program, or admission as a non-degree seeking student.
Source: UNL Graduate Council Minutes November 2, 2023
Previously Enrolled Students: Students who have not been enrolled for three consecutive terms and who (if eligible) have not been approved for an Academic Leave will need to reapply for admission. (See Student Code of Conduct Section 1.A.3)
Table representing enrollment status timeline for previously enrolled students

University of Nebraska Employee Seeking Admission: All faculty and staff employees are eligible for admission to all graduate admission categories and are subject to standard admission requirements. Faculty members holding the rank of Assistant Professor or above (or equivalent) must also adhere to the University of Nebraska Graduate College Policy on Faculty Admission. (p.39)
Application for Admission
An application is required of all degree, graduate certificate, teaching and administrative endorsements, and non-degree seeking applicants. Applications are valid for the term specified on the application. In order for students to be successful, all academic units should finalize admission recommendations prior to the start of each term. The final date for processing admission is the first Friday of classes, for each term respectively. (See Term Change Policy)
To apply, submit the following to the Office of Graduate Studies:
- Graduate Application for Admission
- Application Fee: Non-refundable, non-transferrable application fee (See Application Fee policy)
- Unofficial transcripts: Transcripts are required of all post-secondary work, from which college credit was earned or not earned, listing courses, marks, and a bachelors or higher degree conferred. Documents in a foreign language must also include certified English translations. (See Certified English Translation policy) All transcripts and/or academic documents uploaded to the online application system are considered unofficial. Official transcripts will be required from all students who are admitted and enroll. (See Transcript policy)
- English Proficiency: If the student’s native language is not English, verification of English proficiency is required (See English Proficiency policy)
Applicants must also fulfill any additional requirements specified by the department including but not limited to portfolio, statement of purpose, letters of recommendation, or writing samples at the time of application. Letters of Recommendation must be received via the application system.
Application Fee
An application and application fee are required for all degree, graduate certificate, teaching and administrative endorsements, and non-degree seeking applicants. The Office of Graduate Studies does not issue application fee waivers. Departments may elect to cover the cost of the application fee. Application fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.
- $50 – All applicants unless for currently enrolled UNL students
- $25 – Currently enrolled UNL students (graduate and undergraduate)
- Exemptions
- United States military personnel. This applies to the service member (active duty military, guard, veteran, or reserve), spouse and/or dependents.
- Pell Grant recipients
- McNair Scholars
- Big Ten Academic Alliance FreeApp applicants who meet BTAA eligibility requirements and have participated in an undergraduate Summer Research Program on a BTAA campus
Applicants must submit transcripts of all post-secondary work from which college credit was earned or not earned, listing courses, marks, and degrees conferred. Documents in a foreign language must also include certified English translations.
- APPLY with unofficial transcripts of all post-secondary coursework, showing a baccalaureate or higher degree conferred or expected by the applied term.
- ADMIT with unofficial transcripts of all post-secondary coursework, showing a baccalaureate or higher degree conferred or expected by the applied term.
- ENROLL with unofficial transcripts of all post-secondary coursework, showing a baccalaureate or higher degree conferred or expected by the applied term.
- CONTINUED ENROLLMENT with final, official transcripts of all post-secondary coursework, showing conferral of a baccalaureate or higher degree by the established deadlines below.
*Degree certificates are required if the applicant has completed international coursework.
All credentials uploaded to the online application are considered unofficial. Students may apply, be admitted with ‘Conditional Graduate Admission’ by the Office of Graduate Studies and enroll for their first term with unofficial documents. At the time of conditional admission, a registration hold will be placed on the students record for the subsequent term. Final, official transcripts are required from all enrolled students by the specified deadline below.
The Office of Graduate Studies will review all official documents to finalize the offer of admission. An offer of admission will be revoked if all official transcripts and/or required documents are not received by the Office of Graduate Studies within specified deadline(s), or if discrepancies exist between official documents received and the copies uploaded by the applicant prior to the offer of admission. Final, official transcripts showing conferral of a baccalaureate or higher degree must be received by October 1 for Fall, February 1 for Spring, and July 1 for Summer. After final, official transcripts and (if applicable, degree certificates) showing conferral of a baccalaureate or higher degree are received and verified, the Office of Graduate Studies will process full graduate admission and remove the registration hold.
Semester Admitted & Enrolled | Deadline for submission of any outstanding admission requirement(s) | When requirements are met by deadline | If requirements are not met by deadline |
Fall | October 1 | Registration Hold is lifted, Full Graduate Admission | Admission rescinded, no graduate credit earned |
Spring | February 1 | Registration Hold is lifted, Full Graduate Admission | Admission rescinded, no graduate credit earned |
Summer | July 1 | Registration Hold is lifted, Full Graduate Admission | Admission rescinded, no graduate credit earned |
University of Nebraska Coursework: Former and current University of Nebraska students are not required to submit transcripts for prior NU coursework. The Office of Graduate Studies will obtain NU transcripts.
How to Submit Documents:
- Unofficial Documents: All transcripts and/or academic documents uploaded to the online application system are considered unofficial. Documents in a foreign language must also include certified English translations. An unofficial transcript printed from your current/previous institution(s) student system is not an acceptable document.
- Official Documents: Official academic records are required of all students who enroll and must be sent directly to The Office of Graduate Studies by the appropriate university officials at the student's prior institution(s). Photocopies of certified documents are not considered official. Faxed documents, scanned documents, notarized photocopies, and copies made by translators or evaluation agencies are not considered official. An official transcript bears the original signature of the registrar and/or the original seal of the issuing institution. These documents may be mailed or delivered by the student in an envelope sealed by the issuing institutions registrar. The Office of Graduate Studies also accepts electronic transcripts from accredited U.S. colleges and universities sent via the National Student Clearinghouse, eSCRIP-SAFE, Docufide, Parchment Exchange or directly from the accredited U.S. college and university. The Office of Graduate Studies does not accept electronic transcripts from international colleges or universities. Documents in a foreign language must also include certified English translations.
Certified English Translation: International students must upload copies of all college or university level transcripts or mark sheets (records of courses and marks earned), with certificates, diplomas, and degrees earned plus certified English translations. Official documents are required from all students who are admitted and enroll. All degree certificates from Chinese institutions must be verified by the China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development Center (CDGDC). Documents in a foreign language must also include certified English translations.
Additional Requirements for International Applicants
English Proficiency:
English Proficiency Policy
Applicants to the Office of Graduate Studies whose native language is not English are required to submit a Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) score of at least 79 on the Internet-based TOEFL or an International English Language Testing System (IELTS) overall band score of at least 6.5. Some departments require higher scores for admission. Non-native English-speaking applicants who have received a baccalaureate or higher degree from a US university or a university outside the US in which English is the official language of instruction are exempt from the English Proficiency requirement for admission. Completed degrees at an institution in an English-speaking country are not subject to English proficiency requirements. Applicants from US Territories are exempt from the English Proficiency requirement.
Each International student’s Letter of Admission will state whether they are required to take English (ENGL) 887, a 3-credit hour course to build English communication skills, emphasizing writing essays and research papers, upon arrival to Lincoln. The course can count toward the student’s plan of study.
International students with the following sub-scores will be enrolled in and must take and pass English (ENGL) 887 upon arrival:
TOEFL iBT writing score below 25 or a TOEFL total below 100
An IELTS writing score or total IELTS score below 7.0
International students who are exempt from the English Proficiency policy are:
Students whose native language is English.
Students who have earned a bachelors or higher degree from an institution at which English is the exclusive language of instruction.
Students who have earned a bachelors or higher degree from a country in which English is the official language.
Students who have earned a bachelors or higher degree from an institution in a US territory.
ITA: New holders of teaching assistantships who are non-native speakers of English must attend the International Teaching Assistant Institute.
SOURCE: Graduate Council February 2, 2023
Proof of Financial Resources
To study at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln on an F-1 (student) or J-1 (exchange visitor) visa, you will need a Form I-20 or Form DS-2019 from the University for your visa interview and for entering the United States. Evidence of adequate financial resources for tuition and living expenses is required of all admitted international students seeking F-1 or J-1 visas, including those who received their baccalaureate degrees at UNL. Students should not assume funds or work opportunities will be available at a later date and should be prepared to have their living and educational expenses increase annually. University-wide fellowships may be sought after one year of graduate study in the U.S.
Admission Categories
Applicants must submit an application, application fee, and unofficial transcripts from all post-secondary schools attended. If a student is admitted and enrolls, official transcripts are required to confirm receipt of a baccalaureate degree or higher. The student must also satisfy additional requirements the department specifies.
Graduate Certificate
Applicants must submit an application, application fee, and unofficial transcripts from all post-secondary schools attended. If a student is admitted and enrolls, official transcripts are required to confirm receipt of a baccalaureate degree or higher. The student must also satisfy additional requirements the department specifies.
Non-degree, postbaccalaureate, teaching and administrative endorsement applications are reviewed by the Office of Graduate Studies upon receipt of an application, application fee, proof of English Proficiency and transcripts showing conferral of a baccalaureate or higher degree by the established deadline. If a student is admitted and enrolls, official transcripts and (if applicable, degree certificates) are required to confirm the receipt of a baccalaureate degree or higher
Non-Degree Limitations: There are some limitations to a non-degree, post-baccalaureate admission:
- This admission category does not guarantee future admission to a graduate certificate, teaching and administrative endorsement, or degree program, nor does it guarantee that coursework completed as a non-degree student can later be applied toward a degree or certificate.
- Admission to a degree program must be gained prior to the accumulation of half of the hours required for the degree sought.
- Students do not qualify for assistantships or fellowships;
- This admission category is not available to international students on F-1 student visas;
- This admission category may affect the student’s ability to receive federal financial aid; contact the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid for more information.
Students already attending a University of Nebraska campus may take courses at another University of Nebraska campus while retaining their admission at their degree objective (home) campus by submitting the Request for Intercampus Enrollment, subject to approval by both campuses.
Changes to Application or Admission
Term Change
- Pre-Admission: If the application has not been submitted, the applicant can make the change on their in-progress application. If the application has been submitted and the applicant requests to change the entry term on their application, the applicant must request this change by submitting an email to Departments requesting an entry term change must submit written authorization from the student to request the change. Departments may request this change by submitting an email to prior to an admission recommendation being submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies.
- Post-Admission: An admitted student or department may request to change the entry term one time per application for any of the three consecutive future terms (Fall, Spring, Summer). There is no guarantee of an offer of an assistantship if there is a request to change an entry term. Students who are admitted and do not have approval to change their entry term must reapply. International students who wish to change their entry term are required to provide updated financial information in order to receive a new I-20 or DS-2019. Entry term changes cannot be retroactive. The applicant must request this change by submitting an email to
- Post-Enrollment: Retroactive admission to a prior term already completed is not allowed.
Academic Objective Change
- Pre-Admission: If the application has not been submitted, the applicant can make the change on their in-progress application. If the application has been submitted and the applicant requests to change the academic objective within the same program they applied to, the applicant must request this change by submitting an email to Departments requesting an academic objective change must submit written authorization from the student to request the change. Departments may request this change by submitting an email to prior to an admission recommendation being submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies.
- Post-Admission: If an admitted student requests to change to a different academic objective a new application for admission and application fee is required.
- Post-Enrollment: An admitted student who requests to change to a different academic objective in the same major or program should consult the Master’s or Doctoral Specialists. If an admitted student requests to change to a different academic objective in a different major or program, a new application for admission is required.
Major/Program Change
- Pre-Admission: If the application has not been submitted, the applicant can make the change on their in-progress application. If the application has been submitted and the applicant requests to change the major/program they applied to, the applicant must reapply.
- Post-Admission: If the applicant has been admitted and wishes to change the major/program they applied to, a new application for admission is required.
- Post-Enrollment: : If the student wishes to change the major/program they applied to, a new application for admission is required. An admitted student who requests to change to a different specialization should consult with the Master’s or Doctoral Specialist in the Office of Graduate Studies.
Specialization Change
- Pre-Admission: If the application has not been submitted, the applicant can make the change on their in-progress application. If the application has been submitted and the applicant requests to change specialization they applied to, the applicant must request this change by submitting an email to Departments requesting a specialization change must submit written authorization from the student to request the change. Departments may request this change by submitting an email to prior to an admission recommendation being submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies.
- Post-Admission: If the applicant has been admitted and wishes to change the specialization they applied to, written authorization from the student and the department requesting this change must be submitted via email to
- Post-Enrollment: An admitted and enrolled student who requests to change to a different specialization should consult with the Master’s or Doctoral Specialist in the Office of Graduate Studies.
Application Withdrawal
- Student Withdrawal: Admitted students may choose to withdraw their application for admission in the Applicant Portal using the Decision Form, selecting ‘Decline Admission.’
- Administrative Withdrawal:
- The applicant may be ineligible for admission and/or enrollment if required information is withheld or given falsely by the applicant.
- Failure to request an entry term change prior to the first day of classes for the admitted term, will result in administrative withdrawal.
- Other circumstances as determined by the Dean for Graduate Studies.
Admission Decisions
Official Decision Notification
Acceptance for admission to a program leading to a master's degree, a doctoral degree, an educational specialist degree or a certificate is determined by the Graduate Committee within the academic unit and the Dean for Graduate Studies. This decision is based upon the applicant’s record, experience, personal qualifications, and proposed area of study.
Departmental or area Graduate Committees make recommendations on all degree applications, but the final admission decision is the responsibility of the Dean for Graduate Studies. Admission is granted solely by Graduate Studies and is confirmed by the issuance of a Letter of Admission. The Office of Graduate Studies issues the official Letter of Admission, not departments. Academic departments will notify applicants concerning awards of financial assistance.
Negative admission decisions are not appealable.
Admission Status
Admission status is determined and assigned by the Office of Graduate Studies, not departments.
- Full Graduate Admission: Having met all requirements for admission by the Office of Graduate Studies. ‘Full Graduate Admission’ is granted to students considered fully qualified to begin a program toward a graduate degree, certificate, or teaching endorsement for which they were admitted.
- Conditional Graduate Admission: Granted to students considered qualified to begin a program toward a graduate degree, certificate, or teaching endorsement for which they were admitted but have yet to meet all conditions of admission, as determined by the Office of Graduate Studies and specified in the Letter of Admission. Students admitted with “Conditional Graduate Admission” must satisfy all conditions of admission by the established deadline(s); failure to do so will result in admission revocation. “Conditional Graduate Admission” is changed to “Full Graduate Admission” when all conditions of admission have been met, as determined by the Office of Graduate Studies.
Students meeting all administrative requirements for admission according to the Office of Graduate Studies, but having some academic deficiencies, as determined by the academic department will be the responsibility of the department to ensure the student takes the necessary steps to complete courses and/or trainings on their graduate plan of study. Such deficiencies will not be monitored by the Office of Graduate Studies.
Intent to Enroll
Students may choose to accept or decline their admission in the Applicant Portal, using the Decision Form.
- Accept Admission: Accepting admission in the applicant portal makes the student eligible for enrollment.
- Decline Admission: The student’s decision to decline an offer of admission is a final decision and terminates the Letter of Admission.
- last updated 2/26/2020 -