The Graduate College Governance and Organization
Graduate studies at UNL are organized and conducted according to the policies and rules of the Graduate College of the University of Nebraska. The governance of graduate programs principally lodged at UNL is by and through the programs’ Graduate Committees, the UNL Graduate Council, and the Dean for Graduate Studies in accordance with the policies and rules of the Graduate College. The UNL Graduate Catalog is the primary source of the policies and rules in effect on the UNL campus.
Dean for Graduate Studies
The UNL Dean for Graduate Studies is recommended for appointment by the UNL Chancellor and by the President, University of Nebraska. Appointment is made by the Board of Regents. The Dean for Graduate Studies is administratively responsible for the welfare of all graduate programs at UNL, and for implementing the policies and rules concerning graduate studies. The Dean for Graduate Studies acts as liaison officer between the UNL Chancellor and the system-wide Dean of the Graduate College.
Graduate Council
The UNL Graduate Council serves as the administrative body for graduate studies acting on behalf of the UNL Graduate Faculty. The Graduate Council also serves as an advisory body to the Dean for Graduate Studies. The Graduate Council is an elected body and subject to the authority of the Graduate Faculty. The Council is composed of eight elected members of the Graduate Faculty, two graduate students, and the Dean for Graduate Studies who serves as chair of the Graduate Council.
Graduate Committees
Each department, school or interdepartmental area offering major work leading to the master’s or doctoral degree shall have a Graduate Committee consisting of not less than three members of the Graduate Faculty, one of whom shall serve as Committee Chair. Membership on the Graduate Committee is determined by the Graduate Faculty of the department, school or interdepartmental area. Under the leadership of the Committee Chair, the Graduate Committee is responsible for the general supervision of graduate work in the department, school or interdepartmental area.
The Committee Chair is recommended by the department chair/head or school director for approval and appointment by the Dean for Graduate Studies. The Committee Chair acts as liaison between their Graduate Committee and the Dean for Graduate Studies. The Committee Chair is charged with ensuring fair and consistent compliance with all Graduate College and UNL policies that govern graduate education. The Committee Chair coordinates the oversight of all graduate degrees, majors, specializations, minors and certificate programs to ensure that every graduate student and member of the graduate faculty is held to the highest standards of academic integrity.
Organizational Chart of the Graduate College:
Source: Graduate College Policy Handbook (revised June 28, 2018)